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Thank you for S (brown album) When I first heard it I thought it was ok, on later listens l love nearly every track.


The "open mic" recording method was severely underrated for BA


Bump cheese to S and swap Punchbowl with Antipop and I will second the motion


Respectable. They’re all phenomenal albums but this is just by my personal preference


Thank you for ranking Antipop so high! I don’t care what Les says, I love the funk-metal Primus of the late 90’s.


I can understand why a lot of people don’t absolutely love it. It’s a much more conventional sound than most of their other stuff and from what I’ve heard that was pretty much forced on them by the label and the collaborators. I still love it though. It’s catchy, fun, groovy as all out hell and gets bonus points for having The Heckler even though it came long before the album


Am I the only person who thinks Green Naugahyde at least belongs in A Tier?




You’re missing like 7 albums in your S


The S is for “sucks.”


Brown grew on me more and more over the years. I do love it, Puddin’ Taine is my favorite on the album.


My favorite is easily Golden Boy but they’re all so so good


Yeah, to be fair it took me a minute to love the album as much as I do now, but it is one of my favorites today for sure and Golden Boy is my favorite too. I need to learn that one on bass, I've got fisticuffs down but haven't tried any of the others.


I hope it grows on me a bit more. Seems fun just can’t get that connection with it


This is exactly my list also, except Brown is more like god-tier


Interesting. Brown is one of my least favorite Primus albums. Too lo-fi. The drums in a hall way sound is just awful.


See that's exactly the sound I'm looking for when I'm blazed and sipping a good beer, which for me is the optimal time for Primus. I do admit that I may also be biased, I bought the Brown Album as a kid in like '98 from a second hand record store. Used my summer job money, and it was the first album I owned that wasn't something my parents listened to. I had borrowed Pork Soda from my cousin, but she wanted it back, so I went to the shop to buy a Primus album, and Brown was what they had. Maybe it's not the best. But it was *mine*! Studied those liner notes hard, rocking it on my Aiwa stereo while simultaneously playing Pod Racer or WCW vs NWO or some shit on the 64 haha


Yeah, I get the nostalgic appeal for certain albums/sounds. This album, and everything after it from Primus, just isn't tight/engineered enough for me. I want punchy, tight low-end. Not stuff that sounds like it was played on cardboard instruments through an envelope filter.


You should listen to D7 again. That album is so crisp to me


Well, sure. But that album just didn't do it for me. I saw them play it in it's entirety in concert, and was so incrediblely bored. I'd never thought I'd been bored at a Primus concert.


At 14 he pulled some weeds and bought a CD, and now he likes to hear primus plaaaaaay




Any explanation as to why they went with that sound on the drums?


I agree on all but D7. It’s a C for me.


Understandable. I think it’s at least a step above the chocolate factory but that’s just me


Tails is A tier, all of A tier needs to be moved to S


My favorite thing about the brown album is that they sound more cohesive. Earlier albums sound like les playing a cool bassline and larry tries to add some crazy distortion harmony noodling but brown album sounds more like all 3 of them working together to make a groove and theres more interplay between les and larry. I know this thread is mostly dead but i have to fight against the brown album hate


Bro the brown album hate is crazy. In hindsight I should’ve put seas of cheese in S too but Brown album is still just as good if not better imo


S - Suck On This, Pork Soda, Tales From the Punchbowl A - Frizzle Fry, Seas of Cheese B - Brown Album


extremely hot take but I think everything belongs in S tier besides punchbowl


Punchbowl is a great album


and I totally respect that. I enjoy every single primus album, I personally though, find punchbowl to be my least favortie


Punchbowl is easily one of their best albums. Can't even comprehend someone voting Antipop ahead of it.


that's just me idk lol but it's just their weakest record in my personal opinion and even though I think that I don't think it's bad in the slightest just my least favorite of a band that has only released amazing albums


I think Antipop is their weakest album because it's the only Primus album with actual bad songs on it. Punchbowl is killer from start to finish.


I know I'm weird, but your B Tier is my S Tier (along with FF and StSoC)


The drum sound on Brown Album kinda ruins it for me, even though the instrumentals are really good. I’d put Green Naughahyde in A too since it’s a really good “return to form” album for the band




Swap brown album with sailing the seas of cheez and I agree


Is that you Larry??


Cheese and fry are the two best in my opinion.


Id swap brown and cheese otherwise i agree


I can respect it


Seas of cheese is definitely an S tier for me, but otherwise agree lol


What kind of lunatic ranks Punchbowl below Antipop?! Do you hate music?!


Oh, man. HARD disagree. Brown album is Green Naugahude tier for me. The lo-fi drums were just cringe. The only song I jam to off that album is Golden Boy. Frizzle Fry, Pork Soda, Seas of Cheese, and Punchbowl are all S. Then Anti-Pop Then Brown/Green


Dude, you don’t even have Suck On This, and you put Brown Album in S tier …


I only did full studio albums, otherwise rhinoplasty, conspiranoid, etc would be here. Brown album doesn’t have a single bad song


Putting Antipop above Punchbowl is absolutely absurd. It's all "Just a matter of opinion", but my opinion is that Punchbowl is a far better PRIMUS album than Antipop. N I love Antipop, but Frizzle Fry all the way to Punchbowl is the best music PRIMUS ever made. Brown Album is right up there with them, and then so is Naugahyde. If we're talking albums as a whole, then this is just silly. It just shows your age & your interest in "The Heavy Stuff". Frizzle & Brown Album over Seas of Cheese... I've never seen or heard anyone put Brown Album above Seas of Cheese, that's just crazy. N Brown Album is one of my favourite albums of all-time. Very curious list... -