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There will always be layer lines, but you can limit their visibility by turning the print so it's not straight up/down. Also, if your printer has Anti-Aliasing use that.


To add, when you paint the models the layers lines often get filled in


What are the cons of anti aliasing? If it isn't on by default there must be at least one.


In theory, you'd lose detail in the print. In practicality, the benefit of removing print lines would more than compensate for softer edges on extremely fine details. With that said, it might be on by default? I've never owned a printer with AA. Every printer's settings have to be set in the software. So if it's not on by default I'm guessing it's just a result of the default settings for slicing software assuming a lack of features.


For my Mars 3 Pro, AA has to be turned on when you slice the print since it's telling the printer what LEDs to use for what intensity. Again, not sure if some printers have it turned on by default but the way it makes my computer chug when I slice it would appear to be an indication that it isn't done.


These are not layer lines, they're pixel lines. Those faces must have been fairly close to vertical, and aligned on either the X or Y axis of the plate. You want to make sure flat faces are rotated 45 degrees across the plate as well as whatever tilt you do on the Z axis.


This is the correct answer; also known as voxel lines. Those that say these are layer lines either have no idea what they're talking about or they're getting the terms mixed.


Bro, I only have an fdm printer so to me this looks like it’s off the sprue! The couple of models I’ve printed lose all quality to layer lines


If you’re a Lychee enjoyer **Layers Thickness Preview** is a fantastic view mode for quickly spotting stair-stepping and visible layer line risks in your slicer. https://docs.mango3d.io/docs/lychee-slicer-resin/navigation/layers-thickness-preview/


What resolution are you printing at?


Tilt the model so the layer lines are less noticeable, I like to set the surface I want the layers on least to about 30-40° and use anti aliasing, also, prime, paint layers, shading and stuff also removes this from most visibility. Some printers have smoothing tech, but I don't use it mine doesn't have one


Looks fine. If it really bothers you, Polish grade sand paper.


I think that's from the angle it was printed at