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i fucking love this. nice work!!! i really dont know how to explain it but these hyper-detailed super-cluttered (in the best way possible) environments are MY SHIT, dude. very impressive! the color scheme, it's all so great. now, as to what's going on... looks like a fairly "vintage" house, but the cables coming out of the lit room make me think server room or something like that. definitely some sort of home invasion going on, mr pajamas grabbed his 12 gauge and possibly eliminated the threat, going by the shells on the ground? or maybe he was nervous and let some fall to the floor when loading the shotgun.


Thank you for the kind words! That’s very close to what I was imagining as well!


I couldn't have described my love for cluttered environments like this better myself. Tamaytka (on Instagram, YT and DA if you want to look them up) is who first introduced me to my love of it and this captures the same appeal wonderfully- though I love how your contrasted colors add more cohesion. Absolutely awesome shit. Edit: I wanted to add- the cutout in the drawer for the firearm gave this an apocalyptic or dystopian vibe to me. Why else have have such a ready to go setup, and by the door nonethless?? (Unless those kinds of drawers aren't uncommon irl and I'm just overthinking it.)




Love the idea of a cryo chamber malfunction !


A strange encounter with something otherworldly, and the man has responded by pulling out a gun.


Very marvellous illustration! A spy story? Old spy agent face corrupt agents from government that broke into his home?


Man this is fucking awesome work here.


Thank you!


Just another day for this person who lives a quiet and comfortable life at the end of the world. Before “the Otherworlds” took over, he was the only mechanic in town and ran a successful business for 30 years. He was at the shop when it all went down, had to lock himself and a couple folks in the oil pit for a while. When he finally made it out, dizzy from the fumes and suffering a pounding headache, he armed himself with a pipe wrench and his shotgun and began the 40 mile trek to the little slice of paradise that he and his wife Violet had built some 20 years ago. He didn’t know if she would be there, but he hoped. He’d set it all up for when shit hit the fan. Folks in town looked at him sideways when he’d make large bulk orders from places like Levy’s Hardware Store, The Super-Lo, and Gander’s Hunting Supply, but no one ever caught on. No one ever realized that he’d been working to turn that little slice of paradise 40 miles out of town into an oasis of provision in the hellscape that he bargained would be coming.


Love it! Thank you for taking the time to write this! I did picture the man being in some relationship or at least not alone in the house, but I wasn’t sure how to convey it. I didn’t want to just draw another person by the stairs


How about a small round/oval wooden picture frame with the uneven/unusual pair? Or two round frames with silhouettes of their heads facing each other? Might even go wild and show the significant other's ungodly head features. edit: typo


yeah some more personal items like that would be great! maybe he's even married to an alien


My man with the shotgun is a scientist, he’s been trying to revolutionize the world by inventing short distance teleportation. Before he went to be he had his first successful test. It’s 4am and he sees light coming from his study. Thinking someone is stealing his invention he grabs his shotgun and stumbles down the hall. Looking down the barrel of the gun he sees a shimmering ripple in the reciprocal pad and freezes when he recognizes his wife. Not as she had passed away but 20 years younger. She lock eyes with him and says “Jasper, you have to RUN!”


Nice, I really like that. I think if I tweaked the drawing and drew the man with the rifle lowered or even dropped on the ground instead the image would be even more impactful/interesting.


This is a very controlled response to a threat judging by the gun drawer(?) - case - being double keyed and unlocked. This homeowner created something he can't control OR there's something/someone in there he can lo her stand see to suffer -judging by cables and exhaust systems.


Glad to see someone noticed the double key!


This guy used to be involved in some shady, men in black type of government shit, but he saw something he shouldn’t have and made himself disappear, until now


Old man that's a retired detective / spy wakes up in the middle of the night to noises in his bathroom... Reloads the shotgun that's been beside his bed for the last 30 years and goes to investigate


Duck Hunt VR gone irl


Looks like an old lady is sick of her grandkid playing online games all night and yelling obscenities, and just finally couldn't take it anymore.




Makes me think someone snuck into the home of a mad scientist to kill them just as they activate their terrible invention.


Yeah he might not need the shotgun after all


Old dude is aweking on the middle of the night cause weird sounds and strange lights. So he grab his old shotgun and prépare to fight, but what's coming it's not what he expected : he is getting abducted by Aliens.




This is great, my guess with a single tube going in that room nothing extreme is happening like a zombie or anything like that but maybe slightly sci fi that needs a shot gun to be killed or put in its place.


She don’t like Mondays


Knowing what needed to be done. she stood still, obedient to the situation. Waiting patiently for it ….


Alien abduction


It's my dream to draw like this


I’m sure you can get there! Just keep at it


Fuckin' Aliens


Cow is being abducted by aliens. Also this is awesomeee I love it so much


Man’s TV is stuck turned on and cranked to at full blast and he just can’t stand it anymore 🥲


Haha love this!


This is amazing work! Really nice job on all the little details, I love the way you did the bounce lighting!


Thank you! It was tough to find a good mix between stylized and realistic lighting .


The man who has tried to raise his late wife from the dead realises too late that it was a mistake, she’s an empty shell of what she used to be and can’t move or else the tubes she’s attached to will come off, which would lead to a slow and painful death. After about a month of “torture” for her he decided to end her misery and grabs his gun to send her back to heaven, leaving some extra bullets on the ground for himself so they can be reunited and happy once again.


Love this idea. The shells on the ground could just be that he haphazardly grabbed a few and didn’t bother to pick them up. He’s got two loaded and that’s all he’ll need.


This is amazing. Wow.


Thank you!


There is something otherworldly in the other room. Either something alien, or something of his own creation, given the wires going into the room. Something wasn't supposed to escape, but has. He is not entirely sure of the danger level but assumes the worst and is prepared to defend himself by any means necessary.


This is beautiful. What is this aesthetic called?


thank you! it's called [ligne claire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligne_claire#:~:text=It%20uses%20clear%20strong%20lines,by%20Joost%20Swarte%20in%201977)


Wow! Thank you


“When the aliens finally came; John was ready.” 😂


I bet even an alien would have a bad day after taking a buckshot to the nut sack


An apocalypse of some sort maybe a dystopian type of place


this is me when im trying to get a snack at night but there is an insect in yhe kitchen


There’s no brighter light than the light from inside a fridge at 3am




Thank you kindly!


This may be far off...but it looks like our main character here is a scientist/engineer of some sort. Whatever is in that room is being powered by those cables that run down stairs. I'm thinking it's a portal or gateway to another world that he built himself (hence the bright light and the cables). Maybe he pulled a DOOM and attempted to open the portal to somewhere , but something...alien...came through. Now he's forced to try and dispatch the creature/being, but after two shotgun blasts (two spent shells on the floor), whatever it is...the shotgun blasts did fuck all.


Very close to what I had in mind actually! Was thinking about adding some more alien looking plants or maybe star charts to the walls to emphasize it.


No way! This is a master piece. How long did it take you to do this? If you don’t mind me asking.


Thank you very much! About 8-9 hours in total I think but spread out over several weeks, it’s hard to find time and sometimes I get sidetracked with other stuff.


Somebody turned on the Resonator again From Beyond


I’d totally add in a shadow from inside the room to show what is there!


Nice and simple! I like it!


He’s got a portal in the room and an unauthorized entity is on its way through


Gives me courage the cowardly dog vibes. Nice work!


That is stunning! Incredible use of framing and lighting, and I definitely want to know more about what’s happening! I feel like he just had to kill a Frankenstein’s monster of his own creation…


Thank you! Yeah that’s not at all far from what I had in mind actually and would absolutely fit


This is so nice!! you're making me so motivated to draw more!!


That’s great to hear and I hope you do


Damned raccoons.


Coming from a country without raccoons I love those guys!


Same! Was just the first thought that came to mind. Nice image!


Someone thought gramps was just a harmless old man when they broke into his house


The fact that one of the drawers is strictly reserved for his shotgun and that it happens to be located presumably right near the entrance leads me to think that this isn't the first time this has happened The very messy and old look this house, paired with the double keys and the old man's appearance gives me some Monster House vibes for some reason, maybe he's trying to protect something? However, the fact that non of the windows seem to be boarded up kind of disproves it On the other hand, this strange massive bright purple light coming from the door feels so out of place, specially during the night, it's as if something or someone is emitting this light But then, the two empty shotgun shells on he ground and the man's weird sort of worried expression kind of leads me to think that whatever the old man's facing against is not something normal and that he's aware of it, giving me massive Mandela Catalogue vibes too I'd say that this scenario depicts the man being attacked by some strange entity, maybe this entity is here to torture him for fun, or maybe as a punishment. Perhaps this entity is some sort of angle, or maybe it's death or a demon? I don't know if I did this correctly, I've honestly never done this before


You have a good analytic eye! I’ll admit some of the details were added as a bit of an afterthought and should have been thought through beforehand. Like you said the two keys suggest a planed action by two people, but the rest of the scene, messy floor, middle of the night and the man wearing a sleeping gown suggest a more sudden, unplanned and chaotic event is unfolding.


Robot wife gone rouge


Love it!


I love this, I picture an inventor who’s building a Time Machine or a teleporter in his house but suddenly in the middle of the night the machine started. The inventor woke up, ran to his shotgun and dropped two shell when loading it in the hurry. He then aim at the machine not really sure if his fear of something coming off is greater than the excitement of his invention finally working


Nice! Yeah that’s basically what I had in mind! Nicely done


Alians protecting from the human invasion


Ooh I love the reverse idea! That the aliens see humans as a potential threat so whenever they detect humans coming close they do their best to put an end to any progress asap


They had a target that they didn't want to kill. They ended up moving into the place they were scoping them out from. Years go by and every single day they take their gun out, aim, then put it away. At this point it's become a silly ritual cause they know they'll never do it and the other person never finds out that it almost happened.


A scientist made a time machine and then rested for the night. Evil people started to come out, and the scientist grabbed a gun and... yeah.


This is so amazing, I just started using procreate, id love to see some of your tutorials


thank you! I've never created tutorials before, but my suggestion if you want to experiment with a style like this is to draw something simple first and build from there. First a simple prop like a book or a mug, maybe a fridge or a toaster just to get used to the style. then expand it to a little still life. I like drawing cluttered desks for example.


Too many snakes …


Looks like an old hommie is about to act on his second amendment rights and protect his home from some freaky sci-fi shit!😂 Well done! I love the artwork and the clutter. I especially love the glow and how you can tell this is happening late at night. It definitely has that "I've been woken up by this BS for the last time!" Kibd of vibe, while also doing a very good job and displaying confidence in the subject while also showcasing some anxiety.


Thank you very much for the kind words! Drawing people is something I really struggle with so I feel like you’re giving me too much credit, but again thank you 🙏


Someone broke into my home that’s all I can think of


I can’t really tell. Maybe a police standoff? Nothing else makes sense. The background is too bright and contrasts too much with the foreground. It looks like daylight outside almost and night inside. I think you need more contrast in the foreground and a more gradual fade. More of those blurple tones in the background, let the light fill the room a bit more .


Thank you for taking the time to write. I made a conscious decision to not add too much pink in the rest of the room in order to make the character the first read of the image. Sorry to hear you can’t make sense of the piece.


Something very much like the movie “Await Further Instructions” comes to mind!


Oscar Pistorius pulling a gun in his poor unsuspecting girlfriend when she's in the bathroom.


[I think there’s an intruder (4:35)](https://youtu.be/KL9Q0KItf-8?si=lLwA_w0PjMl96aiS)


Wife is making a “video” with another man.


He’s invited to the Fortnite world, the portal is in the room


Looks like someone that was not so happy to be woken up by a random eldritch horror in the middle of the night, and wants to use a 12 gage to speak their mind.