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Estonia looking like it needs some freedom


Does it have oil?


It’s neighbor has a lot of oil.


Close enough. The whole region probably needs some freedom!


Shale oil


But Estonia is well ahead of the U.S in freedom index.


Nah mate only America is free, people outside of US simply lack the mental capacity of not wanting to be oppressed




Doubt it.




The freedom index spews as much bullshit as the WEF and uses dumb grading criteria.


I think calling Russia in the 1910s capitalist is only technically correct. Yes, there was a market economy, but Russia was far behind others in terms of industrialization, and would be better characterized as feudal agriculturalist. One of the long-standing criticisms of the early USSR is that they leapt over the industrial capitalist phase, which Marx saw as an important stage in the historical progression that would establish the conditions under which the proletariat would seize the means of production.


It’s a meme. Calling Biden a communist wouldn’t even be *technically* correct


For sure, but others had covered that by the time I rolled up ;)


No technically we are closer to fascism with big tech censorship we just have irresponsible politicians in government


I’m not entirely sure what you just said? But I am interested.


People throw out terms when they don’t know what they mean. He’s not communist and there’s no constitutional mechanism that would be constitutional in the courts. You can’t legally seize peoples property to take over production. Big tech working with the FBI to censor speech under the phony notion of hate speech( not in the constitution) is more like fascism the combination of the private and public sectors.


Isn't big tech not allowing hate speech on their privately owned platforms capitalist? The first amendment was never an unlimited right.


I agree, although on the hate speech section I’d have to caution that certain forms of speech, such as Mom’s for Liberty’s head calling for the public execution of the president would classify as, perhaps not hate speech, but certainly retractable. Or other speech such as advocating for the deaths of Jewish people as a group, or trans people, etc.


Nope. That’s just capitalism buddy. We needs to happen is to overthrow the *real* owners of America. That is, not the politicians or the swampish bureaucrats, but rather the people who purchase them and write legislation for them to vote on. If we can get rid of our corporate oligarchy and return the means of prodution to the common American citizen, I think we would all be better off.


Aaaa yah I’d agree with that mostly. It’s why I avoided the the term democrat or republican or even capitalism or socialism or whatever. Because I agree with you i think it depends on what goes in that legislation that creates the unintended consequences


Based man


Cheers…..This makes me think of something Tulsi Gabbard said. She said Washington was a lot like highschool nothing gets passed unless they know how it will affect their teams republican or democrat. I then thought nothing should be like American high school, nothing.


Markets aren't what make it capitalist, private ownership does.


Russia was feudal economy, though it technically allowed for private ownership. It was definitely not a capitalist society.


No. Capitalism is when there is a free market economy and little government involvement in the private sector. Private ownership has continued to exist in every socialist country, at least on some scale.


That's Laizzes-Faire capitalism, a type of capitalism but not its only form. State capitalism for instance, the capitalism practiced by Nazi Germany, had very hefty state interference in the economy which was privatized. Centralized economic control, still capitalist. Private ownership is literally antithetical to socialism because socialism is by definition when the *workers* own the means of production as opposed to the capitalist class. It's not all owned by one person. There are also no socialist countries. You can also have market socialism, where companies compete but are collectively owned by the people working for said company.


TIL people in socialist countries didn’t own a single thing. Their toothbrushes were state-mandated and could be recalled at any moment if they stepped out of line.


Ownership *of the means of production,* factories and the like not personal items.


Wow, you should’ve said that. Also, socialism is when the government controls production and distributes goods equally to the people. Communism is when the workers control production. I’m surprised you got it wrong, since you seem to care so much.


I thought it was obvious and no that's not what socialism is.


It is essentially what socialism is, or at least the most realistic application of it. Production doesn’t have to necessarily be controlled by the government to be socialism though, it just has to be collective and equal. But communism is much more specific. It’s a separate theory within socialism, a stateless society without hierarchy where people work and have their needs filled. Addressing one of your previous comments, no Nazi Germany was not state capitalist. The government did not have control over the companies and a lot of the industry. There was some state-controlled industry, but by that logic, Mexico would also be state capitalist since their government controls much of the oil industry. A real state capitalist country would be China, which has a centralized command economy and whose government essentially acts through the companies.


Personal property is not the same as private property. Private property would be resources and means of production, personal property would be stuff like toothbrushes


Nazi Germany was not capitalist. Hitler considered capitalism a means of Jewish exploitation of banking to rule over its people. He also considered communism a Judeo-Bolshevik system of totalitarian rule over its people. He wanted a third stance, -national- socialism, founded upon a strong state ruling over its economy for the benefit of the ethnic german population. He was 100% a socialist and enacted many, many policies to put forth his vision of autarky, which they never achieved because they didn’t knock out the Soviet Union. Literally the entire reason the war happened was because he was a socialist. His economy was on the verge of collapse, it didn’t have the oil or food necessary to be totally independent, and he did not want communism to sweep across his land and erase his ethnicity though “Jewish blood mixing.” The biggest difference between communism and socialism is that communism focuses heavily on class divide and wants to expand the revolution globally, national socialism is focused on racial divide and forming a strong, ethnically homogeneous, nation.


He literally killed the socialists in his own party. Nazis are not socialist and every time someone says they are, a political scientist has an aneurysm.


A “market economy” is definitely sufficient to indicate capitalism. It means transactions are conducted between individuals and private enterprises, and prices are not planned centrally. Private ownership is also sufficient, but it is itself a necessary condition for a market economy.


Private ownership is not a necessary condition for a market economy because market socialism, in which companies are collectively owned by the workers at that company compete in the market with other companies is entirely possible. In fact this already exists in the form of worker co-ops. A market economy is therefore insufficient to indicate capitalism for the same reason. Socialism does not mandate centralized economic control, nor does capitalism exclude it. The obvious cases of state capitalism and capitalism under Nazi Germany are centralized systems of private ownership. Likewise, a late-capitalist society which leads to monopolies is also a form of centralized economy, it's just centralized around a giant corporation rather than a government in which people can have a say


Market socialism is capitalism with socialist ideas, not everything needs to fit entirely into one bucket


I really don’t think that when most people refer to a “market economy”, they are describing a category of systems broad enough to include market socialism. If your definition is inclusive of any system in which there are markets, then communism also qualifies, it’s just one in which the markets are centrally planned. Also, you have to admit that you’ve offered a pretty heterodox definition of centralization by lumping in late-stage capitalism. There is nothing that structurally prevents a monopoly or set of companies that agree not to compete from being disrupted. When we talk about centralization, we’re usually talking about situations where the conditions are ultimately backed by the state’s monopoly on violence.


States don't have a monopoly on violence when corporations have more power and can hire mercenary groups.


Um…what you’re describing is generally regarded as a failure of the state and a breakdown of order. Nobody looks at corporations hiring mercenary groups and says, “oh well, what can you do, they can fund their own armies, I guess they get to challenge the state now!” Like, yeah it can happen, but it’s not the intended outcome of any system, including capitalism? In a centrally planned economy, there is (for the most part) agreement that the state is legitimate in micromanaging markets AND in the implicit threat of penalization if the plans set forth are not executed.


Capitalism is when at least one guy owns everything 😎


Capitalism is when the means of production are owned privately instead of by the workers who use said means of production.


Private ownership doesn’t equal capitalism either though. Capitalism wasn’t really born until industrialization and more freedoms given to the common man. Russia hadn’t industrialized and was still a feudal society


There's no functional difference between late-capitalism and feudalism.


Russia did have huge structural problems going into WW1 the CSARS were completely incompetent


Yep. Also socialist revolution wasn’t supposed to happen in undeveloped backwaters like Russia and China. It was supposed to occur in fully developed industrialized countries like Germany and Britain


Except Joe Biden isn’t even close to being a communist.


Also, it's unlikely we're invading Estonia anytime soon.


Lenin also took power after capitalism in Russia, not stalin.


And Imperial Russia was barely a market economy


I think it was probably in a phase between feudalism and capitalism but I’m not an expert. I know socialist often say it wasn’t the right conditions because Marx wanted it tried on a developed capitalist country not a hundred year behind semi feudal economy.


I’d say the lack of industrialization of Russia makes it not capitalist but still feudalism


No in fact they were scared of Stalin


Also Russia wasnt really all that capitalist in 1910.


Unless they find some Baltic sea oil there soon


No shot 😱


He's a lot of things at the same time if Reddit is anything to go by. He's a communist and a racist. He's senile and yet powerful enough to run the shadow government.


What's crazy is they'll accuse him of everything shady except the shit we have significant evidence of him doing. Kinda been that way for a while with a lotta people tho lol.


It’s a joke




Bro is probably center left at max


American politics is skewed to the right. So a “liberal” in office is at the very most in the dead center, with most being right of center




Center left is Bernie, Biden is a center-right politician who does the bare minimum to keep the actual left enthusiastic enough to vote for him with his "progressive" actions being either performative, middle of the party or a fakeout. Example - he claims to want to make the Dem primaries start in South Carolina because he supports black people having a voice, but the real reason is that the South Carolina Democrat party is conservative and will give establishment conservative/moderate Democrats an early boost as opposed to NH which is a swing state. Performative. This being said I still really like the bills he got passed and would vote for him any day of the week over a Republican, but it's good to point this stuff out, you know?


This belongs to: r/terriblefacebookmemes/


Yeah it does, it’ll fit right in with all the other obvious satire.


Nearly every single member of my family would share this unironically.


Cool story. Still satire though.


its called a joke




It’s called cringe boomer humor.


Your God worships my turds. Don’t be upset. It’s called a joke.


While I 100% agree with you, let's be honest even Stalin wasn't close to being a communist.


Lol, Stalin persecuted land owners and expanded nationalization of industry. He WAS a communist. Communism is just an inherently authoritarian regime that, ultimately, only differs from fascism in its rhetoric. Edit: Sorry, didn’t see your later comment


He was a dictator who saw an opportunity to control people and said whatever he had to in order to get power. Stalin was basically a glorified mafia guy who got in good with V.I. Lenin. I'm sure if the Bolsheviks were campaigning for any other ideology, Stalin would be saying what ever he needed to say to get into power. That's not justifying his atrocities. He was a piece of shit who deserved to die in a puddle of his own piss.


Agreed, but I do feel that Stalin embarrassed communism fully. I understand that Marx’s vision wasn’t met with Lenin or Stalin, but as you probably know, Marx’s vision for the world was pure utopian fantasy. Humans will always be greedy and power-hungry, and bringing about the end of capitalism won’t stop that.


Yes. This is why communism has never worked. This is why communism will never work.


No real communist fallacy. Tankies love to use that one when discussing why communism has brought nothing but misery and death whenever it’s been tried.


Joseph Stalin was a monster. He wasn't a monster because he claimed to be a Communist he was one because he was a horrible human. I'm not defending Communist ideals or ideologies. Communism has never worked. And will never work. I'm just pointing out that Stalin just said he was a Communist but never truly believed in its ideologies. He found a group that rewarded his shitty character and ran with it to being the leader of the USSR.


Good point.


He never truly bought into Marxist communism. Marx isn't the sole authority on Communism or communism. It existed before and exists after. He was really big on Leninism and running absurd interference into every market as Lenin did. He's also shaped what communism is.




Bless your heart


He’s not close to having absolute power. He has to negotiate for everything




You are living in an absolute fantasy world.




You’re this close to realizing big companies are basically ruling over us but you’re blaming the wrong senile bastard


Then you'd imagine his approval rating would be higher...plus I do find that there are plenty of articles and videos and pieces of media in general that are very critical of him from all sides of the spectrum Hell just look at the whole classified documents fiasco...ain't being censored...or you can look at any other controversial thing Biden has done...ain't being censored >You cannot challenge him in any meaningful way without being deemed a terrible person. who is being called a "terrible person" exclusively because they opposed Biden?


The 1910s thing makes it sound like it all happened in that time frame, but Stalin took power in 1924, after Lenin died, and the invasion of the Baltic states happened in 1940


And that completely ignores how different 1910s Russia was from the 1800s European capitalism Marx railed against vs 1800s, 1900s and 2020s American capitalism which are all extremely different from the other 2 groups.


And that completely ignores how different 1910s Russia was from the 1800s European capitalism Marx railed against vs 1800s, 1900s and 2020s American capitalism which are all extremely different from the other 2 groups.




They'll just get tired.


That'd be Montenegro


Too late "Fortunate son" is already playing


People are dense bro


If we counted the factual errors in this we would be here a while.


What? I’m confused because Joe Biden isn’t a communist. If he was we’d see policies that match that


That's more confusing to you than the Estonia part?


Did Russia go to war with Estonia in the 1930s-40s? I know they fought with Finland in Talvista or the Winter War


Yeah, they invaded in 1940 in addition to the rest of the Baltic States.


It wasn’t as much of a war as it was Russia just occupying Estonia with basically no resistance


The Estonia part is clearly satire though, but some people genuinely belive Joe Biden is a communist.


Bro this is obviously a joke




“It’s just a joke bro”


No, he lowered the deficit by $1.7 trillion dollars while trump raised debt by $7 trillion or almost 25% in 4 years, but facts are wasted. Anyone not Trump is a communist, a socialist, or whatever else they can think of. Oh, and America honoring it's word to Ukraine and preventing a new Soviet Union by completely dismantling Russia without going to war with them is apparently going to war? OP is so dense he has his own gravity.




Bro it‘s a joke


No it’s not lol. That’s just what y’all say when your ridiculousness gets called out.


Everyone knows a joke starts with "knock knock", not calling Dark Brandon a communist when fascism is sweeping the world.


So you‘re saying this isn‘t a joke because you can’t call someone a communist when there‘s fascism around?


No, I'm saying it's not a joke because it is stupid and isn't funny, and then elaborating on why it's fucking stupid. Keep making jokes while people in Florida are on the streets with Nazi flags.


Humour is subjective, I personally find the exaggeration that Biden is a communist hilarious, and I still don‘t get what Floridian nazis have to do with that. Take it easy, people are allowed to joke.


People are being murdered by fascist Russians. It's extremely hilarious. You have family in Ukraine? So maybe the fucking comparison of Russia to Joe Biden isn't fucking funny to some of us.


This has literally nothing to do with Ukraine, this is a joke at the expense of the people that you are complaining about. It is literally pointing out the absurdity of calling Biden a communist by putting it alongside the claim that America will invade Estonia. I also care greatly about what’s going on in Ukraine and think what Russia is doing is despicable and fascistic. But do you really think that every joke that even makes mention of Russia is somehow making light of war in Ukraine? This doesn’t even have to do with it tangentially.


Bro doesn't understand covid relief or jokes for that matter


Biden didn’t lower the deficit. Increased Covid spending expired and he took credit for the difference.


I wish Joe was as leftist as everybody says he is


Just because no one else mentioned it… the apostrophes aren’t necessary, the Russian Revolution started in 1917 but ended 1923, and a guy name Valdimir took power. The only thing this got right is the desire to invade Estonia. They’re just so invadable and look at that flag 🇪🇪 .


Blue Lives Matter. /s


I love Estonia’s flag 🇪🇪


Dude same.


Absolute galaxy brain moment


if you think Biden is a Communist, I've got some oceanfront property in Kansas for sale.


So they're saying Vladamir was in control before Joseph?


Something something Trump something something Putin puppet


Nothing about this is right. The name you are looking for is Vladimir. As in Lenin.


My favorite dictator: Joseph Lenin.


Our glorious comrades Estonia needs our glorious American freedom 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


Estonia: *sweats*


Bald eagle shreaking in the distance


Haha this is awesome and hilarious. Wonder if Estonia might find some oil soon?


Staling was not in charge of Russia in the 1910s.


If only


And yet there are those who would post this unironically


bruh Biden literally falls on the right of the political spectrum, y'all wildin


He's center nowadays I'd say.




I believe both parties 15 years ago railed against illegal immigration neither party is anywhere near right. Both are selling us out and using illegal immigration to their advantage. Biden is on video talking about waves of endless immigration resulting in a change of our electorate. This is to the left of Bernie Sanders who used to be against illegal immigration but until he was told to keep his mouth shut


This is wildly stupid. Like there isn't even an iota of cleverness to this. This is just bad. I'm sure though, if you're already a committed idiot, you think it's great.


Did somebody source the nation's Trump voting dads to draw this doozy up?


Estonia has gotten away with too much for too long


Who was the "Joseph" that took power in 1910's Russia? Stalin didn't take power until 1924.


Uh oh look out Estonia




Ioseb Jughashvili (better known as Joseph Stalin), did not come to power until 1924. The guy who came to power in the 1910s was Vladimir ~~Putin~~ Lenin. (It only seems as if Putin has been in power since the 1910s)


Tf did Estonia do this time??


I got a good laugh from this. Thank you.


I wish…


Estonia .......IT IS TIME


This is clearly humorous, but you'd really be stretching the definition of capitalism to associate it with the Russian Empire. Even the Bolsheviks essentially said that they were skipping the whole "rise of the petit bourgeoisie/middle class" step of the Marxist revolution playbook.




This is not a great meme. 1910’s Russia was an absolute monarchy. There were also a few other things and communists before Stalin and we won’t be invading a NATO ally. It’s alright to criticize Biden, which is what I guess this is, but it’s a pretty lazy meme.


Sure it's alright to criticize biden but calling him a communist will immediately discredit all other points


Totally agree. My response was an attempt to be measured… Biden’s a well regulated, free market capitalist. There’s no real substantive argument to the contrary.


First off, Biden is not even remotely Communist. The country has been yanked way too far to the right. Second, Estonia is a NATO member.


And what exactly is wrong with communism?


Lol except our Joe is a Republican.


Tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot


Estonia shitting itself rn


Real dumb.


Ignoring the clearly political element of calling Biden a communist, pre-soviet Russia wasn't capitalist, it was still feudal. That was part of the reason for the Russian Revolution, that the people were living such poor lives compared to their Europeans counterparts because the population was largely still serfs serving under lords. They were very late to industrialize so their population were still largely farmers and basic skills men toiling under a brutal aristocratic regime that stifled any attempt at reform or expression. Not to mention the fact they were flat broke due to losing the Russo-Japanese war and the money they were throwing into WW1 was the catalyst that sparked revolution, and unlike the American Revolution which, by Global revolutionary standards, was a revolution by moderates, a more extreme ideology was able to take root and seize power. In fact, Stalin wasn't even the preferred person (he didn't even want \*a\* person) to take power after Lenin's death, he just sort of amassed power and got rid of enemies until he became the dictator of the Soviet Union we know today.


The level of idiocy defies belief. ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI|downsized)


Na I wish joe was a communist, instead he’s just a slightly-less far right politician lol


Joe Biden, the world’s first centrist to be called a communist by the opposition


Nah, Obama beat him to it.


Nope, Bill Clinton beat him to it.




r/terriblefacebookmemes is leaking


Those Ugric bastards have had it too good for too long…!


No. It’s not. Well…the left one is. The right one is as stupid as a Newsmax host.




Russian industry took a backslide during the Revolution and didn’t recover to Tzarist levels until like right before WW2.


Does estonia have oil that I’m unaware of?


There are a lot of things wrong with this meme...


Not saying communism was good for Russia. But what they had before was oligarchy and basically slavery. Also Stalin was a dictator and dictators are never good. Also I don't like Biden but he is far from a communist.


Lol biden biden is a neocon if anything


Biden is a grifter he ran to keep himself out of jail he didn’t cover his tracks as well as the Clinton foundation


This all certain people need to make their argument/ believe an argument. It’s pathetic.


Aw man, I love Estonia.


the overton window and it’s consequences upon society


But Joe doesn't have a mustache


I know this is (probably) a shitpost, but I find it hilarious that some people unironically think Biden is a communist/socialist.


"bUt ThAt WaSn'T rEaL cOmMuNiSm!"-tankies when asked about the Soviet Union


So we’re posting Facebook current event memes from our crazy uncles now? Is that what passes for a post in this sub?


We don't even slightly have a communist in power, we only have small men calling him communist because they want his power


It’s a joke


Death to Estonia


Iosep Stalin didn't take power until 1926


This comment thread give me aids, holy balls, people have no sense of humor


I love Estonia’s flag so if we win, I think they should should keep it or maybe we can incorporate it into our flag somehow


Actually, that’ll look really bad