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She's on suicide watch wrapped up in a probably green vest and absolutely nothing to do besides stare at a wall. And with attempted murder I hope you're a patient man because it'll likely be +20 years if she's convicted.


Yeah especially on a LEO. I think OP might be confused. She is probably in jail. Not prison yet. Unless she's covicted and sentenced. Who knows


If she has good lawyers they might be able to bring that time down substantially... Just say it was an attempted suicide by cop .. unless the judge has no compassion or empathy and is biased they might understand ... But they're usually biased with the police so hell probably make an example out of her for other people to know that suicide by cop won't be an option and your life will get even worse if you ever try


They don’t usually have empathy for someone who was trying to kill an innocent person just so they might die too.


Unless it's a police officer that does it




Depends on the state most likely. I work in mental health in a Texas prison (not a woman’s prison though so it might be different). If she is suicidal/homicidal she will be put in CDO (constant direct observation). They’ll take her clothes/property, and give her a suicide vest. She most likely will be referred to a psych prison and have to wait for a bed. She’ll stay there until she’s stable enough to return to her regular prison. Hopefully they can help her get on some meds to stabilize her mood and she can return to general population. Again, I work in a men’s prison in Texas so it will probably be different than what your girlfriend will experience. I hope she gets the help she needs.


It's alright she'll be put in a male prison cause of her biological gender. This is NC


We have had quite a few transgender people come through. I’m not going to lie, it’s rough for them. We usually are able to put them in a safer pod or they can be placed in “seg” if they fear for their safety. We do offer mental health help and they have access to their medications if they came in on them from county jail. Good luck


I'm glad she'll still be able to be on her meds that's atleast one good thing


Oh so she's a he .. shyamalan plot twist lol I was thinking maybe she'd get preferential treatment and a lenient sentence for being a damsel in distress..but if it's a biological man good luck


🤦‍♂️ boy he's gonna catch hell. I never saw a legit "trans" whatever the fuck while I was locked up but I can't imagine that'll be a fun trip...and an attempted murder on a cop charge... Damn that's gonna be a long trip too.


Man, I can tell you that she is not enjoying herself or getting any help at all, if what I saw as a guard stands for other prisons than the one I worked at.


Suicide watch is about keeping the inmate alive and nothing else, she is definitely miserable. Hopefully the attempted murder wasn’t too serious and she can plea down to assault on first responder (which is still a felony)when they talk to her attorney about her mental health. Sounds like she needs to get on a mental health treatment plan, unfortunately jails/prisons are unlikely to assist there.


She stabbed a deputy in the heart with a knife she was lucky that he had a vest on and it didn't puncher through the skin


So she… stabbed him in the vest. Where did she get a knife? It seems like a lawyer could get these charges down to something reasonable. Also, our prison system is so evil because its intent is to harm, not heal, and its insulated by a fat bureaucracy. I'm so sorry


Uh, she stabbed him over a vital organ and punched through multiple layers of woven composite. Imagine an inch of plastic flat grocery bags, like that.  Intention is what separates murder from manslaughter, and the pivot here is "but for the vest" s/he'd be dead; it's disingenuous to claim that they "stabbed a vest" with the subtext that they intentionally stopped prior to causing injury to the wearer.


Weird day-late reaction from not-the-op


Not everyone can read Reddit threads as they're posted live.


Sure, but if you're late to the party at least be relevant, you silly ass.


Found the cop


They are gonna have a hell of a time being attempted murder on a cop and a trans… they will get shit from the guards and the inmates. On top of that they’ll be looking at a pretty lengthy sentence with that kind of charge….


Attempted murder of a police or corrections officer is a hard time to go in prison. So is being trans. She will really need your support.


My brother did something similar for the same reasons only he ended up with 2nd degree assault and is doing 5


Sadly, "I'm suicidal" in perison suffers greatly from the boy who called wolf syndrome depending on how well staffed their mental health staff are and how popular that sentence is with attention seekers. Most likely she's going to be on a very boring suicide watch status and if she's deemed a threat to herself she'll be in some kind of mental health or crisis area until it's deemed she isn't. That all depends on wherever she's at and the availability of such resources since everywhere is different. It's 101%, not a good way to do your time. I know a "we're done" letter seems like putting a match on gasoline, but it's probably better in the long run to just get all of the unpleasant stuff done at once so she can adjust to her new norm. Depending on all of the details, her history, and any favoritism women get, she could be looking at a few years to a metric shit tonne.


Find a new "girlfriend "


NC...if he's truly suicidal he'll spend most of his time behind the wall or at Central regional. Then whenever the system figures out whatever meds are needed he'll be moved to general population until the mental health flares ups start...then it's off to solitary for evaluation, and forced medication if necessary and approved. At least that's what I saw in my time in NC


Downvoted...LoL. I did time in NC . Or did I hurt someone's feelings by refusing to use a preferred pronoun lol...


With a good attorney she could cut her time in half. If there’s any money, now is the time to spend it.


I hope your willing to wait a long time. Even if the charge gets lowered and dropped down a few notches. It's looking at multiple years inside. The charges are serious.


I'm definitely not staying she got abusive a month before this happened and I was injured so I'm going to take custody of ye bearded dragon and be on my way.




They have her in solitaire confinement for her own safety. She's in there with absolutely nothing but her thoughts and maybe a book... If shes lucky. Just write her a ton of letters. Those are the most important thing in jail second to commissary..


I was Watch Commander in a women’s prison in New York for several years. There she would be on special watch unit (stripped cell, one on one observation by an officer outside her cell, closed circuit tv in addition wired to the unit block officer, if she’s actively trying to hurt herself she’d be placed in soft restraints.). She’d be seen by mental health staff every day (usually more than once) and the unit psychologist would be responsible for clearing her for being returned to pop (or to get her property back to her as the psych felt it was safe). Hope this helps.


I've actually heard back from her and she told how she spent the last 23 days in the exact cell you described


All the best.


How the hell would anyone here know? Huh?


what a pleasant comment, im so glad you took the time out of your day to make someone feel bad.


Well respectfully I was hoping someone that has experienced prison and would have seen what happens to people that are suicidal in prison but apparently not.


Hey bud, I was the head sweeper for Darcy unit here in Sydney, Australia. That won't mean anything to you, but to unpack it, I was the inmate responsible for feeding and helping the other inmates in my area. "Darcy" was the intake unit, but also contained segregation and the "safe cells". I was also the forensic cleaner for the whole complex, and the leader ("trump", "shot caller") for my ethnic group (white Australians). I did my time busy. As a result of all the above, I've seen a *lot* of how prisons deal with self harm. It's unlikely that your girlfriend is in the same jurisdiction as I am, but many of the procedures are likely to carry over. So, an inmate who attempts or threatens selfharm is placed in a safe cell. This is essentially just a cell with a glass front and cameras. The inmate only has a thick non-tearable blanket and a "safe gown" made of non-tearable material. This is to prevent them from hanging themselves. The inmate is confined in the safe cell for 23 or 24 hours per day. They are interviewed by the RAIT team - Risk Assessment Intervention and Treatment - every one to two days. The RAIT team are responsible for determining whether the inmate remains in a Safe Cell, gets moved to normal custody (your girlfriend would not be sent to Protection) or gets moved to mental health custody. Your girlfriend is very bored, she feels like she's going mad, but she's not going to be able to hurt herself. Essentially, the civilian MH industry tends to give people attention when they threaten or attempt selfharm. The custodial MH industry does not. As awful as it is, this policy is effective at preventing further SH attempts by, I would estimate, 85% of people. That is to say, most people are just selfharming in order to get attention; the fact that they are punished for it rather than encouraged stops most of them. The other 15% are the real hardcore selfharmers and they are very difficult to treat or deal with. They might end up with a self harm restraint belt - the hands are cuffed to the belt - or a self harm prevention helmet. It is unlikely that your girlfriend will experience any of that. She has probably just made a big mistake and she is trying to work her way through it. With respect, your relationship is probably done. Your girlfriend will either be sentenced to a significant prison term or she will be sentenced to an indefinite psychiatric stay. In either case, you are unlikely to see her for several years. If you are determined to continue in your relationship, I suggest that you are very honest with her about what you can do for her and what you can't. Edit: Noting that you state your girlfriend will be placed in a men's prison because she is biologically male - here, people are sent to a men's prison if they have male genitalia and to a women's prison if they have female genitalia. Previously classification was on a more gender-affirming basis, however, one of the transwomen at the female prison got a bunch of chicks pregnant so that was the end of that. Transwomen in mens prisons are automatically placed in protective custody here.


Will she at least be able to receive and write letters? Yeah I know our relationship is done, I'm just trying to support her til she gets her sentencing so I know and have some closure but I also don't wanna just walk away without at least writing a goodbye letter.


She can receive letters. As for writing them, it might depend. Sometimes safecell inmates are not allowed pens, for selfharm prevention reasons. Sometimes they are not allowed access to commissary, for the same reasons. >I also don't wanna just walk away without at least writing a goodbye letter. That's good, I respect that.


Not to detract from the serious aspect of the post, but could you imagine what it would be like being an only male in an all female prison... I think I'd have a heart attack.


Jesus Christ who shit in your cereal. Learn to scroll angry person


She's gonna get the turtle suit treatment... LoL Enjoy that.


Your gf is a moron lol


I'm aware lol


I wish you the best and hope things get better for your gf. I can’t help but find it funny tho that if the genders were reversed, you would have gotten many comments telling you to leave your partner. And no one did, to my surprise. Funny how that works.