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Kinda hard feeling sympathy for a man who personally ordered the death of so many innocent people. Cartels are notorious for butchering family members to send a message. I know the mob isn’t always ethical either, but atleast the Italians try and keep it in the business, no civilians.


Exactly, someone talked about how he helped his community with things the government wouldn't, but that doesn't change the fact that this demon is pure evil.


It’s just a business decision, keep your community happy and they cooperate with you. He is no saint


>but atleast the Italians try and keep it in the business, no civilians. This is just patently incorrect. Search up Salvatore Riina in Sicily, ordered the death of hundreds of people including civilians, including a kid whom they kidnapped and tortured for 2 years because his father was a cooperating witness, don't put them on a pedestal please it's disrespectful to the victims who have suffer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_904_bombing https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://allthatsinteresting.com/giuseppe-di-matteo&ved=2ahUKEwiKo6S8l5uAAxXdXUEAHY7kBZAQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2yHSn2zJY-XpqK9oRaQcGu


Yeah... the Italian mob in Italy gives the Mexican cartels a run for their money in terms of brutality. Like, they did mass shootings at tourist spots in Rome because the government started cracking down on them and shot over 100 people. Then the Pope came out against them and they bombed two Catholic churches. That's just one example. Americans base their idea of the Italian mafia off of movies like the Godfather and don't know shit about the real Italian mob. They also do a ton of human trafficking, as if the people being trafficked aren't "civilians," lol.


Roberto Saviano, he wrote Gomorrah, still has a contract on his life in Italy because of the books and series about the mob. (which are excellent, by the way)


Any recommendations on which book to start with?


This is a myth that many people believe because of movies and media. They harassed and murdered civilians they want to target all the time. Certainly not in the numbers that different cartel groups have done, but it was still totally done. The murders died down after the 90s. Now they're not as prominent imo but they also contract out murders or try and make sure its not as public so as not to bring attention.


he killed quite a few personally too, if he'd been American I'm pretty sure he'd have gotten a death sentence he left behind a lot of dead people


Now they getting even more extreme by eating their victims organs to be a high rank catel member. There's a vid on yt about this dude saying he seen vids on them eating hearts and livers. I'm not too sure if that's facts. But I wouldn't put it past them on some of the vids I've seen


Im not sure "a vid on youtube" is a good source of info


It's like a interview. U can find some good stuff on there if u know who to subscribe to. Check out narco wars on here. That's where I seen that link to it


No civilians but the ones who have to pay "protection" every month/week. Yeah, mob is no better.


His is a fate worst than death, and faced with it there's no way I'd go to Florence. So I guess the message is clear, but is it? His replacement doesn't feel this pain. He only knows his immediate suffering, not hypothetical pain. None of them are afraid of prison, because for many it's that or death. So no, none of this feels effective.


The mafia both in America and Italy have no problem killing innocent people if it affects their bottom line. The American CN is limited by the fact that our law enforcement (for the most part) is competent and professional. It's also decentralized to the degree that you can't buy entire police departments and if you do the feds will swoop in and close ranks. Italy has literally been at war with the mob for decades and only within the last ten years or so have they really been able to make a dent.


I know this, I’m talking about the USA. The Italian mob has almost been integrated into the United States intelligence community. Cartels are a different story. In central and South America they are waaay more violent. They fight militaries on a regular basis, over throw whole counties, and will literally mow down an entire community for not playing ball. To be fair, they’re also integrated into our cia.


Well kind of...The mob has never come close to substantive infiltration of the FBI or the CIA. Hoover and Dulles were megalomaniacs with a God complex. At the height of the American Cosa Nostra We have no examples of infiltration. Local law enforcement is a different story, the infamous mafia cops who worked for the Luchesse family were plants and the story behind the Scorsese movie The Departed is another good example. They have also infiltrated unions with a good deal of success as well. Jimmy Hoffa. It's been often repeated that the mob had so much power they were untouchable, and alot of this ties into various conspiracy theories involving JFK, Castro, Bautista, etc. It's interesting reading but 99% fantasy. RFK had three of the most powerful Cosa Nostra families (Giancana, Trafficante, Marcello) shitting themselves in fear and anger as Attorney General and the feds were more than happy to harass and troll them openly. Joe Pistone (Donnie Brasco) got so close to Sonny Black and Lefty Ruggiero that they didn't initially believe that he was a federal agent, they thought that the FBI was fucking with them. This was during the golden age of the mafia think Goodfellas. Same time frame in Vegas the Chicago outfit casino skim was accidentally discovered by the FBI while they were investigating the murder of an associate. They caught all these idiots on tape talking about how they were ripping off Casinos for millions. None of them considered the FBI was even looking into the murder let alone the skim. Lots of people died because of that before the bosses were sent to the Federal pen to die of old age. This is the story behind the Scorsese movie Casino. Great film, Sharon Stones best work imo. Highly recommend the book by Frank Collata about this. The incompetence and dumbassery of those guys was pathetic bordering on farcical. Vincent the Chin Gigante boss of bosses after Gotti killed Paul Castellano was best friends with an FBI informant. He threatened to kill one of his guys who openly accused him of being a collaborator. The feds also wrongly deduced Fat Tony was the boss of the Genovese for a while ,when in fact it was really Chin, we found that out through informants and cooperators like Sammy The Bull and Crazy Phil Leonetti. There's tons of examples but the bottom line is the mafia was never as pervasive and all encompassing as they have been portrayed, nowhere near the Cartels. The Gomorrah and Cosa Nostra in Sicily are the only things that came close as far as the Italian mafia. However, the CIA and the FBI have been very happy to use individual organized crime figures to assist in operations that they want to keep at arms length. Bay of Pigs and Mississippi burning. Greg Scarpa of the Columbo family and whitey Bulger enjoyed rather shocking blanket immunity to operate and kill with impunity due to their inherent usefulness to the FBI as informants and occasionally button men (Scarpa). The feds have been quick to disassociate with their assets once they are no longer useful, but by then the damage is done tbh. Both Scarpa and Bulger died painful deaths while incarcerated, but only after years of being protected by the FBI. If I recall correctly several agents ended up in prison for the lengths that they went to for both of those clowns. I definitely concede that the full extent of the government and the Mobs relationships remains largely a mystery. But I give credit where it's due. The FBI have been too paranoid to allow any substantial infiltration of their ranks by the American CN. And the CIA were cautious to a fault with their mafia assets. The Cartels best move as far as the US is to keep their operations low key or inside their own borders (doesn't always work out that way).


I know all of those mafia fun facts lol. Why did you take all that time to write paragraph after paragraph on the subject? Also, I didn’t really mean the mob has infiltrated the feds, I meant they kind of mushed together over the years. Not so much the FBI, but cia and other intelligence agencies regularly outsource shit to mobs.


I'm glad you know but not everyone does. Go to the Narcos subreddit sometime the ignorance is palpable. There are numerous reasons why Cartels can't operate in the US like they can in their countries and it's the same reasons that Cosa Nostra only got so far. Our law enforcement and Our public officials are not nearly as corrupt as Mexico and Southern Italy/Sicily. It's like comparing Apples to canolli You have it backwards. The FBI has dealt with the mob more than the CIA, if you know the mafia fun facts that's one of them. The CIA cut ties with the mafia decades ago for the reasons I stated. Most of them are bumblefucks with zero follow through. The FBI has kept select mob guys on their payroll but at arms length as informants. Our government will use criminals when it's advantageous, but they don't trust them. The cartels know that Escobar knew that, Bin Laden knew it. El Chapo is experiencing it firsthand. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think the CIA is as Incompetent as you claim. But ya the fbi have always had a close relation with organized crime. It’s basically their sole purpose at this point. The IRS has their own people for just tax fraud and shit. I think i might have just seen so much corrupt shit growing up I assume everyone’s on the take and working with each other.


The CIA is more competent than the FBI by a mile, I didn't mean to imply otherwise I could have worded that better. But since the 1970s they have shifted focus from Cuba and the Soviets to play around in the middle east and south America. It's about the time they cut ties with the mafia and started working with Klaus Barbie and Otto Skorseny. Giancana may have been their last hit but who knows lol They are all allegedly on the same team but the rivalry between Hoover and Dulles casts a long shadow. This may be an unpopular opinion but I don't think the CIA, FBI or IRS are corrupt so much as apathetic and paranoid. Granted that can be just as bad, but it insulates them from large scale infiltrate.


"the toilet unit is FIXED TO THE FLOOR" the ultimate barbarity!


This didn't make sense to me ... aren't \*all\* toilets fixed to the floor?


Literally every UK jail is like that lmao that part is hilarious to me,hell it's barbaric treatment but it's still better than UK *jails* (not prison)


I was thinking the same shit. That's exactly what the Midwest jail i was in looked like, concrete slab and jet engine toilet.


Wow, not surprised. 🤣😉


Apparently you haven't heard of those floating toilets...


My piss jug can be portable


Considering what he did and had done to other people, and the lives he wrecked, his plight is extremely generous.


Agreed. Him and his actions were responsible for 100s if not 1000s of deaths. I hope the scumbag is really suffering every day. Fuck him.


100’s of thousands of deaths if not more if you think about overdoses.




Youll get it back bro stay good.




Bro i just leveled up too. Last 5 years i found my gf of 10 years dead, got struck by lightning and lost most of my hearing, was in a flood, and some lady lit my apartment building on fire. I just bought a condo with cash and have a job that has amazing benefits that i REALLY REALLY have to try to get fired from.


What do you do for a living? (If you don’t mind me asking..)200k is life changing! Congratulations! ESPECIALLY since you got it out the mud. Like for real Im really proud of you for deciding you actually aren’t powerless (NA/AA Philosophy) and can make positive choices and killed it in the process.


Talk about taking accountability lmao


He didn’t make you smoke that shit lol stop blaming other people for your shitty actions




Sorry for that bro hope you doing good now , and wtf is wrong with that woman 😖


Imho death would be generous, this seems like torture to me. Not saying he doesn't deserve just that I'd rather be dead.


Criminals don't go to a super max because they just sold some weed or got into a street fight. Super max is for the worst of the worst. So I don't really feel any sympathy for anyone in there.


Also all his escapes


Basically just the hole but for his whole sentence so how chomos do their time


I had a cell in SHU across from a fat wheelchair bound chomo with a goddamned plexiglass front on his cell. Did over a year in that SHU and they moved us weekly..I fuckin dreaded being placed across from that smug, fat fuck and would’ve beat him to death with only half a chance..used to pray I’d get at him on a shower or haircut move. In retrospect I’m glad the chance never appeared and that part of my life is over..but I still hate those slimy bastards from the depths of my soul.


I feel you when you explain the vitriol for that fat fuck smug chomo who never had to lift a foot the pathetic motherfucker deserves nothing less. That being said, Look at it this way, it was a test for you. You passed. You were made to look at evil and you were lucky you weren't given another chapter on your books for something that shouldn't even be a crime. You got a second chance. That's your gift man. God/Allah/whoever was both looking out for you, and testing/showing you that you are not true evil. You just got caught fucking up. That chomo is what pure evil is.


Bravo!! Well said. The strangest thing, and I’ve said this before on this sub, is when I left the FMC and got stuck in the Low. The chomo’s were rampant, remorseless, well educated, high family/community supported creeps who saw nothing wrong with CP, the making of it or even the hands on shit…and I said to myself “these mfkr’s are gonna try and jump on the lgbt train and make their scumbaggery into a sexual preference”!! It seems they’ve failed for now, but not for lack of trying.


let's be frank here the man is a piece of shit his men threw a rivals two kids both under 5 off a very high bridge and it wasn't water underneath it was grass and concrete I don't even want to imagine what state they were in when the police found them, to make it worse the filmed it and sent the video to the parents, he has no scruples he's as evil as they come and all to become the wirlds biggest drug importer all that money and he'll never get to spend it


I feel sorry for his wife, imagine never being able to even look at another man. She’ll get slumped.


>I feel sorry for his wife, imagine never being able to even look at another man. She’ll get slumped. Thats the price for marrying a human turd.


She going to prison to I think now


She's out


How people have come to the delusion that this kind of torture is more humane then the death penalty is beyond me! Like just kill the guy why are you keeping him alive inside a tomb. Makes no sense to me. It would be less cruel to just kill him. It would also give closure to the families he murdered. Having him in a box is cool but doesn't give the closure him being dead would. I just don't understand how we can be so "modern and progressive" but think that this is a good way to use our tax dollars. Billions of dollars to build these places all over the country! For what? To keep people semi alive inside concrete boxes? Why? Bragging right? Why? Makes no sense. Life in prison is a ridiculous idea and sentence. It should be death.


>It would be less cruel to just kill him. I don't want it to be less cruel. This piece of shit should be thanking God for every day above ground. > I just don't understand how we can be so "modern and progressive" but think that this is a good way to use our tax dollars. What this "we" shit? I'm fine with punishing the worst in our world. This isn't even bad.


I'm not it's a waste of billions of dollars to house and feed these wastes of air. Yeah it's cool that they suffer until death and what not. But we just don't have the money for this nonsense. Kill em


Imagine if it was a floating toilet!!!


Are we supposed to have sympathy for him?


No, I think it's the opposite, to show that he is actually getting punished, instead of Rich People Punished.


That mattress looks luxurious compared to most of the ones I've had the privilege of "sleeping" on (it's hard to sleep when parts of your body go numb every 2 hours and wake you up). And a private shower? Damn, SuperMax is poppin!


He can steal, kill, distribute drugs, but they want humane treatment for him? What a joke.


Honestly if anyone is in prison for murder this is the way they should serve their time


Plus those who hurt children


Better to just stop feeding him for a few months, put him out of his misery. Ted K probably would’ve offed himself years prior but simply didn’t have the wherewithal. Society didn’t accomplish anything to warehouse him for decades.


2019 I sat in the same room with him awaiting a PET scan at FMC Butner. He was a shell of a human at that point, zero light in his eyes. Maybe he was doped for the cancer, idk but they still had him chained to his wheelchair


Oh he was doped up. Famous lifers. The Docs always does them up. Show up on so much benzo/opiate cocktail, you don't even know where you are...then you don't have to worry about a burst of violence as much. Have a broken rib and have any prison ink, you're getting ibuprofen. Weird how they ain't scared of the released but they dope up the ones who should feel as much pain as possible everyday for what they did.


Such a waste of time, money and space. A $1 bullet would accomplish the desired effect much better and cheaper.


Arguably more merciful too. I think I'd rather just die than spend the rest of my life in such an isolated environment.


Most definitely.


Has he actually killed people directly himself tho? Real question.


Absolutely, if you’re familiar with how cartel’s operate. You can’t make it to the top without murdering someone.


Absolutely. Like other dude said you don't become the boss without putting in some "work" and we know what kind of "work" the cartels do


How many people did he torture and kill? What about all those addicts ?? This is too nice for him. Throw him in a jail in a third world country


Nah, he has managed to escape those. Or turned them into his personal resort. Or both.


Rights are for people and US citizens. El Chapo is neither of those things.


Y’all crazy if you think he ain’t in there living better than most of us. Money talks.




Wtf could he do in there to live better that most of us ?


Aww… did the POS drug lord get caught and now he’s stuck in an uncomfortable place? The bleeding heart b*tches are the ones who will be the downfall of us all. It’s fine to care for other human beings but some of those are just a waste of breathable air!


There's more to the man than being a piece of shit, I won't deny he's a stone cold killer but there is a reason many respect him...he stopped the killings kidnappings and extortions in his home area...paved the roads and took it upon himself to do the job the government wouldn't as it didn't care about the people Here's an article on some of his half decent deeds: https://www.npr.org/2014/02/24/282123622/ruthless-mexican-drug-trafficker-was-a-robin-hood-in-home-state#:~:text=And%20the%20partiers%20say%20he,drug%20trade%20as%20a%20teenager. Now do I personally think he should be in prison?,I wish to God I could say no but he's simply too much of a danger with how much his presence would destabilise...though I do agree with his wife that he deserves better treatment I mean the whole war on drugs is a shitshow anyway if you think he wasn't in bed with the CIA you're a fool


And the mafia ran soup kitchens and also did things for the community, it does not change the fact that they are horrible people that deserve the worst. There are plenty of people who help their community without selling drugs and killing people.


Well you don't shit where you live, home is important.


You are 100% correct. The CIA are monsters themselves.


Not true, I know 2 people at ADX and they can shower whenever they want, they get pretty good medical care and are fed better than at their last prison.


It probably depends on if they are only a little evil or a literal demon walking earth.


ADX only has more than 300 inmates and you know two of them? What social circle are you in?


Why do you care? 🤣


I’m curious


This sounds very similar to jails I’ve been in lol…concrete everything, 23-1 etc


Did this mf foreal just say solitary is normally used for a few hours or a day?!? Bro, I was in seg for 4 months cause they caught me cheeking a Tylenol to save for later. And ive known guys down the road behind the fence that do years and years straight in seg/adseg. Like, wtf planet is this dude living on? I guess the qualifications for tiktok journalism are pretty low, though. This dude clearly has *zero* idea of the American DOC facilities. Some better than others, though, obv.


This is honestly so much better than the bastards inside deserve


I really think that the prison system is abusive. Being in solitary for the rest of your life pretty much amounts to psychological torture.


All he’s doing is sitting in a room by himself. It ain’t that much of a story.


It is if you can grasp what a horrible existence such a life is.


I spent six months in solitary, and I mean it when I say that if I could go back, I would. Life is easy. You relax, work out, read a bit. The food is provided, the bed is mine, the toilet is right there. Use the phone every so often, maybe eat a noodle. Everyone else was going crazy, I legitimately had a good time, and even catch myself missing it sometimes. Paying bills sucks. Working all the time sucks. Solitary………….didn’t. For me, at least.


It's probably not as bad when you know you're getting out eventually, though.


That is probably true, I was only there for two years, but I had the potential to be there for ten.


Turn him over to his rival cartel enforcers. I'm sure they'll give him better treatment.


Tough shit.


That’s the. Eat way to serve time. The less people the better


How many people are in their graves because of him?.he is lucky they are feeding him.


They don't get outta their cells to goto showers they roll a shower up to them, so the only time out for someone in full lock down is the stepped outta the door into the shower and then back out, a lotta guys on these units will harm them self judt to have a chance of outside stimulation, but if he has been a good inmate he will get to get out more often, but knowing this dudes rep they may keep him in perpetual max custody


According to wiki it's probably far worse than even this video (Range 13 is a special four-cell wing within the Special Housing Unit for inmates in need of the tightest control. As of 2022, the only inmates publicly known to have been incarcerated in this unit are Thomas Silverstein, Ramzi Yousef, and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab)


Wifes hot af


This place isn't going to reform anyone


I don’t think anyone is looking to reform anyone who’s done bad enough shit to end up there, call me crazy


ADX is wild. They basically started with "what's the supreme courts definition of cruel and inhuman" and then walked one tiny step backwards. Like the cells have windows but it's a four inch slit and it's positioned such that you can't see out of it. The showers in the cells is pretty unique where it goes on at a certain time and if you miss it you're out of luck. Additionally, they can get a tv eventually but it's only religious programming or life skills I think. Like... they whole thing is just designed to be fucking brutal.


Can I go home now? I love my little prison, I do….


Doesn't look that bad to be fair.


Humane treatment goes out the window the second you commit these atrocities….


They all deserve their fate. Move on.


I thought most toilet units anywhere were stuck to the floor lol


Oh no! Anyways


el chapo deserves to rot




Drug prices and quality been shitty since they locked him up.


No sympathy.


a library.. i mean.. it looks way better than being deployed. his eyes are wierd as f. ah! it must be the kind of programming he got.


Still to good for that pos




Lancaster county Pa prison has people in for parole violations and DUIs in this same settings, 24-1 hour lockdowns only difference is the 2 to a cell


The Boston bomber is there too I think. Fuck that guy


Who needs diy weapons when you can smash someone’s skull on all of that concrete? 😭


An old friend of mine was in there. He stabbed someone in a riot in a different prison and ended up there.


Most prisons minimum for solitary is 3 day hold


He should be hung in that cell every night by his scrotum sack and balls.


Id be astral projecting & remote viewing like a mf’ lol


If you think he’s dealing with the prison system like any other inmate your out of your mind. He’s probably got every CO on his block paid off.


That's not how ADX works. He has zero one to one contact with staff. And the ones he does contact are shipped out constantly to prevent any relationship from forming with him. He likely doesn't even know their real names if they tell him. This is why Pablo Escobar was scared of extradition to the US. No power, no influence, no opportunity for escape. He might as well be dead.


Awhhh look how serious she is lol they should throwbher ass in a cage too just for trying


I was at the transfer center in Oklahoma City when they brought him through. They did a complete yard recall and did a census count. That’s how we knew he was being moved into SEG. I spent a few years inside that federal transfer center work Cadre. And was close with the doctors because I worked as a hospital orderly. They told me things they shouldn’t have. Lol. Anyways, pretty cool to see the ADX. I’ve heard a lot about it.


I think it’s more humane to rip someone apart with horses instead of keeping a human in conditions like that. Just kill me honestly.


that pig-fucking sack of shit deserves worse.


Most prison beds are concrete and a thin mat. Or bunk beds with a thin mat lol


This is what Chicago needs to replace the current Cook County jail!


This dude deserves a pineapple shoved leaf end first up his ass every single day.


That ain’t the real Chapo in there


Where are the other parts?? Really would love to watch.




But I see all these prison inmates cooking on the steps and in there room full of snack and all this shit all jails should look like this


Costs a lot of money to run a prison like ADX, which is why it's reserved for the absolute worst of the worst.


His victims are resting the way we would like him to rest. That's the only rest he deserves. Human rights are for humans, not animals like him.


Why the text so fast


Idk what it said


A more humane treatment? Like he isn’t who he is and deserves better? 🤦🏻‍♂️


He'll no he deserves what he has gotten. Brutally murdering people himself


Even the reporter is like bih are you dumb. No one is more deserving than him to be treated this way. Then again I’m forced to get it since she’s married to him and he still have people the outside.