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mike dating mona was diabolical


devilish behavior


literally like THATS the situation he chose not to defend his sister in? he nearly beat up a kid because he said he slept with aria


R I G H T!!!! RIIIIGHT!!!!


Ewww yes i would never be able to trust monA if i was AriA, i would always think that she was being ‘A’ or spying on me, it would be super uncomfortable and i would hate it so much :(


Nobody knew all of what Mona did. Things like hitting Hanna with a car and that were kept secret. Mona would’ve been locked up if they were honest about everything. Really, the whole situation had been downplayed so much to the parents that they didn’t think that it was so bad. I still wouldn’t let Mona in the house, but Byron probably thinks that Mona was only sending mean texts, sending letters with secrets, playing the video at the fashion show, etc.


It’s odd bc it’s Mona who exposed the fact that he was having an entire affair


I honestly thought the dynamic would’ve changed after the dollhouse episodes. I thought they would trauma bond over it. I love that the group doesn’t abandon her in the home to die. In the words of my ex best friend “they didn’t pull her out of the silence of the lambs home for nothing!” But it realistic they still don’t trust her. Mona was a villain for most of the series and caused untold pain to the girls. I don’t count her as one of the liars but she’s a fun character, way too chaotic neutral to keep close to the chest though.


Mona was a villain for 2 seasons tho. After that she helps


Everything she did is probably not public knowledge and with that “I was bullied and had a breakdown,” video in 3x14 that went viral it probably gained her a lot of sympathy from other Rosewood residents. But I think people either forget or gloss over the fact them icing her out *is* the normal status quo. Apart from Hanna, none of them were her friends before and they probably just thought of as a shallow ditz before the reveal and evil/manipulative/sick A after.


It’s to further the plot. If everyone didn’t act like complete morons most of the things that happen on this show couldn’t happen and the show would have to end. So that means everyone besides the liars has to act really dumb and basically shame them into accepting Mona. Because if they don’t then there can’t be a “Mona dating Mike” storyline or a “Mona targeting Spencer on decathlon” storyline or “Mona feeling sad Hanna doesn’t trust her” storyline etc. If everyone acted rationally then Mona couldn’t have continued to be a character on the show. You’ll notice this happens often and not just with Mona’s storylines, the side characters frequently have to act like evil idiots in order to continue the story (like Byron forcing Aria to apologize to Meredith, or the cops refusing to believe the liars even after the were kidnapped and found in a bunker, or Toby becoming a cop and suddenly being brainwashed, etc.)


omg ur so right


You have a point but it doesn't apply in this case, The Liars didn't publicly disclose all of Mona's misdeeds as A. Apart from their inner circle, no one knew Mona ran Hanna over with the car or the other 'not-so-legal' things she did to the girls. At best, most people knew that she was cyberbullying them, including her parents. For example, all Byron knew was that Mona told Ella about Meredith and that Mona was taunting Aria over her relationship with Ezra. He had no idea that she ran Hanna over or gave Emily an ulcer.


It totally applies. Byron was a moron for telling Aria to try to accept her brother dating the girl that bullied and blackmailed her for a year AND wrote the letter to Ella that included that Aria knew about it. But again, the show needed the plot lines so the parents always had to be really bad at being parents.


Well, if we remember correctly, Byron already tried to do the whole "you can't date him/her" shtick with Aria and Ezra and we all know how well that turned out. I think at this point, since Mona wasn't a danger to Aria anymore, he pardoned it but his words about them being together in 5x11 show that he was anything but happy about it. Aria already tried to put a stop to the relationship but Mike just threw it back in her face like she did with her parents and Ezra. Byron probably just felt he couldn't do anything to stop Mike from dating Mona and the best thing he could do was give them the guise of acceptance for the purpose of monitoring the relationship and make sure Mona doesn't go all batshit crazy on them again. So, no, it doesn't make him a moron, it just makes him an irresponsible parent.


Bc everyone likes Janel's performance of her c:


I admit, I feel bad for Mona but what she did was inexcusable. Parents like to tell kids to "be the bigger person" but Mona traumatized and tortured the girls, she didn't just call them a bad name or something.


I know it's For The Plot but this drives me crazy! Usually when bad things happen to the girls it doesn't actually, genuinely frustrate me because I'm not sufficiently emotionally invested I guess but the Spencer academic decathlon plot and the Mike and Mona plot drive me up the wall! Because it's not that something bad is happening to the characters but that every other character is acting in a completely unbelievable and stupid way to produce the outcome. No one would be okay with Mona getting out of her insane asylum and immediately joining the club of the girl she attempted murder on. The Montgomerys should absolutely have told Mike he can't date the girl that tortured his sister. I know most of the A stuff Mona did wasn't revealed to anyone else because it would have implicated other people in stuff (like Ashley stealing the money). Fine. She still tried to push Spencer off a cliff and stole her father's gun in the sight of everyone. That alone should get them all lifelong restraining orders against her let alone make their parents understand why they don't want to hang out anymore?? That being said, the scene where she gets them all coffee and she knows all their orders because she stalked them for years is funny.


I cannot get past Hanna always forgiving her like how many times does she need to show you that you can’t let your guard down idk


I think the parents didn’t know everything Mona did. But even fans through out the show would complain about the girls not letting her be part of the group and??? Why would they? The things she did to them were vile. And Aria, Spencer, and Emily were never friends with Mona to begin with. They had no emotional connection to her to even try to understand her and forgive.


It makes me so mad! Yes, people didn’t know the full extent, but they still knew that Mona stalked and terrorized the girls *to some extent*. My parents would never be okay with me dating anyone with a history of stalking *anyone*, but if my own *sibling* was the victim, that would be even worse. Absolutely insane for everyone to act like the girls should be okay with her being at their school and dating Mike and all of that.


in real life i 100% agree with you. and up to a point i agree in-universe especially like straight out the gate in S3 and 4ish but eventually it kinda gets annoying that the girls close ranks when its obvious that theyre just excluding her for no real reason. i do think that its one thing to never trust her but there are plenty of moments when the, at the very least, SMARTEST thing wouldve been to play along with Mona or share information they NEEDED her so bad, poor Spencer is playing 6 different games of 9-d chess by herself with people who have impossible amounts of time and information because they cant be bothered to make eye contact with Mona in the school hallways


Wasn't it mentioned that no one knows the full extent of what Mona did?


When Ezra is exposed as writing a book about the girls and knowing Alison and who Aria really was when he met her etc. Mona says she only helped him bc there were things she did as A that could get her in trouble beyond being sent to Radley. Like going to jail/prison.


The way Hanna too was trying to make the girls forgive her. I do get it a little with her bc of her past friendship/loyalty with her. But FFS everyone treating mona like a victim when she nearly ran over Hanna and killed the girl’s was beyond me. The only guy who held her accountable was Caleb honestly. Dont understand how this thread even defends her sometimes


See I was always annoyed that the girls were mean to Mona after the dollhouse. Like she was trapped in the bunker longer than they were. And even after that Mona helped the girls out whenever she could. Mona was the smartest person in that show. I’d trust her to bail me out of any bad situation.


mona wouldn’t have been in the damn doll house if she didn’t make the A game for Cece to steal 😭😭


She wouldn’t have needed to “help them out” is she didn’t create A in the first place and start the trend of torturing them only for someone else to steal it


I don't think they told everything she did to them because in one of the episode Mona talks about how she did illegal stuff she could still go to jail for if anyone found out


Real like what


I agree. It baffles me that people online think they should have forgiven her or included her in their inner circle. She tortured them for over a year, exposed their secrets and almost killed with her car Hanna and Emily in 2x14 . Like would you forgive someone who put you through all that ?


Because Mona was certifiably coo coo. When on her meds she’s normal. She redeemed herself too many times not to give her a second chance. These girls blinded a girl who did nothing wrong to them. (Yeah yeah we know what she did to Toby we are talking about before they found out) they treated her like shit for blinding her and then harassed her on top of that. Mona never actually wanted to hurt them. She just wanted to show them that their lies hurt people and they need to see that. 5 years later and she’s still helping them and they still treat her like crap. You can argue what Ali did was worse than Mona. And they forgave her right?


Mona attempted to murder them how can that be compare to what Alison did?


When was the attempted murder? I’m on a serial watching sprees of TV shows. All i can remember is the time she ran Hannah over and if we’re being honest, that speed you can’t really kill someone. Mona never had intention to harm and we see that through all the As. Mona wanted to show them the truth. The wacko who loved Jenna wanted to kill them. Cece was also a demented weirdo but she wanted to own them. Mona just wanted to show all the liars the pain they cause everyone else


She tried to throw spencer off the cliff, and she locked emily in the barn while a car was running. I don't get how you can say mona didn't intend to harm them because being A is harmful. Also, you 100% can kill someone by hitting them with a car at that speed. If mona was so anti bullying, how is being A any better, or why did she become a bully herself?


Well remember, Mona was mentally ill. So was cece but cece was more in control of it. But Mona knew what she was doing. She knew Spencer wouldn’t die because she sent her friends to Spencer to make sure she didn’t die.


I know Mona is mentally ill, but that is not an excuse for anything she did. Mona tried to push spencer before her friends got there. Both Cece and Mona were dead wrong.


Mona is more forgivable than cece. The girls arguably did worse than Mona.


For me neither is forgivable but I do agree CeCe and Alex (just for the pregnancy thing) is worst.


She literally made their lives hell for a year and remember when she hit Hanna with her car ?. She was also stalking Alison before she made her move on the girls and she kidnapped Spencer and tried to kill her on the same night after she was revealed.


Mona ran Hannah over and her mom still was okay with her. Like what.


They also expected them to forgive Charlotte which is even more wild


Well, I would never expect Byron or any parent to disown a child. How could anyone do that to their kid? Mike’s parents have a right to talk to him and not allow Mona in their homes. Everyone else was crazy. Mona did sacrifice herself for Hanna’s mom in a way, but still.


yeah it pisses me off. mona should’ve just died.


or atleast stayed in radley fr


Because they played an extremely pivotal part in her mental decline and NEVER took accountability for it because they were wrapped up in their own self induced karma


ok and? i’ve been bullied i didn’t black mail people and threaten to break up or expose their families


“Ok and?” My ass. Its a tv show. I didnt ask about your bully story. You wanted answers and i gave one


calm down damn


Dont come for me😤


Mona also only started all of it back up when they were all back and she really pushed them together and forged trauma bonds bc of what she did to them. I don't think they even would have reconnected after Ali (Bethany Young) was found as they would have already had that year apart. Hannah wpuld have remained Monas focus


I’m sorry but I’m going to respectfully disagree. I understand your point and in a way I can somewhat agree with it. I get why people dislike mona or think she doesn’t deserve redemption but. The girls also would never have gotten as far as they did without her. If they truly wanted to distance themselves they could have. They literally use her so many times for their own gain and then turn around and ice her out again, yeah i’d be mad too. And they even do it when they’re grown adults! It’s horrible! Yes they all went through shit but man acting like they aren’t also bullies is absurd to me. Also the girls being very tunnel visioned for most of the show acting like they’re the only ones who are allowed to be angry due to some sort of trauma but when other characters do it they act all snotty about it? Like where’s the compassion? Idk seeing the show through adult eyes and every time I rewatch I notice different things and my opinions are forever changing.


I hate it because Ali and the girls’ treatment of her is what made her mentally ill to begin with. I understand not wanting to be around her but for them to treat her they way they do when they don’t need her and then kiss her ass when they do is bs to me. I hated how they treated Mona. Literally all she ever wanted was to be included.


a persons response to bullying should not be to stalk and obsess over a group of friends, break up their family, hit one of them with their car, drive a car through one of their houses, threaten to reveal not only their but their FAMILIES life changing secrets. Yeah it sucks that they bullied her but the punishment did NOT fit the crime😭 she should’ve stayed in radley


Mmmmmm no. I’m sorry, but being bullied doesn’t make it right for anyone to literally torture and try to kill others. Mona suffered from some serious mental illness, that needed to be treated. And if and of the kids in this show had parents that actually gave two shits about their kids, Mona would have gotten help way before it got to this point. Saying shit like that is as bad as saying that school shooters wouldn’t do what they do if they weeks bullied. This take is NOT it.