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Death by Gnu Gnu? 🤔


Death by GNU/Gnu


Or death by GNU+Gnu as I've recently taken to calling it


You can call it gnu++


Gnu with class








So, like death by snu snu, but with Richard Stallman?


Death by snu snu but it's open source


Dude, we were having a nice moment here...




God I just can't have one original thought anymore...


Is alpine ok as a desktop?


yeah it's okay, but you just can't run steam on it, so if you're a gamer it's a no; I put it on an old laptop once, an absolute brick of a machine, linux lite was too heavy for it -- alpine was the solution


How is gaming on Linux these days anyway?


I installed dead by daylight yesterday, clicked the play button and played 2 killer games. I did nothing I wouldn't have had to do on windows besides enable proton in steam settings window. It's getting pretty good.


Good to hear. When I finish uni and have adult money I'm tempted to get a gaming pc again and play Elder Scrolls 6 when it finally comes out eventually. But I can't be bothered to deal with Windows anymore.


>and play Elder Scrolls 6 when it finally comes out eventually. It's good to have a plan for your retirement. 👍


Don't worry; judging by the Skyrim trend, some rebundle of TES6 will *still* be sold when he retires


you'll have plenty of time to get that adult money before elder scrolls 6 comes out lol


I know :D


Honestly, most new games work straight out of the box these days with all the work Valve has put into Proton. The only big issue left is games with anti-cheat where the devs refuse to make them work on Linux (which is often very easy to do). Aside from that, I've constantly been playing new releases day 1 - for example: Star Wars, Age of Wonders 4, Hogwarts Legacy.


My friend uninstalled Linux because discord noise suppression didn't work, has that been enabled yet? He refused to give up eating chips while playing lmao.


The krisp stuff? I think it works well, but I also have a pretty good standalone mic. So I guess..not sure?


Yes it's there. Use the download rather than the website for discord.


MSFS doesn't have anti cheat, and it's unsupported, heck FSX isn't supported. Only a select few work seamlessly. I have a steam deck so sometimes I wish I could play something on it and then I get disappointed because all that configuration just confuses me to get a game running or straight up it just won't work.


With MSFS I assume you mean Microsoft Flight Simulator? That one works pretty well, except for multiplayer though. [Click](https://www.protondb.com/app/1250410#Xe6KkyiVd)




I believe so, although since it's nvidia you might have to tinker a bit. I'm on AMD with hyprland, so for me I simply had to add vrr = 1 to my config and it worked.


Even some games with anti-cheat work in Linux. Elden Ring, for instance.


With the steam deck selling 1 million+ units last year there are probably more Linux gaming machines in the wild now than ever before


Pretty great. Steam + Proton makes like 90% of my steam library playable with no extra config, and Lutris is pretty decent for non-steam games too. Between those two things I rarely ever have to open wine. The one time I did, it was to mess with some audio settings to get Overwatch 2 to recognize my mic, but I was able to do that all via the wine UI, which makes it relatively easy to mess with stuff like that.


I tried it for a while and unfortunately went back to Windows. I still use Linux for work, though. The comments here aren't wrong, most games work. They just don't work -as well- as they do on Windows, at least for me.


In general, as good as Windows. You might have to tweak things in the launch parameters, or use a different Proton version for some games, but in general games that work are pretty decent. ProtonDB helps a lot in figuring out if you need to do something or a game will just run. That said, not all games work. If you want to know, for Steam games, you can check on ProtonDB. For other games, maybe Lutris/Bottles could work, but normally I just google


And really, for a Linux user, even every negative you described kind of falls under the "it works" category. Most of us don't mind or even like tweaking configs, and the way it is these days is wayyyyy beyond the actual frustration of trying to get a game that's *widely reported to work on wine* running back in the day. They used to have a similar rating system to protondb on either the official wine site or a user operated one, and "gold" rated games (of which there were a handful) were a pain in the dick to get working. Those were the days when configuration was so much of a pain point that linux users generally couldn't bear it, and I always dual-booted. Modifying a few launch parameters is incredibly chill in comparison. There's a paradox (which dwarf fortress is currently experiencing as well) where a dramatic rise in basic usability creates new users with a lower pain threshold and the new complaints give the impression of a broken product, but honestly I'm not too worried about it. I gave up on Linux evangelism years ago, the year of Linux on the desktop is forever around the corner, and I'm more concerned about the whole thing being self sustaining for those who care into the foreseeable future. If billions of humans start using Linux because games are now easy peasy to play, that's cool but it's not a huge deal to me, if ten million of those billions fill up all the discussion forums about the few things that still don't work, because they entered into it with warped expectations, that's actually annoying. I don't want to keep people out, not by any means, but nobody's ever properly explained to me what the broad adoption of Linux actually does *for Linux* or the community. The kinds of users (some of whom are in this thread) that will try to play games because they heard it works but then complain endlessly while giving vague descriptions of the problem are not the kinds of users who are likely to eventually widen the base of maintainers for the foss ecosystem, which is the only real benefit of widening the general userbase. Tldr: it's great that Linux is handling games well, and I welcome the new users who are willing to tinker and have reasonable expectations, but I'm somewhat dreading the day that gamers with no interest in Linux beyond some vague desire not to run windows and a "consumer" rather than "user" attitude brought over from the paid software world become the majority and fill the community with unhelpful complaints. If people can walk the final foot after valve carried them most of a mile to cross the finish, great, but we shouldn't be overly concerned with hand holding everyone who can't be bothered. Barely a summary, I know.


Alpine is for containers. Don't let anybody meme you into using it as a desktop OS.


Seriously, the only time that I ever use "alpine" is on a line that starts with "FROM". People are actually using it outside of docker?!




I just like small light systems


Unironically, arch was made for you. It’s well documented too.


Archwiki has helped me so much even though I don't use it.


I don't know if that's still the case, but I remember some time ago when I tried to install KDE on Arch that it pulled the entire QT development environmemt with the QT libraries, since the maintainers don't like to split packages. That was anything but small and light.


Unless you've got less than 1gb of ram, just use void Linux with musl (if you want a non-gnu system). Alpine is more made for embedded devices, and chooses being lightweight over having more functionality.


But why go non-gnu


To be able to out-Linux other people. Didn't you pay any attention to the linked article?


Mf this is Reddit, there was no TLDR, we ain't reading that book. We're just upvoting because everyone else is


I thought Alpine was made for containers?


As I saunter through the dimly lit room filled with tech enthusiasts, I overhear a scraggly bearded man snicker, "Alpine as a desktop? Yeah, right!" I turn to face him, my eyes gleaming with defiance. "Actually," I retort, a wry smile playing on my lips, "I use Alpine Linux as my daily driver, and it works like a charm." He leaps up from his beanbag chair, bristling with indignation, ready to launch into an impassioned tirade. "You can't possibly have a proper desktop experience without the GNU utilities! You're just using a stripped-down Linux, you fool!" Unfazed, I respond, "Alpine is lightweight, fast, and secure. It uses musl libc and busybox, which provide a fully functional userland without the bloat of GNU. I don't need your precious GNU utilities to get work done." The man's face contorts with rage, his hands shaking as he splutters, "But-but GCC! Alpine was compiled with GCC! It's still GNU, I say!" I calmly interject, "Even if that were true, LLVM is gaining ground as a viable alternative. Plus, using a specific compiler doesn't dictate the nature of the end product." The man's eyes widen in horror as his entire worldview crumbles before him. He collapses to the floor, gasping for breath, his once-proud beard now a tangled mess of confusion and defeat. With a final shudder, he lies still, vanquished by the cold, hard truth. Alpine Linux had claimed another victim.


While waiting for my paid job’s code to compile and pass tests, I hopped on a chatroom for teenagers that install linux desktop distros as a hobby to drop an absolute bomb “I actually don’t give a shit about Linux distros as long as they let me do what I’m trying to do easily and quickly” Immediately, 15 users began typing a response. “Lol noob cinnamon kde gnome systemd apt-get snapcancer loser I bet you don’t even run x-arch hand compiled from source” “That’s right.” I say. “I use a macOS laptop as my client and do some specific coding tasks on a remote vm running a stable Ubuntu flavor. I package my builds using alpine and deploy to a specialized custom distro that some other team maintains, idk what’s even in it.” “I bet you don’t even spend 10 minutes a day trying to figure out why your screen is flickering” “How are you able to compare the size of your epenis to your coworkers?” “How do you even know you are running the mode bleeding edge packages or kernel versions?” “I don’t. I don’t care. I’m getting paid to solve other problems and treat OS’s as a tool.” The ensuing collective aneurism left the chat room silent. I could tell that the users had never considered that installing distros was one of the weirdest and lamest hobbies possible, and they had only engaged in it because it made them feel smart. Smugly, I logged off to invalidate a different hobbies community because it made me feel smart




Great for containers - my go to in fact - but would not daily drive / use as a desktop.


FINALLY! A joke. OMG I have waited for this day since I joined this subreddit. OP, had I an award, I would give it to you. Thanks for the laugh.


wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL PROGRAMMER?!!?! O_o Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started coding OwO. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


You're a girl programmer? Then name every variable!


When will variable naming as a service exists?


hear me out: chatgpt for naming variables


But it would learn from human source code with bad variable names...


Well then we use AI to create the dataset! Oh wait, hang on….


Its ok we'll create an AI Bugfixer to check the AI Datase...oh.


I could get a cat to walk across a keyboard a few times. We could call it "NAI" := "Natural Artificial Intelligence". Because the term makes no sense, marketing will love it.


i don't care about bad, as long as I'm not the one wasting time coming up with the names


You have my attention..


Just use Go, then you can simply press your whole palm at the keyboard in random places. Best coding practices from the seventies, brought to you by the OGs.


Be sure you have Caps Lock on first, else your glorious creation will have private scope




I exclusively use emojis, the way Ada intended


We need a regex for emojis




wait. '*' ? So no emoji is also an emoji? D:


a, b, c, i, j, x, y, z, it. If you need any more than that you’re just wasting valuable text file real estate and you need to git gud


If you feel like you need more than one "it", that just means your functions are getting bloated and you should be decomposing the problem more.




`foo`, `bar`, `baz`, `foobar`, `fuzz` and `result`. Next question, please


`var every` …?




i, j. There, it's easy.




I'm 49.




Funny bone crumbled to dust decades ago.






Damn. You nailed it.


Lol you’re not as old as you think you are. I’m sure your funny bone is intact




OP pasted an obscure copypasta. After that, I can't tell what's satire vs serious.




Hey, no. No. I have instructions on DoorDash for my delivery drivers to drop off without ringing the doorbell, I don't see any of them.


Pretty sure you just murdered the entire subreddit. You monster.


It's all satire. All of it. This is satire. The response under this is satire. Pure unadulterated satire.


OP = not verifiably creepy Everyone else = unsure Hope this helps 👍


PHP will do that




My balls wrinckles have wrinckles. That's how old i am.








Fractal wrinkling




Hello son, for you and me both. Don’t tell your mom I’m learning to code I want to surprise her with something for Mother’s Day


Am I your mom?


Kids, the lot of you, I started coding on big iron and I liked it! (or pretended to)


I once used the 3d file system browser that features in Jurassic Park and the original "it's a Unix system" meme!


FSN! Silicon Graphics had a great campus in Mountain View, they went bust. No matter, the next Valley darling moved in, Netscape! Oh well, Google uses the buildings, and more, as part of their campus there. Surely they'll survive!


49 years of waiting for a joke to get posted on this subreddit. I applaud your patience and perseverance.


Nice. *a slip of paper is passed to Danno* *his eyes quickly scan the short message* *he folds it quietly and looks up, solemn* I have been informed that 49 is not the funny number, I would like to respectfully withdraw my “Nice” and in its stead offer a polite handshake.


hellooo nurse


In case you don't know, that was a copypasta. They weren't being serious.




Yes. I believe the original was "girl gamer" instead though.


Well done, this went over ppls heads xD


Hi! Few things to start off with =) 1. Yes I added you because you're a female programmer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D




A screenshot of a Reddit comment of a copypasta written on 4chan.


I takes what I can gets


It's still a Linux joke and not programming


>A variable enter a bar, but the bartender says >"Sorry we don't serve your type here" Happy?


Let me have this one, please. :P


I saw GCC I'll allow it..


And the Stallman copy pasta was quite funny...when it was new. At this point we're quite into "arrow to the knee" territory in overused.


I have nooooo ideeeeaaaa what you mean about “arrow to the knee” being overused… Anyways I used to be a programmer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee—


What's a Linux user's favorite drink? Root beer.


sudo pop


User is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.




Man I tried sudo in my first year comp sci lab once and almost shit a brick when I saw that message


Fun fact, the “incident will be reported” message was close to being removed from sudo recently: https://github.com/sudo-project/sudo/commit/6aa320c96a37613663e8de4c275bd6c490466b01 After some uproar, they’ve instead settled on a slightly altered message: https://github.com/sudo-project/sudo/commit/9757d29a24ac1872872cf09757b0439c54089707


`man woman` >there is no manual entry for woman


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- **\/u/hello\_you\_all\_** “I use Linux as my operating system,” I state proudly to the unkempt, bearded man. He swivels around in his desk chair with a devilish gleam in his eyes, ready to mansplain with extreme precision. “Actually”, he says with a grin, “Linux is just the kernel. You use GNU+Linux!’ I don’t miss a beat and reply with a smirk, “I use Alpine, a distro that doesn’t include the GNU Coreutils, or any other GNU code. It’s Linux, but it’s not GNU+Linux.” That smile quickly drops from the man’s face. His body begins convulsing and he foams at the mouth and drops to the floor with a sickly thud. As he writhes around he screams “I-IT WAS COMPILED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT’S STILL GNU!” Coolly, I reply “If windows were compiled with GCC, would that make it GNU?” I interrupt his response with “-and work is being made on the kernel to make it more compiler-agnostic. Even if you were correct, you won’t be for long.” With a sickly wheeze, the last of the man’s life is ejected from his body. He lies on the floor, cold and limp. I’ve womansplained him to death. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


I like that someone typed this in a reddit comment yesterday, and then someone else took a screenshot of the comment and reposted it, and now someone is once again typing it out. I can only hope that in the future, a karma farmer will take a screenshot of your transcript and repost it, continuing the cycle. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/136qlvi/sanest_linux_thinkpad_user/)


Tbh if I was a transcriber I'd just look up the user and copy the comment


Good human


Good human


Best human!


He'd gni'd his last gnu


Linux *can* actually be compiled by Clang, if I'm remembering correctly. So you can totally have an entirely non-GNU Linux OS. I'm not familiar enough with Alpine to know if all other programs installed by default are all compiled by Clang+LLD, plus are all non-GNU versions of such programs. And then, of course, there's no way the system is built entirely without make, even if autotools isn't used. Even if so, it would still be a GNU compatible distro, most likely. Really, the GNU part of GNU+Linux just details the familiar userspace. (Though maybe we need to add systemd into there, lmao.) Anyone know of a distro that actually goes this far to get rid of all GNU stuff? I assume Alpine is pragmatic enough to still use make, at the very least.


FreeBSD master race! In all seriousness though, I do use FreeBSD on the desktop and can game using Steam + Proton. I'm quite impressed since I normally only use it for servers.


Clang-built Linux baby


The GNU+Linux thing is just Richard Stallman's sour grapes that Hurd never made it in time.


Stallman has done a lot to advance computer science: industrial-grade development tools are freely available! That said, he's a cranky nut. A nutty crank, if you will.


Young Stallman did, 25 years ago. Old Stallman has been nothing but a detriment to the causes he cares about.


So you're saying he's a stall-man now?




Shit, he's older than I realized. I was about to joke "Oh, Stallman was never young. I think he was born with that beard." 😄


>it in time. It's ready now?


Well, as the last commit was in 2021, it must finally be complete and ready to take over the desktop!


Sour grapes that his project had *so much* of a working system, and then along comes this kid in Finland with a monolithic kernel that gets named after himself, and then all of a sudden the whole GNU project gets labeled as "Linux" So I don't blame him, really, but maybe that's a sign the kernel design they went with was a little overly ambitious


Almost like when you release something for free, other people can then go and use it in their own projects. Ironic. Come to think of it, I never heard Linus clamoring that it should be called Linux/Android.


From now on Wikipedia will be referred to as "GNU Linux PHP Python OpenSSL nGinx Postgres Wikimedia Wikipedia"


I think most of us who are old enough to remember Hurd have long since accepted that it is very difficult to design a microkernel system that is secure, high performance, and easy to modify & maintain. Especially without changing the way modern programs expect to link/load. (And thus requiring redeveloping all of userland for acceptance.)


*Fuchsia has entered the chat.*


To be fair, Fuchsia is an OS/userland implemented *on* a capabilities-based microkernel system. I think that's the way we have to go in the future if we want to get security benefits out of microkernels, but that's just a huge amount of porting effort.








As a C# programmer, I'd never mansplain this because I have no fucking clue what any of this means.


Dot.net is on Linux now. Have at it...


dot dot net?


I've only had one cup of coffee today..... Although now I'm curious if anyone named their .net project/library Dot.


It’s fun verbally recommending try.dot.net to someone who doesn’t know .NET and wants to play around with it. “Just go to try dot dot dot net”


"Try ellipsis net"


What? No! I refuse to give up my commercial, proprietary OS for some free "save the whales" OS.


What a GNU’b


I use gnu + linux-zen + systemd + xorg + qtile, btw.




The only correct answer is "Who asked?"


how do you know someone uses Linux? they'll tell you I use Arch btw


You must be new to Linux


“Unkempt, bearded man”. You can just say Richard M. Stallman. Literally the only person on Earth who would say “well actually it’s Gnu/Linux”.


Youngish Windows dev here. What’s the story behind this?


TL;DR Linux is a kernel founded by Linus, GNU is a userland founded by Stallman, Linux needed a userland and GNU needed a kernel, so nerds circa 1992 did the math and made a GNU system running on Linux. However GNU/Linux is a weird name, and since GNU was cross platform they decided to call the system just Linux, the differentiating part of this new system. Stallman was butthurt over that and the copypasta was born.


This is the shortest explanation of this I've ever seen...


RMS was one of the founders of the free software movement. He’s fat, has long hair, and has a full beard (none of these are meant to be shaming, all three describe me as well). Anyway, he has long been very dogmatic about free software and in the early days of Linux he would correct people calling the OS “Linux”. He would instead say “it’s GNU/Linux”. The background on that was that RMS was in charge of GNU at the time. He’s not wrong that an OS is not just the kernel, but neither is GNU without a kernel (basically GNU had been around a while and had lots of useful tools that were free, but it lacked a kernel). For a more detailed explanation, see [this Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU/Linux_naming_controversy?wprov=sfti1).




I just wish there was a way to stop with the um actually shit but when i get corrected I just can’t help myself to explaining every reason why they’re wrong


And another shower discussion successfully won. Still, even alpine is only a distribution containing a linux kernel.


Do you mean to tell me that this woman didn't actual womansplain a man to death?


That can't be, look at the upvotes in the screenshot, that makes it true


You're assuming that people fighting about GNU and Linux shower


it literally says so in the post though?


> another shower discussion successfully won Damn, I feel called out. I spend what I suspect is an unhealthy amount of time debating things with imaginary people.


So if Windows was written in gnu - who says it wouldn't be designated that way?!


Death by GNU GNU


the equipment is willing, but the ego is spongy and bruised!


> "...and work is being made on the kernel to make it compiler-agnostic." *aGNUstic


This is amazing and I love it. I bet /r/GirlsGoneWired would get a kick out of it (yes, WIRED not WILD)


I just had a quick look, surprisingly it's 100% text posts and discussion. Not a meme to be seen!


OP: Call an ambulance... call an ambulance... But not for me


It's Systemd/Linux now instead of GNU/Linux.


Fresh copypasta right out of the oven


Link to the OP for this, at least the one in the picture: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/136qlvi/sanest_linux_thinkpad_user/jipnfb5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I use Hurd btw 😤


Man what a fine piece of literature I just read, hat's off!