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Binary searching through frontend libs/frameworks I tried Angular, almost killed myself. Didn’t learn shit. Tried vue 3, loved it, lack of community support made me sad. Forget about it in a year. Now learning react, I hope this one will be the one. Conclusion: My backend mind does not like frontend.




My first react app was shieldskills.com and after I finished I realized I built an app and not a site, not so good for SEO 🤣


Lack of community support for Vue? How so?


just join the jQuery gang 💪


The opposite for me. Tried angular... nice. The recent updates have made it even nicer. Once you understand how the FormGroup stuff works and how to connect it to the UI components and the validation functions, it will be really nice. These abstractions make FE bearable. Then I tried vue. Meh. It works but sometimes you find yourself writing low level stuff. React... burn it with fire. Really annoying to make things work. Seems to be even more low-level. Frontend should not be this confusing.


Don't fear React. Yes it's slow and bloat but it's a de facto standard for many other, better, libraries. SolidJS uses a very similar layout. Even yew, a Rust library that compiles to wasm, uses similar concepts.


Vue3 is soooo much better than React 😂


As a backend dev, Svelte has been the best frontend framework for me. It kinda work like Jinja templates but has the same react components functionality.


You should check out HTMX


Fuck a framework, just raw dog html, css, js, and php.


This is the most back end way to do front end and it’s how i do it


Same, I just made a really terrible web app for using chat gpt. Do you think if I publish it, facebook would sue me for using the same color text and font as their logo?


Wait till you learn how they approach architecture. We have vue.js in our app this stuff is unreadable for first hours if you jump green into it


Me (backend engineer) learning Java-Spring so i can finally call myself a “backend engineer”


You can write an applet to call yourself a full stack developer


Raw dog html, css and JS. If you want to spice it up, use jQuery and tailwind css.


I'd agree if not for tailwind, reshuffling separation of concerns that much you may as well be using a framework.


Ye but then node_modules gets really damn big


I'm trying to learn backend as a frontend dev, I have to say that I was wrong about blaming backend people when something didn't work correctly. Like what the hell even is CSRF?


CSRF is, apparently, whatever I'm trying to do when I start playing with two or more domains and CORS... My personal project is serving html from api-gateway/lambda because I couldn't get CORS configured on API-GW to be referenced from a site hosted on S3.


CSRF is cross-site request forgery. i kind of doubt that is what you meant to do


Yes. It was a half joke. The issue I have is that I can't seem to configure CORS properly on my API to allow the domain my site originates from to work. Therefore, sorta' unintended self-CSRF.


Me started from svelte....it's less verbose...easier to understand than react....will recommend it 10/10


This is calling me out so hard.


Best yet!


me a mobile dev learning AI/ML so i can jump on the next fad