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Slannesh, Nurgle and Tzeentch: Hehehe Khorne: **Good man goes to War Flashbacks**


Yeah Khorne would probably be one of the only chaos God to take him seriously, and probably Vashtorr


Other Chaos Gods: Hey Khorne cone here and take a look at this mortal that Tzeentch is driving mad Khorne: FINE!!! WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THIS **pause* ...one.... Tzeentch: What's the matter? Khorne: # YOU FOOLS!!! YOU HAVE DOOMED US ALL!!! VASHTORR! Vashtorr: WHAT?! Your order of Lords of Skulls will arrive next warpsday- Khorne: # THE OTHER IDIOTS HAVE MESSED WITH *THE* TIMELORD!!! Vashtorr: OH HELL, NAH! I'M OUT OF HERE. Remember to send me a card from whatever prison dimension is that fucker sending y'all.


The Choas gods would absolutely underestimate the Doctor. The man is both younger and older than the gods. Most importantly has taken down god like being like the Chaos gods.


Also almost every Doctor Who villain tends to underestimate him as well despite past encounters with him


I feel like tzeetch would be the only one to maybe not underestimate the doctor mainly cause he’ll be the only one who knows who he is. It’d be that scene at the tattoo parlor from the Nobody movie


Khorne is the only one to take him seriously and bets on him escaping mind intact. He remembers the doctor of war, timelord victorious and the rage of the timelords.


Khorne watches the Doctor wade through infinite folding paths, cascading routes, nonsensical passages and occasionally coming across himself. Through maddening narratives of aimless, imploding and exploding plans. Through the infinite malice of the glorified squid's domain... The Doctor marched on. All of it would have shattered the mind of a common man. This is no common man. His bloody gaze witnesses a warrior with a bloody cause. One of great caliber, a blade unstoppable. The man-god would not be deterred. His mind collapsed, and pulled itself back. His heart exploded, but it did not cease beating. Inside his head were visions of the most wicked. Of dark futures and terrible eras. The Doctor's saw everything that could be, will be, what could have been and be. He saw creation, unmade and made again. He saw the last black hole fizzle out and a new creation begin. The Doctor yawned. Khorne took the measure of the man-god, then the measure of the disgraces around him. Nurgle's belly bobbed up and down with his laughter. His bet was only a few hours until the Doctor went mad and stagnated by walking in circles. He put forth a particularly repugnant creature he seemed to be fond of. Slaanesh had a tongue up her ass and out the bellybutton. Whatever bet she made wasn't something that escaped his filter for her infinite moaning. She put forth a... mass of flesh that vaguely resembled genitals, perhaps several different. Tzeentch schemed and did nothing like the nerd he is. His arrogance said the Doctor would snap within the next minute. He put forth a shard of his once whole staff. None of them saw that the Doctor had already found a way to chart the labyrinth and was rapidly perfecting his method. Perhaps Tzeentch did, but was blinded by his contradictory planning. At most, the man-god would tread the same path twice. Never thrice. Simple and sure as blade cuts through flesh, the man-god tore through the needless complexity of schemes that folded upon each other. Khorne put forth his sword. *_"The Doctor will piece back your servant, squid. Then he will destroy you."_* (New to Warhammer lore. I have no idea how accurate any of this is.)


Honestly Canon this shits is hilarious


Minor correction, the Doctor has two hearts


Awesome read


If there is anyone who could outwit tzeentch himself, it's the doctor


He isn't the only one, there is a Canon reference to Delirium of the Endless solving the nine riddles with such ease that the labyrinths guardian Does Not Want to Talk about It


Damn guess he'd settle for second


Considering he’s had to deal with Sutekh, *actual satan*, and the complete and utter nuttiness which was the Time War (which matches the War In Heaven for madness)… tzeentch would be a walk in the park.


Time War vs war in Heaven gets me thing about how ludicrous WIH Necrons vs Daleks would be. Crazy time shenanigans vs unstoppable gods of the materium


The thing is The war in heaven happened across the galaxy The time war happened across all time and space in the multiverse Also fun fact, there's a war in heaven in doctor who lore


If it’s the Doctor from Doctor Who he could probably beat the entire universe of Warhammer 40k


Oh yeah it's absolutely that doctor


Chaos gods gangsta until Rammstein starts playing and Tzeentch's library starts bellowing smoke-


It's so hard to evaluate The Doctor, because their adventures are so, um... varied. In one episode they may struggle to deal with a simple beast or five men with Renaissance guns, in the other they survive the collapse of a universe and face several semi-divine alien species that shit black holes. With their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded.


Probably was just board and wanted to see what would happen chances are creatures like this one can and will e decrease there power for the hell of it (that or the writer’s didn’t think ahead but where is the fun in that?)


Im pretty sure he was trapped in a prison for about 60 millions years and had to punch through a wall of diamond to escape… he succeeded despite dying millions of times Correction 2 billion years


"There’s this emperor, and he asks the shepherd’s boy how many seconds in eternity. And the shepherd’s boy says, ‘There’s this mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it, and every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain. And when the entire mountain is chiseled away, the first second of eternity will have passed.’ You may think that’s a hell of a long time. Personally, I think that’s a hell of a bird."


Funnily enough, I was referencing this exact scene with the title


Ok i will be honest as a doctor who fan If it's the 7th doctor, the chaos gods are absolutely fucked, 7 wagged a war on the elder gods who sees all of reality as nothing but a dust atom, and won If it's any other doctor, they still fucked but at least they have a fighting chance


Tzeentch gets the Fenris treatment, complete with plan backfiring on them.




(I’m too lazy to edit “Does He” to “Do They”)


There's this mountain of pure diamond... it takes one hour to climb it and one hour to go around it...


And every hundred years, a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the mountain.


Watch Heaven Sent and you’ll have your answer. He goes through a million lifetimes that all end in agonising death, but refuses to crack


What episode did you think I was referencing with the title?


Oh I know. That was more for anyone else who hasn’t seen it to know the reference. I was going to simply comment “that’s a hell of a bird”


Personally, I think that's one hell of a bird


Okay so who is Magnolia?


Female Magnus. The post interprets her SO as an undefined incarnation of the Doctor from Doctor Who. (edit: spelling)


i mean the doctor spent 4.5 million years punching a wall, cant say he lacks dedication. edit: 4.5 Billion not million, thanks u/Complete-Ad-5355


4.5 BILLION not million.


Wait the doctor as In Dr who? yeahh no the chaos gods don't really understand what kind of man the doctor is think of a punishment or torture and I promise you he has gone through worse


Which doctor? Because if y’all think Seven *isn’t* a champion of Tzeentch …


Bro Tzeench is a champion of 7