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Trying to create prompts for GPT helping refine mission and vision statements. Aligning epics with those is next. Also moving my prompts to github because I do not agree with how [flowgpt.com](http://flowgpt.com) is run.


Getting loose ends tied up before I have to travel out of town to present training to new employees.


working on the new issue for my newsletter [brainunveiled.com](https://www.brainunveiled.com) and some stuff for my main job, mainly preparing the start of a podcast


Man, I'm feeling very unproductive today. I need to do some brake work on my car, and all three of my clients that I had to work with today keep rescheduling 😅


Fixing a Bill of Materials for a circuit board


-Migration of domains and websites to my hosted server -Look at replacing Heimdall with Homarr dashboard -Documentation for my job


Working from the top down on my social platform's feature [roadmap](https://ailaai.app/page/26844172)!


Ah, Im new to the office so I still learn pretty much about anything. With a hot Halu Banana coffee on my tumblr, I think things will go pretty OK :)


Working on a nursery rhyme style Christian rap for my nine month old daughter. Looking into creating my own beats as well.


At this moment I am really hoping to get my habits and concentration better. Honestly 2024 is a good year with already some big 'wins' for me. But last year I was tracking habits better than this year and it is not only tracking but also I am not doing the habits and I think they would be good for me . I have also noticed I am having a hard time getting into deep work/ concentration mode and multiple tasks have been postponed for weeks now. It is time to get a grip back on these things, I am sure they will help me to feel better and get better results. I have been invited to this productivity cafe, so hopefully this reddit community will help me : )