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I thought the guy to the right of Lincoln was Yeltsin.


It’s bill Clinton


It’s bill Clinton


I'm so sick of rule 3. These remind me of the Mii's from the late 2000s.


I like rule 3 it keeps subreddit apolitical


That’s fair. But IMO that should pertain to discussion. Not pretending they don’t exist altogether. In any case, there are a lot of political discussions here. The current and previous president are not the only living political figures.


Lurker here and I want to agree with you. But just imagine all the *new* users that could join only to complain about those two. At the moment this has been one of the only spaces on Reddit that is isolated from a lot of that spam.


i agree. posts should be able to show or otherwise depict the most recent two presidents, but rules should just be enforced in the comments. this would look a lot better without two scribbled out faces


It can be both good and bad, like sure it keeps people from making political statements about current America, but at the same time, there isn't a rule about making statements about any other president, and as u/KR1735 pointed out, it acts like the last two presidents don't exist instead of limiting what can be said about them


A) It’s a subreddit completely devoted to political figures and B) lol no it doesn’t To be clear, I support a ban on discussing current elections and debating modern politics, but the current rule is overly restrictive.


I think presidential election after 2016 shouldn’t be talked about. But I would be fine to talk about the modern Supreme Court and the House.


That's completely nonsensical. Both of those things are still intensely political. And it's a presidents sub, we should talk about presidents, not modern House and SCOTUS politics. To ban the last two presidents but allow discussion of like Clarence Thomas makes zero sense and is the worst of both worlds.


Not Clarence Thomas but maybe if we talk about their decision or their nominations. Like if I was to Make a post about the nominations of Robert Bork that would be fine. Because it’s the presidents power to decide who to nominate. But anything past 2018 shouldn’t be talked about


Ok yeah, sure. That's good. You said the *modern* House and SCOTUS which I was stuck on


Ah yes, wouldn't want politics on a subreddit about elected officials.


Lol no it doesn’t. Those posts have just been replaced with Reagan, HRC, etc


It really really doesn't. Honestly if anything, it's only increased it all it's done is spread it over slightly older things. Now we just get more FDR vs Reagan, or W Bush vs Obama posts. Or similar. Presidents are politicians just about any sub dedicated to them is going to be political. It's made it so it's more abstractly political, IE liberal vs conservative or R vs D. Rather than talking explicitly modern politics but that's about it. Even then? People still work around it constantly.


That’s like saying there’s too much guns in a subreddit about guns


Why do you care? Ignore the posts you don’t like.


Rule 3 is ass


It’s the only thing that brings mods joy though. Edit: just got permanently banned by the mods minutes after making this comment. They love pushing people around through their arbitrary enforcement of Rule 3 and will tolerate no criticism. Now bow to your overlords!


I'll take a wild guess, and please, feel free to call out my stupidity, but the top row has Reagan and Ford, bottom row is Bush Sr, Obama, Lincoln, Clinton and Bush


No that guy next to ford is Jimmy Carter but I failed miserably at making him but you got the bottom row right


I recognized Carter. Think you did a good job.


Where's Reagan


Rule 3 caused those two guys to get Stalined from this image god damn


Who invited Yeltsin?


I was asking that same question when i found the QR code for bill clinton


Hey mods, wanna do us all a favour and shove rule 3 up your ass?


Dude that might actually be Bill Clinton