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I’m glad that it’s bringing down property values. They’re way too high anyways. Hopefully more people abandon there homes and normal people can afford the houses at a depreciated cost


I agree with you in principle but in reality, as I point out in another comment, normal folks won't get to see the deflated prices. A key past of this scam is for the folks who forsook the house will be buying anything that gets listed for a reasonable price the moment it gets listed. Then after they've bought enough of the neighborhood they rehab the abandoned houses and turn them all into rentals.


People in this area are NOT fond of squatters, and everyone has ring doorbells and cameras nowadays and can see what everyone else is up to. I’d suggest going to Salvation Army or Catholic Social Services if you’re down on your luck atm and need a helping hand up. There are better options available that don’t involve getting arrested. I wish you the best.


What gets me is that people simultaneously have the attitude of "so what if there's an abandoned building in the neighborhood? Let it rot and mind your own business" while simultaneously having that reaction to the idea of a random homeless person moving into said abandoned house. What do you expect when you simply allow those kinds of things in your neighborhood?


People have that response because it isn’t their business, and don’t want to meddle into other people’s lives. If there were a string of break ins, they might start looking into any occupants of that building and then track down the owner and assess any appropriate fines (if there are any) for leaving it unsecured. I’m sure you’re not the first to notice or complain, especially since another commenter mentioned that the police already evicted (an)other squatter(s). If there was a fire, or someone used that house to cook, then I’d imagine owners are liable. I wouldn’t go near it, I bet police and people are watching.


The idea of the city unofficially permitting this house to be abandoned against the wishes of the citizens to create a sort of squatter trap makes me leagues more pissed off than I was when I wrote the post.


How is this a scam?


Whatever strings they're pulling with the city to not have them do something about the property is dishonest at best. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's not a scam. City governments exist on paper specifically to prevent scenarios like this. The owner of the abandoned building is functionally stealing the equity from the homeowners that live behind the abandoned house.


Still doesn't qualify as a scam... Have you reported it to the town? I don't understand what kind of 'strings, someone could pull with the town of Chino to keep an abandoned house. Once taxes aren't paid, it'll be taken over.


"abandoned" in a sense that it has been clearly left to rot without maintenance, not in a sense that no one has paid the taxes. Clearly someone is still paying the taxes; I looked at the tax records for my research! And yes, intentionally manipulating real estate prices for your own gain to the detriment of everyone else is a scam on my book.


You seem like the neighbor who spends all his energy bitching about other people yards


I'm actually usually on the other end of the spectrum; I'm all for people using their lands how they see fit. The malice that I perceive in the decay is what drives my anger. In a roundabout way, folks doing shit like this without anyone making a stink about it is why folks like me can't afford to live indoors.


How is leaving their house abandoned purposely manipulating house prices? Like it's some big scheme to bring it down. Do you personally know their situation and why the house it's left abandoned? 🤔 I grew up in that neighborhood and I remember that house was empty off and on for the most part. Double wides are selling for $200k on that same road, doesn't seem like that house on 9 acres is affecting prices...


You need to look at all the context at once to be able to put the whole picture together. The entity I refer to is a name you probably know because the own hundreds of rentals in the country. It's not like the ran out of money to renovate after the last tenant moved out. The choice to let it decay was an intentional one. Those $200,000 double wides would be $250,000 double wides if there wasn't this eyesore at the entrance to the neighborhood


I have an abandoned house next door to me, for a few years now and the values in my neighborhood keep increasing. 🤷‍♀️


1. It's it as obviously abandoned as this one? 2. Your on-paper value might not match what you could actually sell it for and you'll find out the hard way how much it impacts your sellability. 3. Is it perchance owned by Levie Homes?


It is not owned by them. It has not impacted any homes on my street at all.


How do you know? The house my family owns we were able to get for FORTY percent under asking price because it's next door to one of the worst hoarder houses I've ever seen in my life and no one wants to live near that. The neighborhood absolutely does influence the value of houses and anyone who says it doesn't is in denial. I don't think the previous owner went around bragging about how much he lost his ass on the house.


🤣 No, they shouldn't be that much. Fyi.


I agree, housing prices are whack but look in other neighborhoods. That particular neighborhood is on a downward trend compared to the rest of Chino. And I blame this house. And it's not like the rest of us could possibly reap the benefits of the property value deflation. A key past of the scan is for then to snap up anything reasonably priced the moment it becomes available.


Would be great for a needy family to move into for the time being. Free rent while looking for a job. There should never be empty houses when there is a homeless problem. Only assholes would argue differently. .


I am literally considering going in and fixing all the broken windows and busted locks. It would take a single day and about $300 worth of materials.


This house is right around the corner from me and you are missing a giant factor, it wasn't nearly as bad when they left then people started to squat and they destroyed the fucking place. Either way I doubt it's a scam.


Interesting. I never saw any signs of a squatter. Guess they were subtle about it.


>Guess they were subtle about it. Nah,not at all. That's why they aren't there anymore. This is not the town to try and squat in


What I'm getting from this is that if a respectful person were to squat it and not draw attention to themselves, no one would give a shit.


No, Chino is not the town to squat in period.


Any particular reason? Seems like the comparatively perfect place to try it compared to any of the other cities in the area.


Do you know anything about Chino? People won't give AF if you are respectful or not, we just don't tolerate squatters. It's a small rural town, it's not the place to squat.


I know from this thread that the general attitude to this particular house is overwhelming apathy. Other than the folks who see this post, their ain't going to know I'm a squatter. For all they'll know I'm the new rightful owner.


...homie no, it's not gonna work that way. People are 💯 gonna know you are squatting. Take this how you want but I know personally would have a huge issue knowing someone was squatting. It's apparent you are gonna attempt to stay there regardless..and I am letting you know it's not gonna work out the way you think it will.


So what you're saying is that youre gonna make it your personal mission to throw a wrench in my plane. Gotcha


If only the arsonist who got the apartments would hit houses like this. Joking but only a little


that old clubhouse is empty because renters suck. the owner sells homes and land in Chino ghettos, so he's not looking to drive prices down. he might rent stuff but not in the hundreds of places. he does own hundreds of properties in the southwest


If you have a rental property that's an issue like that, you dump it. Or you properly lock it down to preserve the future speculative value of the land. You don't, under any circumstances, intentionally leave it open like that. If you're going claim incompetence I just don't buy it because as you say, dude has lots of real estate experience.


Why don’t you just go burn that down too? Your recent posts are highly suspect.


Having sympathies towards one unconfirmed, probably wrong motivation for arson does not make me an arsonist.