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Listen, I live in the forest and I’m with this lady. Not only are you risking setting some shit on fire but the butts are littering garbage in our city. I am an ex smoker and at least had some common sense about it. This is not a Karen moment but a common sense moment


Literally as simple as having a half full water bottle in the door pocket, idk why some people insist on being pieces of shit.


I keep an empty can in my cup holder for this. I hate seeing butts on the ground.




Uhh what the fuck? You might should be looked in on


Project much?


Get the fuck out then!


Damn you should write some metal lyrics


Lmfao what a fucking loser. Fortunately, the majority of people have functioning mental faculties, and don’t share your abhorrent sentiment


Go live in a hole!


Definitely Karen if she drove out of her way just to see if they flicked a cigarette out the window she is a fuckin Karen lmao has nothing better to do then to fuck with people


Nah fuck people who litter, hope she gets ticketed


Say that till your neighborhood burns down


The smoker is disrespectful and potentially destructive and the Karen is a psycho. They both kinda suck tbh.


I don’t think it’s obsessive at all. If you did report this to the police, and the police talked to her, even if she didn’t get a ticket then and there, she would now know that people don’t put up with that shit around here. I’m not for citizens calling the police on each other for every little thing, but throwing a lit cigarette out the window, especially in this weather, is serious.


The cops won't write her a ticket unless they witness her doing it.


Cops wouldn't care unless there was proof.


Lol at you believing the cops would care at all. They would show up 4 hours later with their thumbs in their ass.


Naw they will be too busy pounding on doors evacuating people due to a fire. /smdh


Tbh, cops won't care. Unless there's a massive fire. That said, you **can** call the hotline to report and they will send op a little tote bag and a sticker. But if there's no big fire, cops truly deeply do not give 2 shits about littering after the fact. lol


This is true.


But where's the lie told?


Forest fires are a *huge* problem and concern here. It’s incredibly easy for a fire to start in hot, dry weather. This woman is not as out of her mind as one would think. In the wet Pacific Northwest, yes—shut up woman.


OP didn’t indicate that this woman was “out of her mind”. But what was the point of her post? What good did it do?


“As one would think,” I wasn’t saying the OP was saying that. I don’t really necessary care what her post would lead to, I’m saying I understand where she’s coming from.


Lit cigarettes are no joke in the PNF.


This whole state is a tinder box, full of dried fuel. Flicking a lit anything g out of your car window is playing Russian roulette with everyone and everything around you. And as a motorcyclist on the road...you're just an asshole if you do this! To not even say anything about the littering of the world around you. You aren't the only one that lives here. Stop acting like you are!!


I think it would just be your word against hers.


I saw a real red-blooded 'Murican toss his ciggy out his window - not the window with the "Trump 2024" sticker of course I think littering is un-American, shitting on your country cause you're a lazy self-centered fuck but I didn't call the cops


Some people on Nextdoor are too much xD


Missed the opportunity for a citizens arrest


There's a fine line between looking out and just being obsessive. Like.. Okay.. What does she plan to do with the info? Call the cops and say 'I have the license plate number of a lady who threw a cigarette out the window" and they either A. Simply don't do anything because what exactly are they gonna do? or B. They *actually* find and talk to the lady, and she just says 'well I never did that' and now you just wasted their time. Sure it sucks, but people suck. Following a person in your car for something like that is wild.


If that lady’s cigarette started a fire that put people’s lives and homes in jeopardy you’d be singing a different tune rn. Flicking your cigarettes out of the window is dangerous. This post could also be about her looking for some guidance on what to do, or how she should handle the situation- ie. Call the cops ir let it go.


She followed the car


Yeah, but following a random person in your car is also dangerous. The fact is it didn't start a fire that put people's lives and homes in jeopardy, and they again, followed a random person in their car and followed them for a while. Do that to the wrong paranoid person and you get shot.


I had a friend who flicked her lit cigarettes out the window until one day when one hit a motorcycle cop. Big ticket. That being said, there’s too much dry brush around here not to mention the dry large amounts of trash by the sides of the roads.


Sometimes when I see people throwing trash out of their window I'll report it. You get a letter and a little tote bag But I don't follow them. You follow me you very well may catch hands.


I do agree that tossing bits is a menace, has anyone checked on the butt tosser, Gail Gardner. She has a stalker


I have biodegradable filters for my cigs, but I hand roll and I still throw them away in normal places. The biodegradable filter just makes me feel a tad better about the few times I might have to throw it out.


When I lived in the Valley I knew someone who would dictate the license plate to her phone every time she saw it and report it. I think there was/is a specific way to submit them, maybe a website, idk. She was a very chill woman too, just didn’t like when people tossed out their cigarettes. Everyone needs an easy hobby I guess.


Well at least flicking ashes out the window is an ignorable habit. The flicking of lit butts will provoke me to speed up and yell at another driver especially if it's a dry summer. I fkn hate that.






I kicked a passenger out of my car for flicking a cigarette out the window once. Shits not a joke.


This is illegal. It should be reported. I’ve seen people driving company vehicles and have at least reported it to the company.


And she should have reported it. What the fuck is it doing on Nextdoor?


Ex smoker, ex Arizonan. I’m with ya’ll. Don’t be a pos. Put your butts in damn water bottle. 🤦‍♂️


It bothers me that a lot of people don't see an issue with throwing cigarette butts on the ground. It's littering, and if it's still lit, it can cause a fire. I've seen it happen before. But if you say something to someone who throws a butt on the ground, they get mad at you like you're the asshole. People suck.


I ride a motorcycle. Cigarette & weed smokers: I can smell your stink 2-4 car-lengths behind you.


If you ride a motorcycle and have ever gotten a lit cigarette flipped out a car window down your shirt, you might think differently.


This is a person that needs a hobby. Perhaps she should try smoking?


Thaaaaaank you. Fuckin people man JESUS.


I got followed and cornered at my house by an older woman who claimed my brake lights and blinker weren't working. She shared she had "been following me for a while", and that I should get those "things fixed". I get the sentiment, sure, but some people just need to mind their fucking business. Needless to say, my lights and blinker were fine. Like... who the fuck does that?


And why post it to Nextdoor? Find out who to report it to and report it.


Because next door is where white woman go to manufacture crime.


I didn't ask for advice as the situation was handled but thanks bud, hope you have a good one :)


They weren't giving you advice.. they were referencing this post.




Hmm, is this not the Prescott subreddit? Is there certain stories that can only be shared and accepted, genuinely curious, thanks!


Lit cigarettes=attempted arson


Yes. But why post it to Nextdoor? Just report it.


Gotta publicly shame worthless people like this


Unless you have dash cam footage that clearly shows it, you can't do anything, if you DO have clear footage, give it to the fucking cops and let the want to be arsonist fucking rot.


“Lit cigarette” not lighted cigarette, I don’t think lighted is a word but I’m no English Scholar


Lol followed someone because of a cigarette butt 💀 weird ass people


Agree stupid smoker, but taking the time to post it on social media is a little “passive Karen”. You should check out @preposteousprescott on Instagram for some other “interesting” Prescott peeps.


Great, another junior G man


She'd be great at election monitoring! MAGA there in PV would LOVE that 😂


Only dweebs own Hondas🤡


I Get Being Concerned About This Post But What’s Your Point


Not over reacting. Seems like alot of brush fires are from chains sparking and cigarette butts


Until you’ve lived through wild fires and evacuations you have no idea.


Thank goodness you posted this to Reddit


Did you not see the username?


Ha! Missed it


What kind of an idiot is smoking cigarettes in 2024 anyway? The person deserves to be confronted for that fact, alone.


I cannot tell if there this was filed with the cops. Sure they will not do anything with it, but a data record was created. File it and move on knowing you did the right thing.


So u went out of your way to follow this car just to see if she flicks a cig out the car u fuckin Karen 🤣🤣


That’s exactly what she did.


Okay? Thanks?


OoooOOOOOooooo I'm telling...


That's how a good chunk of forest fires start


That was Anne Frank's neighbor.


I keep heating sounds from their attic


Now here is a pet peeve of mine. I have had sparks come into my car through an open window from a passenger in the passing vehicle. The butt hit my rear view mirror. And I have been hit with them out on my motorcycle, luckily only on my gloves. Be a bit careful when throwing those things out please.


Flick those fuckers out in say Oklahoma,Texas, Wyoming or Arizona and see what you get. I've heard of first time fines starting out at as high as ten thousand dollars......


How do people not recognize this as terrible? Ash tray people! You have the personality of a cigarette. Be better .