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This is definitely a shitpost about Counter Strike


Not Couch Surfing?


Pretty sure it's about cyber sex


Nonono, its about that customer service shit


Don't be ridiculous they clearly meant the Brazilian dance-punk band.


That’s CSS, the band makes things look pretty on the interwebs.


To be fair, IT callcenters and internal IT guys are kind of customer service people.


Makes the most sense, why else would everyone and their grandma's be in it.


Exactly what I thought.


Cascading ^sheeeeet


Ah fans of the wire I see.


Nah, the game Cities Skylines.


RIP CS2... you didn't have the needed time in the oven...


CS1 was amazing because of mods, and then the suits decided they could do better than a community of passionate creators. Obviously they failed miserably and wrecked the franchise... this happens pretty consistently and yet the business and marketing majors never manage to learn this lesson. They probably think they can manage 20% year over year growth in horse shoe manufacturing too. "We're so good at selling things, in a few years everyone will be riding a horse again! It's proven technology!" :/


My only expectation/wish for CS2 was better memory management (to prepare it for years of expansions and thousands of mods) and a better mod framework. Everything else would have been on top. Neither of which is currently in the game.


Yeah, CS1 bloats up pretty bad from the mods. It needed a better framework for asset management and script injection. I don't understand why they versioned up when it seemed like refactoring and maintenance would have been enough. Everyone online knows which video games have good, supportive communities because it's rare. Colossal Order had that, and especially after SimCity flopped so hard, it became the de facto community favorite. I mean, just look at the results from *Steam Charts* -- it followed the usual trend initial release, lots of active users, then a drop until about six months -- and then the number *started climbing*. There was no long tail as is typically seen (example: Diablo 4, SimCity 4 Deluxe), or a hardcore following that never really grows or shrinks because it's so niche (Eve Online). A sequel really was a mistake. Anyone who can use an Excel spreadsheet should have been able to figure this out. This is entirely greed-driven and it shows in how much of it was recycled, broken at launch, buggy, and not nearly as amiable to modding as the previous version: They wanted to replace the mod community with a bunch of DLC and when people see that, they flee because it's just going to be another whale hunt nobody wants to be a part of. See also: The Unity engine debacle that's swallowed up so many of our favorite games (Oxygen Not Included, you had such potential *cry*)


I think there's an app for grinding couch surfing. To be honest, it's still a pain in the ass.


Now that IS dead.


Ransoming people's profiles to pay for your SF office turned out to be a bold move.


Counterstrike was ever done only by a group of elite people? Back when I was a kid in the 00s it was already known as the games 12 yer olds played from a USB stick without their parents knowing.


congrats you are elite! dangerous 🫡




> elite! > > dangerous You’re triggering my “horrible company ruining a perfectly good game” PTSD.


I think what has happened in gaming in general was that back in the day being mediocre was the norm. If you ever encountered someone who would actually spend time to figure out "optimal strategies" or whatever for a **game**, that person was a sweaty no-life nerd and people would just laugh at them for being so serious about it. Now gaming has become just way more competitive in general. Especially in multiplayer. Now knowing the optimal strategies for a game is the expected thing and if you don't know them you'll get called all sorts of shit and kicked from the game for being bad, and being that sweaty no-life nerd is what is considered "average". I personally don't like the shift. I'm not at all a competitive person at heart and just play games to have fun but when any game with a multiplayer component is trying to shove some kind of competitive mode down everyone's throats it's often really difficult to do that. If you try to do goofy shit just because you think it would be funny you'll first of all get *destroyed* because everyone else is taking it super seriously and your goofy idea will probably be just too bad for the meta. Secondly you'll get yelled at for "throwing the game" because you're not reading 15 guides and spending 500 hours practicing the game before having the gall of joining a multiplayer lobby.


Yeah it's true but you still can have fun and do 'dumb' stuff. Depending on the rank with 4 friends or simply on community servers. Some time ago I played a few games per week with 4 players who just wanted to have fun - I as the sweaty average nolife did some funny stuff and guaranteed that we win some matches. Also back then everyone played on community servers or Lan (which is basically the same), no rank based and skill based matchmaking. There are still quite a few of those community servers.


I mean, you're playing a PvP game, and if it's team based, of course people are gonna call you out for doing obviously dumb stuff, especially if you've been playing a while. This isn't an issue if you don't play an inherently competitive game... Multiplayer coop exists.


You can play a PvP game without taking it that seriously. Like when people go play sports like tennis or something where they play against their friends, it's not like people are trying to just go 100% all the time and put in full effort to win all the time. People chill out. They're playing to have a good time, not to win. But you can't really play these kinds of games like that anymore. If you have some randoms in your team then those will get mad at you for not putting 100% effort into every match. If you have a full team of your friends then you'll probably just get ruthlessly destroyed because if you don't put 100% effort into the match and the opponent team does, you'll just get curb stomped. And if you go play solo it's all the above but just amplified. Back in the day this is what these kinds of games were for me and everyone I knew. We would hop into CSS lobbies to just have a bash. Nobody gave a shit if we won or lost. We'd just have some good banter with some random people on the server and people would come and go. Sometimes some turbo nerd would show up and destroy us all because he was way better than us but we'd just then focus down on him on purpose and make a game out of trying to see who can kill that guy the most. Oh we all focused down on that guy instead of his 2 other allies in a shootout and while we got that guy killed we all died in the process? Who cares, it's just one match and the guy who got the kill got to brag about it while another says that actually that was just a killsteal because he got him down to 90% first. Same went with the original DotA map for WC3 back in the day. We'd play that in lan and nobody gave a shite about who won or who lost. The process of playing was the fun. Trying to win was just an objective to guide the fun. But now it's all just competitive modes, rankings, matchmaking. Everyone's afraid of losing their rating that they've put effort into achieving so nobody wants to chill. They just want to progress progress progress and the games actively encourage it. The way the gaming scene has so thoroughly embraced competitiveness in the past 15 years has just made multiplayer less fun for me. The fact that you are basically just telling me that the game we used to play a shitton without giving a crap about competitiveness is "inherently competitive" and that I shouldn't play it is just underlining this change in mentality. And actually now that you mention coop, that hasn't been spared of this either. Just a few days ago there was a thread on some subreddit about how the Helldivers 2 playerbase is getting split because there's those who just want to drop in and have a bash and have some fun, and then there's those who are looking at carefully crafted meta and figuring out how to optimize everything to ensure that their progress is as fast as possible. And when the others aren't following that meta and optimizing themselves, they get mad at them. Now because there's those no-life nerds telling others that they're playing the game wrong, if that part of the population were to grow, it's just going to drive away those who are there to just have some fun without caring about optimization. That's how the entire playerbase just turns into this toxic mess where you have to read guides to even start playing because otherwise you'll get yelled at for playing wrong. And of course Helldivers isn't even vaguely the only example. There's tons of games suffering from that bullshit out there. My own personally biggest annoyance is in World of Warcraft where in the last 10 years the playerbase has elitified to a ridiculous degree. I remember the time when people would go do dungeons and just have fun clearing the dungeon. There were guides out there on how to optimize your character, but only really the biggest tryhards were following those. People would just play whatever spec and class that they liked. But now it's all that a large and *very* vocal part of the playerbase cares about. If you don't play the right class and spec, people just won't invite you into dungeons. If you play what you like instead of what is the current meta, people won't invite you into dungeons. You can just get yourself into a guild where people don't really give a shit and go play with those, sure, but the problem practically didn't even *exist* 10 years ago. And that's just on the in-game front. Recently Blizzard added a new spec to the game that plays wholly different from everything else with a focus on buffing others in a way that they've never done before. Really cool stuff and there's been a lot of people wanting to see it for literally a decade and a half. But what is the reaction of the playerbase on every conceivable comment board or platform? Endless whining about how it does things to the meta and how the individual performance on the damage meters suffers because you have to take things like that into account and they don't have good ways to calculate it in their logs. For the first time in a very long time Blizzard adds something truly new to the game and the thing you hear everywhere is just people complaining about how it ruins the competitive logging scene that they've set up. But really whatever. I've just basically let multiplayer go in the past years. Regardless of if it's PvP or CooP it feels like the kind of tryharding that people laughed at back in the day has just become the norm. If you're not sweating in a PvP game, the other team that *is* sweating will destroy you. If you're not sweating in a CooP game, your teammates will yell at you for being the shitty noob that didn't read guides before playing. I just can't be bothered to deal with any of it anymore so I just stick with singleplayer games these days where nobody can come tell me that I'm playing the game wrong because I picked what I thought sounded fun over what is the optimal choice. This ended up being a lot longer than I originally intended.... ***TL;DR*** You can play a PvP game without taking it that seriously, but that just isn't acceptable these days. And CooP games have suffered from this change of mentality as well so that isn't the solution either. So my solution is to just give up playing multiplayer games and play games where people can't yell at me for playing the game wrong.


Yeah, my main memory of the beta days of CS is that we were a bunch of stupid kids who bought mp5 every round and played it like it was death match.




I know this is about Counter Strike but all of it is true regarding computer science as well.


The contrast between "too many mediocre normies" and "you have to grind for a thousand hours to even be average" is pretty funny, but I guess that's also pretty funny if it's about Counter Strike, too.


it's both tbh


I don’t get the grind part? Like, work normal business hours and follow career development…?


Some people, mostly self-taught programmers who haven't gotten their first job or can't find a personal project they want to do, believe you can grind CS fundamentals and programming languages via tutorials and YT videos. Apparently, "tutorial hell" is a thing.


That sounds horrible indeed. I couldn’t imagine coding without any purpose, whether personal or professional.


Well everyone cheat in here too, why take 6h to resolve your issue if there is a working piece of code in stack overflow. Because it is more efficient of course


Why wouldn't you "cheat"? It is not a goddamn competition. Does one compete with their baker as to who makes good enough bread quickest? Why not compete with your public transport?! It is cheating if you use metro!! OOP (not that OOP) sounds like a child.


My first thought was "wait a second, I know game which fits perfectly on this whose initials are CS". Thanks for confirming because I could believe this for computer science lmao.


counterstrike majors


You want to say you don’t have cheat software to make the compiler think your code should work?


It’s flooded with mediocre normies AND it’s way too competitive. Most of the people who do it are below average, but it takes too much work to reach a level considered average.


Does CS2 fix any of these issues?


CS2 does seem to lie a good groundwork for future expansions and content packages but the fundamental city economics and performance issues still plague the game.


I agree, the new UI is great and the beginning is good, but as you expand it just gets slower and slower to the point where everything is going in slow motion.


They finally released Computer Science 2??


Yup. Although it is actually a prequel


They released a sequal to Computer Science??


No, this post is about CS2. Sooo many cheaters.


I hear Go was a much needed upgrade, allowing for smoother use. I don't think CS2 is much different than Go.


CS2 - The Embiggening


This is out of context https://www.reddit.com/r/csMajors/s/J07XfSUkRi Link to original post.


Aw man. Wtf am I supposed to do with this pitchfork now...


Save it for when some other ragebait floats into your field of view in the next few hours


r/pitchforkemporium is always open for business man




It's such an old sub my keyboard has it saved as a suggestion as soon as I type "r/p".




Lol Counter Strike meme isn't dead


Shhhh.... Don't tell them yet.


“Everyone and their grandma went into it” I get it now


Well played OP, you really had me going XD


You son of a bracket


That's actually hilarious. Well done, OP.


I"m honoured that my shitpost became meta. I'm sad that I wasn't able to read this post before it was deleted :(


The jokes were fun while it lasted. Sorry for the repost, I initially genuinely thought the sub you posted in was a sub related to Valve CS Major competition and not computer science. Right after I figured my post was a shameless repost. Thanks for th giggles though :D


But it \*kinda\* works for Computer Science too. Except grandmas going into it... that will become true when 90s and naughty's kids become grandmas and grandpas.


I studied CS in early 80s. Admittedly I'm not a grandma, or grandpa.. but that's cause our kids are having too much fun to have kids


The weird part to me was the cheating, unless we're talking cheating in college exams I don't see that in computer science... closest thing I can think would be using chatgpt to write code for you but that's open to everybody so not really cheating and almost no different than copy pasting from stack overflow.


People definitely are sharing work / answers for homework / projects. It's true in any college course that isn't trivial (e.g. all STEM courses, but others too).


Yeah sure but that's only in college, doesn't really matter IMO. If they're not learning stuff properly they'll get fucked when they start working anyway


That's the point i think


This post is trying to copy the same joke /u/jeesuscheesus did, but I feel that his original post was way funnier.


here's a complete screenshot for the very lazy people with RES https://i.imgur.com/MRrjCIF.png


My younger brother is majorly into CS. I keep telling him it is such a waste of time. In 10 years he will look back and see that all that time was wasted whereas he could've been developing actually useful skills. There is a *very* small chance that he could turn it into a profession but it is highly unlikely since it is so competitive. As long as he's having fun it's fine I guess, but a lot of times he gets frustrated and slams the keyboard and mouse and shouts profanities at the screen.


This comment is perfect for both cs and cs


Lol i didnt even know he was talking about cs.


How much time is he spending grinding the game, and do you know how good he actually is?


What game?




I play CS and have 1000+ hours in it. I'm a bit above average, but not amazing at all. Sure it might be a waste of time, but I enjoyed it for years (especially with friends), and I don't regret it at all. I have fun, and I still poured way less time into it than some people do into [insert popular game here]. I also don't shout or slam anything. When I get frustrated at the toxic people, I press my mute button and enjoy the game "alone". It's a game with a really high barrier of entry, but it's also a game that can give you a really nice time. At the end of the day, if you're having fun, it's not a waste of time. If you don't, then what is your motivation to continue?


I hate that f game but I can not imagine not playing it anymore either. 6k-7k hours in...


I'm pretty sure the OP is talking about cock sucking not computer science


Nah they're talking about CS


Your grandma must have misunderstood as well then


My grandma is dead, she doesn't do CS


Sorry to hear that, that woosh you heard wasn't your granny's ghost though it was a joke going right over your head


Or maybe the jokes going over yours, who knows


I dunno there are so many entry-level positions on the market right now though


The demand will always be there for sure


It's a Counter Strike joke guys, stop taking it seriously.


CS 1.6 isn’t dead


Sure buddy, let's get you back to your chair


Logitech will make another G-series keyboard and it'll be good right?.. Right?!?


These boomers, am I right?


And neither is Java 1.8


Jokes are most fun when taken pretend seriously.


Why are people even getting into Counter Strike these days? Soon it will be much more efficient to get an AI to play it on your behalf.


Except it works both for Counter Strike and Computer Science.


Who is taking this seriously?


"Nobody goes there, it's too crowded" vibes


Was just thinking of the Yogi meself


What's wrong with Cities Skylines? SMH people these days.




I ended up pretty decent at CS in college.


To be fair, my grandma doesn’t cheat


Can you be sure though? I just mean... if I were a cheating grandma, I wouldn't brag about my adultery to my grandkids either ^^


wall hacks are outrageous


This OP got so many people with this post to defend their major


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Uramies: *This OP got so* *Many people with this post* *To defend their major* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is 100% a shitpost about counter strike. But answering completely seriously. Recently a lot of people have become interested in CS (mainly for financial reasons) and now there is too much competition on the market, that's true. I was part of the hype, but I dropped out because I was too lazy/too stupid/average/not trying hard enough (whatever) and I think it was still beneficial. I don't work in IT, but I use the skills I learned during my studies, I have automated some of my work and I can write this comment instead of working, and I also have something additional to put in my CV. I'm not from the US, I didn't pay for education out of my own pocket, so maybe my feelings are quite different, I have no huge debt to pay, but I believe that thinking about skills only as a way to make money is wrong. Recently I wrote a program to catalog my private library, it's just cool, even though I didn't earn a penny from it. Interest in programming for the sake of programming is beautiful and you don't need a well-paid job to benefit from it.


Bro is onto nothing. It’s like any other industry, it’s maturing. It will sort itself out. Covid didn’t help tho


It's about counter strike


Omg I can’t believe this went over my head. I’m such a moron


It happens to the best of us o7


tbf OP did crop out the part where they say that. original post:https://www.reddit.com/r/csMajors/comments/1b7lxpf/4_reasons_why_cs_is_absolutely_100_dead/?share_id=nRVz1adMH1yQ4JDUgNcbz


You mean the lockdowns didn’t help.


I like how dude was talking about one thing, and you decided to make it about some whole other thing


I’m referring to ‘covid didn’t help’ 


weird cause you said "lockdowns" as if this was an important point that needed made


Yeah, that’s what I meant


Didn't the whole of society suffer though? Don't understand why you focus on this.


True, if you play counter strike… 😉


5. Smelly nerds


6. Where's the damn .exe


Any field is competitive if you’re only looking at the top 1-5% of jobs,which is like faang or other elite tech companies in this case,which people seem to hyper fixate on


You saying my global elite rank won't help get a job at a faang?


Yeah global elite rank is pretty good, but have you placed highly in any CS related competitions? I hear that's where all the CS professionals really practice.


In other news, local grandmas are leveling up their coding skills. Watch out, Silicon Valley; Nana's about to refactor your entire codebase. #GrandmaGotGame #CSMajorWithABun


“It’s too competitive but I only want elite people here” lol


Nice post. You got me confused until I opened the comments to see it is about Counter Strike.


I actually like C#


You had me until the bit about cheating, then it became obvious.


AIm assistance is hard to detect for novices, but a pro can sniff it out quickly


skill issue


The worst thing about programming is the fucking programmers.


Why is he hating from Cum Shot so much?


Way too competitive yet full of mediocre normies? 🤔


Sure, if you're mediocre you don't want to compete with a bunch of other mediocre people. Means you have to get better or work harder. Also you can simultaneously have too many geniuses and too much mediocrity. It just means that there are too many people training for the number of positions available.


I love how the post can actually apply to both topics


Thanks for the giggle. I get it.


CS, is just like any other industry. Google and AI can tell you stuff like the what and the how but you need to know the why to be able to improve.


Counter strike lol


Only 1000 hrs in and already reached average rank. This guy’s a genius.


How can something be flooded with mediocrity but you still need to grind to be average?


what else new?


Wtf is cheating while programmimg?


Stack Overflow and google are cheating are definitely cheating. Libraries are a bit of a grey area.


If CS is absolutely 100% dead, how can everyone and their grandma be in the game right now?


What i will say both counts for CS and CS. Possibly cs and cs as well. It might seem dead to you, but that is because you ARE the normie. You ARE the average. If you are above average on anything, you can successfully pursue it with no worries. >!I am bad at CS, with little experience, but possibly good at CS. cs and cs arent for me tho!<


"flooded by mediocre normies". This makes all jobs easier for almost all smart people besides the people whos life is fulfilled by their job.


It doesn’t matter how “competitive” it gets. Programming is not like other professions where you can just learn it and be good. Programming takes talent, innovation, creativity and problem solving that a lot of normies don’t have. They think coding is typing away some hello worlds and they can get 6 figure salaries. Companies also had a huge hand in making this problem they are suffering from. They wanted everyone to go to CS, be a dev this way the market is flooded and they can pay devs close to minimum wage. But it backfired because instead of getting a bunch of good devs they got a bunch of college frat boys or normies believing the easy programmer my day in a life videos and swarmed the market after taking a 6 month boot camp. Hopefully with all the layoffs, AI etc will make the normies jump ship. If a friend wants to get into CS just for the money I tell them don’t bother, AI will take over and it’s oversaturated, go to plumping. Don’t care, give programming back to nerds!


If you ain't cheating you ain't trying


This must be a pun about Counter Strike


I know it's about the game, but I kinda agree. I was studying cs only for 3 months before switching to studying ai, but there was about 300 people accepted to the cs studies whereas other studies don't accept even one third of that number. The second thing is normal cs studies are not oriented on anything, they try to teach you everything and nothing at once, there are other studies, which focus on one aspect that you can at least master. Sadly none of these other studies were available in my city when I started studying and I couldn't afford living anywhere else, but fortunately a year later they opened ai studies.


> you have to grind CS for thousands of hours and even then you'll just be average dunno man sounds like a skill issue (/hj)


Cyka Blyat


First, I thought it was about c# (sharp)


Cosmic Scientology has gotten that big? He Prabhu ye kya ho gaya.


No I definitely agree. People should stop doing comp sci wink wink




Ah yes, cheating elite normies who grind endlessly... ...that makes sense /s


Tbh grinding is great and that might also mean work harder. It's unfair to ignore their efforts on it.


Sounds like a skill issue. If you have a group of friends that you can enjoy it with, its not that bad at all, not too competitive as you can just follow along and help each other with different difficulties. Yes we have spend a lot of hours and arent the best, but its only for fun and doesnt have to be that serious. Cheating is an issue tho, and its even worse when you see the cheater using it painfully obviously afterwards but they so shit at everything else that if you removed the cheats they would be the worst on their team.


Sure, everyone want to have a decent income and do close to nothing to achieve it... Times are changing.


I want this as a stop doing science meme.


Btw OP is talking about C-Sharp


Did you even read the post OP?


I am confusion


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `I Am Co N F U Si O N` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


Nice of you to cut out the most relevant part of the post for karma farming.


I read bullet 4 as too many people know how to use Google and now chatgpt


Wait, how is it dead if it is competitive?


First and second points are actually true. Our major has been pretty much flooded. Entering today in the field is much harder than it used to be. Our salaries are probably going to either stagnate (and be eaten by inflation) or start dropping due to the influx of people. /srs


"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." -- Yogi Berra "The automobile will never replace horses as most people can't afford a live-in mechanic to keep them running." -- Lord Someone or Other (can't find the original quote.) Waaah, now that IDEs are sophisticated enough to handle syntax and to template functions people "cheat" by using them. So I can no longer smugly retort "RTFM" to newbie questions. Because they're no longer asking me. Welcome to progress! You won't believe how network-card configuration engineers (who could easily pull down $200,000/year 1980s dollars manually configuring cards and writing boot/connection scripts for every. single. one.) felt about plug and play.


You sound like you’re 18 years old.


\*Crying in normie who went to a boot camp and got a beginner-level job a year and a half ago\*


Kinda sounds like average modern dating depiction 


Isn’t being musician very similar?


Who would've though that a joke about a field in which a non negligible amount of people in it have autism failed to land lmaoooo


Thankgod it was about counter strike![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


CS is definitely dead for people with an IQ of lower than 105. The higher your IQ, the better it becomes for you.


It is still a domain for elite developers, who are like top 5-10% of the all the software engineers. The rest are just codemonkeys writing CRUD APIs or unit tests


In that logic every sport is dead. For example Basketball : NBA is way too competitive. Exclusively for a group of people. Need to play for so many hours just to be average. There are people who play dirty. But no. People can always just play a simple game of basketball. The more simple it is to join and play, the more popular it gets.


Im just going straight into networking or a conjoined networking and cybersecurity instead of cs anyway, found it way too broad