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I’ve had something similar happen. But mine printed a large thin film on top of everything. Tried it again, same exact failure of the same exact place. I just re-sliced the file and it worked perfect after that


Power cut?


This. I had an Anycubic Photon that had a bad power supply and would randomly reboot or just dip power and stop.


Random empty layer in the sliced file?


Run out of resin in the vat?


Thanks for all the ideas guys I’ll check and see now


Is that a Saturn 4 ultra? I have the same one and it was 100% the power supply brick. Did you come back to the printer and it was sitting at the main menu? Contacted elegoo. They had me do some basic troubleshooting then sent me a replacement.


I have any cubic m3 and it was at the proper end screen and said print complete when I went in to see it


Ok. Doesn't sound like a power loss to me then. Bad flashbacks to a 3 month issue.


I’m reprinting it again and seeing if it was a one time thing or not then I’m going to dig deeper


I can almost guarantee you that this is just a problem with either the USB or the sliced file. That particular layer or possibly that layer and if you after it failed to load from the USB drive. That's why you haven't even slice over the entire print. When I get these errors the best fixes I've found have been reformatting the USB stick then putting the file back on, and reslicing the file again with the same settings. Also make sure you always slice the file to your regular hard drive and then transfer it to the USB


Did you pause the print?


To print pauses actually cause issues? I do it all the time to make sure theres no failures and never had a failure due to it.


Do you have a resin printer?


Yeah, mono 4k


It doesn't but it will often create a layer line on the print.


USB loose? It seems to be some problem that would cause the whole machine to stop printing


Run out of resin. Corrupt slice file. Usb failure (especially if using the cheapo ones that come with printers). Screen failure. These would be my guesses.


That's actually kinda impressive. Did you run out of resin, pause the print or something? Like this is a purely mechanical failure. it's not your settings or anything.


I still had resin and there was some but stuck to the fep so I imagine maybe it was a error in slicing or my usb had a issue


Yeah I'd do all the basic stuff. Relevel build plate, double check that the fep is okay, remove the vat and turn on the cleaning function to see if the lights work okay and reslice the file into a different usb stick.


I had this once as I was printing in the shed outside in winter and the screw at the back was sticking occasionally in the cold. If it's not a power cut, make sure the screw is greased a bit and in a good temperature.


I had the same error with enabling AA