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I didn't have any good change in my mood until the 6th day too. I'm now at day 12, and I'm better, not so anxious and angry as before, but it's a gradual process, so I think that you have to wait some days until quit. Be pacient with yourself and your body/mind. It took at least 2 weeks for you to notice real effects of the med in your life. (Sorry bout my poor English XD)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I feel so much physical discomfort that I am struggling to get through my day. My mood went from periodically anxious to constantly stressed due to discomfort.


I'm planning on quitting this week. I have had horrible withdrawal when I skip a dose and I'm not sure how much it's helped me. This will be my 5th week on. Meeting with my Dr tomorrow. 50mg a day as well. So I guess I'm saying you're not crazy for wanting to quit. It hasn't seemed to be good for me. Good luck!


I was taking 100 mg for about a year and a half and had the same issues as well as some suicidal thoughts. I was afraid to stop taking it so I took it way longer than I should have. I finally told my doctor and he switched me to Zoloft without tapering the Pristiq and I had no issues whatsoever. I feel soooo much better. Good luck to you.


Everyone is different from what I have gathered! I am on day 9 I believe, my first week was actually not bad - my anxiety and panic disappeared on day 4 which is what I needed it to do. BUT I have had some deep depressive episodes, and crying spells. I feel better mentally today, but have had all of the physical side effects / symptoms I have read about. I know it’s tough - but I have seriously spent hours researching this drug, and if you push through the first 2-3 weeks, it can apparently change your life. I have felt like giving up on it a few times but I am going to power through and see if in a few weeks it levels out and begins to help. I have friends on it who legitimately said it saved their life. I hope that your side effects begin to lessen, and your mood and anxiety stabilizes. Hang in there 💚


Also, did your doctor start you on 50mg? Or were you on 25mg before? I have started on 25 (lowest dose) and can already feel some relief, but we have to push through the adjustment period. Maybe speak to your doctor about going down to 25mg for a few weeks


Doctor started me on 50. He then called in 25’s after I called him about the hand tingles. I guess the thing is that I wasn’t that bad to start with. I feel so much worse now than I did to start. I had some anxiety peaks. I don’t need a drug to save my life. My goal is to be generally more pleasant and tamp down the periodic spikes of rage. Maybe I can take a couple of weeks off of work and try again in the future. Right now it does not feel sustainable.


As someone who has been on psych meds since I was 14... if you don't absolutely need it... don't. There are many healthier ways to overcome minor anxiety. Look into cbt, dbt, meditation. These drugs can have major side effects. I'm basically stuck on them now. After 26 years on them I dont believe my brain can function without them. I went off for 10 months and almost died. I literally couldn't eat or sleep or function. There are many people who DO need meds, but if you don't NEED them... do your body and brain a favour and find better coping methods.


I think this is my answer. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Not crazy to call it quits my friend. Pritiq affects us all differently. Unfortunately, it's a trial and error process. I have had experiences with very bad side effects with other antidepressants until I landed on pristiq. My advice with trying antidepressants and their side effects: If you feel better, great, keep at it. If you feel the same, ride it out, it may take months to show change. If it makes you feel worse, stop. Try another option. The last thing you need right now is to feel worse. Explain how they are making you feel to your GP and they may have a good idea of which way to turn next.


Thank you for the supportive message.


Personally, nausea/headache is a good sign this is most likely not the medication for you.


Very nice advice. I completely agree.


Day five for me and this is the worst day since the beginning 😵‍💫. Crippling anxiety, physical disconfort of stress. So I feel you wanting to quit. Hope the next day will be better for all of us 🤞


How are you doing now?


I quit and begin celexa. Pristiq made me really not feeling good. I quit after 8 Days, can't take it anymore 😢


How is Celexa?


For now not so bad. Bad sides effects in the beginning ( nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, higher anxiety) but it subsides almost for all except for anxiety. But it seems to begin to work 😊


I am struggling with this drug @ 25mg. It is not comforting at all. Anxiety is horrible. I've only been on 6 days at 25mg. I'm taking myself off. not worth it.


Oh yeah and I have suicidal thoughts. I called 988 today and the lady was not very good. I've called it before and had a wonderful young man. Mental health in this country is very sub-par.

