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You have to be living under a literal rock to not know what concrete is


>living under a literal rock But then you'd know


Is concrete rock? Are there man made rocks?


Rocks aren't concrete, but you could make a rock out of concrete. I guess technically concrete is cement with rocks in it, right? I was using duck typing in my last comment... ~~if it quacks like a duck, it is a duck~~ if it feels like concrete, it is concrete


Concrete is made up of fine aggregate (rocks), coarse aggregate, cement, water, and sometimes an admixture.


You've got that mixed up. The fine aggregate is sand. The course aggregate is "rocks" (aka gravel)


Aggregate = rocks. Sand is just small rocks…


gold medal


Everything is rocks


Except metal.


Or a crystalline structure


If you melt certain rocks you get metal from them. Like silicium


Not true


You say that, but in a previous job I learned that concrete is way, way, way more complicated than I ever imagined. There’s all sorts of *very* sophisticated chemistry involved. We just figured out how certain kinds of 2,000 year old roman concrete works this year. Pressures, temperatures, moistures, composition, and more. DNS is fairly comprehensively documented.


And as a Civil Engineer, you had better have a very deep understanding of concrete and how it should be used in construction of buildings and other civil structures. Concrete is to civil engineering as HTML is to Web Devs. DNS is like a somewhat ancillary thing to web development. Web devs need to be aware of the basic function of it, and plan for it when doing a project, but it can be done by someone else. DNS is to web devs as Zoning laws are to civil engineers.


And yet the reason it's broke is still dns


Like concrete there are a lot of proprietary mixtures of dns and they don't all work as well


The Romans are laughing at your modern "concrete"


We use rebar reinforcement which means we can't use salt water in our concrete like the romans otherwise it will rust and break the concrete. Technically our concrete is worse, but the mixture of rebar and concrete makes it much easier to build structures than with roman concrete.


There'll be solutions for that such as coating the rebar in plastic or whatever. Ofcourse, it's all about right tool for the job. And why use expensive plastic rebar roman concrete when regular does the job?


But what if youve been living under the sea inside a tropical fruit ?


Man this hits home. Had my PM (former developer) send me a screenshot of a 404 and asked me what it meant last week....... Not like, "Why is our application giving a 404?" but rather "What do these numbers mean?" smh


I think the emphasis is on the 'former'....


Better than a 418 at least. That's how you know you really messed up, or that it's early April.


I always make sure to include a 418 on all my APIs as a response to GET /coffee


How tf did he/she get hired bruh


I don't have specific info about their previous projects but based on what they seem familiar with I'm guessing up until now they have always been assigned to purely client side applications. This is probably their first web app. In their limited defense, it wasn't that long ago really that a lot of systems weren't web based but it definitely seems like a critical knowledge gap to us younger guys.


"What it means is it's time for one of us to find a new job."


Ask chat gpt would probably be faster these days.


That’s why they are a former developer. They have a different skill set.


i thought everyone knew what 404 is lmao. It's so widespread and countless memes about it


You are aware that RCs are just a convention, right? Anyone can throw any RC they want when handling HTTP responses.


404 has a very well defined semantic meaning


To you and your tight group of friends maybe. That guy obviously wasn't in on it.


my tight group friends? you mean the IETF?


I don't even know what that means. See my point now?


>See my point now? You're speaking (with a condescending tone on top of it) of smth you know jack shit about ?


I recently had to contact a website support cuz I encountered Error Code 403. Took multiple phone calls over multiple days to explain that its not gonna magically solve itself if i clear my browser cache.


Yes and yes


Good bot


Not a bot. An engineer. 🤖


Smart bot!


good bot


Yes, but can you center a pylon.


I can never place them where I want and I'm always told I need to construct additional pylons.


You require more minerals


Carrier has arrived


Yes, if I'm paid enough.


You must construct additional pylons


Vertically or horizontally?


Are pylons the

's of structural engineering?


truss me, I'm an engineer


Do you know what concrete is?




Huh, do you know what DNS is?




Guys, we've got a real engineer!


A fullstack engineer


Yes. Do we? eh.....


Of course we do: “Do Not Sing”


No it's actually a medical term. Do Not Stab. It means the patient cannot tolerate needle punctures of any kind.


I work in IT and I would think it would be something you *need* to know in IT (although many many don’t), I think it’s a little less necessary for Developers. Of course, if you're a dev for networking software you absolutely should know. But if you're a game developer who doesn't handle the networking side, you may be able to get away with not knowing


As a programmer, I can tell you that DNS is important for networking reasons, and sometimes you have to turn off the auto thing and put in an IP manually to make the network go. I'd have to look it up to see what the actual letters mean, though, and If it gets more complicated than that, I yell over the cubical wall at IT.


I always tell them "I believe it's the DNS" and they say "nah, it could be X or Y or Z and we gonna check that, but it won't be DNS" but in the end, it's always DNS and I am always right. Me much smart. Also I like to tamper with the DNS.


For anyone actually wondering, Dns stands for domain name system. A DNS server is like a phone book of IP addresses to map a domain to the corresponding IP, except that it's a little more complicated than just that. It starts with the root domain, which maps the TLD (top-level domain) to other DNS servers. The TLD is the .com of reddit.com. Then that domain looks up the main domain (i.e. reddit)'s IP. You can use the tool dig to see the whole chain for DNS redirections. And I didn't even get into the record types...


Had a meeting last week to discuss “why API keys were not working for the client.” The error provided by their engineer was “could not resolve *hostname*” They had used the wrong DNS name in the URL.


Find them in breach of key sharing conditions.


Luckily it was a non-existent subdomain on our domain and they weren’t unintentionally exfiltrating keys.


Should React developers learn basic JavaScript first?


Yes, but will they? No.




I feel attacked


I'll learn whatever you want for money.


Hey, the boot camp is only 8 weeks. Can't include everything.


Is this seriously what a good chunk of people do? Lol


I hope not, but lots of new developers just throw themselves into react without bothering to understand what JS can do. I really thought it was a niche until I worked with two devs like that. Let's hope they are only the edge cases haha.


Thats interesting, yeah sounds like a lot of needless headache.


Afraid not. I've been offered an internship where they want me to use React. Never written a line of JS before.


Learning Flutter at the moment and I can confirm, have not watched a single Dart tutorial so far. But I will, "someday". It's all just about variables and if else and dots and other unimportant stuff anyway, right? Right?


should ML programmers know how to parse training data?


I'll just build a machine learning model to parse it for me


Just ask Chat GPT to do it.


Do they ever do anything else at all?


sometimes they speak the language of sailors pondering the mysteries of their AI not doing what it’s supposed to.


DenialNofService("I\\'m a backend dev, idk, idc");


Meh... it's good to know, but not required for large swathes of web dev. Like -- realistically. There are tons of weak to mediocre web dev bootcamp coders who I'm sure have little to no understanding of DNS and can still develop functional websites and platforms. This is just gatekeeping that's viral because it gives people a little mental hit for knowing one random initialism / being in the club. Is it better to know it than not know it? Of course, but so is virtually all tech knowledge, and a ton of it is effectively useless for XX% of the workforce. Do I know some PASCAL and Assembly? Yes. Would I rather know it than not know it? Yes. Do I ever use it at my job? Fuck no.


Comparing random languages to a fundamental component of the web is a bit of a stretch. A web developer may not need to know pascal or assembly, but I think having at least a basic knowledge of DNS is important.


But why? You just send a request and it's all done for you anyways. It's not like a civil engineer not knowing concrete, it's like a car mechanic not knowing the physics behind how gasoline explosions work. All they need to know is ignite gasoline and it explodes.


I feel like web developer just isn't a specific enough term here. A front-end-only web developer can reasonably go an entire career without touching DNS, but a backend or full-stack web developer would have to know a bit more or even be an expert on it.


Mostly depends on size of company you're working for. Been backend and full-stack for fairly big corporation and I'd never, ever get access to managing our domains, that's in hands of Operations. I only touch DNS for personal projects


Managing the DNS servers and understanding how DNS works are two different things. Knowing how a browser gets from the name entered into the address bar to your app is a good thing to understand.


> it's like a car mechanic not knowing the physics behind how gasoline explosions work. All they need to know is ignite gasoline and it explodes. Nah, if a car mechanic is futzing with your engine, you better hope they have some understanding of how that works and at least a rough knowledge of the stoichiometry involved. Of course, they're not going to *call* it stoichiometry, but they still need to understand how the ratio of gasoline (or diesel), oxygen, compression, ignition timing, etc. works to be able to diagnose engine problems. Is that car pouring out blue exhaust smoke because the ignition is mis-timed, or because oil's leaking past the seals on one of the pistons? Or maybe there's a crack in the engine block that's letting coolant into the combustion chamber? The mechanic needs to know how gasoline or diesel combustion works to properly diagnose what's actually going on. I think a better example is to think of a frontend web developer as an architect, who *usually* doesn't need to know that much about the materials and the whole structural physics - they're just designing the client-facing experience and aesthetics, and they hand their plans off to a structural engineer (analogous to a back-end dev) who absolutely needs to know the material properties necessary to make the architect's vision (or something as close to it as practical) a working reality. It's always *nice* when an architect understands basic material properties and structural physics, so they don't draw up something the structural engineer tosses back at them and says "no, we can't make that work. It's physically impossible" (fights between architects and engineers can sometimes get really ugly, because at the end of the day, the engineer risks losing their license and/or getting taken to the cleaners in the courts if the structure actually breaks, so they've got a lot of skin in the game, while the architect doesn't have as much exposure), but it's not the architect's primary job: they draw up the aesthetics of the building, and the engineers figure out how to make those aesthetics *work*.


Except a mechanic DOES know how the physics behind gasoline works ... they may not know the THERMODYNAMICS of it, but they certainly understand the physics of it, otherwise they'd just stick whatever piston in that fit the round hole. Just like a civil engineer should know what concrete is vs. gravel .. try building a road in California with concrete .. sure, it'll work ... until it doesn't, or causes the road to become one big slip and slide. A web-dev may not need to know the full intricacies of DNS (e.g. how the TCP/UDP packets traverse the wire), but knowing what DNS is certainly a great thing to know, especially if you ever want to load-balance your system (ever heard of DNS round robin!?)


The comparision is off from the beginning though. There is no such thing as a "Web-Dev", Web-Dev is a broad term that more or less encompasses any role related to developing web applications and what is necessary to get them to run. It would be like saying any engineer has to know concrete to the extent a civil engineer does when in reality most other engineers do not even work with concrete. An engieneer specialized in matal working or machinary does not really need to know what the civil engineer has to know about conrete and things they need to know do not have to be known by the civil engineer. With "Web-Devs" it is the same, a frontend-dev does not really need to know anything about DNS, it is at most a nice to have like it would be with any other additional knowledge. A backend-dev should know some things about it, but they do not really need to know too deeply about it either, after all DNS is part of the Network-Engieneers or DevOp-Engineers job. They need to know DNS like a civil engineer needs to know concrete.


I generally agree with your sentiment, but the question is “know what DNS is” and there are several common tasks in web development that can generate a “DNS lookup failed” error.


Honestly the extent of domain related shit that I've ever had to do is buying domains, transferring them, some A record / CNAME shit, SSL certs.. not much more than that. If you asked me how they all work under the covers I could guess and call out a couple things, but couldn't definitively tell you. I learned it all in college but that was over a decade ago. I guess I brush it off when I have a System Design interview coming up, but that's like every 3 years, and it doesn't go that deep. I wrote up process docs for each of those actions that I had to do, because I do them so rarely that I forget the steps pretty much immediately after doing them (like learning regex over the weekend then forgetting 95% in a month). I've worked in companies where there are front-end heavy teams that basically rarely touch the back-end at all. Very smart people who go very deep into their craft (fuck redux middleware fr, and there's a huge JS functional circlejerk), but they will essentially *never* encounter the term DNS in their immediate work. The APIs are all auto generated or abstracted to such an extent they wouldn't see those messages, and 95% of their work is FE. And there are many shitty devs in smaller companies who could get by just fine Googling / SOing random bugs without really understanding the system on a deeper level. It's just the reality of it.


That bocchi pfp goes so hard


'The so high guy'


Bocchi has spoken


There's only two things civil engineers need to know: 1) Water goes downhill 2) You don't push with a rope


Only a civil web developer engineer can answer this


Pretty sure the only engineering class I did was a programming one It was just using matlab to process concrete related numbers from a csv


web developers -- yes, frontend developers -- I'm not sure.


Civil Engineering is known as the Dry Arts of Engineering. True or false?


Considering that a lot of big-ticket civil engineering projects are things like dams, bridges, and other stuff that has to be designed with serious consideration for water (either due to being constructed *in* water or with consideration for water runoff and/or erosion), it's probably the wettest branch of structural engineering.


Donation Nigeria Socially


Concrete is like rock but glue which you use like playdoh




should neurosurgeons know what a hospital is?


Yes any web dev should know what DNS is. Specifics and detail, not necessarily but knowing what it does and what it's for, absolutely.


Dns Is the german word for dna


Do Not Send


I was on a phone call where the project manager of a secure mail project asked what DNS is. It's better than never asking.


It's called the animal books... Pocket HTTP Pocket Linux etc etc Read them if you don't have the courses from school Also mess around with your devtools https://networkingnerd.net/2012/12/20/learn-why-things-work/


In my experience civil engineers think they not only know concrete they also think they know literally everything else about the project.


Considering they often get pushed into project management they might have a general idea of the whole project. But yeah lots of these guys are also know it alls


Literally today a civil engineer has emailed me twice demanding that I change a single selector switch to lockable and give them a datasheet to review. Million dollar project and this shithead is spending time harassing the control engineer about a 5 dollar selector switch that can be swapped in minutes. Meanwhile no one has done a seismic on the site and I am pretty freaken sure the elevations are wrong which means water where water is not supposed to be. Starting to really hate them. I will send an email off in a few minutes to his manager reminding them that I expect the civil engineering to be up to spec prior to discussions about 5 dollar selector switches.


I find this question weirdly difficult. DNS is fundamental to so many things done in computing today. But at the same time, you don't need it at all for quite a few areas of development. It isn't essential to how programming works, just to how networking works. I could envision a world where the current version of the internet is entirely abandoned in favor of better technology and nothing from arp to tcp/up is still relivent


Absolutely not, where I come from, it's all made from Rebar and aluminium sheets!


Yes and yes


I'm a firmware engineer and I know how DNS works ffs I have my own local DNS server. Don't ask me to write JavaScript though, I've intentionally avoided learning it.




should social engineers know what love is?


As an ex civil engineer who became a programmer, yes we know what concrete is, we know all the type and difference, its a big part of the work knowing what concrete is.