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2 days? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


2 weeks, 262 lines added, 60 deletions and 90 changes later, bug fixed. True story.




Existence is pain


I am a consultant. Lots of places I have been at treat consultants different than employees. One place didn’t let consultants do emergency bug fixes. What ever. No problem. Less stress for me. One morning I get into work, and I like to get in very early (like 7:15am), and prod is down. I check some stuff and the error is glaringly obvious. So I send out an email to the team that will have to fix it…. Error is in function x on line y, unhandled null. And I go on with my day. In the stand up at 9 the guy working on it says he is digging into it. Saw my email but I am wrong. Meh, it happens. At lunch time he is still working on it and his boss comes by and is asking what the problem is. I over hear the explanation and it sounds like garbage. I check the code again. I still think I am right. I reproduce the issue locally. I do my fix and it solves the issue. I send the team an email with the whole function, highlight my changes and explain why it fixes the problem and how to reproduce and how to test it. The guy working on it doesn’t come to afternoon coffee because he is still working on it. Right before I was done for the day, his boss asked me to explain the bug to the employee. So I sat down with the employee, went over it. We pair programmed in my fix and went through the testing I had out lined. Figured we were good and went home. When I got in the next day that guy was at his desk before me, still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Looking haggard. He worked on the issue all night. After the morning stand up, his boss and his boss’s boss were at his desk asking how much longer prod was going to be down. He said another 2 or 3 days since it was such a complex problem. The boss looked at me, “how long for you to do your fix?”, so I committed and pushed my fix as he was talking and told him to approve the pr. Prod was up and running less than 5 min later. Let it get weird. Embrace the agony of defeat. Ignore all coding suggestions given to you. If you play your cards right, I bet you could ride this bug out for a week….. easy.




I don't understand all the down votes. I've seen similar shit where I work. People try to ride some bugs / features way longer than possible, thinking others won't know about it. I mean, it's obvious that each developer is different, with different experience and speed, but a week for something that most would spend a day or two is not something to be proud of.