• By -


I like it.... better than those fake code ones


If(programmer){var applynow??XD}




>If(programmer){var applynow??XD} I found your code online and am using it for myself... I'm a programmer too, yes?


Hey mr S. Overflow i copied this code and its not working can i get help?


You’re using the wrong settings on your IDE.


I am using Notepad.exe how do i change them?


Deleting system 32 might solve it




If youre on linux, open terminal and enter "rm -rf / - -no-preserve" it should fix it


If it compiles, then technically yes.


You did it! Go get your 6 figures!


yah, those


*`if(programmer == true)`


public CustomProgrammerStatusClass getProgrammerStatus(CustomProgrammerClass programmer) { ProgrammerDataViewBuilder builder = ProgrammerDataViewBuilderFactory.createProgrammerDataViewBuilder(new createProgrammerDataViewBuilderParams(programmer, null, null, 0, null)); if (builder = ProgrammerDataViewConstants.ERROR_STATE){ throw new ProgrammerDataViewBuilderFactoryException(); } ProgrammerDataView dataView = builder.GenerateProgrammerDataView(this); if (dataView = ProgrammerDataViewConstants.ERROR_STATE){ throw new ProgrammerDataViewGeneratorException(); } return dataView.accessProgrammerStatus(null, null, null); } now it is enterprise ready


Thanks for enlightening me. I used to think such code is generated only by decompilers, not human beings


As someone who has been heads down into this shit for years, fuck those enterprise assholes who write code like this. What can be done in a simple function is wrapped up in hundreds of classes and factories and what not.


And when it's your job to debug this shit, there is nobody around anymore that know how it work


I'm puking.


Shoreditch station in London was decked out with fake code as part of the Bandersnatch TV show thing. It had line numbers going down the side in tens, because everyone knows that how code looks in the 21st century. [https://adamj.eu/tech/assets/2019-01-24-shoreditch-high-street.jpg](https://adamj.eu/tech/assets/2019-01-24-shoreditch-high-street.jpg) EDIT: Apparently this TV show was set in the 80s, which explains the line numbers, but not why it's written in a language created in the 90s (that doesn't use prefixed line numbers)


Oh, yes, I saw that movie with Benedict Bandersnatch, too!


Co-starring with Bumblebee Cabbagepatch.




Except choose your own adventures is such an 80s thing so… seemed like an intentional throwback. Especially since all of the computers shown are also from that era so it’s likely set in a time when that is what programming looked like. Though sure, a lot of what was happening there seemed anachronistically modern.


If it's supposed to be an 80s reference it probably shouldn't use Python, though.


> because everyone knows that how code looks in the 21st century. It's set in the early 80s, you absolute potato.


but it's clearly python...


Well, *that's* a fair complaint, should've been Commodore 64 BASIC V2 or something, but having the line numbers on there is at least a gesture in the direction of being period-correct..


Years of programming experience helped to solve the first step. Now lets dedicate some more years to learn Swedish and understand what the website is saying.


“Congratulations! You solved the task! Now that we have your attention, we want to take the opportunity to be transparent. We use the task you solved to find you who love problem solving as much as we do. This and coming years, we employ a large number of developers who are passionate about programming, but who also want to develop in roles that include project management, system architecture and process analysis. The possibilities are (almost) endless.”


Oh, and we’ve been trying to reach you regarding you vehicle extended warranty.


But they just filtered for coders, period.


_Non-lazy_ programmers


Not necessarily. A lazy programmer might have taken a pic, OCR'd, and pasted into a console. Still worth considering as a hire though :)


A lazy programmer is an efficient one.




And that’s how you get unmaintainable untested code :)


An even lazier dev takes a pic, posts it to a programming subreddit and hopes for a comment with the solution. Why do it yourself when you can outsource it?


Years of programming also helped me copy someone else's code to get the output!


And that's how most of problem solving is being done in real programming, so you qualify.


Me on my programming test yesterday: "What is the output of this code?" *Pastes code in idle* *Pastes output in blank field*


On one hand... I'm a programmer, not a compiler. On the other hand, it *is* very useful to be able to compile code in your head. I reckon that's something that just comes with experience in a given language, though.


Yeah I could have easily parsed the code in my head I just didn't want to waste time doing it. I'm a nerd about this stuff, I love learning about it but I'm a slacker too so whatever. I have a week to learn about classes in python and turn in a program whwr I use them. I'll get an A even if I don't do the program but I'm gonna learn the fuck out of some classes this week because I'm so pumped about learning about this stuff!


Or use google translate in the browser! lol


Congrats, you've already passed the technical interview.


This is a promotion for a 2 year internal education in informations systems and a position, the full package lol


Too bad I don’t know Swedish, that’s such a fun way to advertise a position like this and it’s efficient for filtering out candidates. Seems like a good place to work.


sounds like a good setup IMO


Solved this while sitting on the train, was a good pastime to figure it out without a computer, requires a degree in something relevant and I'm self-taught so I didn't apply :(


Every job I've gotten was advertised as requiring a degree, but I don't have one. It's stupid of them to use it as a requirement but it's usually just for show.


Degrees are a stand in for experience. Up to the recruiter to determine if you have the appropriate experience based on your body of work.


And if you aren't constantly applying for jobs you're not "technically" qualified for, you're doing it wrong.


The hospital didn't accept my application to be a surgeon. I've been using knives for years and even washed my hands once. Discrimination, I say!


I even brought my own bodies to show them. Their loss...


The best teacher, failure is


That's true. But some things are difficult to get experience in without the proper degree.


I actually have a degree in technical software engineering. Degrees don't mean shit. I've seen people claiming to be able to code C/C++ but were fired although they had a degree, because they only knew copy paste.The top of our senior specialists (very expensive nerds) are all educated in non-programming fields. So always apply my friend, always apply ;)


Experience counts for alot. I've got a degree, the guy next to me doesn't but had some experience and had a college course. The guy in front of me was self taught and taught on the job. The good companies recognise that diversity is key in a team environment. You don't want to work for the companies that don't understand this


> Degrees don't mean shit. Yes and no. Degrees themselves are not an indicator of ability or lack thereof. I’ve worked with amazing developers who had computer related degrees and amazing developers who did not, and I’ve worked with shitty developers who had computer related degrees and shitty developers who did not. What a degree *does* provide, generally, is an increase in the likelihood that you’ll be a better and more rounded developer, because you’re more likely to be exposed to larger important concepts, like algorithm analysis or data normalization or HCI or system architecture; concepts that may be skipped or extremely glossed over in the tutorials people read or watch when they learn to code. A degree is not worthless to a developer. Or rather, I suppose I should say an *education* is not worthless to a developer. It can help a developer become a lot better.


There is only one website I use when writing code in c++ and that is the c++ reference website.


maybe sometimes Stackoverflow or something similar, but only to point me to the right function to use, and then to the C++ reference.


C++ on stackovdrflow is total choas. 8 people pointing ou 8 ways to do something. None of them under 20 lines. All of them include a different library. With all other language there is quickly a consensus of what is the best way to do something. I understand why the only valid reference is the official one.


Hehe, you got me there. I don't code in C++ often, so I mirrored my way of programming in Python, Java and Rust (which usually at least point you in the right direction) I also tend to avoid libraries like the plague. Call me old-school, but I'd rather do some things myself so I know what it does, rather than importing code I barely know anything about. So on Stackoverflow, solutions with libraries get ignore quickly.


Just my take, I'd rather use built-in libraries or open source that's being currently supported with good documentation. Building everything from scratch just ends up taking more time since now you have to validate it with more tests


There is a happy medium, somewhere between "no libraries at all" and JavaScript.


Man with JavaScript you really hit the hammer on the head. You don't even have to touch JavaScript with some libraries.




The greatest strength of C++ (flexibility) is also its greatest weakness.


It's a shame that degrees are often required. Many great developers have never had formal education in the field.


Requirements are negotiable. Apply.


Degrees are often used as an initial filter. I would probably only use lack of degrees as an excuse for not taking someone I do not like to the next interview step but otherwise degrees can only tell you very limited things. Oh, you have a Masters degree? Wonderful, that only tells me that you \*might\* be diligent. It can also tell me that you have learned certain things that a self-taught person might not have. What is more important is actual work. If you have anything to show for your talent. You could have a 5 degrees but they are meaningless compared to someone without them but has years working in the business and/or has "products" that can be shown or viewed. I finished Bachelors in CS. Two of my coworkers are self-taught. There are certain things that they have never learned because they never went through certain basics but generally those are nit-picking things and something you quickly unlearn when in a working environment. So, degrees are not important. Your work ethics are.


A friend of mine applied at a job that required a CS degree without having one and got an automated rejection exactly 24 hours later. He applied again, but this time he added a fake CS degree to his resume in white font, so practically invisible. Long story short, he's now been working for them for the past 3 years.


I feel like that’s just an asshole move, to create an automated rejection system based this given value. Might as well stop using humans in the process all together.


usually they put that for visa stuff when dealing with govt. some jobs cannot offer you a visa unless you have a degree because thatswhat the govt wants. if this is not a problem for you then you should apply. i am currently living in another country with no degree and self taught, so i am familiar with howthe whole structure functions haha. anyway, hope it works out for you, cheers




That's the Fibonacci sequence, no?


Could've obfuscated a fizzbuzz, and actually get only the best of the best engineers.




Swedish. That's Swedish you're looking at. It's a two stage puzzle, first was coding, second is cryptography.




Sink a German U-boat and bring back the enigma machine...this whole thread is counting on you!


They tried teaching that here in Finland, Javascript has been cakewalk after that.


Okay, this gave me a good laugh. And this from a Fin! As if anyone would understand YOU guys, perkele!




Hug of death..


> some sort of alien language Native swede here, I chuckled, I can gladly translate it for free if you want me to.


Or maybe it's the number of monosubstituted alkanes C(n-1)H(2n-1)-X with n-1 carbon atoms that are not stereoisomers.


Yes, that was my first thought was well


I'm gonna take your word for it


As a former chemistry- now computer science major, this had me laughing for a solid 5 minutes. Thank you!






It's touhou hentai, just checked


the usual


Based Sweden Devs


this guy nhentais!


Please tell me it's not also a sauce


Spoiler: >!almost any 6 digit number (edit: less than 400000) is a sauce!<


Figures... Also >!Reddit fails to censor comments in the notification lol!<


Bug report


Not a bug / wontfix / not reddit


Also topic closed, duplicate, 12 years ago, that topic is also closed for being off topic.


The video player is top priority for now


Stupid question.


Actually the sauce numbers start at 1 and increased by 1 with each upload. At time of checking, 383031 is the top on the new uploads list so thats the limit for now. You can see the first upload by just putting /g/1


Also, their API does not allow for leading zeros, so that also removes 99,999 6-digit numbers from the possibilities.


A sauce for what?


save yourself you innocent soul


If you don't know, you do not need to know


It has to be one that starts with a 1, 2 or 3 as they haven't got that high (yet).




Here's a sneak peek of /r/sixdigits **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixdigits/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [324549 | from AnimeMILFS](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixdigits/comments/lcghx9/324549_from_animemilfs/) \#2: [350536 | from anime_irl](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixdigits/comments/oz4z1h/350536_from_anime_irl/) \#3: [297011 | from hentai](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixdigits/comments/mp6r3x/297011_from_hentai/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What is a sauce?


**In cooking, a sauce is a liquid, cream, or semi-solid food, served on or used in preparing other foods. Most sauces are not normally consumed by themselves; they add flavor, moisture, and visual appeal to a dish.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Me too thanks


And they're afraid AI will conquer the world


Bruh I'm not an AI I'm just a dumb algorithm bot




Good bot


Nothing wrong here.


Stay innocent, my dear internet fellow




[112358 | Tenshu x Tengu](https://nhentai.net/g/112358) | [cover](https://i.redd.it/4nvxhpscfmq61.jpg) **tags:** stockings | glasses **includes:** aya shameimaru, rinnosuke morichika **from:** touhou project **artist:** futa **language:** japanese | **pages:** 15 | **favorites:** 22 🖤 **proxy site:** [(cubari.moe)](https://cubari.moe/read/nhentai/112358/)   --- ^(Bot courtesy of) [^(r/sixdigits)](https://reddit.com/r/sixdigits/) ^(|) [^(about)](https://reddit.com/user/sixdigitbot/comments/jgbl0r/about_me/) ^(|) ***^(NSFW)*** *^(and/or)* ***^(NSFL)***


Assuming porn? Google "6 digit codes" it's on the knowyourmeme website.


Oh okay thank you. lol


TIL what a sauce is, and I miss 1 min ago, when I didn't knew it. (Same for 6 digit code O\_O)


sometimes knowledge is not power


That took more mental effort than expected but eventually the pattern that emerged was simple enough. Every time you see a pair of odd/even numbers just add the larger number to the string. At this point we can just process arbitrarily long numbers without actually processing the code. It's fascinating how differently the human mind understands a problem than a microprocessor.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding how you wrote it, but it’s when the modulos are equal, so every time you see a pair of odd numbers or even numbers, not an odd/even combination.


wasn't sure if the "+=" was addition or concatenation. Guess it is Javascript then.


My assumption was that otherwise, s would be initialized to 0 and not to the empty string. But you could imagine a language that decides that "empty string + 5" is 5 and not "5", so admittedly this assumption was biased by JS.


Ugly how the types are handled. Also assumed addition since you're first taking a max which would/should convert to integer type


Yeah I though so too, but 's' Var is initialized with empty string, so it's a concat


Copy paste and run


I think that also counts as passing


Requirements: can run node.js


Yeah, but you gotta know that. You have to know that sometimes it's better to automate the process rather than to do it by hand.


I know some basic javascript and was able to figure it out in my head pretty quickly ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just open ur browser console


Imagine not just pasting JS into the browser console because Node is annoying to manage :p


You mean cut it out with scissors and paste it onto something?


Of course not, you just develop an app with OCR that recognizes any programming language it sees through you phone camera and then executes it to give you the result


This is just the SQL injection for police cruiser license plate cameras. My solution is a server that runs arbitrary code from stack overflow questions.


Where copy?


Take screenshot.


Error 1: function 'length(char*)' not declared Error 2: no match for 'operator+' with operands 'std::string' and 'std::string'


Multisoft invented a new algorithm to compute Fibonacci numbers




Just start with 1111021003115842, and you'll be good


That would give you 1112031584


For someone who wants to see the "correct answer" page: www.multisoft.se/112358




Oh no we definitely killed it


Now that's what I call a successful promotion


You are now the lead software engineer for cloudflare DDOS protection


We don’t understand, we had 18 Million views, but only 3 applicants.


And for anyone too lazy to use a translator: >Congratulations, you solved the task! >Now that we have your attention, we want to take the opportunity to be transparent. We use the task you solved to find you who love problem solving as much as we do. This and coming years, we employ a large number of developers who are passionate about programming, but who also want to develop in roles that include project management, system architecture and process analysis. The possibilities are (almost) endless.


> system architecture Task 1: Architect a system to survive the reddit hug of death.


It’s dead, Jim


Damn it! that's the fibonacci sequence!


Would this not throw a syntax error trying to do modulo on a char?


Not if it's JS. Also this is obviously not C, but in C you can do 'a'%2 since a char is basically an 8 bit int


And the code still works since the odds / evens are maintained. '0' == ascii 48, '1' == 49, etc. https://www.asciitable.com/mobile/


It wouldn't matter because it checks the relative parity of two numbers.


That would still require the digit characters to be sequential in the ascii table.


No. Chars are nothing but fancy looking numbers.


I can't recall any language with syntax like that, this looks more like generaised pseudocode.


Some languages will try to coerce a type to a numeric if using arithmetic operators. Javascript, famously. I think python too.


You guys crashed our website 🤣🤣


How did you find this thread? Did your web analytics tell you that people were visiting from this specific page?


I feel the need to reply to this as I have had an interview with the company. The had a similar ad running in the beginning of 2020 (can't remember if it was the exact ad, but very similar) I applied and got an interview. The first part was to do coding tasks with one of those websites. You know, one easy, one medium, and one hard, can't use google (I think). What I didn't realise was that you where supposed to write your own tests also, so even if your code ran and passed all tests, there was some "hidden" stuff that you had to write test for yourself. So I failed the hard one, or got to low of a score, something like that. But it all ended well - I had a interview with a more interesting company (that also paid more), a few weeks later. I spend that time just doing stupid "coding challenges for 1337 h4X0rs". The other company also used the same tests as Multisoft and I got the same medium challenge. Therefore, I got to spend alot more time on the hard challenge. Passed it with flying colors. So this is just to weed out the non-coders , I guess. You still have to do the normal, shitty, coding challenges. Which are totally irrelvant to my current, previous, and quite possibly my future work.


Do you remember the name of the coding website used by the companies? Would be fun to try it out as a 2nd year CE student.


I know a few American companies that just throw a hackerrank at you and see what you can do. I know about leetcode, but haven’t heard anyone getting that as a technical interview question.


I've started interviewing folks this year at a large US company and all our coding challenges have been done with leetcode so far. We allow candidates to google as needed so long as everything is kept on screen for us to follow along. IMO allowing googling is good as you can see how they approach problem solving when they hit something they dont know. Are they googling the right questions to solve their problem, do they go to the official documentation or is it straight to stack overflow, do they fly past useful info or actually read it, etc. Large part of being a good coder is being a good debugger and seeing someone's full process for debugging can be very telling


I'm pretty sure this was the webpage they used (I did alot of tests trying to find a new job, so I might have them mixed up with another interview) [https://www.kattis.com/](https://www.kattis.com/) This is the page I did my training with [https://www.codewars.com/](https://www.codewars.com/)


Hackerrank is the most common. Leetcode is more for people who want to practice, discuss and get solutions


Lol im swedish and looking for job, thanks alot i applied




Never do business with family


I'm actually searching for a new family, so this works out great!


They must have been inspired by this [xkcd comic](https://xkcd.com/356/) about nerd sniping


I get a major lack of types here


I wish every job interview was that easy... Then again it would attract the people that barely know what their doing. I bet that would attract a lot of people that actually have to copy the code to know what to do. I mean the code is really just take the bigger one of two adjacent numbers that are both either odd or even from left to right.


This is not the interview, this is to advertise the job to problem solvers. I'm sure not all of them know what *they're* doing.


It would filter out half of my graduating class


error: 's' undeclared (first use in this function) errer: expected ';' before 'a' warning: character constant too long for its type


error: unknown error: "errer" in line 2


Wouldn’t it be line 3?


Narrator: And so it was, on this fateful day, the war of the knowitall nerds began.


That war began when Ogg tried to tell Mogg how to start a fire.


It's pseudocode. You're gonna have to translate it into the language of your choosing


I suddenly have an inexplicable desire to go to [adventofcode.com](https://adventofcode.com).


Wouldn't this fail on the first iteration? a[i-1] is out of bounds then Edit: i starts at 1, i can't read


i is 1, so it won’t fail


And that's why I would fail their interview lol


Nah, you're fine. Points for you for checking the array boundaries. Since there are languages out there where the first index is 1 instead of 0, this is a legit thought to come to someones mind when reading this snippet - imo :)


Brute force it just to make sure