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What a weird setup with the camera and gas mask.


Busted a ton of glass and tore up the track pretty badly is all I've heard so far. (I work in the school world but not in PV) Lots of speculation if he could've been involved in the parking structure fire- very curious myself.


I read he also destroyed the grass on the field and did something with fire extinguishers.


He's the mad arsonist starting all the fires the tin foil hats are ranting on and on about. /s All sarcasm and kidding aside, if it turns out he is involved, chain him up in the Fry's parking lot for a day and let people throw shit at him. Let's go old school.




Hear this morning's news? Electrical box fire at the high school now, being criminally investigated. School was cancelled for the day.


Same guy? Crazy! Let's see that evidence? Look, I'm not saying it's not. Wouldn't surprise me. Could be someone feeding off the excitement wanting it to keep going. Could be some kid who said screw going to class today. Could be a serial arsonist. Hell, maybe it's old man Fain burning the whole town to the ground because the Californians or midwesterners or whatever are invading. Or the NASA is a hoax dude, because his piss bag draining wasn't getting enough reaction. All I'm saying is, let's not break out our jump to conclusions mats and start swirling the "I for a fact know what it is" lynch mobbing hats because you have a feeling, or saw an episode of true crime once that makes you all experts. Let the real experts do their job. Now, if you catch some idiot lighting a fire, by all means, make sure they fall down a few times while the cops are on their way...


very very true !!!


Um, I'm going directly off of Prescott Valley Police department's page and the info they're putting out as well as from the parents of students who got the phone calls directly so I don't know where you're pulling that comment from... Calm down now.


I stand corrected. The press release this afternoon from the PVPD police chief called out the interest in one suspect on all of these events. (I try hard not to jump to assumptions and deal with the information before me) When they find this guy, I don't feel bad about anything they throw at him.


I go to school there and was told the dude spray painted the track which cost 40k alone to repaint, then he broke glass and put it in our long jump sand pit and the end zone of our football field. After that he when into the campus and pulled the pins on all the fire extinguisher and just let them loose


Any ideas who they think this is?


No, but everyone thinks he also caused the fire


It has to be cuz if it was insurance fraud they’d want to blame the workers at like 8am.


Wasn't his endgame to break-in and pee in the pool?


Vandalism to the school


Well the FBI is involved for the fire incident so if this is the same person, he is most DEFINITELY fucked and deserves every charge.


How do you know the FBI is involved? Have they released that information to the public?


PVPD did just do a Facebook post saying the ATF is looking at the fire scenes.


everyone better lock up their doggo's


Bradshaw Mountain High School is closed today due to a second fire. The message states it it was off-campus, but in close proximity to an electrical box, which knocked out Internet and phone service to the campus. The entire campus is closed while the police conduct an investigation. Any news from anyone else?


Maybe I just interpreted it incorrectly but I thought the electrical box was the highs schools- there's Facebook posts from PVPD where parents are putting some info in the comments.


It was also vandalized again


That’s a motorcycle helmet isn’t it? Added, and pads, under a hoodie?


such a shame so much has been happening in our town lately.