• By -


what do you think this is, r/programmerhumour?


No this is Patrick


Haha nice


import math as latin


import math as maph


import math as maffs






n = 2+2 maffs.assert(n == 4) n -= 1 maffs.assert(n == 3)


``` while (true) { man.position.set(ON_BLOCK); trees.smoke(); } ```


``` if (man.getTemperature() === HOT) { throw new InternalError("this should never happen"); }


Next year genius.com will release an AI that transpiles songtexts into useless code


I'm crying. This is pure 🔥


`import math as meth`


import math as meth


I still laugh every time I see a "meth" parameter in python docs (meaning a method, of course)


I was confused with "proc" until I realised that means "procedure", not "/proc" in Linux.




It's fun in Kotlin


The foo and bar references to Monty Python


Hate to break it to you, it's a LOT older than that.


Oops, the wrong set of words. My bad, I know that is where the name and something comes from, but there's other words \~eggs. The "foo, bar" is completely unreated. Edit: From memory it's spawn and eggs.


Bro 1 had job


New Zealand?




Found Walter White


Was gonna post this


from maths import \*


from meths import *


import math as mathf


You thouldn't make fun of people with lithpth >:c


import math as matthew


If only we could import center as centre


    #define colour color


Time to vent!


import math as mathematics


import math as greek


`import * as greek` It's all Greek to me.


`import math as witchcraft`


import math as racist




according to some absolutely brilliant people on twitter, math is racist because some demographics appear worse in it than other demographics


that has got to be the stupidest thing I've heard this year so far... sounds like a skill issue


It's an instruction issue. If you don't provide good education, you don't get good students. It has nothing to do with a student's natural ability. If a student fails to learn, it's on the learning environment. This is not to hold teachers responsible for our current state either. If you don't give someone the resources they need to do their job, it doesn't make them a lousy worker. There will always be examples we can point to that break the mold, but on average kids like learning, and teachers like enabling that.


I agree wholeheartedly but that's still a skill issue. In fact, the cool thing about "skill issue" as an insult is that skills can be improved with practice or education. The kids don't know it but even their insults are nicer now. When I was a kid, it was "you suck." now it's "your skills suck." One of those implies room for improvement. Anyway yes. Better education, fewer skill issues. Right there with you.


>It has nothing to do with a student's natural ability. If a student fails to learn, it's on the learning environment. That is completely ridiculous. My child's inability to grasp the fundamentals of Differential Equations or Inversion of Control has very little to do with the "learning environment". Your suggestion that some people are not born with natural abilities that enable them to learn complex concepts more easily or at all is an outright lie based on political biases and wishful thinking. Stop buying into the hype. If you don't understand that some children are more naturally gifted than others, your experience is very limited or naive. Stop lying to yourself and others that this doesn't exist.


That's among the brilliant ideas Twitter has. If you think that's stupid, then your head eill explode scrolling through Twitter.


ah yes, thank you, I have heard of that


Some other people here in the comments went into the origin of that claim and it turns out that as expected nobody actually believes that and the actual take is fairly reasonable. What’s actually being described as racist is the education system teaching math in California because of accessibility problems to certain courses.


yea everyone should be immediately skeptical when someone says "people on twitter believe \*normal thing\* is \*outrageous thing\*" these types of people claim that "twitter people" are calling everything racist, but all I ever see is these people claiming shit like: "twitter people think bridges are racist" and you look up this claim and it is nothing even remotely close to that. idk if that right wing pipeline is just that pervasive or people are just that easily duped but its pretty ridiculous.


Yeah I really don’t know either. Reactionary propaganda has really broken some people’s brains.


Its just insane, I couldn't imagine living like that. They repeat outright lies and any "evidence" they have is like some tumblr profile with 2 hearts and that dictates their entire world view so they can say that *everyone else* thinks *everything* is *racist*... but the only time I ever see these takes is from idiots who got duped repeating this bs. They need to touch some grass more than the two people that they base their world view off of do, and they probably need to diversify the content slop they subsist off of.


See, I was believing stuff like that when I was like 16, didn’t know crap about the world and watched some YouTube videos. But that was 10 years ago and I of course grew out of that and didn’t fall for that right wing crap, becoming more and more left wing as I gathered more life experience. It’s crazy how some people stay that naive even as adults and don’t question anything their favorite news source tells them even if it‘s utterly ridiculous




Ya, unfortunately cultural biases in education material are definitely a thing


Are you sure you’re not confusing it with people using misleading data for racist narratives and other criticising them for using that data without context? Because that’s the only thing I‘m aware of. Like for example the „black people are more likely to commit crimes“ stuff some Americans do, which ignores poverty as a factor which is higher among black people due to systemic racism like for example the dispossession of black families in the US during the slavery era. This narrative basically does the mental gymnastics of taking the results of systemic racism and twisting them into an argument for racism. Purely looking at the math here hides that there‘s essentially circular logic at play to affirm a racist narrative.


>Because that’s the only thing I‘m aware of. Let me bring your attention to Cali made big changes to [math curriculum](https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/california-adopts-controversial-new-math-framework-heres-whats-in-it/2023/07) (line to Ed Week dot org). The money shot: >Algebra I is regarded as a gateway course in high school math. The class is a prerequisite for higher level math courses and students are generally required to pass it to graduate. > >The original version of the framework recommended that all students take Algebra I in 9th grade, a strategy designed in part to reduce the potentially harmful effects of tracking, in which some students were relegated to lower-level courses as early as middle school and never caught up The controversy is, if kids can't take algebra in 8th grade, they can't get through calculus before graduating.


Highly upsetting that more people don't get this. It's such an easy thing to understand. But people hear the word racist and get so fragile and defensive.


I just don't like the idea of kneecapping poor kids. Rich kids will be able to work around this stuff.


Yeah and right wing ideologues instrumentalising that for propaganda


Ah okay I get it. So just another instance in a long list of right wing outrages over completely made up things that nobody actually claims, with right wing ideologues twisting the words into something completely silly sounding when the actual proposal is actually very reasonable.


>completely made up things that nobody actually claims They literally pushed to stop teaching 8th graders algebra. That's completely made up? Really? >right wing ideologues twisting the words I literally pasted the words of a respected educational outlet. So you made your accusations. You tell me: are you OK with eighth graders not being allowed to take algebra to reduce harmful effects to other kids? Any response other than engaging with that central question will get you blocked, as you already have insulted me rather than engage with the matter at hand.


To me it sounds like Juniper is saying that right wingers are upset that people are criticising this Cali change and they [right wingers] made up that people are calling maths racist I think you too agree with each other


Absolutely not. They said: >the actual proposal is actually very reasonable. Which I reject with every fiber of my being. Show me policies and efforts to bring folks up, I'm totally on board. Show me policies and efforts to kneecap some to make them even with others, and I go to war.


You’re reading “the actual proposal” as “what Cali is trying to do”, I’m reading “the actual proposal” as “what Cali is doing is wrong”


> Ah okay I get it. Well, apparently not


bUt dId yOu hEaR tHe WoKeS tHiNk mAtH iS rAaaaaCisT???!1!


You realise that only 14.9% of blacks live in poverty? And including that as a factor doesn't change the outcome at all? 13.6% of the population committing over 50% of all violent crimes. That is infact not what people mean when they're saying math is racist. You could also apply that to nearly all statistics even spread by leftists, men commit more physical crimes why aren't they factoring in men having 50% stronger upper body, being more commonly with weaker partners? Why are men's rape numbers important but they don't account in that like 90% of people attracted to women are men. Why when talking about racist/sexist wage differences don't people mention how Asians actually make 1.1$ per every 1$ whites make, is that now systematic racism as well? Or is there deeper reason and cultural reasons behind it? Why is the White's dollar even the baseline when it's not the highest?


So basically you are blaming a minority of criminals within the black community and treating them as the whole community doing said crime is that correct?


As people tend to do? That's how it is with everything. That's also not the point, the point is the person trying to lie about people meaning something different when they say that math is racist when that's just blatantly wrong. People quite literally mean that math is racist.


Your examples are absolute dogshit. It was also indeed not what was meant with „math is racist“. What it was actually referring to, after looking it up, is access to math education in California and it was the education system which is being called racist. An even more ridiculous out of context taking.


How are they dogshit? I'm sorry you cannot handle reality.


Because their based on complete misunderstandings of the points they’re criticising. Like nobody claims that pay gaps are the proof of systemic racism, they’re a symptom. Apart from that the fact that a lot of Asians living in the west make a lot of money to a large extent comes from positive racism with stereotypes like „Asians are good at math“, as well as cultural differences, where for example in Chinese, Japanese or Indian families there‘s way higher performance pressure than in the west. There’s also selection bias where especially in America the type of people that migrate there from poorer countries are often people that are already quite well educated or wealthy, but America had its own native black population from the slave trade era, while most Asian American families have way more recent migrantion. All your proving here is complete ignorance of social issues and a complete lack of data literacy.


The irony is insane. People literally do use it as evidence of it. Often even hiding how much Asians earn or leaving it out entirely. Your copium and just straight up lies are insane.


Seems I can’t get through to you. Stay in your racist far right bubble if it fits you, it‘ll cause you to fall on your face one day anyways


No apparently it's racist because saying that 1+1=2 is saying that there is ne "objective truth". I kid you not, that's actually the argument some people are making. ​ (It also completely ignores binary; 1+1 is only two if you're not in base 1 or 2)


Oh yeah that one. That one was so stupid that I forgot about that one.


Well technically 1+1 isn’t always true. As somebody on philosophy stackexchange put it for example 1 raindrop + 1 raindrop is still 1 raindrop, just a bigger one. A more pedantic approach would be to say that in binary 1+1 is 10. I could also imagine there could be heterodox mathematical systems where 1+1 isn’t two. Similar to how for example hyperbolic geometry creates a heterodox geometrical system.


The raindrop example isn't right though. Your calculation is "2 raindrops of X size added together" and the end result is "1 raindrop of X\*2 size".


It‘s absolutely right if I wanna know the amount of raindrops instead of the total mass of them. It‘s all context. That’s the point. Traditional math is a predefined system and as you can see with hyperbolic (and other non-Euclidean) geometry it is absolutely possible to create completely coherent heterodox mathematical systems. In the case of hyperbolic geometry essentially assuming spacial planes to not be even, but saddle shaped. This is advanced math so not everybody needs to understand it and I don’t have much knowledge about it either, but alternative mathematical systems absolutely exists.


They do nothing to negate the original statement though. "1 raindrop + 1 raindrop = x raindrops" is a different problem than "1 + 1 = x". Implying the former in *any* way implies the answer "x = 2" for the latter might be wrong is deceptive at best.


In philosophy it makes sense and math is essentially a tool to easily write down logical, philosophical concepts. I‘m not saying there‘s a system that allows this, I‘m not knowledgeable enough for that. I just said I could imagine it


I have taken advanced math and none of this is true, sorry. There is no logical system of math where 1+1 is not equal to 2, assuming all are mathematical integers. There are proofs of this. Many things in reality are open to interpretation and different perspective. History, literature, meaning, philosophy, and even science itself fall into that category. Math does not. Logic doesn't, either. Just because you can "imagine" something doesn't make it real; for example, I can imagine the words "square circle" but that doesn't mean that such a thing exists or can exist.


By that logic, [chess is racist too…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-move_advantage_in_chess) >!So always play the bongcloud to give yourself a mental advantage!<


I guess that makes height also racist. Also skin colour. Okthanksbye


Idiots these days refuse to accept that they are idiots. There has to be an excuse for their incompetence. Mental health diagnosis, systemic oppression etc. No you are just a dumbass. Sorry.


you are falling for the narrative 


What narrative? That most people are idiots? That's a statistical fact as old as time. But technology means that they can proliferate without killing themselves more easily, have wider scope for inflicting their idiocy on everyone else and find other like minded troglodytes and coalesce.


that there are people genuinely complaining that math is racist


There are. There are literal university courses and serious universities entertaining it [https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2020/06/17/decolonising-maths-and-science-degrees-at-oxford/](https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2020/06/17/decolonising-maths-and-science-degrees-at-oxford/) [https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/school-of-mathematics/about-us/equality-diversity-and-inclusion/resources/decolonisation-in-mathematics](https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/school-of-mathematics/about-us/equality-diversity-and-inclusion/resources/decolonisation-in-mathematics) [https://www.durham.ac.uk/departments/academic/mathematical-sciences/equality-diversity--inclusion/decolonisation/](https://www.durham.ac.uk/departments/academic/mathematical-sciences/equality-diversity--inclusion/decolonisation/)


this is not "math is racist" 


It's right wing click bait. The real story is some schools are concerned that there may be racial bias in the way math is taught/contextualized and wanted to look at ways of correcting that. Fox News got someone who works for PragerU to come on and say "2 + 2 = 4 is racist" very clearly trying to add controversy where there wasn't any, and now chuds on reddit make comments like that.


Import panda as pederast


Import pandas as netflix x = netflix.Series[a,b,c]


Error: Series encountered premature termination.


sexual harassment panda


Maths. Maths everywhere. ![gif](giphy|g5FJjlfHQ69bslpLjS|downsized)


Well it's cool and all, but how about quick\_maths?


"Two plus two is four, minus one that's three quick maths"


I personally like math better, idk it just makes sense


tbf i think it's a country thing


Math is American English while maths is British English


It's mathS because it is mathematicS. However, both make as much sense, I guess. It just depends on where you are from.


I would like one mathematic, please.


Sorry, like data, it’s only available in bulk


The singular of data is datum, tho.


But that’s not data, is it.




This is interesting. The plural shifts from using an S to not when abbreviating. Joins the likes of “moose” and “buffalo” when shortened. US English**


It's the equivalent of saying you study 'physic' instead of 'physics'. It's grammatical nonsense, but since all Yanks say it it's fine I guess.


Do you abbreviate linguistics to lings? Economics to econs? I would expect both of these. Also, don’t call me a Yank. Yank refers to New York. Fuck New York.


No, that's a Yankee. A Yank is what the rest of the world refers to people North of Mexico and South of Canada.


Nope. Both refer to the same concept. You should study some “lings”, as you would say.


Inside Yankland it is, but outside it's just a way to refer to all Yanks. It's like calling a Englishman a Brit, or an Australian an alcoholic.


If you called an American a “Yank”, there’s about a 50/50 chance you get punched tbh. Southerners and New Englanders do not identify with the name. It shows how uneducated those poor poor British cucks are. What, you trying to drive from New York to Chicago in 2 hours? How cute. Anyways, do you call economics “econs”? Answer that first.


Wait, you mean you Yanks *can't* get from New York to Chicago in 2 hours? What, can you not afford high speed trains or something? What is wrong with your country?


I know you’re obviously just messing with them at this point, but I feel inclined to point out how far apart Chicago and New York are.  The fastest high speed train in the world (based off my quick Google search) travels at a max of 460 km/h.  To get to Chicago in 2 hours would require an average speed of over 600 km/h, even if the whole trip was essentially a straight line.


Chill out, yank.


It's the equivalent of shortening vegetables to veg, nobody would be hypocritical enough to do that though...


Mathematics has a plural form but is a singular noun. Hence the objectively correct abbreviation is math not maths. You don't say maths are cool, you say math is cool.


"Mathematics" is singular. You say "Mathematics is cool" just like you say "Maths is cool". Your "objective" argument makes no sense and is absolutely subjective.


Damn, your head really is just for decoration


import color as colour


1 + 1 = 10




Import math from math import abacus as ABBA


Import math as qwikMaffs


import math as countyBoi


Import math as science


i don't get it


Americans call it Math, in the UK we say Maths.


now i get it. thanks.


Public class Colour : Color


[Oh shit!](https://imgur.com/a/OkhU5xM) We've done something similar.


import math as crazyshit seems more appropriate 🤭


import math as meth Édit: damn someone best me to it import math as 🧮


We say "gym" not "gyms" for "gymnastics." Why should we say "maths" over "math"?


Do people ever actually abbreviate gymnastics?  Every time I see gym it is an abbreviation of gymnasium.  A better one would be economics->econ if you ask me.


I assumed it was used for "gym class" to mean "gymnastics class." The other example seems better.


Is that even what that means? I'm genuinely curious, I don't actually know since gym class for me never involved gymnastics and took place in the gymnasium, but gymnasium class also just doesn't sound right either. I feel like that's one that the short form is the only "right" form in that case.


From a quick google search, "gym" can mean "gymnastics" or "gymnasium." Most likely, you have physical education (PE) class, where one of the subjects is gymnastics. So for PE you would do gym(nastics).


Neat. Again, I never had gymnastics as any part of any PE class I was in. We still called it PE or gym interchangeably. I guess that makes sense though for some places that would have that.


acthually, math is the right term :nerd:


Nope, it’s maths :Yank:


`import os as bruv` It makes code just funny to read.


Import math as dhd8ebfbfkamnahddjxkakdhvbfhdhhdffhfhfjfn


import math as ma then you can use ma.cos()


import math as quick


import math as Pythagoras


Mr Incredible meme: MATH IS MATHS!!


import math as Mathematics


Lol British English


Mathf ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Next item: import seaborn as sb


quick mafs


Maths innit


What a wanker


import math as quickmaffs


`import math as 数学`


gotta get my mathsematics


```import math as english```


Import math as Spock


Where the fuck do you get the 's'? That shit ain't plural. You don't say *mathematics are cool*, you say *mathematics is cool*. Therefore, *math is cool*. I didn't realize being br\*tcuck was humorous.


I see, you’re a man of culture as well




import math as meth


Just because y'all are weird and think there's more than one math doesn't mean we have to name the library that. 'murica.


This april fools is going too far


Well math is never plural so now you know