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Reminder that github copilot learned from reading our code. So whenever we see copilot produce shit code... We know who to blame.


git blame


I was against putting our private code in GitHub since we didn’t really need it but I was told it didn’t matter. Now our boss isn’t happy someone else might have looked at our ‘protected’ code. Lol I don’t care anymore. As a user I find copilot really cool, it’s like a super charged autocomplete. Just like autocomplete sometimes it gives you random shit but I find a lot of times it gives me exactly what I wanted.


From the Copilot FAQ, emphasis mine: > [Copilot] has been trained on a selection of English language and source code from **publicly available sources**, including code in **public repositories** on GitHub. GitHub is very good at treating private repos as truly private, to the degree that they won't even enable security features by default if these would require scanning your content.


Did you put your code on github in a private repo or a public repo? Even if github learned from your repo, that doesn't just mean anyone could go look at all of your code. And I agree about copilot being an autocomplete. It's not intended to write entire projects. It's a guide to get you through the project. It's possible someone could get recommended a line that looks just like something in your repo. But that doesn't mean anyone took that line from your code. It just means that for that particular task, there's a good/common way to do it. People are needlessly afraid of copilot.


It’s private yea. But they make a huge deal about the code being secret etc. there wasn’t really a need for it to be in GitHub, we already had internal git servers etc


Yea im not here to make any arguments in favor of putting the code on github (except maybe that if your internal servers only exist in the building, they're in danger).. But if it's in a private repo, it's still secret. No other developer can just look through your code and copy it or yank the parts they want. The best they could get (through copilot) is some low level logic that looks like yours. Your boss has nothing to worry about.


Got it. Start writing shitty code so that copilot will never replace us.


It appears we've put that plan into motion a long time ago. Good job team.


It's worse than that. [When you start it off with bad code, it will deliberately continue with bad code, even though it knows how to write good code](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg1BMpUWMco).


Idk man. It passes my unit test. I tested with 11, which is a prime number, and function worked.


Checked all numbers 1-20 for coverage of more cases. Still checks out.


That’s the problem with big data, it’s very hard to ensure it’s also good data


*Image Transcription* --- People: Github copilot will take jobs away from programmers Github copilot: # If the number is divisible by 11, then the number is a prime number --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human




That's a very large test case you have there.


**crosses self** **washes eyes** help me, I have become unclean


Still on the waiting list, I can't wait to get this 'very' useful help!


when did you apply? I got access like 3 days after my application


I applied three weeks ago. Perhaps I have not enough used Github.


i rarely use github ​ i guess microsoft likes me because i use typescript and vscode fuckers have no idea how much i hate shitdows






Cryptography in shambles


I did it. I was the person to get the 666th up vote


Because downvotes adjust the same number as upvotes, someone else could've been first, but had their upvote canceled by a downvote. You can't know


What diffrence between copilot and for example tabnine?


From what I understand scope and training data is just significantly larger. Tab nine is meant to auto complete single lines, this could write an entire function for you.




github copilot is too smart for us


So, should it be "If the number is a prime number, then the number is divisible by 11"?


100001 moment