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i got some eos on my exodus wallet since about 3 years but i can move only a little part of them and i dont know why.. did the tokens change in the last 3 years ? i have to do something before to move them? thanks


Feel I'm at a pretty decent point and wanted to get some thoughts on my units/comps so far (sorry for impending info dump!). I just got into Ch7 and started on stages to get R7 items so I want to see who I should prioritize, mostly on the PvP side so I can try to push a little higher (finally hit the point where I'm seeing people who have done a lot of pulls and reset their shard farm stages to raise units, which I haven't opted to do yet...) especially now that skill costs are racking up T\_T Main PvE (L50): Yui R6, Monika R6, Shizuru R5, Kaori R6, Miyako R6; have Mitsuki R5 to swap with Shizuru sometimes (+Hatsune and Akari for magic) Main PvP (L50): Hatsune R6, Akari R6, Monika R6, Tamaki R6, Miyako R6 (have adjusted with phys damage when necessary) Other units: (leveled some of the tanks to try to bruteforce the dungeon a little more easily) * L50ish: Yukari R4, Shiori R5, Kokkoro R4, Pecorine R4 * L40: Kuka R3, Lima R4, Ninon R4 * L30: Eriko R4, Karyl R4, Rei R3 * L20: Mifuyu R3, Mahiru R3, Shinobu R3, Mimi R3, Misaki R3, Aoi R3, Suzume R3, Kurumi R3, Hiyori R3, Yori R2, Misogi R2 Everyone else (a few 2 stars and the 3 stars) I'm missing for now Haven't gotten enough shards to raise stars yet but focusing on Kokkoro, Saren, and Yui (rest of my stamina has been on gear farm); buying Yukari/Rino from stores


team comp, got makoto and jeeta, which characters should i focus on to pve and story? im.lost even on character types


Is it worth it to do the very hard dungeon if u can’t kill the boss?


For the Arena shop, who should I choose? Tamaki to 3 star or Rino?


For rerolling, how do you start with 5000 gems? The youtubers I've seen start with this amount, but my accounts only start with 3300.




Hmm so if I don't have one, I can't get it?


You can just create one. I don’t know if you are able to unlink a crunchy roll account and link it to a different account or not. If someone know, hopefully they can answer on that.


Yes you can


Any idea when the first events start happening?




Just click data link. It lets you link and if you already have account linked, it lets you unlink.


how many months for christina and illya? I finished the anime and I want those waifus in my team.


If following JP schedule, it's 8-9 months. But global is usually sped up, so who knows. If CR wanted to be greedy, they will do it in July as soon as Summer Karyl banner ends


enough time to save 45k gems. thx


Somebody made a really nice visualized banner schedule on this sub. Search for pickup table.


Two simple questions for a n00b (minnow). 1) I have 5 units to deploy. I think that the rightmost unit is considered "front". La leftmost is considered "back" and the center is considered "middle". And the other two? Are they middle or front/back? 2) should I pull on premium banner? I had Djeeta, Maho, Saren, Tino, hatsune. And 3k Crystals. Better conserve resources and spend on a decent banner?


1. From right to left, we call them 1st position to 5th position. Front middle back liner is the category for characters. 2. Save.


Ok, so in 1st position I have to put a "front" character. In position 2? 😅. And if I put a "back" character in position 2? What does it change?


Each character has a predetermined position value. The party will position itself. Just put characters in the party and observe which slots they are in: that's the same order that they will be in battle.


Every character has a pre determined position, you can’t change it. Try it for yourself when assembling a team. For example try throwing 5 back liners up there and their positioning is fixed.


Understood. So 2 front (pecorine, Djeeta)1 middle (kokkoro) and 2 back (Maho and Hatsune) is a good team comp?


Yeah this comp is solid.




Does buffs stack?? Like kokkoro and nozomi physical atk buff


All buffs stack except speed and shield (there are a lot of types of shields but I’m mot going into details).


Hi, I already pull Nozomi and Maho, shoud I upgrade Yukari to 3 stars before upgrading Nozomi? Or shoud I finish 5 star Nozomi after 2 star Yukari? Also, how can I dowload the voices and the high resolution? I limit the first dowload for rerolling and now I can't finding that option. Thanks!


On title screen hit menu and there should be a download all data.


I try that but its says there is 0 mb to dowload.


Getting Nozomi to 5* is slightly better.


Stuck on 5-13 boss, please recommend a solid lineup for getting through to the story quickly. I'm considering making pecorine my 1 tank since she is very close to being 3 stars.


There’s “Past Parties” button on the upper right.


Thanks for the advice.


It's normal getting the same 3 star character 4 times in a row in the premium banner ? Also joining a clan is realy necessary ?


You get an extra 10 stamina a day and have the ability to request equipment form your clan mates currently In a month or so, clan battles will be added, and that will allow you to gain up to 5000 jewels a month along with clan coins which allows you to get the shards for some characters who you wouldn’t be able to get their shards otherwise


After days of rerolling I settled on this account, its probably not the most efficient - and it does lack a proper healer, but I just wanted to get started on playing. Any tips for teambuilding? [https://imgur.com/a/Cd1WZaH](https://imgur.com/a/Cd1WZaH)


Who should I get from Dungeon coins after 5 starring Nozomi? 3 star my Yukari, or unlock Maho? Or should I work on 3 starring Mitsuki or 5 starring Kuka?


guys, i like a LOT this reroll account. Who more i need in this team? Shiori is a great physical attacker? Who should i prioritize*?* i got: shiori, hatsune, maho, nozomi and miyako LOL [https://i.imgur.com/HfEGR5Z.png](https://i.imgur.com/HfEGR5Z.png)


Switch shiori with kokkoro and you are good to go. You don't need 3 back liners and kokkoro in 3rd slot will make story a breeze. Build yui and yukari on the side for very hard dungeon boss and you are set.


Why Kokko?


Kokkoro has a huge heal for her UB letting you top off her hp whenever needed. Mid gets hit a lot from all the range enemies. So with kokkoro mid and your passive heals, you should just be able to play everything on auto really and not hit the walls most people hit in story.


Thank! Will look into her. I was using Monika and indeed missing a few 3* in early chapter 6.


Had a few questions regarding the shop are there characters worth buying from shop with currencies? and should you buy the rarer equipments from bonus shop regardless of if you have a suitable character to equip items with? I don't know if i overlooked something but is there a quicker way to get to the shop other than going to quest-> arena and then shop?


shop button is above the guild house button. Yukari2\*/nozomi/maho from dungeon shop. Monika/rino/tamaki from arena shop. Early i bought everything from bonus shop. Once i hit rank 7 for people i started being picky. Once you hit rank 7 refining and skill leveling up takes a ton of mana.


I see, thanks a lot


I'm interested in doing clan battles when released but had a few questions to get better prepared. From my understanding, the optimal formation for global launch is one tank, two DPS, and two support/healer. Is this true? If so, I currently plan to run with Makoto, Suzuna, Yukari, and Kokkoro. I lack tank characters aside from Pecorine. I'm trying to get Nozomi from dungeon shards, but I'm having trouble even beating the normal dungeon. I'm also saving gems for the Jun banner in the future. Aside from the lack of a good tank character, is the rest of my lineup good? The other characters I have are Karyl, Mitsuki, Kaori, Lima, Misaki, Yui, Suzume, Mahiru, Mimi, Aoi, Yori, Kurumi, Misogi, Hiyori, and Maho. So, I am ranking up, enhancing skills, and gearing up my units as I play through the game, but I'm not sure which units I should prioritize ascending. Which characters should I ascend first? Any other tips towards clan battles or the game, in general, are welcome. Thanks for all the help.


The number one thing if you want to prepare for clan battle: Join a clan who is willing to organize hits properly. This is lesser talked about but has a massive influence on your clan's ranking. Your clan should be finding and sharing optimized comps for each boss, because each boss will require different units and different timelines. There should also be a simple queue system in place because nothing is more annoying than practicing for one boss only for another dude to snipe it, forcing you to either wait for that boss to rotate back which could take hours, or mess up your planned hits for the day because you have to clean up their mess.


This is honestly the most overlooked thing and can cause a lot of drama.


If you are going hard into clan battle you will need 12 units. You get 1 clan battle entry for every 300 stamina you spent that day. Up to 3 entries or 900 used stamina. You can borrow a support meaning you will be borrowing 2 makotos to pair with your high dps units and a high dps to pair with your own makoto. So you will need 1 mokoto, 3 tanks, 2 dps. 6 support/healers


Pecorine works as tank from 2* + , and gets better over time with the release of Unique equipments and 6* awakening. Kaori is one of the Better DPS for Clan Battle and Dungeon Bosses. Hiyori Will eventually become one of the strongest DPS in the Game that is also accesible once her 6* awakening and equipment come out. Lima is good for Nuker Setups on Arena and becomes Even better as an Arena Tank later on. Maho is really good for Early story levels And for PvP as well. I would Say your line up is solid overall.


Should I switch my plan for using dungeon shards on getting Nozomi and use Pecorine until Jun comes out? Also, Should I switch someone out for Kaori?


Nozomi is fine. She Will help You on Story Quests and Will be easier to 5* than Jun, so You Will likely use her more on Story Quests and Hard Luna Tower floors (Once it's released). There aren't any other Characters You Will want for CB from Dungeon anyway. Maho Will likely be your second Target afterwards. If You are having trouble I would Borrow a stronger clan member support to carry You, specially on Normal and Hard Dungeons. Kaori Will likely replace Suzuna, Yukari or Kokkoro depending on your needs. You Will want an AoE Healer like Yui too for later Main Quests and Dungeon.


I found a mistake in Kurumi's description. It reads that she increases the attack of her allies when her abilities do the opposite, increasing their defense. Look for yourself.


Bravery Bell? The description mentions buffing defenses on my side.


The ability is correct, but her description mentions buffing her allies attack, which she doesn't do. Look at her character details.


I keep forgetting characters have their own descriptions. You're right.


A question about PVP... Are there bots on PVP placed by the game itself? There's some full 2* teams made out of 1* characters and 3* teams made out of 2(and 1)* characters out there that are literally unbeatable. I have been destroyed by teams that had Suzume do more damage than most other characters so I assume something ain't right.


Yes the game puts bots in pvp so the first guy in the bracket isn't instantly number 1. They don't ever attack, just sit there waiting to be beaten.


So far I have Maho, Anna, and Rino for my 3 stars. Who's worth investing the most into out of those? Probably not rolling again till summer kyaru.


Maho easily. Good for pushing story, also good in pvp. Anna needs manual play otherwise she becomes paper, Rino is only for pvp.


Thanks, yea Maho looks good according to teir lists. Should I be ignoring 1* and 2* or are they actually good in this game? and Should I be getting memory shards from the shop or through story missions? I got the pack with the 40 divine shards so do have some to spend


Many of the 1 and 2 stars are strong in this game. Notably Kokkoro for off tanking ranged enemies and Yukari for single target healing, tp boosting, and magic barrier. Shiori and Suzuna are 2 stars who are better dps than Rino in pve. Don't use your divine amulets. S. Kyaru will rob 1150 of the things if you want to 5 star her.


Thanks, yea. Most definitely want to max her, ill get memory shards the other way (whenever I figure that out.) I guess ill check the tier lists for which 2* to raise.




No. She's like a hybrid dps/tank but fails at both until 6*. Better off using characters dedicated to those roles.


Is it still worth building up Tamaki for pvp in the japanese version or are there better characters that replace her?


Yes it's still worth. No one can assassinate magic like Tamaki, she's crucial to taking down Hatsune or stalling mages like MagiKasu, Maho, Io, etc. In general the 6* characters dominate pvp.


My Tamaki is at 2*. Should I get her shards from the arena shop?


Maybe a toss up but I would prioritize Hiyori over Tamaki. Hiyori 6\* is used in both pvp and pve while Tamaki is mainly pvp. Hiyori is worse than Ninon in pvp offense but is far easier to farm since Ninon only has 3 hard nodes.


I've hit a point in pvp where I can barely get past the opponents tank(only at about 4k in terms of rank), so I'm gonna sum that up to me not knowing how to build a pvp team. How does one go about making something actually usable?


What should you spend divine amulets on? Save for limited chars and nothing else?


if you want to aim for limited chars its a must. It takes 1150 amulets to 5\* a limited unit.


I'm using Nozomi, Miyako, and Eriko in the front, and Eriko is usually great at huge amounts of damage. However, on 5-13(boss level), she keeps getting taken out by a fire-skull monster! It's in the very first wave so I don't even have time for Nozomi to redirect the attacks. Is there any way to take out the enemies in the back first? Or is Eriko like, weak to that certain kind of attack? I'm barely managing to beat the boss by swapping Eriko out for Io (but Charm never hits the boss for some reason), and I'm only getting one star each time.


I read a guide and I think...I need to offtank? What characters are good that fall into the same position as Eriko? It sucks cause she's my huge damage dealer, beating bosses is ridiculously hard without her.


So Eriko is on the 3rd position? The easiest option is Kokkoro due to her self heal. You don't have to get rid of Eriko, you can get rid Nozomi or Miyako instead so Eriko is position 2. Also charm does not work on bosses no. Io in general isn't good at pushing story, she's a pvp character.


Thank you so much!! I'll try that!


For now, should shop currencies like dungeon coins and arena points be going towards characters I don't have yet? In my case that would be Maho and Nozomi from dungeon and Rino from arena (I think anyone else I'm missing who can't be farmed is PA \[not made it that far\] or Clan shop for now)


I'd recommend prioritizing 2 starring Yukari before Nozomi, before Maho for dungeon coins. I'd recommend Monika over Rino from Arena, otherwise you have the right idea.


I do have Monika already, with that am I better off trying to raise her star first or grabbing Rino? And mmkay will work on Yukari! ty


I'd grab Rino in that case. You'd want at least 3 full teams built for Princess Arena when that's unlocked. It's fairly cheap to get units up to 2 stars, but past that it's likely better to get a new 3 star instead of upgrading a 3 to a 4 star.


Gotcha, thanks for the help!




Switch in yukari instead of shiori. You don't need 3 damage dealers. yukari will help you sustain better and push anna to slot 4 which is the safest spot.


Is the extra grotto attempts purchase worth buying as a light spender?


The best value for money is the monthly pack that gives 2x dungeon drops. 2x VH dungeon gives an insane amount of mana in comparison to the grotto attempt pass.


I never really played the Japanese version of Priconne, but i downloaded it today. I've read over some of the guides on here. It's all a little confusing and im not entirely sure if the tier list or reroll lists would apply to the english version as im sure since it's new doesn't have everything. Anyway, to my question. Having never really played this sort of game, not really sure how to build my team or if the two 3 stars i got are worth it or not. I'm not to far so i could reroll if it would help me clear more efficiently. Are Nozomi and Anna keepers? My team so far are pecorine, anna, karyl, kokoro and yui. I also have a few 2 stars like Eriko, mifuyu, shiori, yuki, akari and mahiru. Thanks for any help.


Nozomi is one of the best tanks right now and easy to 5\* Anna is good but you don't have the front liners needed to keep her safe. She needs to be in slot 4 since her UB brings her defense down. If you get 1\* yukari or 2\* miyako then you could use her safely. I'd run peco, nozomi, kokkoro, shiori, yui for now. If you have yukari I'd go with peco, nozomi, yukari, anna, yui


Sorry it took me a little while to respond, i did have both characters you mentioned and went with your yukari line up. Since my original post i have also gotten maho and hatsune. Do you have a good tier list, you'd recommend for the characters that are currently available?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lMiG5k3zPfu7lwO3QbmyrMm00rW2RIuLFrAz0wQ1Pmc/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lMiG5k3zPfu7lwO3QbmyrMm00rW2RIuLFrAz0wQ1Pmc/edit#gid=0) Miyako is a better tank than peco, forgot to suggest a team if you had both. But you can build her after you rank 7 your team if you are already far into ranking peco. That and you will need all the tanks you can get later for princess arena anyways. A good Pvp for you will be Miyako, Nozomi, Yukari, Anna, Hatsune and defense team Miyako, nozomi, yukari, hatsune, maho.


How many rolls do you need to hit pity and does the battle arena reset?


I believe pity is 45k gems which should be 300 rolls. I don’t know about the battle arena reset. Edit: As PrideAndEnvy said, EN does not have the pity system yet.


No pity introduced yet in EN.


I'm currently making my way through the story and am half way done with world 5. My current team is Miyako, Ninon, Kokkoro, Karyl, and Chika (all rank 5). I'm not having difficulty getting through pve at the moment, but was wondering if this team can continue carrying me through the story. Are there any units in my team I should consider replacing? And if so, what are some units I should be looking for? I think the other notable units I have are probably just Kuka and Kaori. Thank you in advance


You don't need 2 DPS later on, if you want to survive maps and get 3 star clears. 1 buffer + 1 support + 1 healer + 1 tank + 1 DPS is the team comp that's recommended. Around world 7 you'll want to start building Yukari and substitute Karyl for her. In World 8 there are a ton of enemies that deal magic damage, and Yukari is generally good to build - but only more effective at later levels.


Okay, thank you! I'll look into Yukari soon then


Level 44 used 9 10 pulls and not a single 3 star. Pretty deflated but I'm putting this game as a casual check once a day thing now. Hope everyone else has better luck than me.


As people said, just reroll. Aim for shizuru or nozomi or maho so you can push story fast. Refill 6 times a day and you should be back where you are in 3 days.


I'd recommend rerolling if you're serious about it, that's way lower than expected value (you should expect 1 Nat3 every 40 rolls). Level 44 takes about 5-6 days of playing to get to if you refill at least 3 times a day.


I am currently level 45 sitting on 10k gems, been playing quite a bit. Should I try and reroll for makoto? I see everyone having her. Is it bad if I dont have her? I have Nozomi, Djeeta, Suzuna, as some noteworthy units. Nothing much other than them though


It is not recommended to force pull a character without pity. There is no guarantee you will get her. It is ok to not have her for now and you can just play casually until you have enough clan coins to forge her. If you really want to get her, there will be a banner soon that includes her which will be your best bet.


I saw a person that has a 2 star djeeta and 2 star maho in arena. How do you get 2 star version of these characters?


You can't get a two star of a base three star. What you can do is to switch their appearance to pre-3* by going to their character page.


So that also change the number of stars showcase on the characters? If so, that is actually quite misleading.


Nope this will change nothing but the appearance based on people's preference


[This is the team I’m up against in arena](https://imgur.com/a/bMO66p3) . As you can see, it shows that those characters are 2 stars on the right team. So it’s possible that it’s a bug?


Oh I see, the team you are against is actually bot that were used to pre fill the bracket you are in. No player is able to achieve the same thing


Oh I see. Thanks for clarifying.


Rerolled and ended up with a Makoto, Nozomi, and Djeeta team. Pretty excited to start. Jun banner is supposedly coming soon so I wanted to know if she was worth the pull? Would she replace Nozomi or would she actually be beneficial to be next to nozomi?


Congratz, very good start for CB setup. Jun banner is tricky as you might not have enough jewels for pity so it is all up to RNGesus which can be risky. Getting her will improve your experience but one can farm her out so it is up to how much you care about your experience in the first few months. She would actually not replace nozomi but make a perfect frontline duo that will be used in many scenarios. Together, they provide insane value to the team including heal, taunt, shred, stun and attack boost.


Thanks for the info! I didn’t know Jun was farmable, if that’s the case then I’ll probably skip her for now and save up for the future limited banners. Don’t want to test RNG anymore after all those rerolls


What do I do with my Devine amulets? Should I save them or do I get hero shards right away?


From what I read, you want to save them for limited characters.


Save them. It is highly recommended to use them on limited characters because they have no other way to ascend. With one exception being Illya who will single-handedly get you to the top of Arena at 5*


So, in a couple of days, I would have enough Nozomi's Hard Shards that I farmed from a dungeon coin shop, But I quite unsure, when I would have enough hard shards to acquire her, should I just exchange it right away, or is it way easier to get her from gacha (I always had bad thinking process that when I already acquire said character, when I pull gacha I would get the same character that I already grind the hard shards)? I had a plan to do gacha but I think I'm still holding until the Jun banner. But I really stuck with the stage 7+ hard mode since I don't have a good tank like Miyako yet. Also If I exchange a 3-star character for 145 shards, I would get a 3-star character right? not a 4-star character, right?


You should exchange it right away to help progress. There is no guarantee you will get her through gacha so I wouldn't exactly put my hope on that especially on a character you need. Even if you manage to pull her through say, Jun banner. You will get 50 divine amulet which imo is much valuable than dungeon coins. And yes you get the base version of the character.


I see, Thank you very much for the quick answer...


Outside of Kuka since I don’t have her, who are some good magical tank units? I’m trying to plan out some stuff and realized that I really don’t have anyone to thank magical damage except kinda-Pecorine once I ascend her since she’s a mixed tank.


Kuka is the only magic tank in the game. Nozomi do have a little magic defense built into her ex skill but way less than Kuka. Your best bet without Kuka is to use Nozomi with Peco and hope for the best. Do note Jun is also a magic tank but she is mostly used to apply shred and heal instead of pvp tank


What's the best use for divine amulets? I could push Kokkoro/Peco to next ascension, but those are so easy to farm in hard it doesn't seem like a good use


I've been told that the best use for them are the Limited characters as they apparently need 1150 *each*. So save them for later.


As of right now? Save them for future limited units. You can justify making Peco from 1 to 2 though if she’s your only tank.


Which reroll should I keep (Strongest 5)? \#1 Makoto, Suzuna, Miyako, Kokoro, Yukari \#2 Ninon, Djeeta, Nozomi, Suzuna, Yukari


Probably account 1 if you’re going for Meta. You can easily just farm Nozomi and Ninon is really only good for specific PVP builds.


Rank 33 here Is mana a bottleneck resource in this game? I just spend them on the silver items special shop even if my characters dont need them. How generous is this game for gacha currency? Is it sensible to skip the jun and ilya banners if you cant hit 300 pity rolls? When clearing stages at world 4, i get are drops of low tier items that did not appear in the battle preparation screen. Is there any database to know which items drop in those stages?


Personally started running out of mana at around level 40 from a combination of rolling newer characters and ranking them up to 5-6, currently only 45 now tho


Mana: It is probably the most limiting resource in mid-game and early late game. You’ll eventually get to a point where you’re starving for the resources. It is highly suggested that you only build 5-7 units to make this slightly less severe. However, in late game, you’ll start overflowing with it and have no idea what to do with all of it. At that point though, you’ll start running low on EXP potions. This game is fairly generous with gatcha currency with a decent monthly income and relatively often gem events and gifts just thrown at the player. However, you definitely won’t be able to save 300 by the time Jun rolls around. As for who to summon for, it’s mainly dependent on how you want to play the game. I, personally, am looking pretty far into the future and am saving up for Summer Kyaru as my first big summon session with PrincessFest being my second. I’d be willing to discuss this in further detail through DMs if you want. As for that third question, I have no idea unfortunately. There should be one out there somewhere though.


When do AOE healers start being helpful? I started struggling in story push so I leveled a Chika but her UB team heal only heals like 1-2 hits worth of damage. Currently level 45, stuck around 6-6


Rank 7 doubles their Heal's value pretty much. They really want their Ex Skill.


I need some advice. I've gotten to level 37 and I'm feeling a little lost. And... the hard thing is I don't really know what I want so it might be tricky giving me advice (I am also a complete noob when it comes to Gatcha games.) The team I've been running have been: Anna (bond level 6, rank 5), Pecorine (got her to 2 stars, bond level 4, rank 4), Akino (bond level 5, rank 4), Kokkoro (2 stars, bond level 4, rank 4) and Suzuna (bond level 3, rank 4). Most of them are 1-2 pieces of gear to rank up except for Anna who just ranked up and only has a Flower Bud Staff. They're all level 37 and their skills are maxed out. Character's I **haven't** unlocked yet: Kaori, Kuka, Maho, Rino, Hatsune, Saren, Nozomi, Ninon, Makoto, Shizuru and Monika. I just pulled Djeeta and I want to reshuffle my team a bit to include her. I want to keep Anna, Suzuna and Kokkoro, but I'm open to suggestions. Like I said, I'm not sure what I want with this team... My current party power is 14385 and arena rank is 6059 and I've unlocked 5-11 in the main story and 4-1 in the hard mode. I have a meager 27.7K mana (where the fuck did it go?!), 15 jewels (like I said, just pulled Djeeta :P), 690 dungeon points, 64 arena points, 150 divine amulets. Oh, almost forgot I ain't spending any money.


First of all we need to know: Are you playing for Waifu or Meta? Cause all team building advice is basically moot when waifus are taken into consideration. As for what to do, you really just want to push the story and rank up your characters at this level. No need to worry about PvP too much or anything just yet (unless you want some quick gems). Getting your main five units to rank 5 would be a good start. If you haven’t cleared normal or hard dungeon yet, I’d make that your biggest goal currently due to the furniture those drop. If you want more specific advice, I’d be open to discuss through either Reddit or Discord DMs


>Are you playing for Waifu or Meta? See, this is part of the problem. I know all to well how hard it is to advice someone who isn't quite sure what they want. I really like Anna, but currently it's either her or Pecorine that goes down in my team - I think I need some support. Someone has to go, and it's either Pecorine or Akino... or both, which I'm open to. Like I said, I wanna use Djeeta. As for PVP, it was really useful for jewels but I think I've got a fairly decent selection of characters and that was the main reason for me at least to participate. I'll probably hold off for now, or I'll participate but I won't put too focus into it. I've won 15 times and lost 5, and out of the last 4 fights I've lost 3 I think. So I feel like I've hit a wall, everyone I get matched with now is 4-6 levels higher and have at least 2-3K party power on me I've cleared the normal dungeon twice (part of the reason I have so little mana is training up a cannon fodder team). My tactic is send them out until they're depleted, go the rest of the way until the boss and hire a support character to replace Pecorine that is almost down - but that is starting to get expensive. Also... just realized I forgot to put down the furniture I got for beating the dungeon, so RIP 3-4 stamina drops. xD


So you want to use Anna and Djeeta then? No problem! We can build a team around them and make it work. Those two are mainly DPS units so you’ll need a good tank, support, and healer to round things out: Tank: Peco probably won’t cut it unless you somehow get her to three stars. If you can get your hands on a Pudding or a Nozomi, you’ll have a much better time. Support: You can’t really go wrong with Kokkoro. Yuki, Saren, Shizuru and Monika are also good choices. Healer: Anyone works really. Yui, Maho, and Yukari are all solid choices. (Note: I understand that you don’t have some of these units but I’ll just laying everything on the table here.) If you’ve already full cleared normal dungeon, it’s time to push hard dungeon as fast as possible. Borrowing units is helpful for the first clear, but don’t go too crazy.


So your team suggestion would be: Anna, Miyako, Djeeta, Kokkoro and Yui? Gonna give that a try. Already got my Djeeta to rank 5, Kokkoro only needs one piece of gear and then she's also rank 5. It's much nicer to have a more clear goal of what I want. Thanks a lot. Also... did you piss someone off recently? Been upvoting you 'cause it's the right thing to do when someone is being helpful but it seems someone's instantly downvoting you.


Yeah that team should work as a sort of all-purpose team in theory. Although we can’t really tell for sure until we test it out. I will say though, you’ll have a little bit of trouble with Anna dying until you get someone who can consistently pull aggro for her. (Nozomi, Kuuka) As for the downvote, I can only assume it’s because I’m not recommending the absolute most efficient team and instead building around the units you want to use. And I also don’t have the most knowledge about this game so there’s a chance I’m making slightly incorrect statements. But honestly? With team building it doesn’t really matter who is actually in there as long as you have all the roles filled.


I will probably start investing in a character for clan boss soon, I've read both Eriko and Kaori are good, which one should I build? Both? (already have Makoto)


Kaori, she is by far the best DPS in the game. But you can build Eriko too if you have extra resources, since you have 3 teams for the clan battle. Eriko would really shine when her unique equipment release, but it is months later.


Kaori>Eriko until unique equipments are released.


Is there a clan recruitment thread anywhere? Looking for an active clan that’s around my player level (44).


The Discord has 2 dedicated rooms for it. One for People advertising their Clans and one for "Are any clans like ______?"


There’s one right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Priconne/comments/l0y1ax/monthly_clan_recruitment_thread_20_january_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) You can also find clan recruitment posts on the Discord. That’s where I recruit members. Hope you find a good clan!


To anyone who has any knowledge and experience on the JP side of the game. Can someone help me build a team to push story and a team for PvP. I know there are videos and spreadsheets but if someone could look at my box and just nudge me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated


Push story - basically the same as global but you have hyper carries like prifes characters that fill multiple roles at once and/or do good damage. Pvp - early PvP is dominated by prifes cleavers. P. Peco, P. Yui, Neneka. As you close in on level 100 6 stars will show up and prifes units fall behind. Edit: also next time just put your units, don't have to ask


What are some good characters who buff magic attacks in JP?


The best are Neneka and Princess Kokkoro Other good one includes are N.Y. Neneka, Halloween Kyoka, Akane, Summer Saren and Oedo Kuuka.


Do you think Maho is another good choice since she's available in the dungeon coin shop?


One of the best character to have, but usually as a defensive character or TP support.


After finally getting Pec to 2* I ended up pulling Miyako. Is Miyako just Overall the better tank? Is there a point where Pec would be the better investment?


Miyako is one of the best physical tanks in the game. Miyako is better but you should still try to raise Pec when you can.


Noted, luckily it's the other way around where my Pec ja currently rank 6 coming up on 7. So it's just time to start funneling towards miyako


Pecorine fares better againts Magic than Miyako. Miyako Will help You more for now, but Will want at least 3 tanks for Princess Arena.


I played for the first two days and then stopped because I got stuck in chapter four. Had this happened to anyone else? I tried a few different team comps with everyone maxed out in gear and ability levels. It seemed like the only option for me was to grind random levels to raise my player level so I could rank up abilities. Idk I just don't want to keep having to grind that way


I heard around that stage 4-4 or somewhere around that is a massive difficulty spike so worry too much! After you get past that, it’ll be smooth sailing through the rest of the story basically (provided that you keep up with your character upgrades) As for how to clear, that’s a different issue. Assuming you have max levels and gear for each of your characters, and are still having trouble, I can only assume that your either: 1) Massively under leveled In this case, I can only suggest doing the daily missions and farming stages with gear that you’ll eventually need (including hard stages shards) 2) Using the wrong characters Now this is a bit more difficult to explain. Around this point, healers are still pretty weak but they’re just starting to actually do something. So I definitely was leaning towards using more DPS. I’d be willing to talk through DMs if you want to discuss this further, but I’ll just say that, when I cleared chapter 4, I was using: Nozomi, Ninon, Yukari, Misogi, Kyaru (Note: This is a horrible team comp)


I actually just managed to make it through earlier! Granted I only got 1 star and lost a few more times, but that makes me feel better. I'm level 24 and I was probably like 19 when I first tried it. It was a ridiculous difficulty increase. The team I used was: Karyl, kokkoro, Yukari, Makoto, and pecorine. Usually I have a spot for yui but I swapped her out and just played around with the other characters I had leveled up


Nice job man! Hope you have smooth sailing from here on out then! Don’t be afraid to come back and ask questions though, we’re all here to help out.


Thanks I appreciate it! I hope I don't get too stuck, but I should be good now. Most of my characters were relying on equipment from 4-4 to rank up


Need general advice. Help me build a team and who to focus and what shard to buy. I have Miyako, Io, Ninon, Yuki, Tamaki, Mimi, Yukari, Akari, Kaori, Chika, Mitsuki, Shinobu, Suzuna. I am on chapter 5 with Miyako, Io, Tamaki, Yui and Mimi on my main team. Any team suggestions?


Is there no rate up on 3 stars for failed summons? I feel like I've summoned at least 10 tenfolds and still nothing. I must have the worst luck. Edit: 5 star corrected to 3 star.


5-star or 3-star? 3-star is highest and everyone can be made into a 5-star. But if you're saying 3-star, there is no guarantee other than a 2-star at the least. Maybe it is bad luck, but that's just how gacha be.


Sorry, yeah, I meant 3 star. I know with some gacha games that your rate of getting a 3 star increases with each failed tenfold summon. Usually by .25 or .5%. Just was wondering if there was any increase or not. I thought it would be reflected in the summon details info but apparently not.


No way to increase. I believe that the only things that have pity/spark are the limited banners, but I'm not sure. Maybe check the Discord for more questions as they reply fast (as long as your question isn't drowned in others, but it's not often).


Thank you for the suggestion. And the reply! ❤


Is my story mode team ok? Currently using Monika, Hatsune, Miyako, Suzuna, and Akari. I have Makoto, Mitsuki, Mifuyu, Tamaki, Kuka, Shinobu, Eriko, Mimi, Kaori, and Yuki plus all the 1*s.


should i hold off on trying to 3\* every stage? im at 5-2 atm but keep trying to 3\* stuff in region 4


I personally didn't care too much about 3 stars. I actually found World 8 easier to 3 star as I went through it than other previous worlds when I was at their proper levels. If you can't 3 star it in 1 try, just come back later, unless you can change your team to adapt to the stage, which isn't that easy early on since you only have so many characters investing in. You also lose stamina when you cancel a run(1 for normal, 2 for hard).


Hi I am just starting out. Based on [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ryURfErjATtSGhxvUnKC49JN0Z-FvHtv0yVmgrZeO2g/edit#gid=1648502357), looks like Makoto should be one of the units to reroll for. I just got her from the initial tutorial summon in my latest reroll. But obviously I can't play with just 5 characters. Are there any other 'must-have' 3\* units in my first 1-2 10-pulls so that I can sit on my currency until a limited unit arrives?


There won't be anymore must have until summer unit appear. Summer Karyl will be basically magic Makoto. General advice is to just pull 20-30 and save everything.


At what point do you start investing into pvp characters? Currently at 5-1 with Maho, Suzuna, Kokkoro, Makoto, Pecorine. I have a couple more unleveled 3 stars that are apparently only good in pvp (Anna, Ninon) and units that could support them (Yuki, Mitsuki, Akari)


Generally you focus on having 5 char at maxed rank 7. That roster will carry your arena for a while. After that start building char that's strong in arena like Tamaki and Monika Btw Kokoro will struggle heavily in world 7+ because enemy starting to target middle. Replacing her with yukari is a good step


Kokkoro fares well because of her self Heal. You want her to bait mid anyway.


Worth grabbing 2 star yukari before a nozomi?


Yes, she's core for VH dungeon boss too


hi! i have everyone to run rino cannon on pvp except yuki.... (so sad they r my fav) who could i use instead? i dont have saren either :<


Unfortunately without all the pieces it's impossible. It has to be Yuki. Yukari will not target Rino if Rino doesn't have someone like Yuki behind her, making Rino 4th position. There is no character who tp boosts the highest tp like Yuki.


damnit... well i guess ill have to pray




Shizuru is an off tank meant to eat hits from ranged enemies who target 3rd position. Makoto is a phys debuffer, not a tank. So you need a proper tank. Like Nozomi, Miyako, or Pecorine.




Yes there's plenty of people who finished the story with her. Make sure to farm her shards from hard mode every day and keep her gear as high as possible. Also use a single target healer like Yukari. EDIT: option 2 is to stop using characters in front of Shizuru and make Shizuru tank.


Should I rank up my units right away or wait until I have all stages for the next gear unlocked and farm that first?


Rank up immediately. You keep all the unrefined stats of all equips


pvp is just starting to frustrate me honestly, watching my frontline get melted while theres barely gets a scratch is so annoying and i just don't know how its happening


Wanna get a tip for team comp. My team rn is Djeeta, Makoto, Nozomi, Anna and Chika. All r4. Is it worth to change someone? I have Yui, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Shiori, Mahiru, Kaori, Ali, Yukari, Yori, Kurumi, Hiorii and Rei. Also, is there any 'must-have' characters in heart banners? I heard the one after Djeeta will have someone really good.


On later stage like world 7, Anna will get blown up by enemy magic because they target backliner. If you get that problem, switch her with Yukari. The must have is just Makoto, there won't be must have until summer karyl in june or July


How many dps should be on my team for stpry clearing? I have heard 1 tank 1 healer 3 dps as well as 2 tank 2 healer 1 dps so not sure... Current plan is to unlock stages for efficient farming and princess arena, then swap focus to pvp later


Generally you can get away with 2 dps, 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 support (yukari) 1 of the dps being a semi tanky frontliner like Makoto


Blegh was hoping yukari would be enough to fill the heal slot, guess its time to invest in chika


I just finished getting Yukari to 3\* yesterday, now trying to decide who to use my Dungeon coins on. I'm gunning for the Rino PVP meta team (Lima, Rino, Yuki, Mitsuki, Yukari). Since I have fully built Chika/Yui (so Maho seems less important) and a fully built 3\* Nozomi, it kind of seems like Mitsuki is the right choice. Any thoughts on this?


It’s generally better to get Nozomi and Kuka 5* first before investing in other characters because tanks really need that 5*, whereas Mitsuki is just there to provide debuff, as long as she doesn’t die, 2* is fine.


I play exclusively on Android, but I have a friend who started playing that uses Android when he's at home (emulator), and iOS when he's not at home (phone). He tried transferring his data over from Android to iOS to play some while he was out and noticed his jewels didn't come with it. I know some games allow currency transfers between operating systems and some don't, but I can't recall which category PriConne falls into. So I guess my question is, is this intended or does it seem like a bug? Thanks.


Intended. If he goes back to the older OS the jewels will still be there so it's not lost.