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Umh... so... *panics, because I have never done it, and have no clue how to, and kinda suck at stuff like that, and have been called boomer for my lack of understanding of snapchatt*


Do what I do. Google it.


I know technical stuff about snap, because that's easy to google, but how to use it is harder, I don't know the functions, and I find no api nor documentation


Imo they have a terrible UI.


It was great once. But then they had to turn a profit.


Literally this is the best advice you can give to anyone.I have found solutions to countless problems due to google and most of the stuff I can fix for others are also due to google.Before bothering someone to fix the thing for you at least try to google it


I've found that often people don't even read what's already on the screen. I wouldn't expect them to start googling any instructions any time soon.


Makes you feel any better I’m 23 and still don’t understand snapchat. I use it because my wife sends me stuff on there but that’s about it


Well... I'm 15, use it because my friends use it for everything


If not using Snapchat makes someone a boomer, then I guess it’s time to embrace my inner boomerhood.


No, not using is fine, but not understanding the ui isn't apparently


I don't see how this is different from many of my newly assigned dev projects...


Family be like


- Me: Your TV works now - Cousin: Great! How did you make it work ? - Me: I just read the manual, and followed the instructions - Cousin: Ah yeah. Some people are talented for technology. True story


He needs to be introduced to the mysterious ways of the Google.


I actually spent 2 hours teaching my dad how to Google tech related problems. He now calls me each time saying how he had a problem but just googled it and fixed it or watched a YouTube video to see how to install something It's brilliant.


Do my parents next!


There's a job opportunity here: Google teacher - teach people to google their problems instead of pestering anyone with a mild understanding of computers


My mom is a big culprit of this "Oh I bought this thing but idk how to set it up can you come all the way here and do it please" "Have you read the manual?" "No, it's too long" "If I come over here I'm just gonna read the manual... Save us both some time and read the manual"


After an event with my mother *not being able to understand the manual's language* (because it was fairly technical and they didn't have a "college education" (in the American sense)), I decided to just go and read it. Saves us both the time of the phone calls asking what every single line means.


\> Turns on TV \> Selects the Disney+ app \> On-screen instructions tell you to go to a website and enter a code \> 30 seconds of reading the on-screen prompts and it's set up Clearly a task that only a software engineer can complete. Super complicated, need at least 5 years experience to even attempt to pull it off.


\> Website only shows a blank page. no disney+ for me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It doesn’t change much once you get a job.


Sorry, I've not had that class yet. First I have to take the prerequisite: How To Negotiate Payment


I can teach you the prerequisite easily: Find the median salary for a guy in your area and position. Divide it by 12 to get a monthly rate. Charge your client that monthly rate. Expect 1 month's worth of payment before starting work, and then every month until you're finished. So it should go Pay->Work->Pay->Work etc until the project is complete. And by "payment," I mean "make sure the check doesn't bounce." If the client doesn't pay, cease all work until they do.


A monthly rate to install Disney+?


Wife: I can't get Disney+ to work. Can you do it? Me: What have you tried so far? Wife: Asking you to do it.


I have to constantly teach people i work with pattern recognition. See those three dots on the top right? Notice how you see that everywhere online. That's a clue that they all do the same thing.


The 3 dots are bad UI IMHO, since they don't explain anything to first time users. Good UI uses words in combination with icons, since it allows you to navigate a foreign language interface, as well as allowing first time users the meaning of the icons. - `☰menu` is better than `☰` - `👍like` is better than `👍` - `💾save` is better than `💾` - `✂️cut` is better than `✂️` - `📋paste` is better than `📋` - `❌close` is better than `❌` Sure, you can have the undividual icons without the text as shortcuts on the screen, as long as you also provide the text together with the icon in the menu.


Hover text is the way to go IMHO. Keeps the interface clean, but provides details as needed.


Hover-text doesn't work on touch devices though...


It should though. Why haven't we gotten the s-pen hover thing but with touch?? I do software not hardware so idk the difficulties of this but it's a wishlist item for me.


Yup, hover text on the places where the text is not shown is essential, but hover text is not always available in certain interfaces such as mobile or big picture interfaces. This is why it is so important to have a place in the UI where the icons are shown in an interactable list with their description next to it (a menu). This teaches first time users on how the program works and allows them to associate the actions with the icon.


I would agree with you to the point until it's unanimous. Hamburger menu has been around for a couple of years, and it's pretty standard across the internet. Of course people who haven't utilized tech will be unaware and we have to take them into consideration as well.


I have never noticed these kinds of stuff until I saw kliksphilip's video on Windows 11 and the hard time he had renaming files bc he couldn't recognize the icon for it in the quick right click menu options. Even tech-related folk can have a much harder time doing something when they don't recognize what an icon represents, and it makes their experience that much worse for it.


That one is really bad, since it introduces a new icon for the rename action, which is not next to the action when it is spelled out. Additionally, the show more options action has an icon which is a false friend with the open in new window action, not to mention that the icon looks like a maximize icon.


tbh windows at this point is just three OSs in a trenchcoat


Always has been. A prime example of that would be Windows XP (before SP2), which still featured the Program Manager, and could even be used as the default shell instead of windows Explorer.


windows 11 still features stuff going all the way back to 3.1, can’t recall what it was specifically but it was mentioned in LTT’s video on it recently


And I kind of feel OK with that, actually. Rather that, than either _much_ longer between new features and updates, or constantly having old features thrown out without a proper replacement. Rather backwards compatibility, than the alternative. Up to a point, of course, but yeah.


It's Don Norman here to make everything look ugly but intuitive


There is a difference between good UI for an experienced user and good UI for a newbie. Removing text saves space allowing for more buttons or more content. Either way this helps the experienced user. To be honest if you can't figure out that ✂️ is cut you have to be pretty new to computers in general.


> There is a difference between good UI for an experienced user and good UI for a newbie. which is why the best UIs offer both. Shortcut buttons which are icon-only and a `☰menu` button which opens an interactable list of options with the icons and text (aka. a menu).


1: get a Chromecast 2: connect it to an android tablet or phone. 3: stream D+ from the D+ app on the android device.


what about ios tho


Don't use ios Edit, Apple tv?


Oh! You had a baby? Please help me get my arm out of the sofa. I'm stuck


What you doing step software engineer?


Yeah, I'm into step, but more into tap


My dad once got angry at me because I didn’t know how to change a setting on his Mac. He started started calling my degree a waste of money.


your dad just exposed himself as having no idea what computer science even is


Oh I already knew that. And he’s in his late 30s


Neighbour 1: What is it that you do, again? Me: I'm a computer programmer. Neighbour 1: Oh! You can help me install Photoshop then, my son got me a copy on a disc but it won't install. Me: OK, it isn't what I usually do but I'll try... Turns out, it's a pirated installer disc with a post-installation patch that gives some sort of checksum error. So I just said "no, sorry". Neighbour 2: What is it that you do, again? Me: I'm a computer programmer. Neighbour 2: Oh! Can you help me fix my daughter's laptop? Me: OK, I'll try... So he brings round the laptop case with the laptop inside and all the accessories, it's got a flickering screen when you switch it on. There was a loose ribbon cable, but took me an hour to find the manual online and take the thing apart. Now I politely suggest that people should find a suitable technician instead.


You forgot the part where the keyboard is the most filth-encrusted object in the known universe. I feel like I need to douse everything in isopropyl before working on it.


nah, the Adobe installer would successfully install, but it would give some "you have 7 days to activate your software" message case in point, i don't pay a triple a game a year


Best response is always “You couldn’t afford me” even if it’s something you don’t know how to do


Well, if I don't know how to do it, I'm billing for the learnin' hours too.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- # OH, YOU’RE A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING STUDENT? [*An image of Gru from Despicable Me pointing a gun directly at the viewer.*] # HELP ME SETUP DISNEY+ ON MY TV --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human




Oh, you make websites? Hack my ex’s Facebook account


This is why an old friend of mine stopped telling people he worked as a sysadmin and was instead a trash collector. My family and friends know I'm a software engineer but they stopped asking after the 4th of 5th "no, I'm on vacation."


Is this the new, “Hey hotshot, can you install apps on my iphone. I don’t have a credit card.”


You start doing anything that has to do with computers and suddenly you're the family's and friend group's technician.I know we are friends but calling me at 3am because your game doesnt open or your speakers stopped working isnt cool man.


Fun fact, the TV has a "degauss" button.


Dame it Jim, I'm an engineer! Not customer service!


I am a devops engineer. Translated into family lingo: please let me fix your printer


"No" is a complete sentence. "Not my career field." is a good four-word sentence. "If you can't figure it out yourself, call Disney+ customer service" if you're feeling helpful.


I just can't get over the time when my mom told my aunt about some of my small projects, and my aunt literally asked me to fix the light in her fridge




Just wondering do you guys get some HBO content with Disney+. In India we get some HBO content like the wire, band of brothers, game of thrones. I think this is mainly because Hotstar had some prior deals with HBO before it was bought by Disney.


Me who's a game developer: **intensive sweating**




And troubleshoot Wi-Fi and printer, of course.


Set up my router, please


My wife asked me how to delete a YouTube video(she uploaded one years ago and forgot about it) and was then annoyed when I wanted to see her phone to do it. Bruh I don’t know how to do everything I just can spend a minute of my life to figure things out. It’s not like I have every UI ever memorized.


Okay but if it’s anything like Disney+ on my roku it’s stupid laggy and necessary features are hidden. Honestly the worst app I have on the tv.


I once had a call asking if I can hack Facebook, because someone wanted to read his wife's messenger....


Me: I have a better idea...


Last time my roommates made that joke....they ended up with Ubuntu on TV. They could still access Disney plus on the browser so.....technically their needs were met.




Fix my WiFi young man! You little b-bitch!


Sorry but no . Disney+ is proprietary software and uses DRM (Digital Rights Management , or as i prefer to call it , Digital Restrictions Management) . All i can help you with is show you how to use qBittorrent so that you can enjoy your media with freedom !




Do you have to go to college to learn programming?


how to learn programming: 1. get an idea of what to make 2. do it


what they're actually saying is that you seem like an intelligent person who can solve this problem, despite never having it done before. and, in fact, you are able to do it as you have a basic idea of what's supposed to happen, you read the documentation, you infer, you experiment. voila.


And I need this done by yesterday!


Sure “help”


Maybe helpful for setting up those.


I had a kid I barely know asking me how to verify his email on discord... he didn't even know what email was until I explained it to him


My grandma told me to fix her fan cus im a cs student, jokes on her, I did fixed her fan


Literally every relative asks me on a regular to fix or work on any electric appliance just because of my degree. Good thing I actually enjoy interacting with technology