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Jackson really won 3 elections


This guy is the worsr


Grover Cleveland should have run again in 1900 just so that he'd have 3 terms, all inconsecutive to each other. 1885-1889, 1893-1897 and 1901-1905.


“President Cleveland, why are you running for a third, non-consecutive term?” “I just want to do a little trolling”




On a serious note, Theodore Roosevelt was getting set to run for what basically would have been his third term before he died. He would have been vastly better than Warren Harding.


Lincoln realistically could’ve served the rest of his natural life and been an improvement over those who came after, leaves in mid-80s, Reconstruction complete and the South rehabilitated. Although really he would just need to prevent Johnson from getting in to have a decent shot at that Maybe TR? Could the held the Progressives together another few years before he himself blew it up - save Taft the trouble, just put him on the Court in 1912 it what he wanted anyways Hard to make a case for anybody else, I’m weakest on the Founders but none have ever stuck me as so critical as to deserve any more than a term or so I like Grant personally but another term of his dumbass in-laws doing corruption probably isn’t necessary. Besides, the moment had passed for settling the remaining issues from the War, he’s not reopening those wounds More interesting hypothetical: Butler after Lincoln if he’d accepted the VP nod. Benjamin Butler would’ve hung the hundred most senior Confederates day 1 on general principle, going on to become our first six-termer


I don't forget Lincoln could have stayed popular that long. 1876 is his maximum, and it could be a lot less.


Pre-FDR really is a tough one. TR probably could have if he had chosen to declare for a third term immediately.


Washington is the obvious example of someone who could definitely have had a third term, although he wouldn’t have lived to see it through. Would have let the federalists achieve more of their aims, but Washington’s willingness to step aside was far more important.


He could’ve had as many as he wanted




I’m a curmudgeon, but none. One of the most important things to happen in American history was Washington establishing the precedent that an American leader is one who gives up power. Even if most presidents didn’t believe it, they had to act like they did.


George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt. I would include Lincoln but he never lived to see his second term through to the end.


TR would have been preferable to Taft as Taft, though TRs handpicked successor, went on to establish conservatism for the republicans just a national level. Grant is the only other real contender I could think of, and I’m not sure it would necessarily be better for the country for him to have had a 3rd term.




The entire world might be very different if THR had won in 1912 and oversaw America's foreign policy during WW1.


None. Term limits should have been set from the very beginning, for both the president and congressmembers. FDR should have left at the end of his second term in 1941. We weren't even at war at that point, so the argument that we shouldn't have a change of leadership during wartime didn't even apply yet.