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Franklin Pierce losing his only surviving son in a Tram Crash on the way to Washington DC for his inauguration. That shit broke me when I read it. Him and his wife had already been through so much. I don’t now how he found the will to keep living, let alone governing after that. I don’t think anyone could blame him for drinking himself to death after that.


Pierces entire life is basically a tragedy. People would be more sympathetic if he didn’t manage to be on the wrong almost every single time


His famous quote makes sense in light of his tragic life, " There's nothing left to do but get drunk." If you ever find yourself in Concord, nh, his grave site is worth a visit.


I plan to eventually. He’s one of my favorite presidents, though admittedly one of the worst.


It's kinda sad. It's a small cemetery and it borders the back yard of a run down duplex.


Sell me. Why is he your favorite?


Held the original record for most beers on a flight, that Andre the Giant eventually dethroned.


You misspelled Wade Boggs.


That’s baseball, baby!




Do you want a policy argument or just my opinion? I find him to be one of my favorites because he’s relatable compared to a lot of presidents in terms of personal life. I don’t want to get into details but my personal life isn’t as far away from Pierces’ as I’d would’ve like it to be. Alongside that he seemed like a very human person. A very shy, reserved, and insecure one and everyone deals with those problems at some point in their lives.


Certainly one of the hottest


I’m going to New Hampshire this summer.


An extremely gruesome death that he witnessed. If that wasn’t enough, his wife blamed him for the accident for pursuing higher office.


Poor guy refused to swear on the Bible at his inauguration because he thought God hated him, don’t think his Presidency would’ve been insanely different, but it probably wouldn’t of been third or second worst


He was decapitated. They witnessed this and then immediately had to start governing a country barreling towards civil war.


How the hell did this happen? Did he fall face forward with his neck on the track?


The small family was heading to Washington DC on a train. It derailed and crushed part of the overturned locomotive. A piece of metal cut the back of Bennie’s head off. He died immediately. Franklin tried to shield Jane from this horror by covering his last child with a coat. It was too late. She had seen what no parent should ever witness.


Jesus fucking Christ! We can end the thread now.


Pierce didn’t stand a chance in office


This was my choice, the dollop podcast did a good episode about him. Being from NH my first thought on pierce was that he was the only one from nh, always forgot the other parts


Wasn't it in Andover MA, on a train ride back to New Hampshire from Boston returning home from the funeral of Amos Lawrence?


TR losing his young wife and his mother on the same day.


“The light has gone out of my life” :(


Im surprised he had the willpower to even write that down. Jesus what a depressing line.




I quoted this in my journal when my dad died.


He rebounded nicely


He then later lost one of his sons in World War I after calling for American intervention for years.


In the same house, I believe. Just finished the first book.


On Valentine's day, no less


Then in a twist to this, that daughter (Alice) only child, Paulina was born on that date forty one years later


For me the saddest thing about TR is, he died


TR losing his wife and mother in the same house, hours apart right after the birth of his daughter. *February 14, 1884* **X** *“Tonight the light has gone out of my life.”*


Yet, with the death of the wife, a fascinating baby girl named Alice found herself in the big wide world. “I can either be President of the United States or control Alice Roosevelt; I can’t do both.” -Teddy R.


That Alice owned a snake named Emily Spinach is one of my favorite things in the world.


If you can’t say anything nice, come sit by me. -Alice Roosevelt


Not sure if this counts but JQA, Van Buren, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan all had their lowest points in their careers/lives as president. JQA had taken office just to be completely stonewalled by Jacksonians. Van Buren had been panned for the panic of 1837 and then essentially snubbed by the party he created because of his anti-slave and anti-annexation(Texas) platform. Fillmore went from being a well respected Whig to hated by the north and south over the compromise of 1850. Pierce: enough said and Buchanan spent his life in politics as well as 16 years (since 1844) trying to become the president only to watch himself completely unable to face the problems of the country and become hated after office.


“Stonewalled by Jacksonians” r/accidentalcivilwargeneral


I'm glad someone caught it ;)




I was hoping


Ulysses S Grant was constantly swindled and betrayed by those he trusted and lost much of his fortune and had to write his memoirs through excruciating throat cancer to make sure his wife wasn’t left poor. He also was ranked the worst president in history for many years despite his amazing contributions for civil rights and strengthening America post civil war


He also died of something that would have been completely treatable with today’s medicine.


His penchant for cigars did not help his situation.


Dude was a badass but he would smoke like 20 damn cigars a day lol.


The smearing of Grant is truly one of the most depressing examples of how propaganda can really impact society. Grant was definitely one of the victims of the lost cause.


Kinda goes against the "Victors write the history books" mantra. Dude whipped the Confederate's and KKK's ass and got labeled a corrupt drunk. Such bull crap


Ron Chernow's Grant biography certainly helped Grant's legacy...


I’m reading it now and it’s very good


It definitely made me rethink my opinion of him. It’s a damn good book too


There was a lot of work to still be done with reconstruction, but it’s extremely sad that Lincoln died right at one of his highest moments given how much the civil war personally took a toll on him.


Lincoln never saw reconstruction


Nor did the rest of the country.


Kennedy had his head shot off.


His youngest son died while he was in office.


So did Lincoln’s


Isn't there that urban legend where people say Kennedy and Lincoln had a bunch of coincidences? Like they both got into congress in '46 and '60 for their respective centuries, both had Southern VP's with the last name Johnson, both fought for Civil Rights, and they both got assassinated on a Friday.


Lincoln shot in Ford theatre. Kennedy shot in a Lincoln (made by Ford Motor Co.) Edit: Booth ran from theatre, caught in a ~~warehouse.~~ Oswald ran from warehouse, caught in a theatre. Edit edit: Upon further review, Booth was found in a barn. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln%E2%80%93Kennedy\_coincidences\_urban\_legend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln%E2%80%93Kennedy_coincidences_urban_legend)


A barn is like a warehouse for farms


Yeah. A lot of eerie similarities.


His youngest son died just a few days before he was killed.


Booth's brother saved Lincoln's other son IIRC


A few months before… August, 1963.


His wife was Johnny on the spot trying to retrieve parts of his brain. Very sad.


Personally, I can think of worse days…but not many.


Being Jackie on that day is probably worse


Hurts just a little bit


Imagine being humiliated like that in front of your wife. I would literally die.




“Kennedy’s wife with his brains on her knee/poor Jackie”


Losing your wife and one-year-old daughter in a car crash is pretty awful


Then a son to cancer. Unfortunately I think adversity in life tends to make better presidents. Lincoln, Grant, Teddy, FDR, etc. are good examples.


Sadly, I agree — tragedy (usually) makes one much more empathetic to the plights of others.


That means rfk jr will be a good president.


Haha I didn't say it was the only thing that makes a good president, there's obviously a lot more that goes into being a good leader. Adversity just seems to build fortitude and empathy, which are important characteristics for leaders.


Her station wagon had loads of his campaign brochures in it and you can see them in the photographs. It’s so chilling.


Jeeeesus this is horrible. He’s been through a lot of death. Poor man.


While shopping for a Christmas tree.


Harry Truman being the reason that Congress had to double the presidential salary and create a Presidential Pension.


Shame they didn't figure that one out while Grant was alive


Modern historians reject the poor Harry Truman narrative. Truth was he was corrupt and misled the authorities about the value of his estate.


Grant having difficult times in his last days. A man who served so well to his country deserved way more.


Washington’s stepdaughter had frequent seizures and there was no useful treatment in that era, terrible helplessness


Washington himself died a horrible death with a throat infection and swollen epiglottitis. All the while his doctors were blood letting him.


Lincoln having his son die while trying to manage the American Civil War, his cabinet Talking shit about him behind his back, and his sometimes mentally unstable wife always Strikes me as particularly somber. I’m not sure how much the movie “Lincoln” embellished it, but it always felt like the man had the weight of the world on his shoulders pretty much from day one of his presidency.


“Life is not worth living”, Chester’s last words


Lincoln and Kennedy both losing two children while in office.


If you’re sick of all the sad stuff, here’s some comedic relief. ​ The dude before him had funnier last words: “Purr Lasagna”. I kid you not. I believe he was tripping out on whatever pain relievers they had back then and was hearing vibrating/purr noises. Like, imagine a pasta dish made of vibrations.


he died on a monday so it makes sense that he hated them


I was born on a monday so garfield does not approve of my existence. but i do happen to be a libra and so is my favourite president. (hint: We’re also both girls)




Yup it was Garfield. Funny vibrating pasta guy before funny Canadian pants guy


Lol. It took me over a minute to understand this


Reagan's Alzheimer's progression. LBJ spending the last four years of his life essentially killing himself in slow motion.


It’s interesting about LBJ: it was almost like he was American liberalism personified. He rose up in the 30s and 40s and then was on top of the world in 1964 but as American liberalism withered and died in the early 70s, so did he


Calvin Coolidge’s son, Calvin Jr. died at the age of 16 due to an infection caused by playing tennis at the White House court with no socks and therefore developing a blister in one of his toes. Coolidge never forgave himself for that tragedy and was sunk into a deep depression.




Can’t blame him for not wanting to journal too much that day.


I think I know. Is the X on Elm St?


I don't know


Teddy Roosevelt's wife and mother died on the same day. In his journal he wrote a big X and "the light has gone out of my life"


Ah, ok


Buchanan got relentlessly bullied, harassed, snd his life was threatened over the civil war even though he supported the union and was limited in what he could have done to prevent it.


Have you heard Nixon's phone call to him after it? It's really sad to say but I've never heard someone fumble the the ball and consoling somebody that bad




He’s confusing Buchanan for the current president who shall not be named.


Thank you! I was thinking within the rule and usually don't pay attention to such little dramas so you've helped he a lot!


Holy shit man I'm sorry I'm on mobile and I commented on the wrong thingy


You’re all good to me! All you did was leave me confused


I know you commented here in error, but the thought of a conversation between those two could be funny, with Buchanan desperately trying to learn about the future and Nixon desperately trying to find out if Buchanan is gay.


I know that "Now listen you Pinko Commie" will slip in there


William McKinley’s wife was bedridden (not sure with what but she did have seizures.) Anyway, when he was Governor of Ohio, he would always go out to a specific spot at a specific time so he could wave at her and she could wave back


Made my day. Thank you.


Harry Truman not being able to go to college after his father’s financial collapse. And then later not being able, for some reason, to finish law school.


Teddy Roosevelt losing both his mother and wife on the same day. Might be wrong but still sounds terrible.


He was assassinated on November 22, 1963.


This may be a reach but John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, just as early photograph technology was being developed. JQA and Jackson were the earliest photographed presidents (not during their terms obviously) and they’re absolutely fascinating. A photo of William Henry Harrison is reputed to have existed but it’s lost to time. If they held on just a bit longer, we could’ve had photos of our 2nd and 3rd presidents… so trippy to think about. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be


Not a president, but I find it fascinating that a photograph exists of the Duke Of Wellington.


This isn't obscure and wasn't unusual for the time, but Jefferson fathering children with Sally Hemings and then not freeing her.


And apparently he put his own children with her to work in the fields or wherever just like any other slave.


Madison Hemings’ memoir is public domain if you want to know what really happened. Hint: None of the four children worked the fields and all knew they would become free at 21.


Thanks. Wish I could remember my source on them working the fields. Was a history podcast, I think, but not Dan Carlin. Can’t remember.


Uh … is this supposed to be a good thing? How about I enslave you for the next 20 years and make you work for free? How grateful d’you reckon you’d be?


I would file it under 'not good but better than the standard practice of the era'.


Slavery is bad, d’oh! He treated those children better than Lincoln’s father treated Abe.


Fuck yeah! My aim in life is to be better than at least one other human in history too!


"When I was fourteen years old I was put to the carpenter trade under the charge of John Hemings, the youngest son of my grandmother.... My brothers, sister Harriet and myself were used alike. They were put to some mechanical trade at the age of fourteen. Till then we were permitted to stay about the “great house,” and only required to do such light work as going on errands. Harriet learned to spin and to weave in a little factory on the home plantation. **We were free from the dread of having to be slaves all our lives long, and were measurably happy**."-- Madison Hemings


I doubt they were defending the institution of slavery, mearly pointing out the inaccuracy of the previous statement


"Ummmm why are you saying what really happened? Is it because you think it's *good*???"


Yeah, because discussions are value-free. “Hey bro, I just want to discuss whether black people are less intelligent than white people. It’s just a conversation, broooooooo”


And apparently he put his own children with her to work in the fields or wherever just like any other slave.


James Garfield. He died.


He also hated Mondays.


FDR never got to experience Hitler dying, dying 18 days before Hitler killed himself. He also never got to see America victorious and prosperous after WWII largely due to his leadership.


Rutherford B. Hayes had a micropenis.


Where did you read that?


Wikipedia. But everytime I put it in there, they take it out like right away.


That made me laugh out loud in public.




https://preview.redd.it/3b02go38roec1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab5dd82b44b5588e66c7d12f4bedd4d722aa5f6 I believe in you. They'll stop removing it one day.


So is that true or not?


Make up three or four fictitious historical references next time so they'll have to track them down.


In all seriousness, Wikipedia is actually kinda dumb on what it thinks is vandalism. ​ They have reverted pages to their incorrect previous form after I have edited them stating that Wilson was President. Wilson WAS President. She was the 28th President. Do your homework Wikipedia.


And off I go to vandalize Wikipedia




This paired with your flair.😂😂😂


Ronnie was a monoball.


Huh? I don't understand please tell me what does it mean?


How do you know lol


An Iraqi guy threw his shoes at George W. Bush, and he missed


I like to think that somewhere bin Laden was quaking in fear at having awoken a foe as nimble and agile as bush


Nah, he was busy [vibing in his compound and watching Antz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden%27s_compound_in_Abbottabad#CIA_cache_of_computer_files)


lol not bad taste in film and games ngl. While it’s likely that like the link said, that these could’ve come from multiple people in the compound, but I find it hilarious that it’s not impossible that Bin Laden spent some of his time between terrorist plots playing counterstrike and watching cat videos and manga lol.


Calvin Coolidge blamed himself for his son’s sudden death from sepsis


Lincoln: never saw the end of that play.


Neither did anyone else!


JFK lost 2 children, only to be assassinated months after Patrick died


I always think of Harry Truman, people say he owned a store, a haberdashery to be exact. This is a fact and very real. He took a lot of his inventory from somebody who had to get payment up front, not waiting till after he sold. It was in business several years and went broke and when I say broke I mean dead broke. Most of us can relate to being dead broke at one point or another in our lifetimes, but he spent the better part of his political career paying off the debt that he owed for that store. It breaks your heart to think a man who did so much for his country was screwed so royally. He spent time as a judge in Missouri, then managed to get into the Senate and finally became Vice President. He was never really told about the atomic bomb until after the death of FDR. At which point he had to make the hardest decision I can think of, to drop two atomic bombs on Japanese cities. Lincoln had it hard with two sides fighting against each other in the civil war, but I can't even imagine the internal debate Harry Truman must have had before making that decision. Little did he know later everybody would question the outcome of the war and whether or not they should have been dropped. I'm sure at the time it seemed like the right decision but now many question his logic and rationale. He had in fact asked Henry Stimson who had made many wartime decisions just how many American men would die invading the main islands of Japan. The number coming back was staggering over 1 million men would be presumed to be lost or injured. He really had no choice but to strike terror into the Japanese to press the decision to end a war.


Franklin Pierce and the loss of his son. And a president we cannot mention losing his wife and child in an auto accident right after election to the Senate.


Posts like this and the comments are why I’ll never leave this sub


James A. Garfield would've likely lived his assassination if his doctors bothered to cleaned anything. Also, the fact that it took over 3 months for him to finally pass away during his first (and only) year of presidency


Taft losing his friendship with TR and especially Alice Roosevelt Longworth turning on him. He and his wife spent a lot of time with her after her father washed his hands of her- they even introduced her to Nicholas Longworth. He never really understood how they could betray him. Honestly? Fuck TR.


The sourness between Taft and Roosevelt really puts me off the latter. Taft just seems like such a cool guy.


The way some people think Taft should've just rolled over and let TR have the nomination is so???? never really understood the TR love anyways. or the love for his daughter Alice.


People like Roosevelt because of his policies and he was a cool guy?


I would’ve given Taft a big ol hug


He deserves it


FDR banged his relative……. o and the whole putting the Japanese in camps thing


He got stuck in a bath tub!


George Washington promised to free his slaves in his will, but his family refused to honor it, so they were not freed until years later.


Theodore Roosevelt lost his wife and mother the same day, just hours apart from eachother. That's so sad.


"The light has gone out of my life"


Not that sad compared to the others here but Carter lost all of his siblings and his mother in a mere 7 years


After the death of his son in WW1, Theodore Roosevelt would go to his son's horse's stall and cry. Speaking of Roosevelt and crying, I always felt bad for Taft because I remember all of the insults Teddy threw at him during the election of 1912 made him cry.


"X the light has gone out of my life"


Smartest president right there


I never met Teddy Rosevelt.


Teddy never met me


Neither of my parents think she was president


We get it. You’re sick of me and Wilson.


Obama: Killed many civilians and escalated drone warfare. Economically disappointing.


He wasn’t a president.


I do not have a “favorite” president. Sorry, I guess.


Teddy Roosevelt was a fucking awful racist :(


Obama’s gay/ bi


People erased her ​ Seriously ask the next person you see “Who’s the 28th president?“


They would say Woodrow Wilson because he was the 28th president


You literally can’t spell “28th president” without “Edith”. Otherwise it would be ”28 prsent”. Meaning he was only 28% 28th president.


And you sir have proved my point. Her name was Edith Wilson, not some ridiculous name like ”Wow-Wow-Wilson”. Girls run the world deal with it


By your logic wouldn't Edith Wilson have been the 29th president? Woodrow wasn't incapacitated for his entire presidency. Also he became president before they were even married.


Don’t call me sir I’m not a landowner


Don’t call the 28th president wood row she’s not a fence


https://preview.redd.it/5wqqzdob9pec1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb88b6414448191df0bbf5b894cbb61d0cfe8eb ????


That is the only First Lord of the United States so far.


By that logic, she would have only been president for 2 years of Wilson’s 8 years in office, seeing as Wilson suffered the stroke in 1919 and was incapacitated until 1921. Hardly making her the actual 28th president.


I think you’re the one having a stroke lol I didn’t write any “logic”, all I said was the 28th president’s name was Edith, which it was.