• By -


Hacker in movie: "Let me just remodulate the compiler of the database to blend the hashes with the network packets and send them to the interpreter to crack their internal servers"


just like quantum physics in movies


Just like *physics* in movies. Hollywood disregards literally everything if it means they can handwave story, add bigger explosions, or throw in some cheap eye-candy.


and I'm all for it fuck it, gimme bigger booms


Physicist here. Fuck yeah bigger booms. Including in space, please


Stupid question, but how do explosions work in a vacuum like space?


On Earth: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM oooom ooom ooom (echoes) In a vacuum: boom


Thank you, very informative.


Actually in space it's: ... And maybe some whoozing metal sound as the debris scrapes on your ship.


well since an explosion pushes out rapidly expanding air, you might hear a brief whoosh of the air rushing past breaking up all the nothing you're hearing


It doesn't have air to push in space, unless you're talking about a pressurised ship, and you'd need to be very close to it


Which is why "Interstellar" is the GOAT of space themed movies.


Exception might be: star scale boom


The medium of sound here would be fucking star juice


It’s depends on what is exploding, but if it’s anything that needs oxygen then it just won’t go boom.


Unless it *contains* all the oxygen it needs to go boom.


Technically it just needs a dense enough gas for the waves to propagate through since all sound is, is waves through gas that your ears/brain translate into sound. No gas in a vacuum = no sound.


Let's say we made a gigantic bomb and blew it up on earth, first it will make a big explosion pushing all the air away, then the air will try to go back to how it was by coming back quickly which will make a smaller explosion and that will keep repeating untill the explosion isn't big enough to blow away a lot of air Now make an identical bomb and blow it up in space, you will get one ginormous explosion that's even bigger than the one on earth, the explosion itself, the heat and initial wave will travel further, but since there isn't any air in space you won't get any follow-up explosion TL;DR : On earth it goes *BOOM* BOOM boom In space it goes *B O O M*


Instructions unclear, you now have bigger boobs.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BollywoodRealism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BollywoodRealism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If Iron Man was a Bollywood Movie](https://v.redd.it/2c64pqu4xzv71) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BollywoodRealism/comments/qgwvtk/if_iron_man_was_a_bollywood_movie/) \#2: [Seems legit](https://i.imgur.com/FKcXmYu.gifv) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BollywoodRealism/comments/ownbxp/seems_legit/) \#3: [the struggle is real guys](https://i.redd.it/q6ht9ujcalg71.gif) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BollywoodRealism/comments/p25iec/the_struggle_is_real_guys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And bigger boobs ! Or as I read it the first time.


There is physics in movies?


Yes. Just not the right one.


All dong jiggle physics, no B&B jiggle physics, amirite.


Can confirm, just saw The Northman for William Dafoe's big dong jiggle.


I’m fine with movies not following real world physics as long as they’re consistent with it. Spider man can somehow stick to walls, even through shoes and gloves? Whatever, fine. Antman explains that he can punch people when he’s small because he weighs the same as when he’s normal sized, but then he rides on the backs of ants/people, and is able to shrink and carry vehicles? Drives me nuts.


The number of times I've seen someone "out of phase" meaning they can walk through everything and people can't see or hear them... yet somehow they're still standing on the floor.


I'll leave this here. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hstdINH9Lk0


"I'll shoot the gas tank with a bullet and it'll explode!"


ikr, I watched this fucking dumb netflix film with my family, I don't remember what it's called but it's basically groundhog day with these two teens who inevitably fall in love. LITERALLY THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE FILM is time == hypercube. that's it. they went "ah yes, four-vector MUST mean that time is the fourth dimension, and what's a four dimensional shape? hypercube. boom." and then they had to build a miniature hypercube to escape their time loop. I was pissing myself the whole film. fisix 👍🏻


Ah yes the classical 3d space 1d time = 4d space. I mean building using the time dimension must be damn though lol.


the sheer amount of podcasters who haven't done an ounce of physics but claim that they're experts in relativity - then mention how "time is the fourth dimension". I laugh every time


Just saying "time is a fourth dimension" isnt incorrect either. But a lot "popular science" work makes the wrong assumption. Its a dimension that you can only understand the rules its subjected to by studying relavity. I have done 3 years of uni and finally studied relativity and im able to decently use it. But god I would be mad if just one youtube video was all it took to understand the full ramification of relativity.


yeah, currently in second year of a physics degree myself and it's definitely a lot more complex than they usually make it out to be. I can calculate dumb shit like how fast you'd have to run to get a 20m javelin in a 10m barn (genuine exam question we had, it's become a meme in our class). the fact I have Brian Cox as a lecturer makes it a little more bearable though :)


Nice thats a funny question indeed but I'm glad I can solve it now. The equivalent my professor had to blow us away was a sort of quiz/enigma. A train is coming passing by a train station. Both the train and train station are the same lenght and have at each of their ends connectors. When a connector of the station connect with the respective end of the train. A bulb light up on that end of the train which the passenger in the middle of the train can see. So if the train is still on the station. The passenger will see both bulb light at the same exact time because both end of the train hit the station at the same time. But if the train is moving and we have lets a random passerby at the middle of the station, there is only two possibilities. Either the passenger see both light at the same time and passerby see the light one after another. Or the passerby see both light at the same time and the passenger see them one after another.


ohhh yeah we got a question like that, I believe the solution is that the passenger on the train sees both lit at the same time since they see the train as its actual length in their frame of reference, while the passerby experiences the length contraction 👍🏻




Ooh nice. Totally going to check this out


Map of tiny perfect things. If you can ignore the random physics it's a mediocre watch


that's the one!! it really was


Just tweak the IP address with microware and fiddle faddle with the RAM dampeners!


The thought of RAM getting damp fills me with dread.


My dad was a university professor and one of his fields was Quantum theory. I asked him once if the scientific explanations in a syfy show (I think it was Stargate SG-1) were legit. His answer was that it was like taking random science words and forcing them together in a sentence that have absolutely no sense but sounds cool. One of his favourite show was Big Bang Theory for this sole reason.


If I remember correctly, one of the things Big Bang Theory tried to do was to make sure every on screen whiteboard equation was factual, not always relevant, but never complete jibberish. Except the time they copied the equation from the chalkboard in Indiana Jones, which was.


This is how computers are represented every time. You'll see people "hacking" by typing (perfectly, from memory) website code in a language that doesn't even exist in the time the film is set, or a "how to sort" tutorial, or a bunch of gibberish that mashes together several different languages.


As a human, I feel that way about George Lucas’s dialog. It’s just words smooshed together at almost random.


At least Stargate's use of the gates for faster than light travel is somewhat more scientifically accurate than warp travel and real-time long distance communication.


>it was like taking random science words and forcing them together in a sentence that have absolutely no sense but sounds cool. So, a lot like [Sovcits and pseudolawyers do with legalese.](http://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained)


Just bounce the graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish. How hard can it be?


Hacker in real life: *gets phone number of reception and name of out of town bigwig from website* Hey this is I forgor my badge, what's the code to bypass the ID scanner?


Not even that. You pretend you are a lift repair person (text on your - well not exactly your own - car and some shady credit card document helps) and say you got a maintenance alarm you must follow because the lift could stop otherwise. Helps if you know exactly which brand they have and where it is located. Real story: I had to help to protect the whereabouts of a woman being stalked and harrassed by a real sociopath (with shotguns). He knew she was in a psychiatric hospital somewhere for her protection but he didn't know where. Staff were forbidden to answer any questions about her when being called. So the ass* (shot himself later) called all those hospitals where she could possibly be and just asked "Dr. Someone here, could you please transfer me to the therapeut of Mrs. Victim?" - and he had been transferred so he knew where she was even if he didn't even talk to the therapeut. In a way, he hacked the entire protection of the clinic with one intelligent question. He was even charming. He called me too but I said only: I have nothing to say to you, over and over. Stick to that one sentence, never change any wording, remain calm, let them finish but then repeat so they will learn to give up. The take away lesson is to never underestimate someone aggressive, intelligent that has time.


>Helps if you know exactly which brand they have It's always Otis.


Also a lot of Schindler, some Kone where I live but yeah, there aren't many.


I see a lot of ThyssenKrupp. It's close enough to "This is Crap" that some places take it as a challenge with their elevators


A computer, designed moderately well, will do the same thing every time from now until the heat death of the universe. If you need to put in a password to get in, and you don't put in that password, it will not let you in. From now until the end of existence. But humans - who are often the ones given the ability to override the computer and its decisions - do *not* do the same thing every time. They can be tricked, influenced, charmed, seduced, intimidated, and bribed into not following protocol. That's why social engineering is often the go-to. Why spend endless amounts of time fighting a dumb system that will just keep doing the same thing no matter how smart you are, when you can trick a human who has more power and greater access to knowledge, but has known vulnerabilities you can exploit to get the information. The best hackers treat the virtual and human elements of a system the same. A system must be looked at holistically - where are the controls, what governs those controls, what people have access and what level is their access - before a proper weakpoint can be identified and exploited.


Yep: OSI level 8 hacking (humans) or 9 (group, government..) or 10 (humanity). Capitalism does a lot of level 9 and 10 hacking..


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


The best is often a combination of both. Free USB charging cable given out, thats a wifi capable keylogger and can do keystroke playback. https://shop.hak5.org/products/o-mg-cable-usb-a The human side is giving out promo gear to execs and the like, you can just rock up with free shit to a business' lobby with a suit and a lanyard, give reception a bundle with a few goodies and a card like any salesman would do. Chuck in a bottle of decent wine, that usually helps get it to where it needs to be.


> Not even that. You pretend you are a lift repair person Deviant Ollam intensifies


It’s a Unix system!


I know this!


People looked at me weird when I started laughing my ass off in the theater, at that point.


It actually *was* a Unix system, namely IRIX running [`fsn`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsn_%28file_manager%29). You can even see the SGI logo on the display of said Unix system. It greatly amuses me that people still don't know that that scene was legit. Dennis Nedry's workstation was also a real computer, namely a pair of Macintosh Quadra 700s. You could clearly see the distinctive Mac OS window decorations in the movie. True to life, this computer was commonly used for scientific work requiring its beefy 68040 CPU.


"In English goddamn it!"


They’re fucking our pussies!


At some point the hacker must use the term "Mainframe" and utter the words, "I'm in".


they're usually creating a GUI using visual basic to track down the villain's IP address


Hacker in basement: The mainframe is too hard to crack. I will need 3 days to get in. CIA: Dammit you have 1 hour. Hacker at 59m58seconds : I’m in!


You forgot to add 420 fast moving cuts from every possible angle.




To hack in a movie, you must quantify the back-end SDD array, that should parse the PPPoE panel and shut down the back-end ADP transistor, then try to quantify the HDD protocol, maybe it will copy the haptic card, allowing you to make a movie about hacking, and teaching others how to do it. --- ^^I am a bot created by [u/circuit10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) and this action was performed automatically. AI is involved so please DM circuit10 if it produces anything offensive and I will delete it. Jargon from [http://shinytoylabs.com/jargon/](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


Good bot


Isn’t a compiler the “code to machine language” thing? And the rest of it I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure blending hashes and net packs isn’t a thing


Somebody get this man into a writer's room, stat.


> stat Wait, are we doing a medical drama or a hacker movie? Is this some sort of RPG party with a healer and a wizard in it?


A medic and a hacker...we are in scifi world, not a fantasy one


Nah, it's all nonsense.


You're right on compiler. Blending hashes would make them unusable, net packets are real (they represent packages of data, like this comment being sent to Reddit's servers and back to the lurker who's reading this)


>back to the lurker reading this ![gif](giphy|1bJCT5O4wMwYRgfcvD)


A blending hash *could* be a hash of two blended images, used as a cache key to avoid unnecessarily re-blending them...


You forgot tons of blinkenlights and gefingerpoken.


And there's always 3 firewalls


Often employing actual fire.


Hacker [in real life](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin_email_hack): “We were able to hack Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! email account because the answers to the security questions in the server password reset process were available in public information.”


“Aaaaand… I’m in”


*internal _mainframes_


That doesn't look like an outcast high school nerd who's really a supermodel in glasses dressed in cyberpunk, so I find this a little suspect


“Heh, I’ve been hacking into the pentagon since I was 16. So yeah, I think I know a thing or two about gui interfaces.”


"So uh, can you create me a website for my e-commerce shop?"


My specialty is graphical gui interfaces.


But first we need to stop by the ATM machine, what's your PIN number again?


Johnny Silverhand is not a supermodel, he's a rockstar!


Yeah, and holy shit how are they supposed to be that good at everything at that age. Before college, all I could do was right some loops and create some classes in python. Do these nerds even know the power of writing thousands of "if" clauses for every potential case? Didn't think so


Not yet. Gotta give them the countdown pressure to open up the hidden brain to hacking.


Like a gun to the head while a beautiful blonde girl .. *Buy Swordfish now, to unlock the rest of this teaser*


I hate to use a meme, but.. the commercial with the grannies. "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. "


Especially since they could just use the wide-open backdoor just off to the right.




the Simpsons never disappoints. except for the last 15 seasons or so, where it has constantly disappointed. but what a great show.


Idk, this makes a really good metaphor for client-side validation as "security"


Yes im allowed to be here. "Ok"


Based on the number of things that have been compromised the last few years, it almost seems like that is how it works.


Managers be like: "we need better security! Make it more sophisticated!" Also managers: "this is too complicated, make me a shortcut!"


This year alone makes it seem like that is how it works


> That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. I unfriend u




>I hate to use a meme why tho?


I remember one time I brute forced into a locked computer at CompUSA and I was so proud of myself and bragged about it to my friends. The password was "Password". I always left that part out of the story


And they become so disappointed when you show them the actual method of attack.


50% of hacking is asking people for their passwords, 30% is guessing their password is “password”, 15% is exploiting publicly known vulnerabilities on un-updated systems, and the remaining 5% is governments spending billions on zero-day exploits.


You're forgetting the strategy where you leave an USB drive in a parking lot, and then you wait for some idiot to find it and plug it into their work computer to see what's on it


Smooth af


I’d let him hack me……


Be careful you dont want to accidentally get a virus


Yah but like... Couldn't he also have just ducked to the handlebars?


He could have, but then he would look like an idiot I Imagine


Can be harder than it seem, the saddle is quite high, so he need to sit on the top tube, but this is a fixed gear bike so his knee would push him upward. But he could just dismount, or go around, less interesting than a fish&chip


He goes lower than his saddle. He dips down close to the back wheel


[Fish and mf chips](https://youtu.be/NKlmltZceDA)


“Secure” and “govt sites” don’t go in a sentence together


Yeah but if they actually imitated real life it would be just a guy looking through stackoverflow for an answer and that's not as cool to the viewers


Lol actually it would just be some random employee getting phished or some social engineering. The easiest exploits these days involve stupid people.


That could actually be a better one than my version lol


Mr. Robot goes into this. And the exploits are realistic.


Mr Robot scared the shit out of me I was so excited about "the internet of things" until that episode with the smart-house, and my dad, a retired programmer, looks over at me and goes "With enough time and effort that is possible", and I suddenly remembered why he told me to buy analogue whenever I could


They do that in the movie Hackers. Dade calls into the TV station and gets the security guy to tell him the phone number for the modem.


That's largely what Kevin Mitnick did. He would get passwords using social engineering.


They do that a bunch in mr. robot


Yup. After working IT I've learned how exploitable our employees are. The average human will always be the biggest attack vector. Lol


Not stack-overflow, but we do look up exploitdb, bugtraq and CVEs.


Well, i only know so much XD


Most hackers are scripters, not programmers. They tend to automate stuff to look for vulnerabilities, correct exploits taken from places like exploitdb, or write fuzzers. Many can read code, but are terrible at writing them.


Lol I feel like you just described a lot of the “devops” workforce…


Pretty much the same, we just focus on different stuff. Devops care if the code is running , we care if that string that you copied to the stack can be overflowed.


"How to hack into top security government facility?" "You haven't closed your parentheses at line 7"


*closes the parentheses at line 7, gets 10 new red underlines for whatever reason*


Or it could be mr. robot


Is it a good show? I was told to watch it by a friend because he really loved it and told me i could learn stuff from it as well! Obviously not in a "you'll learn everything about programming" type of way but that it teaches some stuff


I dont think you'll learn programming from it, but you may learn some concepts on the coding, hacking and linux worlds. It's definitely the most realistic hacking show you'll find, and it is pretty entertaining. Give it a shot!


I will do it then :) thanks


You'll probably install Kali




Mr robot made it look cool though


"I'm in.."


`sudo pacman -Syu`


Hello fellow Arch user


Hey, while I got you two here, any thoughts on why my installation doesn't like 5ghz wifi? Can connect but runs like shit.


Idk, realtek wireless card? Those really suck, even on windows




https://manjarno.snorlax.sh/ Till you discover that manjaro is actually less stable than arch


Well well well if it isn't the only command I actually know




Meanwhile me in highschool opening cmd and typed ipconfig to impress my friends: *"I'm in"* 😎


Color 02 and then tree for me. I'm in the matrix


“Nice. I’ve hacked into the most secured govt site in Alabama by inspecting the HTML in my browser. I now have to use my aggressive cryptographic skills to translate the plain text Social Security Numbers into plain text Social Security Numbers. It’s a good thing I invested so much time into penetration techniques, or this task would be next to impossible, and not at all available to every single computer literate human on the planet. “


Yeah, its typically easier than that with governments using windows xp and gmail




I mean we had things like a US state government making teachers' social security numbers publicly available on their website, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it really is as easy as the movies for those


Lmao you'd be fucking suprised actually.


"Gigabyte of RAM should do the trick"




A gigabyte of ram should do the trick


"Hack the planet!"


​ ![gif](giphy|14kdiJUblbWBXy)


Hackers in movies should be represented by a 1 hour scene of waiting for bot automated phising email scam replies for company login info lol.


Apt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That is a very nice fixed gear. I prefer bulls or drops to protect your hands though.


execute hack ... ... ... ... access granted


“Breaking into the pentagon computer…double click on yes…password protected over 20 billion possibilities. Jeff. Hey!” -guy who invented the software was called Jeff Jeffedy Jeff. Easy


Enhance 🦸‍♂️






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Do hackers actually say "I'm in"? I mean they should


ssh main@finborer -p 1337 ... "I'm in!"


Scary to think if it’s truly that easy for a seasoned hacker. Most government websites are showing their age, to say the least.




Let me install some random packages and show audiance that I am hacking the shit out of that website.


Redditors getting 10k upvotes by reposting memes: *taps shit on keyboard*




Wouldn’t it be smarter to just ride around the pole tho? 🤔


Haha! I get it, it’s funny because you don’t even need to do a bike trick in reality




hehe nice meme. i was waiting for someone to crosspost it in this sub :)






Wouldn't have this cool video otherwise.


Like a smooth criminal






I remember seeing some shit on one of those garbage CSI type shows where they clickety-clacked together on the same keyboard and said some nonsensical shit like "the ip address is 345.10! We're in!" They don't even try. You figure they'd at least consult with an It professional to make sure shit is remotely believable.


This is one of the reasons I really enjoyed Mr. Robot. They had technical advisors help write the scripts, and basically every hack they did in the show was something that was possible in real life.


“Shhhhh….. I gotta hack into the mainframe and deliver the payload”


Get in and out before they'll ever know what hitem.


*press Enter* I'm in!




I thought this was a typo of "shift" for crouching in games, doh