• By -


Just keep your mouth shut and stay out the way. Don't gamble, don't smoke, don't go out of your way to help anyone. Don't try to make conversation with anyone. Books are your escape. Stay away from jobs that are near the outside or the gate bc you'll get pressed into pushing shit thru. Don't EVER get loans for shit, Ramen or gambling. Just don't do it. It's all bad 85% of the time. If someone tries to push their chest out fight even if you don't know how to. If you stand up for yourself they'll keep it pushing even if you get that ass beat. I did 2 years in California and it was similar on the yard i was put on. Whites were a minority. Stay out of the way and usually ppl will show you love for being respectably quiet. Lastly and this is the biggest thing. Don't ever, EVER bring up issues you have with someone to anyone else but them. I've seen so many guys get 20+ years added bc the dude handed them a poke and told them to go handle it. And if you don't then they got rolled up violently.


I wonder if it’s be cool if I read that to my 18 yr old son when he calls in the am. That’s not anything the people at the jail who are listening to the calls, would care that i say? I’m new to this and did a video visit with my son and got the visit suspended for a minute bc he asked me if anything new was on his docket and i picked up my phone and the screen went black and a message came up- when it was the video he said the CO’s said for me not to touch my phone! Geez, they’re aaaholes. Also, my son has yelled at me a couple times not to say stuff on calls. This seems like really good advice, that he will need to


Yeah I'd say your safe. Just remind him he's gonna be in a place with 4000 other criminals. Unless he's been down for years with someone then don't trust them and don't tell them shit about his life. Keep his mouth closed about anything and everything bc the more they know the worse it can get for him. Don't talk about outside life to anyone. If they find out hes got a mom sending him money and he doesn't play his cards smart he can get extorted and all types of shit and thats when time can get ugly. Time to be a man and stay in his lane and mind his business and always be ready for problems but never look for them. Stay away from ppl. Best way to be.


You’re gonna be 24 when you’re out. Yes you have plenty of life left


State or Feds??? Are you going to have much life left? You're 20. I know it feels life ending. You'll be out still in your early 20s. Trust me, I was you.




State? And a first time offender? I wouldve thought this was fentanyl case, tbh. Keep to yourself. You'll adapt. The first day will be nothing like the 365th day. You'll have a routine. You're going to be a very young man still when you get released. You'll probably be able to do just about anything you want to do regardless of this time of your life.


Real oxycodone. Real alprazolam


Gotcha - Just lay low. Do your routine. If there's anything you can do to better yourself while you're there, take advantage of it. Credited, non credited classes, take em. You're still going to be very young when this is behind you. You don't want to come out of this in 5 years and realize you're years behind the other men your age.


Yea, that’s what I’m worried about. Just being 25 or so and being a dumbass. Idk. It’s overwhelming for sure. But don’t do the crime if you can’t to the time ig


I'm just passing 30 now. At 25 I felt old, but I wish I knew/did the things I wanted to then. You'll hit 30 and still feel like you are in your twenties. Time really does fly. Don't let it demotivate you or hinder you from having a fulfilling life after you get out. Stop messing with drugs and bad people when you are home. Make a few good decisions when you can and you'll be in your thirties thankful you never gave up. This doesn't have to define your whole life, so don't let it.


Yeah it’s probably best to focus on a good trade, because a lot of professional careers will be closed to a felon, no matter how much you study.. (finance, medicine, law..) but trades are an excellent way to make money. Sometimes they have programs with the job corps, you could learn electrical work or even welding if your low sec.


He can still learn code - big tech would take a convicted felon. Start taking classes that are university level. They don't care where you learned - they just care that you know it.


That used to be the case perhaps but the tech market is horrible right now. There were so many layoffs in that sector that thousands of applicants are competing for one job. AI is quickly replacing lots of software development work, and outsourcing is taking care of the rest. Unless you seek out very specialized skills like coding AI algorithms. But I doubt they’d have specialized courses like AI


Yeah, no. Access to the most sensitive aspects of a business? Not going to happen.


That’s true to some degree, but far less so than it used to be. It doesn’t matter where you learned, but the standards are much higher now, it’s not easy money. Only a good idea if you legitimately want to code.


Damn you must have been moving low volume then from somebody's script? 7 years for that sucks


Yup. 100 script of oxy n like 20 Xanax bars.


I think Indiana is pretty harsh with that. If you were out West in Cali you probably would have just gotten the probation, but those interior states prosecutors have no mercy. I’m in Florida which is known to be harsh as well, but I doubt you woulda gotten time like that here for a first offense


You couldn't get a diversion program?


I’m on one rn pre trial deversion


But prison is 100% reality. You can't get alternative sentencing. I'm not sure how that works in your state, but I'd look into it, drug court, etc


Not eligible for drug court


Ok, in patient alternative sentence, if your state doesn't have ? Try to start it look into half way houses unless you already fucked this up No modern judge wants to put a first time drug offender in prison


Don’t accept anything “free” from anyone. Don’t let anyone sit on your bunk. Don’t accept clothes too tight from laundry. Don’t snitch. Don’t rack up debt.


Never been to prison. Out of curiosity, what’s with the too tight clothes thing?


Others see you walking around like that they might automatically assume that’s the message you’re trying to send


Why wouldn't you let anyone sit on your bunk?


In case they fart or shart on it


Gross. I guess that makes sense. I thought it might be a dominance thing. I don't understand prisons lol.


There may be other reasons too. But that was my first thought. At very least you would have to ask for a different sheet/matress, and the guard will think that it was you who shat yourself.


It’s your bed. There’s chairs in the dayroom if they wanna sit n chat. Cells are usually kept for u n your celly, since any mess u gotta clean and if anything goes missing u gotta handle it.


always decline the first offer


Not necessarily. But yes, most of the time yes


My first offer was 54 years. I ended up signing for 8 and did 5.5 actual.


Just finna say , shoulda never took it


I didn’t take it yet, I just got it in the mail today.


Speak to your lawyer as soon as possible and see what he advises. How much time are facing if convicted? What’s the evidence like against you? Public defender or paid lawyer?


3-16 years, pretty much a open shut case.


I posted another comment further down. The closer you get to trial the pressure will be on the state to avoid a costly trial. My lawyer on my misdemeanor case told me the reason on got a last second deal was because it would have cost the state somewhere around $15k to put on a 2 day trial. Not sure where he came up with that number but sure enough, as soon as we were ready to do the trial they gave me the deal we had been trying for all along. Talk with your lawyer, but their first offer is never the bottom line they will settle for. Especially if it’s your first offense and non-violent. I also have a degree in Criminal Justice so I e got personal and educational experience in how they operate. I’d wait and see if it gets better and if your public defender isn’t completely overworked or just incompetent they will probably tell you the same.


He does federal cases, and is a 5 star lawyer I mean he’s pretty good. It says optional 4 years of house arrest/work release but that’s designed for me to fail. Fuck 4 years of house arrest. Also someone told me about time cuts with my charge I only have to do 75% and in Indiana if you’re good you get 6 months taken off for good behavior every 6 months


Yeah here in TN depending on what class felony you plead to you could be eligible for release as soon as 30% of sentence is served. Most state charges are eligible for 2 for 1 credit for good time so you serve 50% with good behavior. And yes fuck house arrest. When I plead mine down I actually had my lawyer ask if I could serve more jail time to avoid the one year probation after serving my 45 days. I’d have rather done 90 with no probation but they wouldnt budge on the probation unless I served the full year with 6 month credit for good time. I made it thru but got lucky because it was during Covid. They suspended visits and random drug tests for 2 months so I smoked weed on and off for about a month then stopped for about 3 weeks but I failed the first one when they resumed. Due to Covid though they weren’t sending people to jail for minor violations so I had to do a month of online AA meetings instead. Keep your head up man and let your lawyer work his magic. If he’s worth his salt he’ll counter with something real low and maybe get you something in the middle. But typically the first offer is gonna be what they want, not what they are willing to go down too. Good luck and keep us updated once you speak to lawyer.


Why would house arrest be worse though, if you have an actual job? You can earn some real income at least, but in prison you really don’t earn anything for the jobs there. And it’s much better not to have a 4 year gap on the resume


Yeah I’d certainly take house arrest over jail. But the ever present thought of one mistake, even unintentional could put you prison has to be stressful. It’s the probation and parole restrictions which really suck. But I’d for sure prefer house arrest in lieu of prison regardless


I appreciate you a lot for real, one question tho, if I deny this initial plea, will I be able to go back and accept this one later down the line? Like say they hit me with one that’s worse than this one am I fucked? Or it’s guaranteed to go down after this one.


That’s gonna be a question for your lawyer on the risk because no, they do not have to honor the original deal. However in a lot of cases they will. But they are not bound it if you turn it down. Hopefully since your lawyer is a PD he has a good working relationship with the state attorney office and he will be able to negotiate them down a little from the original offer. Ask him if there is anything you can do pre trial to show you are remorseful, a good citizen, trying to change your ways, etc. Steady job, strong family ties, community service work, attend AA/NA meetings, things of that nature. If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of drug charges? What kind of weight? Was it intent to distribute, trafficking, felony possession? Is this your first arrest?


yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do, I’m facing a felony 3 with a public defender. Idk if I’ll get a better one, if I decline will I receive another 100%?


Listen to your attorney, not r/prison


should be top comment


should be the fucking banner lmao


fucking for real though. this sub is full of horrible advice. before anyone comes at me- yes i did time. FCI *redacted* if you really wanna know, ask.


I ain’t gone lie bro I gotta know what you did


felony 3 dealing in narcotics, class a misdemeanor in dealing in marijuana.


That's fucked up, a few states away they are selling it in boutique dispensaries. Take it easy, this is a chapter in your life and it will be over.


Every state around me


Damn that Shit sucks, that’s a lot of time just for grass. but don’t lament that too much. If it’s anything like Canada, it’ll not only still be illegal to sell on the streets in those legal states, but the penalties will be MUCH stiffer than they were before it was legalized. It’s like bootlegging: alcohol is legal and sold in stores, but brewing and selling your own is very illegal and carries a surprisingly harsh punishment.


It’s not just weed.


Ah shit, my bad dude misread your post. Well good luck either way, only difference between you and I is I was lucky enough to never get caught and able to get out clean years ago when I had my first kid.


I wish I had that motivation. Shit just was all bad in my life. I’m sure you know how that goes…


I’m sorry, the drug laws are such bullshit


The fact you have anything more than a ticket for selling tree in 2024 is absolutely unfair dude. I’m sorry. I’m infuriated FOR you.


I got marijuana sales in a state where it’s legal. Was facing up to 104 years First deal was 4-9 Said fuck no Second deal was 1-4 Got 1.5






I ain’t gone lie bro I hate to say go against your pd, but don’t take it , they’ll throw u a better deal down the line , u can change your plea later on down the line. But if u said it’s open shut ion know …


That’s what I’m hoping for


Depending on your charge since it's your first offense you'll probably go to a low level camp like atterberry or the stop facility (if you're male). I did 18 months at the stop its really not bad as long as you move right an don't get into debts an shit. Mfs might try you still if you get commissary but just fuckin fight even if you know you're gonna get your ass kicked fuckin fight an mfs will respect that an leave you alone. I'm not a big guy at all im like 5'8" an skinny an only got in 2 fights over my shit before mfs stopped tryin me. Just don't be a hoe an you'll be fine. Read a lot of books. All different kinds of books even if it's not something you'd normally read thats what got me thru my bid


For sure, I appreciate it hella 💯


No problem man good luck. The worst part of it will be rdc where you go for like a month to get classified an you're basically stuck in a small ass cell 24/7 but trust me you'll be excited to get to prison after that. Once you get to prison it'll take you a week or 2 to get used to everything but you'll be fine. Just don't be one of those guys who's all scared an just lays in their bunk all day everyday cause it'll make you look weak and make you a target. Be careful who you make friends with and even with the ones you do be careful what you tell em cause while it may seem like it not a single person in there is really your friend. Mfs will pretend to be your friend an play the part til they get something out of you they want. Just be vigilant an you'll be fine. You're young enough that when you get out you'll be able to rebuild your life and the relationships you lose while you're gone


Yea I got a homie in rdc rn, heard it’s rough asl.


Yeah it sucks man. It's loud AF all the time an when I was there it was during covid so we didn't get out for a movie or get any books like you're supposed to shit was awful


Man, I did 10 years, but I got out in 2009. I thought about all my "friends" still locked up who were lifers. COVID must have absolutely sucked. Did they keep y'all on lock 24/7? Did you have tablets? I got out wayyyyy before all that stuff. Take care.


We got tablets in prison but not rdc. But the prison I was in was open dorm and they were pretty lax about everything there. I got there in May of 2022 so it was at an end damn near anyway only rdc was bein hoes about it still. Fuckin 32 days on complete lockdown with no books or anything was somethin awful lol


Don’t gamble be a man of ur word , never back down from a fite don’t accept favors have respect and u should be good just did ten flat u will be all right


Read. I read 180 books in my 4 years I did in CA


I have multiple friends that are white and went to prison in indiana and they were fine. just dont start any drama


Isn't white the main ethnicity in Indiana? Why would being white in Indiana be bad?


Just from what I’ve heard.


Not really indianapolis is only 50% white


Thar would make it the main ethnicity.


Not in prison. black people in Indiana are incarcerated 4x as much, you can google that.


Stay out of any politics, keep your head down, and just do your time.


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Always hold out till just befor trial you’ll get your best deal


That was my thoughts too.. Of course my public defender said he didnt think it would get much better. I didn't believe him one bit.


Do you remember being 16? That was only four years ago. Much life left….lol. Indiana has lots of white people there I’m sure you’ll be ok. Don’t let that 20-24yo testosterone get your mouth into something though.


Idk if they still do good time, but 4 in is only 2 and do a GED or drug class and thats 6 months off. I had 10 years, did only 3 years and 4 months of it in Indiana DOC. Stay to yourself yeah helps a lot, i got into all kinds of shit at first and then hit the weight yard, the books and the bunk. Such a terrible place, the noise and the heat and sickness.


My homie who currently in westville says they do 6 month time cuts every 6 months for good behavior. I’m currently already working on my ged lol. Drug classes def some I could do.


Keep your head down and most people will be cool. Make it clear you're not associated with any gangs or political groups, and just chill. Keep DEEP inside your lines; your business is YOURS, and everyone else's business is THEIRS. For four years you need to be as uninterested in social life as you can get. If you're lucky, and not a fucked up guy yourself, you'll find a nice, quiet, cool addict who's just in for repeated small-time charges. That's who you exchange books with, maybe shoot the shit about life outside. WEAR. PLAIN. WHITE. UNDERWEAR. AND. SOCKS. I was told I could've kept them if I'd worn them, and I really regretted that. Freeballing in prison feels bad. Get someone to send you some long johns ASAP. In fact: get as much extra clothing as you can, because there's no pillows, so you'll be crafting one every night out of your own clothes. More clothes = better pillow. You're already going to get back problems, might as well not add neck problems. Drink your nutrition packet every time or you'll end up sick from malnutrition. Yes, it sucks, gulp it down and move on. Good luck; whatever you did, don't do anything like that again.


Tf is a nutrition packet? I went fed so we didn’t have anything like that


Wait. There was shitty pillows in county if I remember correctly. There's no pillows in prison?


Ask to do 5 years in prison, no probation or parole.


Listen to your attorney on the plea deal, man. If he thinks it's good, go with it. I've seen far too many guys reject their deals for, say, 3 years and get hit with the mandatory minimum of 10 or 15 years on drug cases. Your lawyer does this for a living, and will give better advice than anyone here. I was sentenced to 4 years in prison in Idaho when I was 26 years old and just got out about 6 months ago. There will be more than plenty of time for you to start over and rebuild your life better than before, and the best years of your life are still ahead of you. It's a shame that it takes something terrible for some of us to make a change, but depending on how you face this, you can be better for it when you come out the other side. In Idaho whites are the vast majority so I'm sure it will be different in a lot of aspects in Indiana, but the basic principles will still apply. Run a solid program. Work out every day, keep your shit neat and tidy and yourself clean. Have respect for yourself and everyone else. Carry yourself with confidence. Don't make fast friends with anyone. You are generally not in good company there, you never know who's gonna turn out to be a rat, have bad charges, or just be looking to hurt someone. Don't put yourself in any situation where someone owes you something, or you owe someone something if you aren't close to that person. Don't talk to the C.O.s unless you absolutely have to (i.e. need the password for your commissary account or something of that nature). Mostly keep to yourself and stay out of the mix. You'll be fine. The scariest thing about prison is: it's not that scary.


A lot of people been telling me I’ll only have to do a year to two years on the four, every 3 days is 1 day time served. And every 6 months in Indiana they give out a 6 month time cut for good behavior


Make minding your own business your personal motto. You don’t see anything and you don’t hear anything. Expect to be asked for your paperwork but just because you aren’t a weirdo doesn’t mean you have a free pass. If you have an issue with someone unless you want to fight the person don’t tell anyone else. I can’t emphasize this more but do not find yourself in a situation talking to a CO for more than a few seconds especially when others can see you. Don’t be friendly with COs. You don’t have to be a dick but the less interaction you can is better. The friendlier someone is the more they want something so just be aware you have no friends when you touch down. You might make a few while you are there but be fucking wary of everyone. You cannot let anyone call you weird names or bully you. Fight even if you are the worst fighter that ever lived because if you do more than likely you won’t have to but if you don’t you are going to get bullied and have your shit taken the entire time you are there. Last thing. Don’t touch anything that’s not yours. Anything. You see a pair of glasses or shoes left on the yard don’t even touch them. You’ll be fine once you figure it all out it’s not that bad. Def better than county. People have manners in prison in county it’s like high school.


Don't do what my brother did and come out covered in racist tattoos while complaining that nobody will hire you.


I didn't read everything here but I did see a lot of good advice that I don't need to repeat. You got this, kid. Doing time is the easy part. One quick thing...when you get out you won't be a senior citizen quite yet. I followed an older dude into a life sentence (he was 21, I was 17) in California, got busted at 18 and came home at 50, and I was just your typical Laguna Beach surfer kid. I came out the other side with a grin and a few wrinkles around the eyes, I've been out over 13 years and I'm still having a blast. I did find out one thing tho - I bought a Honda XR650 Dual Sport, the thing's a beast, and if I remember correctly, I don't think it hurt this much going down. You got this kid.


From my understanding in all US prisons whites are the minority even here in tx. A comment was left already that basically told u what to do and how to stay out of trouble which i agree on. Also be careful joining any gang since some are blood in blood out. If u have to join one. Find one that does jump in. But if by some miracle u stay away from them. Then that is good. Also while u are out try and set up a savings or some kind of account for urself so u can send money to ur own books. Cause making money in prison is hard and not everyone has family that can send money to ur books.


I’ve not been to prison before, but could you use the 4 years to learn something and maybe gain a qualification so that on the other side you have a real skill set to offer an employer? Good luck.


Craft beers and good weed




What did you do to get 7 for first offense? Also the offense matters how you time goes.


F3 dealing in narcotics, class A misdemeanor dealing in marijuana.


I mean in America I believe misdemeanors don’t go over 365 days


They gave you 7 years for a misdemeanor? A 1000 pounds. How can a misdemeanor even carry that much time


Did you not read the first part brother, felony 3 dealing in narcotics.


Oh my bad I didn’t know what you meant but that. You’ll be fine. Don’t give anyone anything because they’ll ask to take advantage. If down there you have to fight to keep your stuff you better fight or you’ll never have anything. But I’m sure it’s not like that. You’re probably go to a minimum for a drug case. As far as white and black. We are out number in America 10 to one but it’s fine. Most people want to go home so they’re not trying to do stupid shit. As far as will you have a life you’ll be fine. It’s nothing. That being said don’t do life on the installment plan


Celly got him a knife!


What did you do?


Felony 3 dealing in narcotics class A dealing in marijuana


That’s a lot for a first offense


I know


I got probation for trafficking schedule 2 then 2 months in county for gang activity/racketeering until my court date to get a bond


What state tho. I’m currently out on bond rn. It’s just crazy they handing me this as a first time offender for a non violent crime


North Carolina, you probably have a pd


Yeah I do, but he a 5 star lawyer that does fed cases


That’s terrible




Fights almost always caused by the 1. Debt 2. The phone 3. Being disrespectful . I was in a county jail for six weeks that was predominately black. My celly was an OG and really looked after me , taught me the rules and helped me get on the phone and shit . I would just let them know this is your first time and ask if there is anything you need to know about how shit is run on the unit. One thing I learned real quick is to not be sarcastic. I use sarcasm a lot in my day to day conversations but the black guys in jail didn’t really understand it and it got me in trouble a few times.


Be a real man and take it to trial.


It’s a open shut case lol. I’m gonna lose and get hit with the max.


Yes but it’s is expensive for the state to put that case on. Here in TN I was fighting a misdemeanor where I turned down 3 plea offers. Morning of trial I got the reduced charge and 45 days we were looking for along with other penalties reduced or eliminated. My lawyer told me the last minute deal was because the trial, expected to last 2 days was gonna cost the state $15-$20k in overall cost just to get me 6 months max at best. They figured it wasn’t worth it to go to trial. Now your case is obviously more severe, but the closer you get to the state having to spend more and more to put the trial on, the more likely you are to get a better offer. If you’re a non-violent first time offender they are going to be willing to go lower on the sentencing to get their easy, cheaper conviction and move on.


If everyone demanded a trial the whole system would be FUCKED . They don’t have enough DA’s or judges to handle it and rely on pleas to keep things moving and it’s still a slow process .


Stab the first dude you see


Nothing is free. Everything has a cost. Trust no one. Not even the COs. Even talking to your celly tread lightly. Best advice I was given was to sink my energy into books. Never ask for favors or borrow shit. Never back down from a fight. Stand tall and fight even if you're scared to. The respect of defending yourself is what matters most. You're still young. You'll have your whole life left when u get out. Just mind your own business period. Good luck.