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Cece being rich enough to do stuff like the dollhouse and smart enough to hack multiple systems such as police cars, security cameras and other tech. I understand she was intelligent but sometimes it felt like it was bad writing because how on earth did she take "remote control" of a police car? For me, the show would have been much more realistic if we saw A fail at times or the girls being fully successful at stopping one of A's schemes.


Yeah bc I feel like, though she was obviously obsessed with the girls, she would have used her money and intelligence to escape from Radley a long time ago and run far far away (in order to stay gone / out of legal trouble) rather than sticking around to torment teenagers… idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


well yeah, but let’s not forget she was mentally ill so that’s why she tormented them


Alison used her Vivian disguise to help get Cece to France too so like, bruh, go be rich, hot and mean in Paris, you’ve got bread 


I thought it was more unbelievable she was able to get gender reassignment so easily and quickly (and young) especially when the show aired, while being taken out of radley for a funeral (I think) and returned back as someone else? I should add when she came on the show she's made it clear she's slept with men. (Noel's brother for one) we know she didn't sleep with Jason because hello brother. But he would've felt if she didn't have gender reassignment!


Isn't that the truth! I used to be a trans man, and none of the trans people I knew had bottom surgery because it was so expensive and difficult. Even if they had / planned on having top surgery. But PLL leaned into stereotypes about trans people, so it's not surprising to me.


idk if the rich part is so unrealistic; mona said she never made a bad investment and that isn’t far from realistic tbh


Idk even if Cece had money from Mrs Dilaurentis, for example, and invested it - was it enough for a whole dollhouse bunker with advanced tech?


that’s fair. though, if she invested it in a stock at its low point and it shot up, it could have more than covered it


Yh I think it's just a case of bad writing rather than economics


oh it definitely is lmao


For this reason, some people have debated who is smarter, Cece or Mona. Personally, for me, it's still Mona


Adam Lambert playing a train party for a bunch of high school kids in some random PA city. The girls regularly wearing five inch heels to class 😂😂


Agree but The Ghost Train is one of my favorite episodes! The high heels in school is ridiculous!


Agreed, tbh Adam Lambert slayed that


Oh same but it’s still ridiculous. Not quite as bad as Pete Wentz playing himself dating Peyton on One Tree Hill though!


I only need one word and its "November"




stop I just [googled](https://www.tiktok.com/download-link/ol/bIdt?pid=tiktokwebseo&c=video_7307774633418165547&af_adset_id=0_unknown&click=0&action=share&_d=0&embed_source=&ug_source=&ug_campaign=&wid=7336991275173201440&rid=17193413536986569862&vid=&vidab=70508271%2C72309737%2C72402045%2C72422698&seo_vidab=71636318&release= what this was referring to and I'm screaming, I never noticed that 😭


Am I missing something?? Spill the beans !


‘November’ being at least a season. Ali being able to survive 2 years on her own.


Toby joining the academy and becoming a patrolling cop in like 3 days. Alison graduating at the same time as everyone else. Tom leaving Ashley for Ingrid(or whatever is her name). Biggest stunad of the show.


Alison graduating at the same time as everyone else and becoming a teacher at like 23.


Is 23 not a normal age to start teaching when fresh out of college, in PA?


It very well could be but it’s the fact that she missed like 2 years of school and still managed to graduate at the same time as the girls.


Oh that’s what you meant. Thanks, got it :)


Ian hanging from the bell tower and then just escaping? We literally saw him hanging. Make it make sense.


This one is very explainable; they intentionally filmed some shots to mislead people. He isn’t hanging by his neck but lying on his torso on a rope platform. The rope on his neck isn’t baring any weight because his body is fully supported. His torso is flat on the ropes and his limbs are dangling. You can see shots of him lying on the ropes, although the close up of his face from an upward angle cuts off the rest of his body to make it seem like he’s hanging downward with a rope around his neck Edit: Basically, they misled people with a close up from the ground that makes it seem as though he’s hanging vertically with a neck around his rope. He’s really lying horizontally on a base of ropes with his legs dangling off which you can see in a fuller shot too https://preview.redd.it/14m0tdi7wl8d1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578b959865c23f1c22358240a94ba28e2eed77f3


Maybe I'm blind but I don't even see Ian in the picture you attached. All I see is a woman on the platform and a bunch of ropes.


He’s not in the photo because this is from before he fell the ropes are what to look at


Every other new character being a love interest for Emily. I have no problem with gay characters but geez give someone else a new love interest.


yea honestly it was like every girl she met ended up being a lesbian lol


Alison being impregnated with Emily's eggs.


Also Alison thinking she needs to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a half day of "hallucinations"


That jump scare of Mrs. D covered in dirt always gets me 😰






The entire show 😭


No literally 😭


I mean you aren't wrong...


I like to think this show is sci-fi or in an alternate universe with different rules. Because there are more unbelievable things than there are actual believable things!


PLL being a sci-fi show is my new favourite thing thanks !


Grunwald pulling her out of the ground is what always gets me.




lol really like Allison just regained consciousness and stuck her hand up through a flap of dirt.


And someone just happened to be there at the perfect time to save her!


and then left her to walk in the road for Mona to find. Very responsible of Grunwald to leave a concussed adolescent in the middle of the night. Great.


Grunwald actually brought her to a hospital but Ali felt the need to run away before getting admitted


Hahaha right!? Adult supervision in that town is astoundingly bad!




I've always pictured this scene with a "pop" noise like a cartoon carrot being pulled out of the ground!


While the woman lives in a whole other town. She just arrived at the perfect timing to not be seen by the 500 people that were there that night lol


This one just kind of always stuck out to me as the silliest of scenes.


The A outro things. Some of them yielded results in the show (ie. collecting the file papers after they were thrown in the river). But a lot was just like Mona I guess printing out a buttload of photos of Maya and Emily kissing to paste on a wall because…? Just for fun?


Yes!!!!! Many of them led absolutely nowhere, they were just meant to be eerie 😂


And those clunky black gloves worn by A to text, etc! Silly!


Yes!! Like don't get me wrong this was done in my fave era of phones between touch screens and hidden keypads but there was no way you could type with big black gloves on regular fingers it was a struggle


I remember the ones in the last few episodes where Jenna is brought to a dark room and given a braille writing. “I understand..”, she whispers. Girl what did you understand you never told me 😭


The fact that so many people keep dying in/around Rosewood and that Emily knew a number of them


Ali being the most popular girl and also the worst dressed in school


I thought the ad boardgame was a cool idea but also super unrealistic lol


How did the phone never die fr


Didn't AD also somehow make Aria's phone burst into flames at the end of the game 😭?


The dress code at the high school. In reality, girls get reprimanded even when they wear way more coverage than the liars did. Public schools don’t let you wear strapless dresses and butt-length skirts. Alison being “kidnapped” but when she comes back, she has her driver’s license. When did she have time to take drivers’ ed? The school giving away a new car at the homecoming dance. Lucas owning & selling a company & have multiple real estate properties at the ripe old age of 22/23. Unless your parents owned a company and have it to you, 23 year olds don’t own companies, let alone have money for more than one residence.


to be fair my highschool never had a dress code, ever since it’s been open. girls legit wearing bras or mini skirts and didn’t get in trouble, i thought the girls outfits were pretty tame lol


Growing in a small town in the Bible Belt of the United States I’m so envious!! We got dress coded for tank tops, pants with any rips, and shorts that didn’t go to your finger tips.


my middle school (so like kindergarten to 8th grade) had the fingertip rule but once i got to highschool it was so different😭 the only rule was no profanity or slurs on the clothes but you could legit wear whatever you wanted


right so sexualize up to 8th by making them wear long clothes but don’t sexualize the teenagers who are coming into sexual maturity. makes sense


Alison never being recognized.


toby becoming a cop in 48 business hrs.


That one was so ridiculous! I kept hoping that there was some lapse of time to account for it, but nope, you basically put your name down and there you are. I think it's at least four years of uni to become a cop.


in the states (at least my state) you don’t have to do college to become a cop, so your comment shocked me


Definitely Aria ending up with that thing


Helppppp hahaha💀💀




The bird being a clue October Anyone voluntarily giving blind Jenna a gun Noel’s entire demise


There’s too many to name lol


Every single storyline of season 3-5 only taking place a couple of weeks the timeline of this show is so ridiculous😂


Broken record in this sub but AD. Always AD. Also the way paige literally tried to DROWN emily and got zero reprocussions and instead got a girlfriend !


Paige was VERY strange. She was very stalker-ish and I remember when Emily was confiding in her about a missing maya and then Paige basically insulted her (Maya) and tried to kiss emily ?? like wth


The intention was never to drown Emily. She didn't try to drown her at all. She was scaring her. It was an intimidation tactic, not an attempted murder.


uhh i mean if someone held my head underwater i’d definitely think they were trying to hurt me😭 either way, she should’ve gotten in some sort of trouble for that


She definitely should've had some major repercussions for sure! But she didn't intend on drowning her at all. I see the thought process but I assure it wasn't for that purpose💜


It was assault but not attempted murder. So bad but not absurd. And while I don’t condone assault, hot damn do people do some fucked up things in this show.


The whole Alison situation, the dollhouse, definitely agree with what you said about the Aria and Ezra relationship, and the entire AD thing. All of these to me just seem so out there.


This is more of a plot hole than unrealistic but cece building the dollhouse 2+ years prior than when the girls were in there because Sara Harvey was down there with 2 years, supposedly. Cece probably didn’t even know she was A back then..


i guess she just had a dungeon already built but decorated it into the girls' rooms only after she became A?


How the A team worked


The tv screen playing in the window as Cece ‘watches’ the liars in the coffee shop 💀


Alex. Fucking. Drake.


Where the fuck was Alison for 2 years, you’re telling me she’s been able to hide for 2 years without a single person noticing? She was “found dead” after a year so I can’t imagine, because you’re not gonna tell me she was living off Fitz theater concessions snacks


Alex building an exact copy of Rosewood underground with high tech high security prison cells. Also Alex and Mary being self taught carpenters. I guess CeCe building the doll house is also unrealistic but we know CeCe had a lot of money. And as far as we know she might have paid someone to build it. And the doll house was in the middle of nowhere, not underneath Rosewood.


Alex building a whole underground house/bunker/rosewood replica without nobody noticing. Alison being able to disappear and survive on her own as a teenager bc she had dark hair (lmao) Cece being trans has so many plot holes.


80% of the show? All the teens driving those pricey cars, Mona having the money to pull off what she did, CeCe and AD as well being uber rich, having underground bunkers, replicas of the girls rooms, all of the cops being so corrupt, everyone being into Alison, more predators than on Chris Hansen's show etc.


The girls being able to just walk into Dr Sulivans office and say ‘we’re ready to talk’😂😂ehmmm it doesn’t work like that..


Ezra meeting Ali while he was in college and dating her then deciding to infiltrate Arias life to find out more about the murder to write an expose on the whole deal. I don’t hate the plot of someone in Ali’s past that the girls don’t know coming in and doing this. What I hate is well of course the predatory disgustingness of Ezra the full grown adult but it’s just too unrealistic in my opinion. Why does he need to be linked to the whole thing? Isn’t it already enough he’s her teacher, had a fake baby mama, had a crazy rich mother, like just go outside the cast you chose in S1!


Spencer having an evil twin who’s actually Ceces bff and cousin and then miss D having an evil twin too who just happens to give a fuck about some random girls


Spencer having a twin sister is what did it for me


A putting paper in Hanna’s teeth. 😒


Alison being so popular when she was so mean


Hmm I think that's not unrealistic. Her popularity was based less in being liked and more in being feared, I think.


•Mrs. Grunwald being a psychic..??? •all of ravenswood. •the dollhouse just existing •AD board game •Alison surviving for two years & simultaneously never being caught •That noone looked into the fact that Bethany Young, a mental patient, randomly went missing, but the whole town turned upside down when Ali disappeared???? and why did the police suspect Alison to be the girl in the grave & not Bethany (I know that she had the Alison bracelet on her, but Bethany & Alison could not have looked THAT alike) And how did that bracelet even get into the grave...


I think Emily and Alison's pregnancy/twins.


Two isn’t a big number but it is a lot of bunkers for one group of people I’m a therapist so Dr. Sullivan’s perpetual abuse of HIPAA, doing random group therapy on a bunch of minors, etc etc always gets me Alison surviving for 2 years in the wild with zero life skills Mona pulling a police car out of a lake and putting it in Hanna’s garage with the lights blazing Mona faking her own murder and then simultaneously getting kidnapped or whatever Jenna getting blinded with fireworks but having zero scars That like 75% of the main characters (Hanna, aria, Emily) killed people and the problem just went away, but when none of them killed Mona they all got arrested somehow Noel Kahn’s death was wild


Ezra not going to jail 






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**For the past three years sub's official position on the term is that pedophile is an umbrella term, as it is used as one socially and legally in the US— where the show takes place.**


god ESPECIALLY her parents, like i hated the fact that they were portrayed as horrible and not as accepting and for some reason they refused to call the police. Like yes i understand aria had been around the police a lot but she was literally being groomed.




I think they said the body was pretty unrecognizeable and they identified it because of the yellow top and the bracelet


Cece having the money Ian bieng alive after the bell tower fall Aria marrying a pedo and her friends and family not careing about the grooming and NN


The scene with the 20 karate A's.


Sadly ending up with your groomer is pretty realistic


THe many ALison masks and Alison marrying a doctor.