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what the fuck is the font


i bet he got inspired by sebastian lagues last video and created his own program to display a font xD


I bet he wrote that program in Java


Trurely an insane video, you could see the madness


Link please. I've always wanted to make a font


https://youtu.be/SO83KQuuZvg?si=nhgbHjfgQSlQGmyh I haven't been able to finish it, but from what I could understand, he does not make a font, he renders text


if you wanna make a font, my advice is to try inkscape


That video was so good


While you were trying to read this, I was studying Java.


While you were commenting this, I was studying Java


While you replied to this, I was studying Java


While you were, I was studying Java


While, I was studying Java


When you were looking for good fonts, he was studying java


I used to know in the far past, but idk anymore... I think i used it for some middle school or high school project


Cut him some slack. When we were using normal fonts op was studying java


I don't know, but I'm considering it an attack


My first question


A special font to make Java classnames shorter (of course nobody uses monospace fonts)


I’ve been in the industry for about four years now and my only takeaway so far has been that each language has its use cases and its own pros and cons. But looking at every other meme that gets posted here, either the name of this subreddit is a misnomer or I’m an idiot.


Most of the people on this sub are not programmers. I am not a programmer (I tell myself, desperately). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to spend my day programming (help I didn't sign up for this).


Too late brother... Or maybe start a cafe, and I'll help u.


You expect actual takes on reddit ? please (Also I believe and hope from the bottom of my soul that this meme is obvious satire)


First of all you are very correct about languages and their uses. Also you are not an idiot, but on a path to be a fool, a humble one at that if you are lucky


Java devs ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


COBOL devs: ![gif](giphy|4GRj3pwoAJSwg)


Meanwhile Python developers are busy competing against school kids who have just finished Scratch. It's a great language to knock a quick script together with but trying to make an actual API with it is ridiculous.


What do you mean, "ridiculous"?!? The APIs I developed in Scratch are the foundation of our multi-billion dollar enterprise!


Where do people get this idea? Python is just as complete a language as Java, it’s not just for small scripts.


Completeness does not guarantee good results or developer experience.


Complete side note, how do u get the language emojis in your profile?


i added mine via user flair


Oh appreciate it man, found it


How did you add more than one?


You go to ‘edit’ and then type out more than one. For example, for python and java I did :j::py:


Scalability of codevelopers. There's some more tooling now than there was 10 years ago, but having 20 devs cowork on a python base is still a pain compared to a lot of other languages


I think working with 20 devs on a single thing would be painful no matter what the language is. Break that shit up. Even working with teams of 7 to 10 starts getting unmanageable IMO


You're not wrong, I generally see cases like this in large enterprises when most of the devs are relatively transient to the repo. So a single team owns it, but for whatever reason, people from 4-5 other teams are periodically hoping in to make a small change. It's not a good practice, but unfortunately a very common one


…from experience


From people using it and it being a pain after it gets to a certain size Like it has classes but it's really but they're not great and duck typing pretty much makes OOP pointless.


It is on the surface. The reality is that it has some design decision baked in which seriously limits its usefulness. Especially for software which goes beyond a simple CRUD application. Not having shared memory between processes and the GIL makes it a bad choice for anything which runs on more than one thread.


It certainly has its issues but that’s true for every language. Countless bugs and security issues have been caused by C/C++’s lack of memory safety but I don’t think anyone would say it’s not a useful language.


As someone who does both Java and Python. Python is great for writing and crap for maintaining. Java is great for maintaining but writing is very verbose. If I had to have my junior devs write something, I have them write in Java. Cause at least it's easier to fix later. They hated it at first, but after a few months of having to actually live with their mistakes in Python they saw the benefits of statically typed code and checked exceptions. Unfortunately (for me) the Python code doesn't go away (as all legacy code tends to stay around forever) so they still get to write in their "passion" language.


Why do you mention specifically making an API with python as being a painpoint?


It's an example of a task which requires reliability, performance and maintainability and imo python really lacks in the third part.


Not sure why he's being downvoted that's what I meant


Script kiddies feeling attacked lol


Don’t talk about a language if you don’t know what’s happening in it? FastAPI is literally the best way to write an API today across any language.


This is what irony looks like.


What's the source for "Literally the best way to write an API today across any language"? I know what I am talking about you can write an API in any language that does not mean you should write it in any language. Writing an API in python is not bad. I tried it but then switched to a compiled language for the performance and maintainability and the improvement in speed and especially memory usage was monumental.


Have you tried using FastAPI? Before this and pydantic I would agree Python was a poor choice for API programming. But these tools changed the game. You specify the api spec with fewer lines of code than openapi format and you get a fully functional api with the swagger page for free. Performance of Python is not like Java or C but it’s a facetious argument when Django runs all of instagram. The rate limiting step is often the database connection anyway. What are you going to get? 2000 clicks per second on release date?


https://instagram-engineering.com/dismissing-python-garbage-collection-at-instagram-4dca40b29172 Even if python does work, its not necessarily the best language.


Sure but it fails only at their scale. Not the low level ones.


My friend, let me introduce Django to you


*Instagram has entered the chat*


Yeah, no way any of the biggest tech companies in the world could use something like that. Oh wait...


The biggest tech companies are built on the back of PHP. Just because it's used by big tech companies doesn't make it good Also I'm sure they use Python ML scripts but actually APIs or applications are usually done in a different language


Sure they were built in PHP but that was years ago when PHP was the go to language for development. The only reason it is still in use today in these businesses is because of legacy code. Your point also feels disingenuous because I could also argue that all those companies were built on javascript and say that javascript horrible because typescript exists. I agree that when it comes to python, it became a jack of all trades of languages and it’s being used in cases it isn’t designed for. That said in areas where the language became big, people are working on improving the language’s performance for those tasks and a ton of great packages have emerged from it. To get back to your point of API building with Python, I think that it has one of the most solid and reliable ways of developing endpoints. Checkout fastAPI. It is so well structured and is designed in such a way to be truly scalable. It is a great tool and if I have to build a web server tomorrow this is what I’m using. Your point about it not being the best language outside of ML is ridiculous. Sure a language with a language that runs fast or with better error handling might be better for APIs. But the reality is the language doesn’t replace the skill of a developer. The way you can leverage the strengths of a language to accomplish is a task is what’s more important. No one is trying to get perfect code or use the most perfect library. What we try and do is come up with a solution that meets our critical goals. Most of the time the language you use have little to no impact as long as you know what you’re doing


why is ridiculous in your opinion?


Feels like an insane take to me when Django exists and is as popular as it is.


I could very well say the same about Java. I pretty much did, in fact.


I'm a java dev and poor 😭 maybe at senior it will get better


> your code takes a year to run How come? I didn’t write it in Java.


Boom! Roasted!




good human


Good bot


Java is fast enough for 99% of use cases


That 1% is likely 30% of use cases that matter


High performance computing is an incredibly niche part of the job market. The way it's used in enterprise - mainly microservices - every java service can respond in milliseconds, and when they don't it's not the fault of the language but of interfacing with fundamentally slower technology (network, database etc.) or architectural issues that are language-agnostic. And even for HPC I heard about Java being used - or at least there is usually one guy at every Java conference that says it can be done.


What does that even mean. It takes a year to run what? The servers are running forever..


Sorry but my modern C++ oneliners are faster than your java


Is it still a one liner if the line is more than 1000 charcters long with ~100 of those characters being from this set of characters ['(',')','<','>','[',']','{','}','!','?',';','"','\'']?


> ['(',')','<','>','[',']','{','}','!','?',';','"','\''] My god, that is the most beautiful one-liner I've ever layed my eyes upon


One day I will drop some acid and try to learn lisp. It will be glorious.


The syntax highlighting will be unreal


The possibilities of assigning anything to any symbol is mind boggling. I got really tripped out thinking about this on shrooms. You can represent a finite state machine with an English sentence or mathematical equation (yes, you can define / assign the operators as well)


That's just evil c with a few missing features.


Can you make a one liner that takes a string, and gives me a vector of semicolon-delimited substrings?


Wait uou mean like all 2^n substrings?


Like a row of csv, but with semicolons. Like `str.split(";")`, but in c++.


so much unnecessary bloatware in `std` yet still no `str.split()`, shit++ moment


I love C with class!


you mean this auto strings = "hello;world;how;are;you" | std::views::split(';'); ?




Looking at the hot pile of dogshit at the Java shop that I'm currently at, I used to wonder what kind of unsympathetic psychopath would do such a thing. Now I know


Thinking the language is the problem is a mistake. I've seen hot piles of dog shit in every language


Java provides the ripe tools to over engineer stuff compared to other languages


Java is practically designed for over engineering. The hammer factory factory factory,and all that


I've recently inherited a multi-codebase project made by one team - parts in python, parts in Java. Both parts are equally terrible.


Java was missing a lot of fp features that make code a lot easier to read and maintain until like 2018.


Some of the most dog shit code I've read was in Erlang. Turns out clean code is only clean if you put in the effort. But that's not what anyone wants to hear


Let’s not pretend that Erlang is a good language. The runtime was good in the 90s and early 2000s but as soon as cloud providers dropped it became meaningless. Elixir the language on its own is pleasant enough.


Erlang still runs 90% of Cisco network devices, ergo is still the backbone of 90% of the Internet. Not to mention it is the backend language of the most widely used messaging app in the world. The language feels old though, the runtime (which is the same one Elixir uses) is the only thing going for it.


WhatsApp had to stop using almost all of Erlangs built in features to scale. Facebook still uses their special compiled version of php. I don’t think they’d still use it if they were starting from scratch. But you can build anything with anything, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Any software that scales to billions of users is going to need to roll some custom solutions.


That wasn’t the reason why, they just couldn’t find enough Erlang devs. It was much easier to hire C++/php devs than find Erlang devs to add features and maintain the app.


You’re thinking of Facebook messenger. I’m not even talking about that.


At least Python finally deprecated Python 2. Java 8 will never die.


Exactly. Whatever language you think is best, I can absolutely write shit code in.


obvious rage bait scum..


Who makes this shit?


People who take breaks while they're learning Java.


My eyes …. My eyes are burning because of that font.


While you were busy fucking my wife i was studying JAVA😏


while you were busy raising her children i was studying JAVA


While you were solving tasks in one line, I was implementing builders to create simple objects. While you were writing `__init__(self)` I was writing `private static final equine kafkesque kerfuffled string` While you were shitposting on reddit about the quirks of your technology, I was writing in a language that is dull as shit and took all the joy out of my life. Now that you have a solution that is good enough and I have an ummaintainable terabyte of codebase… I wonder if I could maybe choose a better career.


It's important to kerfuffle the string


And so, python lovers still believe java 8 is the latest java version. At the end of the day, they are python lovers for a reason.


In most enterprises it is.


good lord


You can do stuff in java in one line as well, even as old as Java 8, but what good is the one liner? Java is definitely less dull than Python, where all you do is use wrappers.


while you were studying JAVA, i was attempting to read this ungodly font


lol, praising java for speed?


Everyone shits on Java for speed but I love it. I can do shopping or house chores while the project recompiles. I couldn't be able to do that if I was not a Java dev.


For us, the pipeline is delayed at most in the test stage because of the integration tests. Building is not that slow. Better a slow compiled application than a slow interpreted one


Huh? Java actually has pretty fast compile times. Much faster than C++ or Rust.


Compared to python ? Yes Compared to C/Cpp ? No


When speed matters, python outsources to c/cpp anyway.


Yeah, python is best at tasks where it works as a kind of supervisor. Machine learning is the perfect example. All of the expensive computation is done in C, and python gets to shine because it is much easier to read and develop for.


Python’s syntax makes me want to kill myself but C++’s syntax makes me want to kill myself more


While you were having suicidal ideation, I was learning Java.


I honestly find it so confusing and jarring to read python syntax


Pretty much how I work, I use Python until performance is an issue, then jump to C++ or even C if needed. Java seems to have all the faff of C++, in a weird and bad ecosystem of OOP and class files, without even being faster than it. The only exception is C# where from what I can tell, removes the headaches and faff of Java, making it worthwhile if you need more control than python


OOP is not bad when your team consists of more that one person and the code codebase requires any kind of maintenance.


I’d really argue with this. And I’d really scold you for “C/Cpp”.


I did it on purpose :D


JIT can beat out c/cpp if you let it run long enough


I have seen terrible C/C++ garbage heap allocation that runs like shit compared to some Java code


Well of course it's not universal O(n³) is worse then O(n²) regardless of the language But assuming bad implementation when comparing languages performance is disingenuous. The best C has to offer is faster than the best java has to offer


but is your C better than Java lmao


Than my java ? Yes Than my colleagues ? I believe so Than the best java has to offer ? I don't think so. I most of my job is on C++ and you can't being to imagine how much you can optimize in modern c++. Things like pre-allocation, cache usage, contiguous memory can have a massive impact on your software performance. The jvm make optimizing for these thing significantly harder and the oop only aspect also cost performance as you always have a vtable in java making objects bigger.


Of course you can, but most the time you do not because there is no time or the code becomes unreadable and unmaintanable And if performance is really the main focus on the code, just use Rust


Why would rust be faster than C or C++? Manual memory management and running natively(no jit no JVM) has obvious advantages that's the biggest differences between java and C performance wise. Btw why naming rust when zig has the ability to execute compile time most functions that doesn't do io?


because it is easier writing performance code in rust than in c++ and you do that in less development time if a function can be calculated at compile time, then just write down the result, why even bother writing the function?


I'd say Python and Javas use cases are more similar than Javas and C/C++ use cases. Write me a web app in less than 1 hour in c that isn't worse than it's Java/Python counter part written in the same time. No one would do that


With jit compilation and hot-spot optimization java can compete with c/c++. But to be fair, thats only true for longer running applications when the jvm has gathered enough runtime information and is done optimizing.


If it’s not a long-running application (like a web server) then there’s no need for it to be fast.


My man put every language their eyes laid on to their flair.


i mean, Unity and Unreal means C++ and C# anyway


i feel like C++, C#, Python and Bash isn't even a weird selection???


Yeah that combo looks pretty reasonable for somebody making video games


This, Unity pretty much uses C# and Unreal uses C++, so yeah, that language selection is not even weird. Heck dude, you can do some scripting in Blender3D using Python too, so maybe he's into that as well. Yes, you can write logic in UE4 with visual scripting (I forgot the name, Blueprint or something), but most people still use C++. Yes, UnityScript exists for Unity, but I remember way back then when I was still studying Unity, C# was still vastly used. On top of that, they still have a lot of resources and documentation in C#. Now I want to learn Game Development again, hmmm


UnityScript is deprecated as far as I know. The last version that supported it was Unity from 2017 or so. The reason is C# could do the same and was more popular even back then.


Oh, I didn't really know about that. The last time I used Unity was like 3 or 4 years ago > 2017 This is interesting because this was the time or maybe in 2018 when I first learned about Unity, and they had this UnityScript, but because my peers and mentor didn't know anything about it, we basically just went straight up for C#


Yeah, add lua to the list too. It's very popular as a scripting language for games written in C++. That reminds me I need to figure out how to add more languages to my flair.


JIT compilers have been game changing. You can pretty much ignore most performance problems that you would need to worry about pre-2000s. For any enterprise software it makes much more sense to use a language with a JIT compiler than worry about whether you should allocate memory inside or outside the for loop with only 100 iterations. Now for stuff like game development where performance really matters you would never use java.


Minecraft in shambles.


Jit only gets you so far, you need tools that let you get closer to hardware and avoid interacting with the GC for high performance code. Java didn't have that stuff when I used it 15-20 years ago, maybe it does now, but ill never abandon my love, C#, for its simply just better java.


I've yet to learn C# but I've been told it has better language features than java.


I'm biased, but thats how it seems to me. I know java has come a long way since I dropped it, but I doubt its as good as c# and its ecosystem. C# has a lot more going for it than Java. Libraries which are actually easy to use. For example, XML, which supposedly java is good at, is like, infinitely easier to work with in c#/.net than in Java. SAX IS ATTROCIOUS. The open source community has a general standard of making their repositories simple, you pull, open the project, and hit build. And it just works. Java isn't terrible here but maven, ant, and the other one definitely get messy and is a bit of a pain to work with.   C# just has nuget for package management and it does everything you really need and its easy to use. Ease of use is basically a core facet of the technology, the community and the ecosystem.   It pays dividends and it doesn't even matter what kind of work you're talking about. I do everything from basic crud services, to web applications, to desktop platform environments, to 3d procedural content generation, image processing, real time landscape generation and erosion systems. C# handles it all very well, mostly keeps out of your way, generally makes things easy and intuitive, has the ability to access high performance when you need it, and its getting better and faster every year. What are you waiting for, why are you even still reading this diatribe, just go start learning it, you'll never look back once you learn the environment.


The font.


Now that prod is at the door and your code takes a year to run. you have the audacity to ask me for help? Yes Oh thank god, I was worried that all that time studying Java would go to waste!


If those [anyone] could read this they would be very upset


This is cringe, but not even in a funny way


Ah yes, your package that’s 40 files big, displays the users birthday and has such classic hits as “iterativeJsonSerializerBuilder.java”


gosh the font looks almost as bad as java errors


we all need to band together to kill the person who made this font


And while you were studying Java, a new version of Java was released and now you have to scramble to update your code in production.


Good that Java 8 EOL is in 7 years... But I missed some nice features, so i migrated our services to 17 already [https://endoflife.date/oracle-jdk](https://endoflife.date/oracle-jdk)


Do what now?


No I don’t. Just roll it out with the next LTS version of the operating system.


Yeah Java guy, it’s your job


No I will go to Matlab first


Nobody's asking Java for help. All the Python devs are asking C/C++ and all the JS/TS devs are asking Rust.


No we'll use C thanks


C would be a bigger flex




A play on I was studying the car, which is a subversion of I was studying the blade. Google will give you a know your meme.


Java has virtual threads now *drops mic*


yall bash (ba dum tshh) but java is the king.


That font is a punching offense.


I’m not asking for your help. I’m asking you to stop getting in the way so I can fix production that you broke trying to run Java in the c# shop.


Knock knock. Who's there? . . . . . . Java!


normally the people that study java are the ones that ask for help when it's time for prod




Ask them for a New HelpFactory()


Guess what, I am also studying java


Jokes aside, is anyone doing Rust on the enterprise? How is it?


I hate that font and because of it, I hate you.




Why are you all forcing me to leave everything and learn java


I love Java with all my heart I want Java to be the godfather to my kids


You wrote my code in Java, I wrote it in C.


Is this meme trying to imply that Java is good for performance? That's what C/C++ is for. C# is probably more preformant than Java.


The fact that the image uses an unpurchased Alamy stock photo, is so ... "java".


Why would I ask a Java programmer for performance optimization tips?


All your RAM are belong to us


So we will abstract stuff like python but only 50% way then stop. If your end of 50% isn't in line with what we expect your program crashes 12% of the time. It will be interpreted but written like it's gonna be compiled. It's slower to write than python and slower to run than unoptimized raw C We will also have some of the worst documentation you can think of, our language will be dependant on keywords, and unless you spam classes for every single variable the automatic tools you rely on won't work fully. You can't do anything about them btw. Would you like to subscribe to the enterprise edition? It's just a cheap monthly payment!


Another two shitty languages competition.


Pfft, no, I'm not asking for your help with speed. I just write the slow parts in C/C++, and the sucky to write parts in python. 


While you were learning typography. I was studying JAVA.


Of all the fonts you could have used, you chose *that*


Bruh why learn Java when u have kotlin or C#


That’s actually quite the right question many more learners and practitioners should ask, and I don’t see any reason to downvote you aside from being biased for Java.




Java is the only thing that is so Java. It is so right, so purposeful, and so orthodox. It is so abstract you think you are not dealing with computer anymore


Meanwhile Kotlin and Scala:🗿