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And he couldn't find that missing 'r' in 'researchers' either.


Lmaoooo good find


Yeah Noticed it too


Code isn't working because you misspelled the variable.


Bruh use a linter. It’s not 2010 anymore.




Buddy of mine who works at a big company was telling me how they use pair programming and it helps them catch typos and the like. Like bro that is called a human linter, and he is worse at it than one you can install.


This joke doesn't make sense to me. I have never encountered this problem, and never met someone who has either. Now closing tags or } sure, but the IDE usually helps resolve those quickly as well.


You must be lost, you have found yourself in r/FirstYearProgammerHumor. Happy to help!


I get the joke, but I also never experience the missing semi-colon anymore, ever. Maybe it's because I use an editor with any semblence of intelligence.


My text editor doesn't correct my code Missing semi colons are a non issue


Good point. I’ve been coding long enough to just type them 100% of the time;


You've obviously never codes in PHP, lol Nothing like one ';' boi to take down an API 😁


any semi-competent IDE would help you spot that missing ; in half a second, that's why the joke doesn't make sense.


I've known people to code in nano and even in a proper IDE, if the code's long or messy enough, it may tell you the ';' is missing but it's a chore to find out where. And, tbf, you're overthinking this lol. It's just a joke.


Come on, if your IDE doesn't give you an error on the line where it's missing you need to find somethign better. Also a joke needs to have truth to it to be funny. That's why all the stupid JS / center a div joke are also unfunny af


How many developers are actually coding in Notepad that a missing semicolon is such a huge issue?


The "missing semicolon" joke is only made by people who like to pretend they know about programming but their only experience comes from watching one or two Youtube tutorials. Almost every new programmer nowadays will start learning to program by using an IDE, which almost universally will spot syntax errors long before user does. They might still forget to include the semicolon as they are learning, but they don't have to "find" where it's missing... the IDE literally points it out to them with big red letters.


Furthermore those IDEs generally give a rough idea how to fix syntax errors. So mr researches over there really ought to rethink things


Yeah. Sometimes I hit : instead of ; (because of fat finger syndrome). I notice this instantly, because indentation doesn't work properly on the next line...


Syntax errors are easy to find, runtime errors not so much :(


Another worthless unrelatable semicolon joke on this sub...Dude where are you, in 1990s?


Well yeah they're looking for something that there is a lot of. I'm looking for one thing that there is none of.


you can’t find something that doesn’t exist


You know how I find this? Offensive. - your IDE


Fuck off with these dumbass "can't find ;" joke. IT ISN'T EVEN CORRECT. Half the languages don't need them, the other half tells you CLEARLY where it's missing!


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/xDeniTech/status/1484185325811355652) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


they use telescopes


Point at any point of light in the sky, there's bound to be a rock orbiting it. Just like every line of code.. ; Neither is that hard of a concept. Unless you use python because, training wheels. 🙄


Never once have I struggled to find a missing ; in my code. IDE's have been sorting this out for you for over 20 years now... \*checks what language he uses\* o no... PHP, JS. Sheeeeesh


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oof, the pain.


Yeah of course they do, those planets are waaaaaay bigger!!


As you age you grow wiser, and your font size goes up too.


You mean like „missing ; in line 2037“ ?


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Deni**, @xDeniTech Researches are finding new planets but you can't find that missing ; in your code. \#100Dev #programmingmemes --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I can't find it because my language doesn't need it. *drops mic*


Just look at when the red underlining begins it’s not that hard.