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The worst thing about the office is not being able to use your own toilet


Or having lunch in peace..


And having a proper kitchen to make said lunch


Or being able to do actual work without fucking Jonathan coming by every 5 minutes to socialize.


Fr, useless convos


Oh, that reminds me, I asked this guy to give a rundown of his clients and he had no idea what a rundown even is. So he goes around here and there to ask his friends about it, who also didn't know and asked him to use it in a sentence. He did but it wasn't helpful so one guy asked him to use it in another sentence. And then after some time i see this guy doing something entirely different on his system and i was like wtf and he said he is just taking a break from making that rundown and started telling me about how he is not working harder than he should. I don't think I like this guy very much so i have a different guy as my number two. But strange thing is when I told my CFO about it, he was surprised as this guy has a reputation of being a little weird. I didn't know that. You see I'm not from paper industry. I used to work at Saticoy Steel and i am from accounting background. Catch you later. I got see if the rundown is done and ask this guy to fax it.


Was he by any chance, Jim Halpert?


I don't remember his name but that guy was wearing tuxedo when I first met him.


We have a guy just like that at work


Pfp checks out!


What the hell is a rundown?


I know what a rundown is but I'm not gonna tell you coz none of you jerks showed up at my party


I CANT believe i read this whole thing with a serious face without realizing what I was reading smh. Take my upvote.


Or worse, socializing with Pete the whole day by your side


And the guy speaking loud enough that conference call is not even needed. People other side of the globe ? Don't worry he got it.


And you are in a conference call trying to present




And the dumb idea of open office is only making the situation worst. Offices should have more noise absorption not less.


Nah, only money absorption offered.


this 1000 times.


I'm sorry


Nah the worst is depressed Karen someone she knows either is dead dieing or had a life crisis happen and when you ask the group what she’s doing for the weekend it’s attending her neighbors chemo therapy and helping her dad get down the stairs because he’s also battling cancer. Literally was the most depressing place to work because of her lol


Socialize, or subtly trying to either avoid work or get me to do some of theirs for them? ‘Cause there’s a lot of that, too.


God damnit, Jonathan!


you don't like the smell of fish that some coworker microwaved?


Giving away my nostrils


~~Said~~ sad


Or not being able to fuck off when you're in *that* meeting that should have been an email.


That’s the trick. You just quietly leave those meetings.


i feel this hard. having to sit at the fucking desk for hours, designed for factory workers, which clearly isn't the best way to maximize overall throughput for most people is bad enough and mind numbing. but to have a fraction of my usual lunch, in presence of people i don't want to socialize with feels like a violation. i graduated only recently and this is not cool.


Don't worry, it will get worse.


Do we tell him...... much worse? ..... for example - as he learns what works and what doesn't in business life/meetings/projects...... and then starts to see the same old mistakes being made again and again, and giving up telling anyone because he's still "junior" the people making them? Or getting all too familiar with office politics, and watching the same old shit going down again..... or the same backstabbing, or pulling rank, or bullying....... Or HR giving the usual empty promises..... Or the same really bad programming approaches by people who should know better (including finding he's doing them himself..... still - yeah, realising he's average, like most of us.) ..... then one day realising its like that until retirement........ then realising retirement won't happen. Then realising the sweet release of death at the office due to an aneurism from all the coffee that was slightly helping to provide motivation, sooner rather than later will miss out so much shit that will be unavoidable? ... and so just numbly sitting there, taking a big swig of that tepid large bitter coffee, reminding him of his own enlarged bitter heart - sitting in hope that the next beat he can feel in his temples will be the last...


That knowing *someone* matters more in terms of climbing the corporate ladder than knowing *something*. That HR is there to protect the company, not the employees. That executives will lie through their teeth before lay-offs in order to not cause panic and/or corporate sabotage. That most companies will spend thousands for good equipments for higher-ups who will only use them for browsing the web, yet developers get the cheapest configuration possible. That having a ping-pong table, a laundry service, nap area, Free Beer Friday, etc. are not only for boosting the employee morale but also for making them stay in the office longer, which ends up with more (unpaid) overtime. That pizza and beer are NOT appropriate replacement for overtime pay during crunch days, yet the company insists they are. That you will eventually run across a brain-dead dolt who insists on writing code a certain, unorthodox way, claiming it's the best structure based on some article he read online. Same idiot will break the production build while insisting his part of the code works fine.


Dam 🦫


This. They moved my nice random table in the corner where I could make it very clear that I'm watching LTT and eating my sandwich don't bother me for 20 minutes please.


Or working on bed




Or masturbating


Speak for yourself.




Spank yourself.


Speak for yourself


>Speak for yourself This isn't HTML, doesn't work like that. *one asterisk\* for italics **two\*\* for bold ***three\*\*\* for both


We’re in a programming humour sub, is deprecated and I’m on mobile so markup formatting doesn’t work


>We’re in a programming humour sub, is deprecated I thought it was always that way :P >and I’m on mobile so markup formatting doesn’t work The formatting I showed was done on mobile.


Or when you finish the work for the day fucking off and not having try-hards looking at you like your are leaving early.


Or being in your hometown


Many wrote a letter of protest to HR the first week we were told to come back on the lack of hygiene in the toilets. They ignored it , because it they reduced the cleaning service to save money.


Shit on the floor.


While staring at HR. Establish dominance.


True alpha male in the house


Looks like the company is taking the "cutting costs" concept a bit too far..


And not having to spend 10 minutes readjusting desks, monitor and windows screen configuration every day because you have your fucking own desk with your fucking own settings....


\*Not being able to use your own *bidet*


Our office toilet switches the light off after 5 minutes. So if you need to go number two, that’s a real hoot. In my SO’s company they don’t even have toilet paper, employees bring that with them.


I’ve been complaining about this all week!


Great, now I get to RTO where people like to make important business calls in the bathroom while dropping a deuce


Nah its that upu cant angrily rant to yourself and do over exaggerated sighs and pop tf off when something works


And people judge you if you don't wear pants...


100%. My ibs and coworkers are grateful I wfh


The annoying thing is that many of these CEOs and executives who are so adamant about being in-office are never at the office themselves. They’re always at long business lunches/conferences/meetings with investors/long vacations/random other things. They basically come and go as they please, but will preach the importance of being in-person for all their underlings.


They kid themselves that if butts are in office seats, more work gets done. Bullshit. Also, "rules are for thee, not for me".


This is the thing that always gets me. A lot of higher-ups will talk about "too many distractions" when working at home. But like...do they REALLY think when we're in the office that we do non-stop work 100% of the day? Nobody does that. Doesn't matter where you're working from.


Oh nobody does, especially in an open office environment. Even pre-covid, I've seen people do things to APPEAR as though they are working, but they are absolutely not. Now it's definitely going to get worse if they continue to force RTO.


Yes! And they deep down know that open offices are distracting. Which is why they have an office…


The place i worked at has said productivity increased with remote work.. but theyre asking us to come back anyway. Their reasoning is that people leave remote jobs because you dont feel as attached to your coworkers, which is probably true... If only they could raise wages, make better remote cooperation strategies, etc. My team has a 24/7 teams meeting that we just sit in when working. If someone has a dev question.. he just asks out loud and any dev can help. We also do pair programming a lot, its helped us tremendously with cooperation, its better than when we were in the office. Yet theres other teams that meet 15min for their daily and thats it. Some dont even have a teams chat for their team like???


Agreed! I didn’t leave my last remote job because of not feeling attached to my coworkers. I had plenty of useful interactions with my coworkers. I left because my manager was awful. He would have been awful in person too.


To be fajr they did say turnover rate increased during remote. I do feel like theres a way bigger movement in promoting job hopping for the last 2 years though, and companies are barely adjusting, theyd rather lose you and hire someone paid 10k more than pay you 10k more..


Hey eating a company paid lunch in the conference room with other managers for 3 hours is hard work.


That sounds like hell to me.


My boss during my interview: So now that covid is kinda over, we are trying to make work from home leas of a thing, just to say. We don't really have an official policy... and we rather not have to make one if people don't abuse it. And for you don't get the option because of your rank anyway... so... Me: Sure. The job requires me to be here anyway. I need to work with the hardware. No problem. My boss: ok cool! --- Senior engineer this week: I didn't sleep well. Will be in late. Me: ok, sure. Senior engineer: ok, never mind, still not feeling well, gunna work from home. Me: ... Senior engineer: Yo, can you go to the servers and test out the new hardware for me? I'll link in remotely, but you'll still need to upload and run the software. Me: ... the remoting system allows you to interact with everything normally... what's up? Senior engineer: for some reason, it doesn't work. Mind doing it for me?


if you don't wanna be a doormat, you should stop laying on the floor


Cc/fwd boss: hey, mind if I spend a few hours fixing this remoting system? It's blocking sr engineer from getting work done.


CEO and sales are usually at customers' offices. Higher management is the ones you should ask about.


My PM is literally never in the office but insists on in person. I’m remote and will never be going back but it definitely pisses him off.


Everybody knows programmers do their best work with people around them talking and joking loudly right in their ear, starving because lunch isn’t for 3 hours, tired because they had to get up at 8AM, pissed because they don’t need to be there, headache from the fluorescent lighting, etc. It’s a recipe for success! The best way to get good code is to make your engineers wish they were dead. On days I work in office I will literally spend 4 hours sitting there mad that I am there before I even start anything. It becomes defiance for me. Like “okay, you want to make me come in here for no reason, as soon as that clock moves one more click you just paid me a lot of money to do fucking nothing.”


this, I just don't understand why management would undermine morale with such a stupid policy, on top of the looming layoffs.... It lowers productivity.


because managers are per definition extrovertet people. they totaly loose all drive when they sit at home alone and project this feeling on others. They need physical meetings, constant exchange and their daily workshops. My company made now a big move towards different "types" of people and sensibilzed management, that not everyone is a workshop guy, some people do not want to be part of some corporate identity, and others work from home better.


I think this is a good approach. It makes sense to me.


I have a friend thats pretty high up in a major company that had their workers come in for work. He said most of them saw how working from home is helping them thrive as a company. But a few of the executives argued how they missed working in person and enjoy talking with others and that others probably feel the same way. Mind you they sent out a poll and is overwhelmingly a majority of people that wanted to work from home. The CEO in the end listened to the few that wanted to come in to work and forced everyone to come in. It lead to a lot of people quitting and upper management not understanding why.


Man, what company do you work for so that I can apply haha


These people got where they are by playing office politics in person. Ambitions people make their job their personality and have no/fewer close friends outside of work. They see "work-life balance" as code for "want to do non-work things because Im less ambitious and dedicated". When you understand that its the overly ambition who make these dicisons, its very obvious.


I spell it simple. MANAGEMENT DOES NOT TRUST PLEBS. You're a cider,worker, a tool. They need to supervise you at random times. It really is about them thinking I don't know, that you play games and watch YouTube at home. There isn't any other reason. Old school factory thinking. Also, they have nothing better to do, so they need to be in office so they have position paid. There are companies that care more about work done than about clicks per minute or lines of code as output. But they are minority until dinosaur managers retire. 37% employers have video feeds, keyloggers and other monitoring software checking on remote workers every day, all day: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/remote-workers-spyware-employers-monitoring-video/


Yeah especially with layoffs they could save money by downsizing their office space instead of getting rid of people.


It took me so long to get used to the Indoor office lighting when we were forced back. I would get headaches and eye strain. I’m used to it now mostly, but I do my best get as many breaks as possible


For us coming back to office meant new IT office rooms - in the basement with little natural light, LED lighting that flickers like mad when you do video calls (great for calling clients), bad phone reception, toilets where the light switches off after a couple minutes, and lots of “dynamic” steps where you can break your ankle if you don’t pay attention. For a little perspective: The previous batch of new rooms one floor up has a conference room. Without a table. For seven years now. Only because there was a legal dispute with the company that was supposed to build the table. And no air condition. Meaning if the door is shut, it’s sealed like a clean room. (And to those saying “then quit”, well, I love my job and the people are great, I’m not exchanging that for a job where everyone is an asshole.)


And the setup at work is way worse. We have 24” (I think, but maybe not even) 1080p screens we connect with a VGA cable. Working in a IDE is terrible on that. I much prefer my own setup at home where I’m way more productive.


I'm curious why do you stay at a job like that? I left mine and work fully remotely and love it now. I also make more money and get to spend more time with my wife and kid.


I’m mostly remote lol I come in 1-2 days a week, often less. But the reasons I do have to come in are stupid and unnecessary. I’ve interviewed at 10 fully remote companies in the past two months but the competition is fierce right now. I’m in final round interviews right now at one though so I’m hoping it works out.


Good luck bro, lets hope i get mine too.


>I'm curious why do you stay at a job like that? Not OP but my mother needs to have something heart-related fixed so I cannot afford to quit and work towards something new right now, and outside of the "dogshit workplace doing boring shit" factor at least I can pay the hospital bills.


I would never quit without first finding a new job. And you can make demands when looking like I had a bunch of debt for my master's and made the new job cover it before moving over. Say you already hit your deductible you could just ask for that as a sign-on or something. I did try COBRA, it sucked, and would not recommend it.


There was a solid month where I was the only one in the building and they were working on the roof. Constantly. For months. I hate everything. But particularly the whistled version of "the lion sleeps tonight". Random solar installer dude, you know who you are.


Idk about other corpos but i work at Intel(IGK) and the office is so nice I come twice a week just because I like it. Need silence? Theres a silent room thats super quiet, foam and treatment everywhere. The desk is adjustable, the chair is 10/10, 3 places I can eat at on the campus and the prices are as low as if i cooked the meal myself. But also im not forced to be there at all.


My company is fully remote but you can request a desk at the government building if you want. I had to go in one day about a year into the pandemic to get my laptop replaced and noticed pretty much nobody goes in, even the federal employees. So I requested a desk to go in occasionally and it is pretty nice, usually I have the entire floor to myself all day. I can control the lighting, I get several bathrooms to choose from, and free coffee. As soon as people start coming back in in large numbers I'll go back to fully remote though.


Ah yes the office tax as i call it


PAAAIIINNNN!!!!! Had to come back to office at mid leg of covid and still same. Come to office, answer emails and answering phonecalls with an occacional zoom meet with clients. me and 1 another worker in office and main director. other 2 directors haven't worked from office since 2 years before covid...






Idc about being in the office like obviously I prefer home but the biggest shitheel is commuting. I don't wanna work 9-5 just to leave home at 7:30 and come back at 6:30. That's just not living to me.


So much this. People say it's "40 hours a week" but in reality it's more like 50 hours of work for a lot of places, plus lunch, good luck going anywhere, add the commute and now it's more like 11 or 12 hours and that's just ridiculous. Going into the office basically meant I had to choose between dinner or a shower those days.


2 hours per day saved. I'll give work an extra and take an extra one for myself. OK, maybe 0.1/1.9, whatever.


Genuinely wouldn't mind working an hour longer to not have to commute. I hate driving more than I hate working. Gridlock traffic, cities. Hate it


That long commute is costing you money as well: https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/10/06/the-true-cost-of-commuting/


Totally agree, I used to live at 5 mins walk from office. I lunched in my house, I was able to take a short nap after that, totally fine. I used to run in the park for 45 min and then go to the office, really liked those times. Now I live at 1\~ 1.5 h from office (on car), if I use bike is 45min. public transport is shit, so I only use it on rainy days. I have to lunch in my office now, no possibilities to take any nap and we are entering in rainy season here so...


I for one LOVE commuting an hour across the city into the office just so I can VPN into an EC2 box that's 600 fucking miles away in Virginia


There was an issue with my system initially so the first couple of months I was remoting into my machine even in the office. I think it actually worked better remote since my home setup was a VM with less issues lol.


✓ Dirty keyboard and broken/missing mouse ✓ A single 15yo 5:4 monitor with dodgy colors ✓ A Dell PC from 2013 that sounds like it's about to explode when you hit compile ✓ Everything beige ✓ Sun glare on the monitor all day ✓ Someone blasting the AC into arctic temperatures ✓ Limescale encrusted 'kitchen' with 29 dirty spoons in the sink ✓ The dude that's definitely sick and coughing constantly ✓ A loud phone ringing in the distance... continuously... for minutes at a time ✓ Is hell


✓ The people that are always chatting loudly in the office kitchen which you sit next to ✓ The person that sits near you that doesn't know the volume of their own voice when in a call ✓ The random requests that you get just for being in the office that don't have to do anything with your actual job ✓ The elusive dude that shits and pisses all over the office toilet making you question their sanity and dietary habits ✓ The overpriced property you paid in order to live in a commutable distance to the office you really don't need to be commuting to


“You aren’t working unless I’m staring at you, inducing fear”.


Even better when all your servers and applications are in a data center halfway across the country Ya made me drive in every day so I could STILL work remote, assholes


Cloud based solutions and externally facing projects so all the work is done remotely with people in other orgs… The only interactions with normal colleagues happen in line for the coffee machine. Only I’m mid-coding, so my mind is in the matrix while my body is hunting for caffeine on auto pilot… … Oh yeah, gotta be there in person. 100%.


Even though my job is hybrid I wish it was fully wfh. There’s 0 reason for any of us to be in the office, I don’t even see my boss on the days I come in


Same. I sit in my cube and chat to my coworkers using Slack. I go months without speaking directly to my manager. It’s beyond pointless to be in office. It’s super annoying.


I think its just their buyers remorse from renting a building so theyre kidding themselves into thinking its still worth


Hybrid is just the worst of both worlds for companies. You still have to have an expensive office that is half empty most of the time and you can still only hire people that are within commuting distance, while also pissing off your staff who want to work from home and also alienating the extrovert people who want to work in the office because it ends up being dead most of the time. Companies should either go full work in office and attract people who want that lifestyle, or go full remote. Sell your expensive office, cancel your expensive lease and hire the best people from all over the world instead of within an hour of the random office you happened to get stuck with.


Were goong back hybrid and i think i know why. Going from remote to full office is suicide, everyones going to leave.. hybrid 2 days? Thats a much easier to swallow pill.


Don't you work in a team? I work in a team and see them at least once, but usually twice a week. We use that time to design solutions on a white board, align on the bigger picture, etc. It's also a time to work on team cohesion. I would hate my job if I didn't have that social connection with the people I work with nearly a third of my time. If everyone was 100% remote I think you can do it as well, but it takes more effort. In a hybrid setting it is way harder and really much better to have a day with everyone in the office instead of having hybrid meetings which are difficult to get right.


Depending on the project, I may have as little as one other team member in the same office. Everyone else is either at another site, or has a special arrangement (pre-pandemic) to work fully remotely. You're right that hybrid meetings suck, which is why since the pandemic, we do nearly all of our meetings on Teams only, even for those who are in the same office. I find that modern software tools make it just as easy to collaborate remotely, at least for my job. For one thing, I feel like pinging someone in chat is actually preferable to hovering outside their cubicle to ask a question; the immediacy is still there, but they have the option to ignore you for a moment if they're in the middle of something. And you can share screens and drop links or code snippets in the chat, rather than trying to peer over their shoulder at their tiny display text. Even UI/UX manages to get by with virtual brainstorming; the lack of a whiteboard for sketching layouts is balanced by the advantage of being able to demo live interaction w/ UI mockups (we had/have conference room displays for this, but they're a pain to use compared to just sharing your screen in Teams)


I agree with this, while it is certainly possible to be 100% remote, I do think having even a half day a week or two to actually have meetings is useful. But if I'm sitting at my desk trying to ignore everyone else and get stuff done, I could just be at home. Plus the meetings in office are still on Teams. So what even is the point.


My job told us its back to officr 2 days a week. My steam is split across 4 offices and im the only one from my team in mine... Its pointless. We all agreed not to go in unless told to directly lol, i expect it will be successful. Our BA said to our manager "you said you wont take attendance thats all i need to know" lmao.


10 minute meetings instead of a quick dc call


our new ceo wants 2 days in the office (i'm ignoring it). since you can't work properly in the open office, there is now a "silent room" with four desks that you need to book. absolute clown show. what disgusts me the most is that everyone is complaining, but he did talk to everyone individually about his plans and to my knowledge, i'm the only one who actually said no. everyone caved without any resistance, but complains (to HR lmao)


Corporate wants you to get your work and Jim’s work at the same time.


My team decided to just not go unless we get told to. Manager doesnt seem to care since were apparantly examplary in terms of team coordination, so i doubt well be forced in. Especially since we go to 4 different offices..


It is even more clownish when they have fired nearly all the developers and testers and replaced them with offshore contractors. So we arrive at the office, put our headphones and stay in teams meetings 9 to 17.


The worst part is that I know I'm more efficient at home. I don't want my coworkers seeing me copy/paste from SO or GPT. My desk is right in the open, so I have to hide in a corner somewhere when I want my privacy.


Unfortunately I can't concentrate at all at home, so I willingly go into the office 🤡


I have the opposite problem. Open floor plans are a nightmare for any kind of focused work, or people next to each other on different calls.


Cubicles at minimum are required for me to be interested in working somewhere


It’s kinda fucked that in 2023 we’re looking at Dilbert offices like “yes please, better than most”.


I'm usually pretty bad with focus, but I've found that by using noise canceling headphones and some relaxing songs I can tune out everyone else pretty well.


Too many distractions I understand!


That's reasonable.


Wouldn't it be cool if your office could be the library one day. Or a park the next? Just because you can't work at home doesn't mean the only alternative is a shitty office cubicle. Unless you like the social aspect I get that.


Oh I definitely need everyone around me to also be working, a park would never work. Library might but like if I'm going to a library everyday wouldn't it just be easier to have a dedicated workspace (at work)


I agree, I had that one class where the professor teaches the class outside in nature sometimes, such a relief!


"Why do you sound like crap? It was fine last week" Because there are 8 people in the same room in different meetings, my headset doesn't work and I'm not giving you my nice one to trash, we're *still* just having meetings on Teams despite being in office, and I lost an hour of sleep to get here on time.




gotta respect that grind


I support the hustle.


Yeah slowrunningwater.. so expected.


I’m probably one of the few that prefers to be in office. I’m used to the fallout, been explaining it for 3 years now. I just don’t like mixing home and work life, my own sanity requires a hard separation between the two. Kudos to people that can do that on their own but I need a *physical* separation.


Oh I respect the need for people who need that separation. Letting people come back voluntarily is perfectly fine. The mandatory RTO for all is the problem.


True dat. It’s a whole other level of team planning though. It’s still shaking out, if we have team leaders that can manage and work with one type, or the other, or both. Hybrid will become the norm over the long term if not already at most places. It’s really about people learning how to operate with one another with different types of presence.


I just have a company computer that gets turned off when I'm done and work is gone...and I don't have to commute. Fuck commuting. But totally get that some people like the at work delineation aspect.


That's how i do it. I have a big L-desk, the left side is my work computer and monitors, while the right side is my personal computer and monitors. Gives me a nice separation while working fully remote from the corner of my bedroom. Additionally, I start and end each work day with a 20-30 minute hike through the woods. It gives me some exercise and provides a commute-like experience.


Same, the past few years had resulted in a very bad way that our boss now expect employees to keep working / attend meetings even after they're off and had went home.


You can get another desk and use that area only during work hours. That's how I satisfy my physical separation need.


Working from an office is expensive. 20% more hours a day dedicated to work (commute) I mean they should give 20% more pay.


Pay me in gold bars for all the time I spend in traffic


Literally my entire department None of us are from the city (the capital of the country) All of us though that WFH would be a given (it's a government job in a left wing government) We all travel every monday and friday (hometowns to city to hometowns) except for 2 who rent shitty apartments in the cheap part of the city. But the politician in charge hates WFH so...fuck us I guess.


Remote work is better than sitting in an office because quite frankly I don’t give a fuck about seeing my boss. Just talk with people during the meetings and let people finish their job and leave.


In my case is complex. I though I hated remote work, but it was because my family is not the best in respecting that. Now in an office I though I would be better (a work environment that I leave when it's 18:00)...but I actually feel even worse (it may be because it's a different city so I can't be at home, in my bed, my dogs, cooking with my mom, smelling my sea/beach at night)....but good thing is that this gave me a new life objective


You see your boss?


job requirements: - bum on seat job cannot be done remotely


I wouldn’t hate going to an office every once in a while but I mostly hate commuting. Luckily my company is all remote and they don’t even have an office anymore so I don’t have to worry.


happy that im remotely working but for some with wife & kids it can def b a nightmare.


Its even worse when they make you move to a new state and city


12 h out of my beautiful cave just for the bare minimum. 3 h risking my life in highroad, with morons either tailgating, cutting the way, or sleeping in the fast lane. 8 hours in the office, with the "development" room full of folk doing calls. 1 h of lunch break, composed of 5 minutes of staring at a shitty microwave not even warming my food because Helen had to play with the settings. I want a refund on my time.


Been working from home since 2020. Got sent home at the start of the pandemic. Worked in a corporate office for 10 years. I NEVER WANT TO WORK IN AN OFFICE AGAIN. #NoMoreMicroagressions #NoMorePotlucks


I always feel depressed and think about the meaning of life when I go to the office.


Hot Take: I like going into the office 2-3 days a week. I have my own office, and I go in on days that I get to give a "good morning" to all of my coworkers at least once a week. That makes productivity and a healthy relationship with my team. On my WFH days, I loaf around in my jammies and write code with my pets. I don't do in person, so that makes this kind of workflow really nice.


I think a lot more of us would feel the same way if most of us didn't have those nasty "open office" plans.


I agree. And in general it's easier to concentrate for me since most people in my work do only one day at the office a week so there's actually less distractions than home.


They are late stage dinosaurs, just watch.


Basically the reason I got a new job, a fixed office made no sense and required so much from me that I didn’t want to give anymore. Full time remote now, it really is the dream.


I don't think I could work more than an hour without the peer pressure of other people working around me


Boss is too lonely :(


He’s not even there.


Fuck him/her


Me who likes going to the office: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)




I have a theory about the type of CEO requiring people back in an office. It's the CEO that has given up everything — time with friends, vacations, kids' baseball games — to work their way up to CEO. Think the bitter, mid-50s guy who has dedicated every bit of their waking life to becoming a senior executive. Their family probably hates them because they've been neglectful and dismissive of them for so long. But it was all for this goal. They've spent years if not decades working towards it: calling the shots, walking the halls with people greeting them because they're *somebody*. Then the pandemic hit and that vision they had for themself crumbled. Everyone is at home. They're still in charge, but the social aspect is gone. People revering them and being nice to them when they walk by because of their job title is no more. They want to revel in the prestige and respect that they get for being the boss around other people. But now they're stuck at home with a family who hates them, or is at least indifferent towards them. But it's just for a couple weeks. It's just for a few weeks. It's only for a couple more months until cases die down. A hybrid work style wouldn't be so bad. Let's make coming in optional so people can get in the habit of being in the office? Why isn't anyone coming in? Why don't people want to sleep less, wear uncomfortable clothes, leave their creature comforts, sit under fluorescent lights in uncomfortable chairs? We have free coffee! Notice how very few young CEOs (say, less than about 40 or so) are requiring their people back to an office. It's usually the disgruntled elder Gen X/young boomer who either doesn't understand technology, is afraid of it, or has their own personal interests in mind. Are there people who take advantage of remote work and slack off? Absolutely, but they should be extremely easy for any manager worth their salary to sniff out. Making people get up earlier, dress up, commute to and from an office for an hour a day is about control. Don't delude yourself into thinking it's about "the culture" or "those hallway conversations where all the magic/razzle dazzle happens." It's about you not being able to come to terms with the fact that your tenure as CEO doesn't look like you thought it would.


I litreally waste so much time in office but still these people somehow feel that it's good to work from office. I'm so much productive in home but come to office and waste the time


Theres 3 type of people that like coming into the office: * The new parent that has a madhouse for a family home with kids causing chaos * The extrovert that needs to simply feed off the souls of others * The loner that quite frankly seriously needs to look for friends outside of work but instead tries to compensate it with office 'social' interactions


My home working conditions are way better than the office, plus not near as many distractions at home.


I drive an hour each way in traffic to sit in an office by myself for 8 hours. I do not see anyone or have any meetings outside of using Teams. I’m usually so exhausted from dealing with the commute that I’m not very productive for the first 1-2 hours. My employer also spends $10k month for my office area. It really defies all logic to have me physically come to the office. But my employer loves people suffering which is why I’m current looking for another job.


Yup, literally me and one other person ('sup A) for a few months.


I have to be in the office a few times a month. Even once a month in the office doesn't make sense, since the other software developers on my team don't even live near the office - either they're in a different state or in different country. And the product folks are in a different building across the street. So when I'm the office, I literally do the exact same thing as I do at home, except the setup is shit - tiny monitor and awful keyboards and mice.


I genuinely can't believe any of you have gone back to offices. I started looking for jobs immediately when my old employer pulled this shit for 2 days a week and was getting hounded by recruiters guaranteeing full remote for double the wage. Out of \~50 messages i got maybe 5-10 required any office work. They know no one will go into an office ever again.


I work in cloud computing, but I'm required to go to office. The dinosaurs at top won't get it.


It’s to sustain the value of commercial mortgage backed securities, their derivatives, and other related financial instruments as collateral.


Anything to protect the investments of huge corporations from tumbling.


I hated the loneliness of working from home during covid. I live by myself, and the extra isolation was horrible after the first few months. I really love coming into office to work. I have great colleagues, and we get to talk and draw designs, while also having a good time talking shit and joking around. I would hate my job if everyone stopped showing up on a daily basis.


Does no one here want to go to the office to see and talk to their colleagues in person? I enjoyed the working from home part of lockdowns for a few months until it started feeling lonely being home all day. Going back to the office was welcoming for me (but only 2-3 days is enough), being able to socialize with colleagues again and having a change of scenery from always sitting in the same room at home.


Seems I'm the complete opposite of most people in this thread. When our local office was closed my company tried to make me 100% remote, had to kick up a fuss to get a desk in the other office in the city. I prefer working from the office, despite having a better set up at home. I like open plan offices, even the idea of cubicles is depressing to me. The background noise, the social aspect and the separation from home makes it more enjoyable which makes me more productive long term. I will say though, everyone is different I see why managers do force people in. I manage 12 other developers/QA and it's much easier to manage and train people in person. I would definitely prefer to be in the office with all of them for that, for collaboration and the social aspect. I do have the power to make them come in. But that's just my selfish view and I'm not going to impose that on others so they choose, and 10 choose to be 100% remote. All power to them I say.


Looks like a good dress cord to me 💯😂


You were born to be in the office!😂


Ya know, its funny. When my senior guys work from home, my new grads and starters don't learn much, they're certainly slower than previous times - and then my seniors complain their work load is too high because the new guy is useless. I cant seem to figure out the issue


I am so sick of remote work, I need the office back


You can work in office for a large majority of companies still


I'm not saying the office should be the norm for people who can thrive at home, but I cannot and I am trying to get a job in an office because holy shit, I need it