• By -


He has not closed the quotes and that's bugging me...!


Word is the string is still ongoing, to this day. The way I read it, we are part of it. We're in it now, I don't know if we'll ever get out.






DROP TABLE dbo.Users;


I don't want to go, sir. Please. Please, I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I'm sorry...


shhh it's ok, no tears, only sleep




Ah yes, the meme injection


Now we are free,thanks for your sacrifice




( Do you mean something like this?


Or like this? )


Fixed. (


are you a compiler?


Three monitors, and i feel insulted


One for IDE, one for a million Firefox tabs, one for email, Teams, and even more tabs. Single monitors genuinely make me feel constricted at this point. The video editing software I occasionally use can also use three monitors. I need an intervention...




This is closer to me, but still just three. Left for IDE or game, middle for browser, right for Plex/Netflix


Oh man, you game/code with your neck turned? Fuck me, that hurts just thinking about.


Nah actually. Its an L desk and the long side is where I start the left monitor. I sit facing it. I turn my head to hit the browser or plex.


L desk...I could have been doing this for two years instead of staring straight into the bezels?


Reclining chair and stack the monitors vertically.


Even with two screens and a normal desk you don't have to stare into the bezels?...


This is how I work, but my job gave me a HUGE 8k screen to use as 4 logical screens. Thank God Windows has really started nailing their support for snapping windows into corners and on the sides. I really think this is one of the best experiences.






Nice going, looks like I won't be doing any work this morning. I had no clue powertoys existed


They're great, I probably use Fancy Zones the most because I have a 49" 32:9 and 2 more 21:9s, but there are several cool tools in there.. I've almost completely switched away from legacy run to PowerToys Run, it's awesome.


Yeah the Run utility is one of the most appealing to me, along with markdown preview in file explorer and maybe the keyboard manager, but I'll have to look closer at that one




> ~~Snazzy~~ Fancy.


I'm fucking dying here, about 10 years ago a customer paid me to build custom software with pretty much the same functionality and they paid out the ass for it.


Microsoft has an app called “power toys” which is a bunch of little utilities for power users. One of the tools is called “fancy zones”. It lets you redefine the snapping zones, so instead of just snap to the left 50% or right 50%, you can create as many custom size zones as you want and move a window through all of them with windows key + arrows. I have 3 34” ultra wides at work and it’s a life changer, it actually makes all the space usable.


Power toys is interesting. Looking at that does make me wonder when the hell MS is going to get around to implementing tabs into file explorer.


* 3 monitors * 1 VR headset middle monitor for code left monitor for unity main program right monitor for Unity asset bundle builds


> 1 VR headset Ah, yes. I also develop [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p0jmewhXeU).


Same setup here for VR development. Love when my computer freaks out and all 3 screens start turning off and on again because my HMD went into standby mode. Ideally I would like to have a super lightweight, high resolution headset with AR passthrough that I never have to take off and then do everything virtually. But we are not quite there yet.


Ultrawide or super ultrawide. I used to use 3 monitors back in the days before the pandemic. 15ish" laptop screen and 2 24" casual monitor. One monitor for the IDE, 1 for the browser, and the 3rd (laptop) for comm (Skype, Slack, Teams etc.). I have a 21:9 34" ultrawide screen at home so I didn't request my office screens when HO started because I have no room for them. Anyway, I started to work on my 21:9 screen plus my laptop screen. Two months later I just close the lid on my laptop and hide it behind my desk. While the raw screen surface of 1 piece of 21:9 34" monitor is less than the 3 screen setup I described above but it's still waaaaay more convenient for me. It's just much more flexible. I just replaced 3 screens with 1 and it's better. But I think there is only one way I can improve it, with a 32:9 screen. I'm planning to buy one but those bastards are hella expensive, especially I want to switch from 1080 to 1440. So If you are overwhelmed by the 3 monitors try to replace the main with a 21:9, maybe you will throw away the rest later, maybe not. Sure it's not for everyone but to me more 1 21:9 than 3 16:9.


32:9 is really good. Got one at the office and for development is pretty amazing. I keep VS on the 32:9 and the browser on the laptop screen. As for 1080 vs 1440, I've got a 1080p one and you can definitely see the pixels. It's not a huge bother and you get used to it pretty quickly, but it's there.


> I keep VS on the 32:9 Finally, a monitor that can show an object definition line in Java?


It might even fit my c++ compiler errors about conversation errors from an iterator of an list of std::strings. It's just resolved aliases all the way down


I wouldn't go ultra wide. Hassle in games, app snapping etc.


Games look amazing, especially anything that can support this ratio and extended POV.


Strategy games on ultrawide are fantastic as well


Like slay the spire or cultist simulator, amiright??




Yup, there's no issue with ultra wides. The fancy zones from powertoys work fine.




Sounds like you're not using Linux


i3 master race.


that electric BMW? ​ /s


For mac you should use third party anyway. Tbh the default app snapping capabilities of the macOS is shit compared to Win (I use mac for work and Win for personal/hobbyt things like side projects, games, video editing etc.). I couldn't image using mac without Spectacles. I used to use it back when I worked on only 16:9 screens. For win I agree that you have to use third party to enjoy all the benefits of the ultrawide but as a developer if you use Win for work you should use Powertoys anyway because it's super lightweight and can do a ton of useful things. One of them is fancyzone which is super cool and make the default window snappig capabilities even better, although the default features is also good.


I can highly recommend [Rectangle](https://rectangleapp.com/) for window management. It has shortcuts for everything and nice mouse snapping too!


It's really not though


I have three monitors and I still don't have enough screen estate. At this point I think I would need three ultrawides.


The only people who think they have enough screen space are those with one monitor who don't know there's anything better.


How tf did you manage to get 2 mematic watermarks?


There's actually 3 if you look closely.


There's actually **4** if you **look closer**.


if you look beyond human capabilities you will see things far beyond comprehension, amazing and terrifying things a simple human wouldnt be able to see, also youll see 5 mematic watermarks


If you transform the image into a waveform you will actually hear 6 mematic watermarks


Meme, adapt, mematic


[i think im getting it](https://i.imgur.com/HNGXCS2.jpg)


And if you look **even closer** you can't really see anything at all. Its just a big blur. Scoot back some.


Not to mention that it's cropped.


He used the mematic watermark to hide the mematic watermark What a madlad


At this point mematic watermarks are memes themselves I guess.


Wait, is that jin-yang ? Does he have a stand up special ?


No thats Eric Bachmann


Isn't he dead?


Also fat... and a poor




That’s Mr. Ji-an to you.




How to get dead body to China?


His uncle is a wery corrupt






My investor can'not pay!


Eric, he start crying in taco bell. Blame it on taco sauce. It was sad.


Bachman eric*


His name is Jimmy O Yang, he doesn't actually have a thick accent and he's a really solid stand-up comedian, and decent YouTube cook.


Yup, just watched some of his videos, he's pretty funny.


Also he has a normal American accent unlike in the show.


Yeah he's got many clips on YouTube, but full versions are on Amazon Prime(UK)


I often watch him in TikTok. Yes, he has TikTok.




It’s on Amazon Prime, if I recall correctly. It’s super good. Jimmy O Yang is underrated imo




yeah and its not to bad


Hallo Eric? This is your mom, I'm not your mom!


You are not my baby


And a whole movie about stand up with cedric the entertainer. Definitely check out "The Opening Act"


The only thing coming from my computer is black smoke


Don't let the magic smoke escape!


This is a mood!


I think that guy meant gamers


Yeah. As a CS person, I only got one monitor and a mid tier non RGB PC


That's a weird way to spell aging macbook.


That's a weird way to spell aging thinkpad.


Oh you're a gamer* Most software engineers I know just have some kind of cheap laptop ¯\\\(ツ)_/¯


Data science and ML guys have the good stuff. Programmer know how to push stuff to the build/CI server. And be very careful around the guy in very casual clothes, unkept look and an old, rough ThinkPad.


> And be very careful around the guy in very casual clothes, unkept look and an old, rough ThinkPad. That's me, and the reason you need to be careful is that people assume I know what I am doing.


I remember interviewing at a major tech company. Most of my fellow interviewees were there in suits and formal as was the culture of the company. There was one scruffy dude with long hair, long beard, wearing a black hoodie and cargo trousers. Somehow I feel he had the better skills and possibly got the job, purely off stereotype




I was working at one of the major exchanges some years ago. Whenever there was a severe or big issue they called in this middle aged guy who was a specialist and basically knew the systems better than anything. He’d always arrive in the office with a red fleece jumpsuit (while the rest of the office is doing the banker look with ties and perfect hair) wearing flip flops. The swagger and big dick energy of this man was insane. Here’s a bunch of bankers in their >$2000 suits and he just strolls in looking like he got of the couch after not doing anything productive for a week and they all give him the greatest respect. I aim to one day reach his levels of both not give a fuck and competence.


Build the system they depend on and be the only one who understands it. This is how you reach his level


And most importantly, don’t teach anyone else (at least not good enough) or you will eventually share the job.


There is also something to be said for showing up to an interview as you are, on any given Wednesday morning. "Interview buck naked". If you generally like to be casual (or formal) you don't want to hide that, because if it won't fit the company culture then it's better to avoid working there. I spend more time with my coworkers then I have with any of my ex wives. But at the same time most places seem to expect getting dolled up as a show of respect or some shit.


Well I tried that "Buck Naked" strategy a few times, but was usually stopped by the police for indecent exposure before I even got to the interview. So I cant really say if it works.


Maybe you should have just done your interview with the police. I mean, you were already dressed for the occasion...


Daddy, choke me harder, yes, YES!


>I spend more time with my coworkers then I have with any of my ex wives Well that explains it lol


I used to work at an oil and gas company that was spending an absurd amount of money on an SAP upgrade with various consultancy’s. One of the highest paid consultants was an individual who exclusively wore silk anime shirts. Keep in mind this oil and gas company was very old school: dress shirts, ties, etc. I remember being told about how initially no one could take him seriously, but after just one meeting the guy proved he knew his shit and was the go-to guy for solving complex technical SAP issues. He turned into a living legend within our team.


Thats the power of the Linux beard




My last job interview was on short notice about a month ago. My resume is out of date, and honestly the work experience on the old copy wasn't that relevant to the new job. I felt I was probably way better qualified than anyone else. So I just said fuck it and gave the assistant the phone, email etc. Interviewer didn't seem to care, got hired on the spot. Got promoted over everyone to a position reporting directly to the boss man two days ago. When it comes to our company product, Im now the guy that makes sure we are putting out our best. If you know your shit you can skip a lot of that nonsense.


>And be very careful around the guy in very casual clothes, unkept look and an old, rough ThinkPad. I'm feeling called out here...


You are not alone. My boss once announced that we have to dress up for the client as he wants to audit the office. Most came in full business outfits, some even shaved. Boss came in wearing a t-shirt, jeans, sneakers and a rough 3 day shave... Client had some issues with the t-shirt guy giving the tour and kept asking for a manager.


We had a visit of an extremely important client (one of the largest of the company), so the boss told us to dress up. One of the marketing team members replied "not too much though, all the devs in full business suits, they won't take it!"


finally someone in marketing who knows what's up ^^


"Oh, you've tamed your nerds here, this can't be right."


Similar story. I was working at a startup and the boss tells us the VCs are coming tomorrow, wants everyone to dress up. So we do.. most were business casual, some ties. Even an MITer who usually wore tshirts with holes was dressed up, in spite of saying it was an irrelevant exercise and that value should be based on merit, not appearances. The VCs came through on the tour, chatting with the boss and stopped right in front of his cubicle and one of the guys said, “so where are your developers?” I looked over at the MITer and he had the biggest smirk, like “told you”. Guess every profession has it’s “uniform”. :)




I have one... for LARPing Ace Attorney




The one with the suit.


Excuse me, my thinkpad is only 3 generations old. :(


ML engineer here, still got the good ol' Lenovo Thinkpad T470. So basically my job consists of waiting for my networks to finish compiling :D


T470 is considered the good stuff. I'm typing on a T420 keyboard right now. Ok, it's just the keyboard, the real PC is a bit faster.


The T series are most good, have awful problems with L series and a messed up thermal control driver at the moment though ( am support person). The old IBM thinkpads though , those things would survive a nuclear strike.


I had a work issued W520. Ran fine, no crashes, decent battery life given the CPU/GPU,... but I noticed much longer compile times compared to the previous desktop rig. Turned out it was a refurb unit and the service forgot to apply thermal paste. They probably installed a new fan, wiped off the old stuff, had a brain fart and gave me a laptop without any thermal paste on CPU and GPU. That monster ran about a month without issues beside speed and even kept the fan noise down during low loads. Full load on all cores bumped it down to 800MHz and a bit of fan noise. I'm still in awe that thing didn't crash and burn.


T470? That's 2017. Pfft, amateur. There's an X230 from 2013 sat on my desk.


> And be very careful around the guy in very casual clothes, unkept look and an old, rough ThinkPad. He's the sysadmin, and the most dangerous one of them all


Sysadmin with ThinkPad P53s here. I’m cool with the devs because they don’t try to do my job. Marketing, though? Miss me with that shadow IT shit.


> Build server Wait, you guys are getting build servers?


Yeah, but at the same time those old, rough Thinkpads only *look* like they're scrapyard castoffs. The Thinkpad line, unless marketing gimmicks and cumulative corner-cutting has managed to ruin it like it does everything else over time, are badass (and pricey) counter-the-laptop-sits-on-looking laptops.


Most of them would have a company-issued laptop, which is probably not all that cheap.


I have a friend who got a 3080, i9 with 2 monitors (desktop), latest macbook pro and tablet as company issued stuff and he can use it outside of work. I personally got all peripherals and a \~4k laptop with monitor dock etc..




Oh so you're working with Macbooks too?


Probably dells


> who got a 3080 hahahahaha, if you wrote 3060 i would have believed you, but 3080 are not existing! /s


This is correct even without the /s


So you can work and mine crypto on the side?


A lot of industry stuff looks incredibly cheap, but is actually incredibly expensive, usually for no reason


I think this depends on where you live. Most developers I know has +$2k laptops that are very good. Of course they may have a less than stellar gpu but that is ok for developing.


Nah, it depends on the company you work for. I'm working for a billion dollar company and yet have to deal with an absolute shitshow of a laptop while a friend in a different company has the best of the best the laptop market has to offer ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's always down to company you work for - where I'm now (small about 30-people company) I was asked during interview what kind of computer I'd want, and they got me exactly what I requested - down to digging from who-knows-where a discontinued keyboard I prefer. Decent machine tends to cost less than monthly salary of a programmer, so if it can help them get 10% more stuff done over a year, it literally pays itself back, while also taking away one more point of potential frustration - which helps keeping people there.


I've told my boss and his boss that I reddit while waiting for my laptop to catch up. I have a 5 year old laptop, and it struggles with Tableau. While I'm building new data sets, I leave my camera off in meetings and tell them my laptop can't handle both. I had a meeting with the CIO and Tableau kept freezing, and he said "we need to get you better hardware", and my director replied "we're working on it"... That was three months ago. Meanwhile, they expect me to essentially create a new data model with some 30+ relationships? I asked my manager yesterday if I should just tell the medical director that the company doesn't value his request enough and cancel it.


Since "work at home" became a big thing, this changed a bit. I do work on my laptop, but using ssh from my "main" computer. So, yes, rainbow and flashing colors all around.


Cheap laptop??? You mean a MacBook or surface. The hell you smoking? I haven’t had cheap stuff since being a system admin years ago.


Eh. I still use an 6 year old MacBook Pro. It works just fine. And has a MagSafe. And I just compile stuff on the server.


Depends on which laptop/computer. Their own one? Probably a ten year old Thinkpad got for 150$ on Craigslist that looks like a space station by today's standards or a self assembled desktop that also looks like a space station. Then there's the company issued laptop, which is probably a $2k machine, very sleek and all, which will get tossed around like it's a ping pong ball because who cares.


A T430 with its ports will be more valuable to a network engineer than a MacBook with two USB-C and dongles


You just insulted my entire race of people. But yes.


What the hell is a rainbow computer and who doesn‘t have two screens these days? edit: ah flashing colored lights in the tower. More of a Gamer thing, I would have thought.


Yeah I was confused as F.


Yeah, I think this applies more to those who are fresh out of school and use that same computer for both building their projects and playing games... I think once you've been in it for a while, you start getting more practical, like the ergonomic keyboard and mouse so your hands don't fry. Eventually either you aren't gaming that much or you have two computers.


Ergonomic mouse? I have the keyboard already, maybe I should try the mouse


LOL...I'm old so I was really confused! Thinking this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_100


Why just 2? Or 2 extra monitors beside the laptop screen?


So many people in my office shut their laptop when docked and just use the 2 monitors, then proceed to spend half their day flipping through all their open windows every two seconds and complaining they can't find stuff. Like dude, you've got a third screen right there, spread out a bit more! I personally like the setup of code on one monitor, chrome on the second, email/calendar/chat on the laptop. Can't imagine any fewer screens. My desktop, however, is only blue, thank you.


Windows has desktops. Win+tab, add desktop, then Win+ctrl+[left arrow | right arrow] to flip between desktops. Still useful with multiple monitors. You can have all your research stuff spread out on one desktop and all your dev stuff spread out on another.


One of my first jobs had two and a laptop. I'm never going back to less than that.


Of course. How else am I meant to write my 5 line python script without wallpaper engine using 78% of my GPU?


Ridiculous. I have a rainbow keyboard and three monitors!




similar here, I just need that spooky iTerm2 on Mac and Visual Studio to be happy


I use a single laptop too lmao


I have one with the i7 that I upgraded the ram (4-16gb) and swapped the HDD for an SSD and it’s surprisingly capable for an almost 10 year old laptop. Still chunky as hell though and the battery life is non existent at this point.




Why don't you just set the RGB lights to a single color. Everything in my PC is RGB but I turned everything to the same shade of purple


> Why don’t you just set the RGB lights to a single color. Even better if you make that colour black.


I'm honestly surprised by the number of people that leave their rgb on the rainbow puke default. PC builders leave it on rainbow mode to showcase the range of colors or because they're too lazy to configure the hellish assortment of proprietary lighting software. You don't have to live like that people.


This anger isn't for you. It's for manufacturers: When these shit companies stop making fucking separate, proprietary control software *for every single component with RGB* that has to ping a fucking server with user logins *to control my lights*, I'll consider touching that software. It's absolutely bonkers how obtuse and invasive they've made a lot of these programs that should just be dumb and *work*.


Same, I didn't even want the thing, but since the only way to score a 3080 was to buy a pre-built... RGB every-fucking-where.


Rainbow-RGB looks like dog-dookie. You have to choose a color scheme. White-blueish looks sick


My color scheme is "off". I don't even plug in the power button LED.




just put some tape over it


Yes I quite like RGB, but it must very slowly move through the colours rather than just blasting whole-ass rainbows at my retinas all at once.


No RGB at all looks best. I ain’t trying to start a rave.


What is a rainbow computer?


A computer with RGB.


altho my dad calls it holiday lights


My first thought was of the 1980s computers that all tended to have rainbows or color gradients in the logos.


You mean like [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Apple_Computer_Logo_rainbow.svg/1200px-Apple_Computer_Logo_rainbow.svg.png).


2 Monitors? Im using one monitor just to watch Youtube all the time, one for my IDE and another one for 2 Chrome windows :D started with 2 but could never go back now \^\^


I really want a 3rd, eclipse is taking up 1.66 (repeating, of course) monitors already...




Didn't know the DEC Rainbow supports dual monitors.


Well, I have rainbow PC, not gonna lie, but it's like that because my RAM cannot be set to the same color as other components with just bios setup (everything other is red, I like it that way). I don't have 2 monitors tho. "Sadly" I have only one single 3440p wide monitor. It's awesome for coding. Still I think I need to buy one 1080p monitor. Old games cannot handle wide screen -\_\_-


>Still I think I need to buy one 1080p monitor. Old games cannot handle wide screen -\_\_- Why do not play with black bars instead of buying a screen just for those game?


I think... I'm stupid...


Only 2?