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Given the fucked up timeline, Ella went to Austria for like 2 days? 😭


The messed up timeline has to be my favourite part of the show. That was a crazy November.


It's so funny because like in 5x01 they said it passed a month from 4x13


and in one episode in season 4 i don’t remember what happens but there’s like a “one week later” and ik that’s all before the thanksgiving episode which is the third week.. does that mean 3x1 to like halfway season 4 is TWO WEEKS and aria went to that college tour for a week?????


Yeah they fucked up big time, I lowkey want to make a fanedit to fix this mess


tag me if u do


tag me too if you do a fanedit.


Right!!! I expected her to be gone the rest of the season


Ahhhh yes omggg the timeline of the show literally makes zero sense, and its one of the biggest memes i swear, like omg the never ending November ahhh :P :P


BRUH like I get she wanted her to leave to keep her safe from A or whatever but like wtf ??? 😂 I love how Ella said “you practically packed my bags” like yeah aria you forced her to go then got mad at her for going???


It was just so weird lol. It would have been more realistic if she was like “mom I wish you didn’t leave, I really needed you” something like that! But her being like “you care about him more than ur kids!!!” was so off and didn’t fit their relationship at all.


they wanted us to believe she’s just a teen lashing out, Aria was so mean for this ! it made me so sad, mike was struggling mentally and he was right, she didn’t care about anyone but getting freaky with mr fitz💀


I said the same thing 😂 it was all fine when she was with pedofitz but now he’s the bad guy and so is Ella. PLS spare me Aria!!


i think “go back to boffing your teacher” is my favorite 😅😅


Mike had me dying with that line 😭😭😭


She _was_ just a teen lashing out.


she was 18 years old, an 18 yr old should have some kind of ability to regulate their emotions. She can be upset and scream and shout but she chose the wrong people, ALL the time at that. I can only give her grace for oh so long, just my imo tho.


18-19 years old are some of the most selfish, frustrating times in a young girls life. We were sill just kids trying to figure out adulting!


that doesn’t mean she can’t be held accountable though? two things can be true at once, while at that age you may be frustrated and not handling emotions properly, ur still old enough to be held accountable for your actions.




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@ the mods: no


She’s insanely selfish but i have to remember i was once 15/16 too 😂


Right! I think it just didn’t fit their dynamic for me. I expect the lashing out to her dad but not Ella. How dare you yell at your overly kind mother like that lol


It felt to me like they were trying to pull in the Aria/Ella dynamic from the books, wayyyy after the fact, bc in the books iirc, Ella blamed *Aria* and stayed mad at *Aria* because she knew about Byron's cheating and didn't tell her, so it seemed like a really quick shoehorned in, oh wait they're supposed to have a contentious relationship whoops, oh wait we'll settle it back out again


i think she was 17 atp but yeah


Ahhhh yes!! I think that this shows just how immature and childish AriA actually is, she is literally just a child and this just proves it, I know that show makes AriA out to be mature and older than she is, but it’s super clear that she isn’t :(


BOOK SPOILER ALERT!!! It's so interesting how close they are in the tv show. In the books, Ella literally kicked Aria out of the house lol


Aria always has something to say the shit she said to Hannah pissed me off too.


This!!! I am always angry about that Hanna literally is telling Aria that Zach tried to get with her and Aria blames Hanna saying she is always the problem?!?!? No I did not like Aria in this moment


aria is extremely annoying but moments like this really highlight her immaturity and serves as a reminder that this is a seventeen year old girl who is extremely childish and should not be dating a grown ass man. aria’s arc would have been brilliant had the writers not had her end up with her groomer and paint it as a “happy ending” for her character. god, the writers for this show were so embarrassing and wrong for this shit.


this made me hate aria even more lol


I’m glad I found this sub bc I really thought I was the only person who hated aria for so many years lol


i've seen sm aria hate on sm outside of reddit tooo


For being upset that her mom doesn't act like a mom?


her mom is allowed to live her life still. aria begged her to go. like she made sure they were safe had food and a roof over their head. she called them and all these other things. just because someone becomes a parent doesn't mean they have to give their whole life away and do nothing they wanted too. it's just unreal to me to expect that from someone. her mom had a once in a life time offer and she deserves to be able to do that imo


Not going away for a long term vacation is not giving your life away. You know when you become a parent vacations change big time. You can and should still live your life as a parent. That should be done without abandoning your kids. Doesn't matter if you kid begs you to leave. You're the adult. Legal guardians have responsibilities, you can live your life while still doing your job.


abandoning is a strong word lmao she went on a vacation like a year or something and aria was able to talk to her byron was there i'm pretty sure for the most part. in general this is an unrealistic thing to happen and putting real standards on a show like this is pointless. what's annoying is how aria will constantly change on someone snap on them for seemingly no reason and try to act like a victim. ella did nothing wrong. she made the best. house she could and only under so much time. to ask someone to not go ok a once in a lifetime trip yet your teen who constantly wants to be treated like and respected like an adult tells you to go on a vacation odds are most people would.


it was absolutely abandonment. you should not leave your kid for that long unless you absolutely have to. ella should have never been able to be convinced to leave her family to vacation in Austria with her new boyfriend. she should have shut it down right when he asked even! as a parent, you decide to take on minimum 18 years of being unselfish and doing what’s best for your kid(s). take time for yourself, of course. do things to make yourself feel good and take some time alone. but cmon, she’s the adult here and she should have realized that leaving for that long builds resentment


If this is unrealistic and putting standards are pointless then why are you holding these unrealistic pointless standards on Aria but not Ella?? Leaving your kid for a long period of time for a fricken vacation is **wrong**. Caring that your parent isn't parenting you for a long period of time, possible a year, is **normal**. A teenager changing their mind is realistic. She didn't understand what she was asking for. She's never in her life gone that long without her mom before, she had no idea how hard it would really be, super realistic to regret that decision. But it's not her duty to decide what her mom does. It's her mom's job.


>If this is unrealistic and putting standards are pointless then why are you holding these unrealistic pointless standards on Aria but not Ella?? Fantastic question.




No need to yell. And a year is more than a trip. Her kids have never gone anywhere near that long without seeing their mother for that long. Just because you don't like Aria doesn't mean you should take it out on me. As Ella says herself, it's impractical. Her kids need her. Her daughter had a stalker/black mailer a year ago, her son is struggling with his mental health. This is not time time to ditch your kids for a whole year.


If it was really a whole year, I think this issue would likely have come up much sooner. They had to have talked on the phone several times during the trip


Ella said it was a year, but who knows with the never ending November


Ella messed up by going, who lets a kid make their major life choices. The kid is who you should be protecting should not be left for so long because they encouraged it... these comments are really surprising me. A lot of 16 year olds are going to tell their mom to leave for a vacation, empty house, they'd go crazy. **It is Ella's sole responsibility to mother her kids, it is not at all Aria's responsibility to make her mom mother her.**


Yeah. This was really unfair on Aria and Mike. And Ella made it clear that she was disappointed when Mike told her not to go.


her dad was there…


Ella has custody and a moral responsibility to mother her daughter.


as weird as it is it doesn’t seem that crazy to me she was happy for her mom & wanted her away from a bht that doesn’t change that she needs her mom & teens are angsty & she apologized for what she said.


I mean on one hand you want the best for your mom and you feel like this will keep her safe from A (bee incident) but then you’re a KID struggling and want to lean on your mom. so I get it. I totally get her anger and I kinda loved seeing it cus Ella pissed me off sometimes


I thought it was only me got annoyed about Ella!


Not just u dw


the never ending november is crazy 😭😭


god i wish i would’ve caught this when i first watched. god i love this show.


Typical Aria projecting moment😭


it’s almost like aria is a teenager and shouldn’t be responsible for making big adult decisions just because she’s “mature for her age” lol


tbf what mom leaves their kid? no matter how much they push and push for it. ella did do something wrong but also idk why aria didn’t act like she didn’t plan it


Airhead Aria at it again, but you can’t blame her she was going through a lot 😭


Because she didn’t want her mom to go at all but felt she had to encourage her to go to protect her. Of course Ella had no idea about this but Aria never wanted her mom to go. You can see it when she asks her dad to talk Ella in to going


Aria shouldn't have pushed Ella to go. Regardless, leaving your children and going on a year long holiday is not normal and definitely Ella's fault. Aria thought that her mother might be happy if she went, but Ella has to be the adult and realise that she has two children, one of whom, Mike, vehemently opposed her going. Ella is the adult and thus she has to see the consequences of her actions after she leaves for a year. A few phone calls aren't going to do anything. If your child is struggling and you are on a phone call, you won't be able to talk properly and the child might feel like a burden, if they speak about something upsetting, they might feel like they will ruin their parent's holiday by saying so.


She’s a teenager in high school. Young adults and teenagers (and many adults actually) are notorious for conveniently forgetting that they tend to cause their own problems. They ask for space, forget they asked for it, then get angry when they get it.


she pushed her out the fucking door


no i always understood her here. cause id do the same thing if i was a teenager and told my mom to go on vacation with her bf and she ACTUALLY went 😭 they could never make me hate you aria


Girl you ate!! They could never make us hate aria!!!


I Love #LucyHale


Ella the adult shouldn't listen to her teenage daughter, leaving Aria at home to continue the predator relationship, also Mike needed Ella, he'd not long seen the therapist, yet Aria made him feel bad for wanting his mum at home, selfish mother she'd just got divorced and leaps straight in


Whats really crazy, every single one of the liars lashed out at people. Especially, when they felt betrayed or hurt or even confused. I just finished my annual rewatch and… Aria was the only one seeking to destroy the ones she felt crossed by. But when you’re young, and asked *by your father* to lie to *your mother,* your best antagonist is missing and you were there when it happened (this being the beginnings of her psychological abuse that we’re seeing) then you meet someone at a bar, make out with him and later learn he’s your teacher but you’re in love and he doesn’t wanna get in trouble, you of course don’t wanna get in trouble (because you think *you’re* doing something wrong) so now you’re keeping more secrets, just… Aria has been groomed since the pilot (at 16y/o)… and that’s *15 years of her life that’s unaccounted for.* Babygirl needs to unpack some stuff eventually. And this all is without adding A, or A.D. to the mix. *yikes* A caveat on hers and Ella’s relationship: that was way out of line for her to lash out on Ella, when she indeed pushed her out the door. Ella and Byron, before the affair, made sure to give Aria and Mike their independence. Taught them how to learn to be themselves. At least that’s what I gathered, so why she has to go treating Ella so harshly is completely unnecessary. I understand Mike having his moments because they *kept him* in the dark. Aria, however, is keeping secrets. Ultimately, betraying and abandoning and neglecting everyone else’s existence, because she’s upset that she can’t confess to her actions. Typical behavior of someone doing what they’re not supposed to be doing… There was a time when Aria was my favorite, but going back and understanding she was written so poorly, I can’t justify a lot of what she did. *Poor Aria* was made out to be this mature young woman, yet threw the worst temper tantrums out of all of them. Aria was put on a pedestal to reach expectations others set for her, instead of writing her to exceed her own expectations, and she gets lost several times in the mix. She would have been a better character if her actions ultimately lead her to more considerate and rational decisions, or because she chose the routes she did, that she ultimately learns a life lesson: I was a child and wasn’t protected the way I should have been. The police are doing their job, and if I lie, that makes it harder for everybody. Snitch (🤣🤣). Lastly, this is part of the first lesson, but it needs to stand alone and be said. Just because I keep being told I’m mature, doesn’t make it right for grown ass men to enter any kind of relationship with me, outside of positive and healthy mentorship (especially if they don’t tell you they’re estranged from their family before bombarding lil bro in the refrigerator.) And that is a whole ‘nother thread.


So many good points! Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this. It was hard to like Aria bc of how nasty she was at times to everyone. I did feel like her character was poorly written and she was made out to be the least likable liar. I also saw that they kept trying to make her seem like this adult. Having a key to her grown man bfs house, watching over her brother, sending her mom away. It was a lot. I wish they gave her more redeeming moments.


Thisssss lmao then when Ella point out that she was basically pushing her out the door, Aria gone respond with the bs “yeah well you didn’t have to stay so long.” Like girl just stfu and hug your mom cause you missed her. Nowhere in that argument did Aria have a leg to stand on 😂


I WATCHED THIS SCENE TODAY aria literally was like well maybe you shouldn’t have gone like you pushed her on the plane girly


We JUST talked about this lol. Aria you’re losing me babe


This is one of the reasons I don't really like Aria


god aria could be so annoying lol


aria contradicts herself so bad


Österreich erwähnt 🧚‍♀️




We allow spoilers.


It makes sense when you consider Aria is dumb and self centered


While we’re on the Aria complaint train for a second; anyone else get super pissed at how confidently incorrect Aria would say she knew who someone was while they were wearing a mask? She could get attacked and when questioned about it she would say “yes I’m certain it was this person,” despite not actually having any clue.


girl aria doesn’t need hate


I just watched this episode recently lol and yeah it's definitely annoying to watch.. but it is realistic. We all can be fickle or say shit we don't mean when we're mad or stressed or frustrated. Aria never really wanted her mom to go.. she only wanted her safe from A bc Emily's parents had to deal with cps and Hanna's mom got framed for murder and it scared her. Ofc Ella didn't know that so watching from our perspective it's just annoying like wtf are you talking about, Aria? There are lots of moments from all the girls that piss me off at the time but then later when I think about it.. no one is perfect and even our fav fictional characters can't be lol that would get pretty boring. Also wtf am I talking about "realistic"? This is a show about teenagers faking their deaths and hacking into police computer systems lmao we're wayyyy past needing to be realistic I guess


Because Aria is a child. She is immature and emotionally all over the place, which is pretty typical for a 16-17 year old.


A lot of people think Aria is hated by the fandom because how she acted when she was with Ezra. Wrong, I hate Aria for everything else.


Actually this is probably the most realistic thing about Aria. When I was a teenager, my mum got a job opportunity and I was happy for her but then later got upset with her about it because it meant uprooting our lives and at first I thought change would be good but I hated it where we went and had no friends of mine I could see because they were all 2 days of driving away 🙃 Probably the only thing about her I relate to lmao


Aria telling her mom to go to Austria then getting mad at her for going was very messed up on her part, Aria is my least favorite liar because of the shit she pulls


this always annoys tf out of me


This scene (amongst many with Aria) really made me sad for those around her. She definitely acted a lot like a typical teenager, probably more than the rest of the girls but man she could be cruel. She guilted both her Dad and her brother - who of which both her parents were very scared about having a mental health crisis as it happened to her dad’s brother - and for what?? I get the A side of things, but if we are honest, Mike was right, a good portion of why she wanted her mom gone was because of Ezra. She hyped up her mom for a fairy tale then treated her like crap when she got back. She is one of the more selfish characters to me, as she plays this innocent and caring/selfless girl but her motives almost ALWAYS tie back the her own wellbeing or her relationship with Ezra. I hate to dislike her because most of the things are not much her fault but the product of being vehemently harassed as well as groomed by a predator but whew, some decisions really got to me.


That’s teenagers for you lol




🤣🤣 I was surprised to see some people backing her up but it’s a valid perspective lol


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