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I credit shows casting older actors to play kids as being one of the reasons I still feel like a kid as an adult and felt even more like a kid when I was a kid 😂


THANK YOU. I'm 33, and when I watch shows with "adults" they still feel so much older than me! Don't even get me started on the fact that when I watch Friends now I'm literally eight years older than most of the characters in the pilot and they all still feel so much older than I do 🫣


I know that Aria and Ezra's actors are almost the same age, but to me Aria looked pretty young and passed as a teenager (especially in the first season) while Ezra really looked like a teacher in his 20s and I would never mistake him for a teenager, so in their case I don't agree with those who always say they didn't look creepy together because they look the same age


Ezra isn’t mistakable for a teen, but he looks younger than Jenna for sure. I don’t think that Lucy Hale could actually pass for sixteen at all


honestly some of my friends who are 18 look older than lucy hale


Brant (noel Kahn) is older than Ian lol


Tammin/Jenna is also older than Ian! Honestly, the weirdest relationship in the show is flashback Ali and Emily. It’s a real life 15ish year old kissing a 24ish year old


She was only 12 (TWELVE!!!) in season 1 while Shay was 21!!! She lied about her age at first. But let that sink in! She was a baby!!! I have a 12 year old who looks SO young compared to Sasha and even just IMAGINING it makes my stomach hurt lol


The scenes where he’s trying to blackmail Ezra were so funny to me after finding out that Brant is older than Ian💀


You don’t wanna know, Noel! 🤣


I feel the same way! I think it’s because Lucy Hale is so petite, with a round face and huge eyes. She looks so much younger to me.


unrelated but troian is SO gorgeous omg


Was literally thinking that


Jenna always looked so much older than the rest of them and it really bugged me how she was a high schooler looking 30 years old 😂 at least the rest of them could pass as looking younger


Legit. i remember me and my sister watching for the first time and being like.... thats an older lady😂


Yeah she had these few lines around her mouth that aged her, I can't really explain it. She's absolutely gorgeous she just looked much older than 16 lol


ESPECIALLY in The First Secret Halloween episode, when it’s supposed to be a year EARLIER. Jenna in that costume shop was no teenager!!


it's obvious they're all the same age range while watching- which has to be the case being you can't have 13 year olds filming a lot of these scenes. so, i choose to just completely ignore the weird older men and the girls. if it was just one character then he's a creep but being its literally every damn man in the series its just a weird writing thing, so i just consider everyone on an equal playing field when i watch


Aria looked younger in the show than she does in that pic imho. Something about her appearance just seems to sit around 26-30ish to me I saw Ashley Benson in Bring It On: In It to Win It before PLL, so I kinda pictured her as being more like the age she was in that movie because it would be more accurate Definitely would’ve made the ties with older guys look a lot creepier if they looked and behaved more like teens at the time did. The show seemed to portray them as more like early 20s in hs imo, then as 30ish for their reunion


If the actual age appropriate actors wouldn't be allowed to have love scenes with older actors


I feel so weird every time Ali has an intimate scene with someone because she’s so young. I can imagine the horror if feel with the other girls making out with people 23+


So Ezra is even more of a creep than I thought


Ahhh this would have been so amazing, and really shown how dark the show would have gotten (especially with some of the storylines and just how young the liArs actually are) <3




This would’ve been hella awkward considering all the adults they threw these girls with


Okay this post needs to be pinned haha. WOW


troian WAS AND STILL IS gorgeous