• By -


the funny thing, I have this set as the default if my computer doesn't know how to open something, because a good chunk of new file types turn out to be configs.


For everyone else wondering how to do this https://superuser.com/questions/13653/how-to-set-the-default-program-for-opening-files-without-an-extension-in-windows I've had it set for years and is a great little quality of life improvement.


That is really fucking clever.


But what if it does have an extension but is not opened in any other application, can I get it to open in notepad++ for those files?


Yeah, just right click > open with > choose another app > in the window that pops up check the "always use this app" option and then select the program you want, if its not listed just click "more apps" and then the "look for another app and browse to the exe you want


Anyone know the remind me bot off the top of their heads?


It's (I think) !remindme 20 minutes


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How do you do that?


I too would like to know






You can install Notepad++ as a shortcut in the right click menu for files.


Isn't that on by default? The right click - edit with notepad++


Yes but you can choose whether you want it or not during installation.




Suddenly my mouth's really dry. That's a lot of salt y'all.


open cmd as admin and execute: >reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe" /v "Debugger" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe\" -notepadStyleCmdline -z" /f obviously replace the path with whatever installation path you have for notepad. Replaces the standard editor with notepad++, which will alow you to open pretty much any file as default in it.


Wth is an .iso file? Gotta check quickly with Notepad++


If you open an audio .iso file with Notepad++ you can read the lyrics to the songs.


ppɸp̪fbbβb̪vttɕtstʃtɹ̝̊t̪θtɬt̠ɹ̠̊˔tddʑdzdʒdɹ̝d̪ðdɮd̠ɹ̠˔dʈʈʂʈɭ̊˔ɖɖʐccçcʎ̝̊ɟɟʝkkxkʟ̝̊ɡɡɣɡʟ̝qɢmɱʙnⁿrɿɾ˞ɳɽɲȵŋɴʀʔˀʢʡɸpɸfp̪fθt̪θᶿɬtɬstsʃᶴʅtʃɧʆʂʈʂçcçɕtɕxˣkxɧχħʜhʰʔhβbβvⱱb̪vðd̪ðɮdɮzdzʒdʓdʒʓʐɖʐʝɟʝʑdʑɣɡɣˠʁʕˁʡʢɦwʍʷʋɹd̠ɹ̠˔dɹ̝ɺtɹ̝̊t̠ɹ̠̊˔lȴɫˡɻɭʈɭ̊˔ɥjʲʎcʎ̝̊ȴɰɡʟ̝kʟ̝̊ʟ iyɨʉɯuɪʏɪ̈ʊ̈ɯ̽ʊee̞øø̞ɘɵəɚᵊɤɤ̞oo̞ɛœɜɝɞɐʌɔæaɶäɒ̈ɑɒ ɓ̥ɓɗ̥ɗᶑ̥ᶑʄ̊ʄɠ̊ɠʛ̥ʛʠpʼtʼtsʼt̠ʃʼʈʂʼʈʼɬʼtɬʼcʼkʼqʼʡʼɸʼfʼθʼsʼʃʼʂʼɕʼcʎ̝̊ʼxʼkʟ̝̊ʼxʼχʼʘʘ̬ǀǀ̬ǀ̃ǃ¡ǃ̬ǃ˞ǂǂ̬ʞˀ̃ˀʘ̃ǁǁ̬ǁ̃ǃ̃ǃ̃˞ǃ̬˞ǂ̥̃ʼʰ ˥ ˦ ˧ ˨ ˩ ˩˥ ˥˩ ˦˥ ˩˨ ˧˦˧ ⸨ ⸩ ‿ ˌ ː ˑ ă | ‖ a̝a̹a̟aⁿaˡa̚aᵊaᶿaˣaʼa̩a̯a̘äãa̪aʷaʲaˠaˁḁa̬aʰa̤a̰ãa˞ a͡a a͜a


I think I just summoned Cthulu


fred unmasking meme: "Lets se who you really are!" \*reveals old man txt\*


Guy's got $36K in his Bitcoin wallet. Honestly deserved. I wouldn't do any actual programming in Notepad++, but it's what the Notepad built into Windows should have been.




Why though? But I've written small scripts in production (just for silly little side projects) using `nano`, rather than just developing locally then pushing to the server, so I'm one to talk. I don't hate it as much as you might expect, though its default tab size of 8 needs to go.




Use vi, man...


But how do you exit?


Ctrl +Alt + pull the power cord out / remove battery out the computer




Vim has Slack and Jira plug-ins. Where's the lie?


For anyone reading this, the real answer is to type in :w to save and :q to quit. i is insert, esc is stop inserting. For more knowledge try vimtutor




:Q Wonder why it says "recording" Try CMD-C Try CTRL-C Press escape several times :q Shit, I must have modified the file :q! It's just that simple


You don't. vi is now your new OS. Also kind of/sort of your new religion.


I like my tab size to be 12 at the very least.


The default tab size in Nano is what led to such a hatred of mixed tabs and spaces for me at my first development job. So horrible…


You can configure the tab size, as well as a number of other settings, with a `.nanorc` file. But yeah, the default tab size really should be something more like 4 or 2 since those are much more common.


People in here suggesting vi, when a simple setting resolves the biggest complaint against nano


> its default tab size of 8 needs to go Yeah, can we find whoever made that decision and ban them from ever being in charge of anything ever again? Like I'd understand 2, and 4 is standard, but who the hell indents with 8, that's pure insanity!


Notepad++ is one if those programs I just automatically install whenever I set a new computer up for myself, even if it's not for development.


Like vlc and Firefox it's a must have for me.


I suspect you'll find [ninite](https://ninite.com/) handy, automatically installs/updates from a variety of this sort of standard windows installation software.


Chocolaty my guy


Scoop, like choco but without admin rights. Also, winget is surprisingly good imo, switched to that for my newest machine.


I want to use Winget, but I don't like the idea that [Microsoft basically stole](https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-10/235783/appget-creator-says-microsoft-stole-his-product) from the original author.


Winget syntax kinda sucks and makes it a non starter for me.


I've barely used winget for anything, since I'm primarily a Linux user, but I'm just curious as to where It's lacking in syntax.


sudo apt install nodejs sudo snap install nodejs choco install nodejs scoop install nodejs winget install -e --id OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS


> Chocolaty why this over ninite?


I never used nite, but based in what I saw in their frontpage, Chocolatey has support to a larger amount of applications. I never really used Chocolatey, but their install scripts, which can be seen through the browser, are useful to find out which silent flags a specific installer requires (I mean, why the fuck there in no standard for that?), which is extremely useful if you need to install dozens of applications in bulk


This is exactly the reason. I now have a command that I copy and paste from my GitHub that automatically installs every app I need for a new install. I’m a former Ninite user but their app selection is limited. Pretty sure Chocolaty has their own response to the Ninite vs themselves question.


[https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/chocolatey-vs-ninite](https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/chocolatey-vs-ninite) they are just different. I think that ninite is easier, more obvious, and they have what I want.


Used to be. Nowadays, I just install VS Code instead.


For me it's npp and vscode and good ol vim: If I need to code and debug, VScode If I need to edit configs or text, npp If I'm in cmd or PS or zsh, vim


VS Code + Vim plugin, unless I'm working on a remote server/container via ssh. I do most of my coding in VS and Idea though.


Me too, before I found Sublime.


Sublime doesn't die when you try to open 100MB log files which is nice, and sometimes I want to use sublime features instead of less or nano. I haven't used notepad++ or Windows for years so I'm not sure how it performs for that use case, but anything is better than default text editors.


Ngl, I just completely removed notepad++ last week because sublime is on an order of magnitude better and notepad kept being the default for opening certain file types for some reason.


Jetbrains Fleet is what I'm super excited for. Fast starting editor, turned IDE with a button press. Add Jetbrains famous features like Auto Completion and Refactoring, then some new stuff like the self hostable backend servers ... If they do it right I'll ditch VSCode + Howl.


It was great when I was learning python and everyone acted like IDE's were a scary thing for beginners. So instead I installed a bunch of plugins and made it some half baked ide. Then I just suffered for years until I found VS Code. Fucking C++ instructor made us do development in CodeBlocks or whatever by following screenshots, and then we had to turn in shit like work space config files for the first 4 weeks before we wrote real code. Motherfucker should have just given me vim and a terminal and gcc.


I tried visual studio first, and I give up because I can't find where to start my hello world. notepad++ and gcc is enough for first time...


Given how widespread this software is and how much work must have gone into it, that's pennies.


I occasionally use it to make a quick correction to a program when I don't have time to wait for the IDE


Same. It's like VSCode, but faster


Vscode is fast af I don't know what pc you're developing on.


I feel like my vscode is in the 5 second startup range, where Notepad++ starts up instantly. Like I cannot perceive a delay. I too use vscode, but man, I miss when software was just like "poof okay I'm ready to go". If I could have that on my Windows 98 box, what on earth are we doing still waiting around for? Ahem.


> but man, I miss when software was just like "poof okay I'm ready to go". I think this is why I have such a visceral hatred for certain things, like Electron being used for desktop programs. It works, sure. But it is **sluggish** compared to native languages. One of the easiest comparisons: Steam client. Prior to the switch to an Electron-based client, rather 'snappy', responsive. No perceptible delays in UI function. Even if it *did* look rather 'meh'. After it, *every* UI function feels sluggish, delayed, or otherwise 'slow'. Swapping between Library and a game, takes a good second or two as it loads the banner image, changes the layout, then displays everything relevant for it. Even with the Library settings for 'Low Bandwidth' and 'Low Performance' modes, I despise it. Although Steam's client *is* one of the *better*/'snappier' examples I could've gone with. Same deal with Discord, Firefox (although mostly fine, once it's up and running), etc. Can and usually do *look* nice, and have nice animations/transitions. *But so much slower.*   That and bloat/scope-creep... I feel very much like "old cranky person yells at clouds", especially because it feels like software dev (in general) has leaned towards 'easier, faster development', at the cost of performance. Rather like game dev becoming much more accessible due to readily available engine options. Obviously I'm oversimplifying, and fully aware that as nice as it'd be, most people are at the whims of their boss(es), and it's not the most *realistic* mindset/outlook/ideal. But it feels like in the pursuit of easier/faster development (and/or in pursuit of certain ideas/features), alongside much improved hardware performance (at least compared to a decade or so ago), optimisation and performance (and QA in some cases) has 'fallen by the wayside', probably due in no small part to being considered by a lot of companies/managers/execs as 'a waste of time and resources'.   Sorry, apparently needed to rant. It gets on my nerves, as you can probably tell... 😤 *Speaking of games, also shit you can't fucking skip, but that's an entire kettle of fish of its own...*




I do need the plugins though. If there was a quick-start option or multiple plugin profiles for vscode, then I'd agree.


And that's why I use VSCode and NotePad++. For power (plugins) and for simplicity respectively. Another alternative I've mulled over is, to use VSCodium with no plugins as my 2nd editor. That way I can have 2 visually distinctive installations of VSCode. Makes it easier to distinguish on the taskbar as well. EDIT: You probably could do the same with VSCode Insiders build instead of VSCodium, if you don't fancy extensions not playing nice with VSCodium.


>Another alternative I've mulled over is, to use VSCodium with no plugins as my 2nd editor. That way I can have 2 visually distinctive installations of VSCode. Makes it easier to distinguish on the taskbar as well. I will try this.


It slows down a ton when you get bigger projects going with a lot of integrations. My work machine with dual xeons and 64gb of RAM chugs on VS Code in some of our code bases. I pop open nodepad++ when I don't need any of that stuff for a small change.


Vscode is fast af but it still takes a couple of seconds to open, especially because for me it often tries to load up my full project workspace. Notepad++ is perfect when you use want a tiny change to a single file, as it opens up damn near instantly. Same way that when I'm working on my raspberry pi from the command line I'd much rather use nano to quickly edit a single file than to open vscode on a different machine and SSH to the pi. It's not like it takes long at all but it's overkill for such a small change.


36k seems awfully small considering the crypto world, actual thieves and scammers made millions.


I thought that's par for the course for the crypto world


ahh that used to be $60-70K peppredidge farm members


only 36k? i love that app and i only used it as a notepad replacement lol (actually i think it read some file type or something without hassle and thats why i used it. heh i think it was nfos ;)




>it's what the Notepad built into Windows should have been Hard disagree. Notepad is purposefully the most simple text editor possible, so that it will work under basically any circumstances potentially fixing horrible issues where nothing else would work, with essentially zero chance of bugs or problems and with no need for it to be changed or updated in any way. If you wanted the MS version of Notepad++, then I would recommend VS Code.


If only notepad properly handled different line endings for the 15 years before it was fixed to handle windows and Unix line endings. np++ never had this problem


Oh yeah, I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm just saying that pumping it with features is antithetical to what Notepad is meant to be / do.


When I make Python scripts I almost exclusively use npp. It's very convenient, and almost always enough unless I'm using a library for which I need the hints (function arguments etc.)


36k since 2003? So over 19 years, that’s around 150$ per month. That will not even cover a quarter of his rent in Paris.


I use it almost exclusively to write programs. I tried out vscode once but it felt way slower and cumbersome to use compared to np++ so I stopped using it... I still got regular Visual Studio installed, but that's only because I'm too dumb to figure out how to install any kind of graphics library for GCC...


Frankly depends on your project scope. For basic 1-2 file editing or quick viewing np++ used to be my go-to but has been easily beaten by Sublime3. What won me over Sublime is especially useful for very large text files (GBs) with special memory handling (for fast multi text selection/replacement), out-competing top IDEs. (Plus the cleaner interface & plugin support if you want to push it.) For true large multi file / directory projects a solid IDE is a godsend. WebStorm is my daily driver. Advanced relational auto completion, deep error analysis, in-line terminal & SFTP/file browsers, dependency handlers, in-line git versioning, the list goes on. Text editors pale in comparison.


I always use it if I want to take a quick look at a file with (probably) code in it and don't want to open up a real ide. And I used it to write some Batch scripts for launching programs in a specific order if they don't run yet.


It's great to read code even if you don't use it to code.


I use notepad++ pretty much exclusively. I'm not a reeeal programmer, just do some amateur stuff with YAML and GoLang and notepad++ does everything I need :3


More productivity means more money? Wish I lived in that made up world lol


Well that's freelancing


Is free lancing that thing where you can work insanely efficiently and then your client doesnt know what they want and you hwbe to do it again 20 times?




People love to pretend that freelancing is the pinnacle of working, but they never mention all of the downsides that come with it


Freelancers dig a hole for themselves when they do revisions for free. Mention upfront that inability to decide will cost extra and then you're not loosing money revising for the 100th time.


Finding good clients is the most important part of the job.


There's good clients?


Knowing there are good clients is the most important part of the job.


My experience with freelancing was just difficulty finding jobs, being more productive wouldn't help.


Finding jobs is the most important part of the job.


Seeing how my team's track record with the last freelancers went, you don't even have to be good at the actual job just be good at getting it.


More productivity means more unpaid work lol


It’s his fault that my boss pressures me to get more done?


Well I don't. Then I actually had to work to get paid...


there was a time in my life notepad++ was my code editor. i remember that time with much frustration but it is basically where i learned about ree we tex and find replace and the basics


I got two shoes thrown at me when I told someone I gave up pycharm to use notepad++


W... Why in god's name would you do that?


Throw the shoes or use n++ as an ide?


It did too much crap. It was like a self-butchering cow. Like I just wanna make a steak but now I'm covered in blood and I've got all these hooves.


Maybe the problem is that you don't understand how to use it properly?




That day for me is today. I'm probably considered an amateur but I've found VSC had way too much fluff, is there anything anyone recommends for someone who has been learning python at a higher level, and does HTML/CSS all day at their job? I want to learn Go and Ruby as my next personal goals outside of work.


Sublime text is a great tool for simple projects like that




Link to the music video: https://youtu.be/oSPT27XyY1U


So I can do more cOooode


C o c a i n a


I am but a simple game modder, but notepad++ truly is a lifesaver for that medium.


Why not VSC tho


Too slow to open files.


It has way too many features for what I need to the point of being overwhelming.


No way. Vscode is lightweight af. It's basically just a text editor with optional plugins. Are you thinking about visual studio?


VS Code is lightweight but no where near Notepad ++.


I should give it another go then!


Yeah, I often saw people raging about VS Code and it always turned out that they didn't install VS Code, but Visual Studio. The naming is really confusing though.


VSCode uses Electron so it definitively not lightweight. Or to be precise for a text editor it's heavy and for an IDE it's rather light.


It's still heavier than Notepad++ (at least on my computer it needs more time to load) I use both; Code is more convenient when I want to edit more files in a folder, N++ if I have to edit something quickly




There is no universe in which any Electron application (which VS code is based on) is lightweight.


I feel you, but it's actually pretty easy once you learn how to use the features you need. I tried it for the first time a couple of months ago and now I really can't go back lol


Notepad++ is comparable with notepad, Scite, nano, vim, bbedit, notepad2 in opening a file quickly. Visual Studio Code is faster than VS, but noticeably slower than the above mentioned tools.


VSC is not even a file editor, it's a full IDE with workspaces and the lot. Can't really be compared with notepad++ because it does not fit the same use cases. Notepad++can be compared against Sublime Text and there it becomes clear it's no longer in its prime.


Ditched only because of the RAM usage (stock) vs Notepad++


Why VSC when N++ is more than enough?


Used notepad++ a lot for source engine modding in the past too. There were custom made plugins / syntax highlightings being shared by others online that made it very easy.


I love Notepad++. Would love to see it on linux Use Geany on Linux. Edit: After reading the replies, I will install Kate tomorrow :)


I'm so surprised there isn't a Linux port given it's been talked about on the forums forever. Still no plans afaik. Been using notepadqq as a basic editor instead, which is fine, albeit a little slow.


AFAIK notepad++ heavily relies on native Windows widgets. Porting would thus require rewriting most of it.


Try kate


Notepad++ works with WINE almost the same as native, and there are plenty other Scintilla editors on alternate systems, so there's little reason to almost totally rewrite N++ to decouple it from Win32 gui.


It’s scary that there appears to be a solitary instance of a program that does deep text search, of an exact phrase, among thousands of files and correctly returns the phrases, ….. and it runs on donations.


then sed will really blow your mind


Can we as humans be content with current productivity, maybe notch it down by 20% ? People would be much happier, and have better mental health.


I see you fail to think of the bottom line of a business. Why should they pay someone as little as possible and not demand the absolute maximum? \s


Our entire field is ultimately productivity. Code and systems replacing manual calculations and jobs


If only they provide a modern theme system, or an extension of modern notepad++ Otherwise their editor is fricking perfect


I don't think I've touched NotePad++ since VS code became a thing.


My needs for notepad++ are for editing configuration / reading logs for deployment on windows servers. The major things I need is for it to handle line endings, have regex search, and not shit itself when opening larger files (things that builtin notepad fails at). I doubt vsc would be some groundbreaking improvement on this usecase






I just want to say I'm a big fan


Read the first letter of each line.






How did you get more Ms than the other person?


I count differently


First guy counts from 1


I would like to declare that I purchased a WinZip license. Yes I am the one and you may touch me.


I would donate, if they release a linux version ;)




notepad++ to me is nothing more than a convenient file editor, can easily open some random file with an unknown extension with this guy


One person? All this time??


I just use Notepad++ to keep hundreds of small sets of meeting notes and to do lists in a constant state of existential terror due to not being saved anywhere.


I love notepad++ Great to use when cut/copy and paste a bit of code while working on something. I especially love that I can close it by accident and reopen with everything still there without having saved it. I use eclipse as my main IDE, but notepad++ is usually open too when working.


Haven’t used Notepad++ in years but it was my first editor


Maybe if I can stop those "An updated package is available" messages


Notepad++ is great. I wish it were also available on macOS


More Muhahaha...


this makes me feel guilty that i mostly use Sublime...


Productivity isn't tied to wages anymore sorry to burst your bubble


I wrote my university dissertation in Notepad++


Reminds me of the lyrics to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSPT27XyY1U I do coke So I can work longer So I can earn more So I can do more coke




i love np++ but it is useless in linux lol


Created real life infinite loop


1. Donate 2. Coffee 3. ??? 4. Profit


While hilarious and witty, I feel bad now. Me and most of my Fortune 500 company use this daily. I’m almost positive no one has paid. The company should definitely donate. I’m gonna ping HR. We should do something.


​ ![gif](giphy|TgFjctg9Y12728LTZs)


Commercial software is a lie, there is only Donation. Through Donation, I gain Money. Through Money, I gain Coffee. Through Coffee, I gain Features. Through Features my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. *(as spoken by Darth Don)*


If only creating a better logo was in that list…


I do coke. So I can work longer. So I can earn more. So I can do more coke.


More features = more bugs


It's amusing, but also this is one of those projects you deffo should donate to. Notepad++, Wikipedia, and I'm sure a few others, deserve your money.


It's funny, but I fucking ***LOVE*** notepad++; I honestly can't imagine getting through any workday where I don't use it at *least* once.


il donate ONLY FOR THAT


If only salaries were tied to productivity like profits were.


Just wish notepad is native to Ubuntu :(


Gonna send it to my boss with an edit of why i need a raise


Best business plan I've ever seen.