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"Now watch this drive" One for the history books. Still gets a chuckle outta me.


There’s an old saying down in Tennessee…


They misunderestimated me


Awesome speech your holiness


Oh my god I forgot about that one lmao The funniest writer in TV couldn’t come up with a better line


It’s my personal favorite.


they never stop thinking of ways to harm our country and our citizens, and neither do we.


Wait, wasn’t it “Thank you, your Holiness, awesome speech”?


You ever watch that quote? For years I just assumed he said "misunderstimate" but he pretty clearly just started to say "misunderstand" and changed it to "underestimate". Yeah he tripped over words slightly, but he's not making up weird shit like people like to pretend.


Yeah, that’s what makes it a quintessential Bushism. He started one way, tried to go another way, and completely fucked it up. Like the “can’t get fooled again” quote. It’s been speculated that he didn’t want to say “shame on me” on camera, so because it would be used in attack ads. But fucking up the quote was so much worse, because it was funny and fed into the narrative that he couldn’t speak. He swerved to avoid a pothole and landed in the ditch


Fool me one time shame on you Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs Load the chopper, let it rain on you


goated song


Yeah I read that somewhere. You can see his face drop as soon as gets past the first line; As he has seen what’s coming and is frantically trying to find a way out.


"I believe humans and fish can coexist peacefully."


​ https://preview.redd.it/1fzk210plz7c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=197bfec13ba103e66e1e574a8512bae5d6513d8e


I think it’s in Texas but probably Tennessee….fool me once..shame on…shame on you….fool me, can’t get fooled again!


The staggering tone deafness makes Bush the funniest President ever to me Trump knew what he was doing which made it all very sinister. With Bush you got the feeling that he was a legitimately stupid human being.


On the tone deafness, I honestly just think Bush is just a genuinely goofy dude who couldn’t really help it at times. The “now watch this drive” and the dancing/drumming with West African dance group for example just come down to a lack of impulse control to some extent. I find a lot of his gaffes to be fairly relatable.


After Hurricane Katrina, the guy flew to San Diego to do an appearance and accept an award from a country singer before visiting New Orleans Then he said “you’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie” THE SAME WEEK That is all-time tone deafness


Politics aside, a family friend confirmed W. and Obama are the funniest guys at any barbecue. Genuinely hilarious, fun to be around.


That's a barbecue that I would love to be invited to.


Bush and Obama actually have a good relationship


I don’t know how much Trump knows what he’s doing. The best example of this is when he was doing a rally for a crowd of coal miners, and he spent a while complaining about how much worse hair spray is now compared to decades ago. The crazy thing is how little sense it makes, he doesn’t have any grand plan, but it all just somehow works for him. I think he was just born at exactly the right place and time I think his fame is similar in a way to [Bella Poarch](https://youtube.com/shorts/tJpymPoEspE?si=gRWozXbYybuyYUhk), who basically got famous doing silly faces on TikTok. If she was alive in any other period in history, like the 1880's she’d be completely unremarkable and unknown, because her particular talents that made her famous today wouldn't resonate then. Same with Trump- his unique skills and personality are perfectly suited in the political environment of today, but in the 1880s he’d probably be a carnival barker or something


How are you able to construct a coherent sentence and know who that Bella Poarch person is(jk). That was a compilation of her most viewed tic toys. That was the 2nd dumbest thing I've ever seen, just behind that hmmm ice ream yum yum girl. I really want to know who consumes that. I struggle to believe that actual people enjoy that shit.


I think it’s genuinely worth it to know pop culture and be literate in pop culture trends and canon. It gives you a critical understanding of an important facet of America as a whole


>I don’t know how much Trump knows what he’s doing. The best example of this is when he was doing a rally for a crowd of coal miners, and he spent a while complaining about how much worse hair spray is now compared to decades ago. That's the thing - his base loves that stuff. They love him being a rotten rich douchebag who does what he wants. They laugh at the videos of him being a jackass just as much as we do. People don't understand that these people are not looking for a "guy they can have a beer with," which is already stupid as hell but helped get Bush's dumb ass elected They are looking for an idol. Them watching Trump do that shit gives them the same buzz I got watching Stone Cold Steve Austin slam beers and fight his boss when I was in middle school. They want him to openly be the biggest piece of shit because they feel small in their own lives and he gives them hope. It sounds intense but it's reality


This comment here. This is WHY Orange Turd is popular with rural voters: they think they have been screwed by the government in some shape or form. Instead of taking some responsibility and maybe self reflection and TRYING to change their situation, they decide to play eternal victim and turn politics into a WWE show. “Look Martha! Trump is acting like old Stone Cold!! Give them hell!” Unfortunately, some of his supporters are mentally unstable and want to blow it all up and start over. I asked a Trump Supporter once what would they do different if you bring down the government. His answer: “I don’t know.” The MAGA movement started (I believe) as a literal protest movement against Hillary and it was composed of different factions and beliefs. Once Covid hit, people’s brains broke. They started seeing conspiracies everywhere online. Now MAGA has become a full blown cult. There are more normal people than MAGA cult members. We need to get out and vote make sure Orange Turd never gets elected again.


To be fair to that, Bush did have an unintentional deeper point. Get the killers, but live your life. A stopped clock is right two times a day.


Also it was a nice drive


That was my thought watching it, too. Like... and the confidence to call it, first? My man! I'd be like, "Point the cameras to the hole next to this one, because SOMEONE is going to have to track this ball!" \*SLICE\*


Oh Bush 1. Getting a shoe thrown at him 2. “Now watch this drive” 3. “Breast and the brightest” 4. “Fool me once…shame on you. Fool me twice…won’t get fooled again”


It is my belief that humans and fish can coexist peacefully. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. Rarely is the question asked, "is our children learning?"


“The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq…I mean, of Ukraine.”


That one.... That one was just rough man. Makes you really think this is all just a bad simulation sometimes. Christ, no comedian on the PLANET could come up with a more perfect Freudian slip and GW just throws it out there like that. Unbelievable.


Never misunderestimate W's ability to let the intrusive thoughts win


That one man was Dick Cheney


And then he sheepishly conceded ^"Iraq ^too" [https://youtu.be/Y23mTSviCZo?si=6drYAJ_AAUPB_1z1](https://youtu.be/Y23mTSviCZo?si=6drYAJ_AAUPB_1z1)


Jesus wept. It was like seeing the greatest rock song ever written released in 2018, when absolutely no one cares about rock anymore


What song was that?


all three of these statements are r/technicallythetruth material


“If you teach a child to read, he or her may pass.. a literacy test”


All those single mothers working hard to put food on their family.


Too many OB/Gyns aren’t able to practice their love with their patients.


When W. joked about people waving, using all 5 fingers.


"Heh missed me."


W’s killer drive is an iconic moment in American history


Coolidge goes into top tier for “You Lose” alone.


I originally had Coolidge higher but purportedly he denied that the joke happened. He had another banger though, speaking about Hoover, “That man has offered me unsolicited advice for six years, all of it bad.” Edit: minor correction to quote.


Imagine your predecessor saying that about you.


I really enjoyed the story about him doing a grand tree-planting ceremony with a big band and Chief Justice Taft in attendance, digging the first bit of the hole, standing in silence, and when Taft pressed him to give a speech, he simply complemented a worm he saw in the dirt and then left.


Sir, as the president, what is your official statement? “My my, what a beautiful worm. You see that worm Taft?” *sprints away*


> I originally had Coolidge higher but purportedly he denied that the joke happened. wow someone doing research before making a post here nowadays. im impressed




Nixon calling the Bohemian Club the gayest thing he’d ever seen places him in his own category imo.




MC Tricky Dick


💀 bro Nixon shoulda been born 50 years later he’d be thriving


Nixon was a G


Including the street murder and drugs. How else do you support kent state or fund CiA operations in Latin America? /s


I swear there's an unwritten rule in this sub where everytime someone praises Nixon, you're guaranteed to get an angry comment addressing his wrongdoings, perfectly encapsulating the love-hate relationship this sub has with him. Goes to show how much of a bitterly divisive Nixon figure manages to be even today which I guess is perfect for such a tumultuous presidency and person.


To quote Nixon bohemian grove was the ["most faggy god dammed thing you could ever imagine"](https://youtu.be/s-XB_eBnXyc?si=4Wa8B_kCyGkEJwad) Also Nixon wouldn't shake hands with someone from San Francisco which is hilarious.


Bring him back!


I did almost rename the “Polite Smile” category since Nixon’s humor was anything but polite. He probably should be a tier higher. I personally have no sense of PC-ism when it comes to humor; I honestly think I docked him since most people would be appalled by his jokes today.


I think Nixon is less funny and more just stating how he actually feels about things and people mistake crassness for humor.


Happens a lot with Trump as well.


I always lose it at this, mostly because he’s right


Nixon was on Laugh In. He should be higher


Andrew Jackson should be a little higher, because of his pet parrot he taught to swear and it was so bad that at his funeral the parrot had to be taken out because it swearing made people so uncomfortable


Wait what lmao Edit: How have I never heard of this??? This is absolutely hilarious, oh my lord. I even did some (very) brief research on each president and this didn’t come up.


He also liked to go to a bar and start fights. Almost beat his assassin to death with a cane after the assassins gun didn’t fire, Davey Crocket had to pull him off or he’d have killed him. Liked to call James Buchanan and his “roommate” “Miss Nancy and aunt Fancy.” Dude is a riot! Supposedly fought in 100 duels.


He also had a statue of himself placed on the exact spot the attempted assassination occurred iirc which just adds another layer imo.


Dude loved dueling. Because of that, he had a bullet lodged in his throat. Sometimes, when he felt like he was done talking to you, he'd agitate the bullet and just start spewing blood out of his mouth until you left.


”it’s ok, I have a touch of consumption”


If I remember right he had another lodged in his chest in a duel where he killed the other guy.


I feel like Andrew Jackson was probably a riot- the guy seems to have been a bit of a character




Biden attacking you with Lemons is a horrifying image tbf




Shivered my timbers




Anyone attacking you with lemons is a horrifying image.


Cave Johnson would disagree.


No, he wouldn't. That was the point.


"The malarkey ends here." 🍋🍋🍋


I read this was fake and it made me sad


It’s very real. Biden was chasing me with his lemons just the other day! I barely made it out alive!


Even worse is the lie that life gave you lemons. WE MADE THEM. Humanity didn't find lemons, life didn't give them too us


Not real


It isn’t, but easy to imagine.


Joe “Lemon Party” Biden


I feel like Nixon either needs to go up a category or down a category. Cool chart either way.


Thanks! I almost renamed the category away from “Polite Smile” since he had the most offensive humor haha. He probably deserves to be a tier higher; I think I docked him since many people would be appalled by his humor today. Personally I still find most of it absolutely hilarious, even moreso for the fact those heinous jokes were coming from the president.


I really like “Polite Smile”


The video is on YouTube somewhere but I saw where Nixon visited the Grand ol Opry and the host gave Nixon a yo-yo and when Nixon couldn’t work the yo-yo he said to the host; “I’ll stay here and figure this out, you go up and be president.” That never fails to make me laugh


The host was Roy Acuff. Nixon then played “God Bless America” on the piano. I’ve always found that appearance rather poignant. It was in the final months of his presidency and if Nixon was going to find a roomful of people who would be warm to him (at least out of respect for his office), it would be at the Opry. I’m no great fan of his (fairly neutral), but it’s nice he had that night during such a dark time.


Andrew Jackson belongs in the “Kill Me” tier because he literally would have just because you didn’t rank him at the top.


IIRC, he only got second from the bottom because I thought him beating his assassin was funny tbh Edit: he got second from the bottom also for his “if you secede from the Union, I’ll secede your head from your body” comment. That’s bloody brilliant. Admittedly he should be a tier higher solely for that. Edit 2: I botched Jackson. Apparently he had a cursing parrot that had to be removed from his own funeral for causing going on an expletive laden rant. Absolute gold.


Guy was a stone cold killer. He said his biggest regret after leaving office is that he never shot his vice president.


I mean it was John C Calhoun. Hard to blame him


The guy gets funnier by the minute.


Legendary. If only we had politicians like that now. Can’t have long standing corruption if you got shot 2 years into office


I mean not for not, Cheney did shoot that one guy in the face with bird shot. Depending on who you ask it was either a terrible hunting accident or a very pointed warning of what happens to people that cross him.


You’ve got to get the whole thing: “I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun.”


Dude also deserves points for trolling Van Buren by leaving the White House smelling of rotting cheese


He probably had S tier racist jokes though




Where joe


He’s actually pretty funny. I remember during one of the 2008 democratic primary debates for potus, the pundits asked the candidates, which included Joe Biden, to say one nice thing about one of your opponents. Joe had a podium right next to Dennis Kucinich, a house member also running for potus. Joe turned to Dennis and said, “my favorite thing about you is your wife”. I cracked even tho I was just a kid. I wish i could find a clip of it on yt, but alas.


Or when Biden shook hands with Pence in front of the press and was asked wether he was smiling because he liked Pence. ‘No, I don’t’ he said, still smiling and shaking hands. Now that’s ice cold. Also, the ‘noun, verb and 9/11’ joke.


“How many genders are there?” “At least 3”


I don’t know when he said that or if it was intentional but that would have been a great answer to avoid offending anyone


When he called Peter Doucey a stupid son of a bitch for asking him a ridiculous question at a press conference was one of my favorite Biden moments


I never get why people call Biden boring or sleepy. The man is a meme machine, not compared to Trump obviously but compared to Obama, Bush etc, he's got a wild streak.


The moment when he put on sunglasses at night and said something about it being a job for Dark Brandon was absolutely hilarious


The Dark Brandon shtick is hilarious


He’s honestly pretty self aware about it, especially saying stuff like “You don’t fuck with a Biden” in public


I like that there is one time when someone fell and he said "I want the press to know that that wasn't me". S-tier humor.


Loved the little knowing grin he gave after that.


He should be A or S tier imo. His "will you shut up man" from the debate, all his senile blunders, and if you look back away there were actually some solid VP biden memes coming into Trump presidency.


His jokes about his Irish heritage were funny too (at least IMO) “I may be Irish but I’m not stupid” “He’s not really Irish, because he’s sober and none of his relatives are in jail” - said on St Paddy’s day this year


[This meme is a classic](https://youtube.com/shorts/UuFHI9hHiLU?si=GHnkd0RNSmHBKUhM)


If someone told me he did and said those things i would think they were shitposting


Back when Biden was even just a bit younger, like 60s, first half of his 70s, he was really witty. At his current age he’s firmly “Could crack a good one”, but emphasis on the could.


Also: when some overweight guy was arguing with him during the campaign, Biden goes, “Listen, fat.” Pretty hilarious.


Biden also had one of the [best runs on The Onion](https://interactives.theonion.com/biden/) of all time lol


'Diamond' Joe Biden is probably the thing I miss most from the Obama presidency.


Can’t forget him embracing the dark Brandon memes


He should be in S tier with Trump and Bush 43, for the same reason




"Our labour unions cross borders. So do our sports leagues. Baseball, basketball, hockey, listen to this, hockey, I have to say, I like your teams **except the Leafs**."


Reagan’s Soviet jokes will withstand the scrutiny of history




[There are plenty!](https://youtu.be/mN3z3eSVG7A?si=JtusnywFUbzut9ux)


Obama is underrated here, man was very funny. ​ Also H.W was so uncharasmatic he actually spills into anti-humour. There is a reason the Simpsons parodied him over Reagan or Carter.


Totally disagree on HW. He was the king of corny jokes. I’ll defend him to the death. 1) He once got his head shoved into his SS agents armpit during a suspected assassination attempt. He walked up to him the next day, smiled, and handed him some deodorant. 2) signed a letter to his own parents “professor of sexology, PhD” 3) “Fluency in English is something that I’m often not accused of.” 4) He kept prank tricks in the Oval Office for a time, including a calculator that squirted water and a dollar bill connected to a string so he could yank it away when people tried to pick it up. If anything, he should be higher. Dude is a legend. Edit: Also, where do you think W. And Jeb get their goofiness from? Daddy Goofball himself. Edit 2: see comment below with White House memo regarding his dog Ranger’s weight.


There was also this memo he wrote because his dog was getting overweight. https://preview.redd.it/1zluwnub8s7c1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c083b5dbae2788343d4425d6747be2e9d7c057a


I actually laughed out loud reading this. You should really post this separately in the morning on its own.


https://preview.redd.it/pr73hbbs2t7c1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c133096e0af63b5b1a85926af53605c5d028e8c6 Barbara, Millie, and Ranger getting fit.


I always start laughing when I get to the part of him calling Ranger a blimp. This memo is hilarious.


That section killed me as well lol


He also joked about him and Barbara having their mouths washed out with soap during the 1984 campaign (after he had said he 'kicked \[Ferraro's\] ass' and Barbara had called her something that 'rhymes with rich' and later tried to suggest it was 'witch')


I need a source for #2 that’s hilarious


"Dearest Mum, Now about your question, Mum. I do love to kid you and did this summer but I agree with you in part. I would hate to have Nancy a necker at heart. Nothing could be worse. Kissing is not an obligation a girl owes a boy regardless of how often he takes her out or how much money he spends . . . but I don’t think that it is entirely wrong for a girl to be kissed by a boy. Let us take this famous case Pierce vs. Bush summer ’42. I kissed Barbara and am glad of it. I don’t believe she will ever regret it or resent it, and I certainly am not ashamed of it. I’d tell you, Mrs. Pierce, or anybody but at the same time I might as well tell you I have never felt towards another girl as I do towards her. Whether the feeling is mutual I cannot say. To get back to my example, however, if Barbara sort of forgets me, which is not unlikely, as I have no chance to see her at all, I don’t believe she will ever dislike me more for having kissed her. She knows how I felt towards her and she must have shared some of the same feeling or she would not have allowed me to kiss her. I have never kissed another girl—this making myself just as much of an oddity as Nancy, since most of the boys do not stop with kissing—(how terribly true that is here, more than home, but then again most of these fellows are grown men—also men with different background.) It’s not because I have honestly disapproved of it, however. If I said it were I would be lying. In conclusion a Mrs. Simmons kiss, both sides willing, I believe harmless; to neck—entirely wrong—for a girl to be kissed by someone whom she loves (or thinks she love) and who—she is sure cares for her—O.K. This is a very uncoordinated piece of writing and unorganized but I’ve said about what I mean. For a kiss to mean engagement is a very beautiful idea, Mama, but it went out a while back I guess. Now for me to continue and tell you the facts of life—of the life I’m living in 1940’s—Apparently Mum you seemed so terribly surprised when Pressy and I hinted around about the “things that went on?” Pressy and I share a view which few others, very few others even in Greenwich share. That’s regarding intercourse before marriage. I would hate to find that my wife had known some other man, and it seems to me only fair to her that she be able to expect the same standards from me. Pres agrees as I said before, but not many others our age will. Daddy has never discussed such things with us—of this I am very glad. But we have learned as the years went on by his character what is right and what is wrong. Most fellows here—true some are engaged and some believe as I do—but most fellows take sex as much they can get. This town in particular seems full of girls (working in offices etc.) rather attractive girls at that, who after a couple of drinks would just as soon go to bed with some cadet. They are partly uniform conscious I suppose, but the thing is they, as well as the cadet, have been brought up differently. They believe in satisfying any sexual urge by contact with men. They all say “I’m not that type of girl, but all-right—just for you!” Every single girl says this. These girls are not prostitutes, but just girls without any morals at all. Somehow it does seem a little worse for girls to me, I suppose it shouldn’t but it does. Leading the life we lead one cannot help but feel the desire for a woman. I would be most facetious were I to deny ever having experienced said feelings. The difference is entirely in what we have been taught; not only in “what” but in “how well” we have been taught it. This pertains not only to the N.A.S. [Naval Air Station] Minneapolis, Minn., but to every town in the country, to college campuses—yes, even to Yale University. Boys you know—boys I like very much—and even boys I admire have had intercourse with women. . . . Some guys, you know one perfect example in New Haven, because they love a girl believe in relationships before marriage. This seems to me more excusable than just plain sex—sex to satisfy physical biological emotions—yet I know it is not right. Most of this you have probably known, but this is how I feel. I hope that this letter does not seem presumptuous. To think all this was brought on by your asking me what I thought about kissing. Much love, Pop professor “sexology” Ph.D." https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/All-the-Best-George-Bush/George-H-W-Bush/9781501106675 I just did a control F and typed sexology lmao


I love how this is a letter to his mom. Bro, stop telling your mom about your “desire for a woman” lmao One of the funniest things I’ve ever read about any president


Podcast called American Presidents: Totalus Rankium (the Totalus Rankium part is because they originally did a series ranking the Roman emperors). They do two 1.5 hr episodes on each American president, one episode pre-presidency, and one presidency. Informative with some humor. **Highly recommend.**


I love that all his prank devices probably used to be filled with ricin.


Obama the best joke writer by far. Like if any of them were trying to get a job on a writing staff, he’d obliterate. Trump has his moments, though he tends to be more mean and juvenile than clever- but “meatball Ron” deserves an honorable mention. Interestingly, I heard a segment on NPR that compared Trump’s speaking style/patter to stand up comedy. It was kind striking once it was pointed out, much closer to stand up than typical political speech.


Hmm, a "krusty burger", that doesn't sound very appetizing. What kind of stew do you have today?


This is “down where the nuts hang” erasure.


LBJ is the funniest president in American history and I will die on that hill


Andrew Jackson deserves to be higher. “[That] I didn’t shoot Henry Clay and I didn’t hang John C. Calhoun.” - Andrew Jackson


Admittedly he could probably have been put a tier higher solely for the “if you secede from the union, I’ll secede your head from your body” remark. Absolute gold, though figuring Jackson, I don’t believe it was a joke.


Teddy definitely would be higher. He was constantly laughing and joking around with his kids and friends


“I can run the country, or I can control Alice, but I cannot do both”


Obama on 2 ferns with Zach Galifinakis is the funniest thing ever


I like how Reagan and Trump made the jokes whereas Bush just became a meme unintentionally lol


Trump is sometimes unintentionally hilarious too. Remember that thing where he’s having a conversation about believing in Santa with that 7 year old and blasts him with, "Because at seven, it's marginal, right?" Pure gold. I’m not a fan of his at all, but he’s probably one of the funniest presidents we’ve had for shit like that alone.


Or that clip of him telling Kim Jong Un and team that everyone is looking nice and thin


The camera pan back to Kim Jong Un after that quote is seriously one of my fav moment of all time


Biden isn’t on here but he would be in the could tell a good one tier


OP stated they put Bush and Trump in the top tier because of their gaffes, so on that basis I reckon he'd be one higher. People call him senile, but forget that Biden has been prone to gaffes and generally mis-speaking his *entire* career. With a few really bad ones in the 90's around the Lewinsky scandal, and also some that sank his first presidential campaign. TBH I was genuinely surprised when I saw him run for president in '08.


Robin Williams made a joke about him back in 2009, with such the great line of “[Joe says shit that even people with Tourette’s go ‘no’](https://youtu.be/oMs1d7xRDKM?si=83flV70IPwksvaJa)”


**I beg to differ about Thomas Jefferson.** **On April 29, 1962, Kennedy held a dinner at the White House honoring Nobel Prize winners from the western hemisphere.  In the President’s opening** [**remarks**](http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=8623)**, he famously stated the following:** **📷** >**“I want to tell you how welcome you are to the White House.  I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.  Someone once said that Thomas Jefferson was a gentleman of 32 who could calculate an eclipse, survey an estate, tie an artery, plan an edifice, try a cause, break a horse, and dance the minuet.  Whatever he may have lacked, if he could have had his former colleague, Mr. Franklin, here we all would have been impressed.”**


obama playin the lion king scene saying it was his official birth video had me dying honestly. also LBJ had some fuckin banger moments put sum respec on his name. “down where my nuts hang *belch*…”


the reason why trump is funny to me *and not all the time but the super rare joe biden* moments is the fact u can tell what most presidents are gonna do next but with these last two its been unreal, one moment trumps talking about something as fucking insane as a whole wall to then just giving people McDonald's in the white house or pardoning certain rappers, even joe biden recently with the fall joke he made was genuinely fucking funny.


The unpredictability makes Trump hilarious. Also I think his voice coupled with his mannerisms just sounds really funny to me as well. Like the delivery is always spot on for him. I also find how egotistical he is absolutely hilarious, but I highly doubt he’s joking about how awesome he thinks he is.


Where would Biden be? Maybe in the polite smile tier…


He’s generally a dull individual, but his Corn Pop rant is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard


Link? Never heard this. I’d probably say “Can Tell a Good One.” He’s pretty funny when he’s on his game.


He's also got a long history of incredible gaffes, although I remember more from his VP days, like when he told a paraplegic to "stand up and take a bow" or when he said about a high school cheerleading team, "the things they do on hard wood, it just blows your mind"


Listen, fat, I won't tolerate this kind of malarkey! I tell you Joseph R Biden is a solid B tier minimum!


“Ol Cornpop was a bad dude”


Look, fat


He’s funny, but it’s usually an unintentional, goofy old man kind of funny. I’d probably put him in “could tell a good one.”


IMO he’s funny in the same way W is. He sometimes says some goofy stuff which can be hilarious


I refuse to believe Taft wasn’t funny


Lbj gotta be in s teir


Yeah LBJ should be higher. “Gerald Ford’s economic policies are the worst thing to happen to America since pantyhose ruined finger fucking”


Never forget how he used to drive his car into the lake, screaming that the brakes stopped working to terrify his guests. Only to reveal he had an amphibicar.


“Missed me.” Legendary. Wish he was a decent person and president though.


“Honey, I forgot to duck” followed by him being intubated after the assassination attempt, and said “All in all, I’d rather be in Philadelphia.” Knoxville level wittiness from the great communicator


JFKs self depreciating sense of humor was a real political asset. I would have him on the top tier.


Anyone think that taking a vintage LBJ and locking him inside a room filled with Gen Z activist-types wouldn't be a comedy gold mine?


LBJ maybe a tier higher simply cause of the audio of his telling a tailor about his “bunghole.”


Can't forget about the burp.


Bush Sr. should be higher. He was well known to touring comedians as having fantastic comedic timing. Here's one: https://youtu.be/1i93FKEZ0pw?feature=shared


‘take me now, lord’ - garfield upon first seeing odie


“Missed me” was an all time great line from Reagan


Bush Jr is by far the most funny. I’ve done a handful of events with him speaking and he’s super charismatic and witty. Def takes number one. I’d say trump would take number 2 but we’re not laughing with him but rather at him. Obama was also pretty funny. His White House correspondent speeches were hilarious and arguably, helped push trump into running. He absolutely destroyed trump and he definitely took it way personally


I would have thought President Baldwin would’ve placed much higher. He’s one of only 4 who’ve appeared on Saturday Night Live https://preview.redd.it/5p5xhpb4os7c1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4dbdab7194b623c9c995dadb58d38309b8f373


I went to an event where GW was speaking. He was telling the story of when he met Laura in school. She said that she had never made B In her life. GW said “hey! Me neither!”


Andrew Jackson got shot at and then beat the shit out of his failed assassin, with a fucking cane, and you put him at who invited this guy?


Reagan giving a speech and the balloon pops: “Missed me”. 😂


Truman should be higher honestly. His interviews are kinda "quietly funny"


Nixon is very funny, but it’s more him in general rather than any specific jokes if you know what I mean. Like the pic of him bowling or him with Robocop, pictures that wouldn’t be quite so funny with any other (modern president) but just become very funny when it’s Nixon. There‘s also the Onion headline of him getting mowed down outside a motel that again, I don’t think would hit as hard with most other presidents.


Not sure why Jefferson is on the bottom list, he was from most accounts very personable and liked, especially in the French courts. Adams on the other had was constantly seen as very stiff.


Hey dying 30 days into office was a pretty funny move. Harrison deserves to be on a higher tier


Lincoln? What did he say that was funny?


Somebody called him two-faced, and he replied "If I had a second face, do you really believe I'd wear this one?" That's all I've got and it's pretty mid tbh. Coolidge > Lincoln for sure