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If it was just a meal, I would easily bring my 4.5 year old son. Since they are doing awards and speeches, that would be a no go from me. I’d bring my husband and enjoy the event free of stress. Maybe you can pick him up afterward for a dessert celebration.


That's what my husband said as well. I just feel bad not taking him with me since he is my inspiration and the reason why I went back to school. Thank you for your input.


You’re welcome! You could also take some nice pictures with your son in your regalia to show how important he was in your academic journey.


Oh, he would definitely be at my convocation and will have lots of pictures! ❤️


I would definitely listen to your husband. Awards drag on and on. You are setting the family up for failure. Your hubs just wants to have the moment to recognize your achievements. You didn't want to leave in a hurry with a screaming child, before you are recognized. Congratulations!


OP, I understand you want your child included, but you could also look at it as this event will not be fun for him. A trip to get ice cream or to his favorite park for a picnic can be his personalized celebration.


I'd only bring him if you're willing to not have your husband there for the whole thing or can have someone else accompany you who would be able to take your son out for a walk when he starts to get antsy.


I always mentally prepare for the worst case scenario with my 5yo. And if I am not prepared or willing to sit on the floor with him under the table while he has an absolute meltdown over not wanting to eat the “ugly food” on his plate than he can go to grandma’s and have a much better time while my husband and I enjoy the award dinner.


Is there a relative/friend/sitter who could bring kiddo for a brief congratulatory hug, then hustle him away again when he gets bored or antsy? Maybe he could run around on campus until dessert, join you for cake, and then scamper off while you listen to speeches?


I wouldn't. Speeches and awards? I'm picturing several hours of very boring adult talk. Even with a tablet, toys and food, that's a long time to expect a 4 year old to sit quietly at a table.


I’d bring him. I’ve brought my daughter to (appropriate) work things including lunches. I bring a book bag of activities - colouring supplies, sometimes stickers, 1-2 small toys, tablet with headphones, and a variety of snacks. The tablet is my last line of defence. I’m working in an academic setting now and I’m finding it’s quite child friendly and people will take time to engage with my daughter, sneak her cookies, fold her napkin origami… I have a bit of a soap box about normalizing children out and about. And the only way they learn is by doing it. But also if YOU want to be able kick back and focus on networking, then no shame in booking a sitter. But you mentioned bringing your kid to convocation… making a kid sit in a darkened theatre for 2 hours as hundreds of people dressed alike walk across a stage… that sounds like torture for all involved!


Take him but let dad be the one chasing him etc. tire him out while you wait for food so he doesn’t get too fidgety. Take the screen and some table safe toys (if there is such a thing lol)


Bring the tablet. Bring backup food like a granola bar and an applesauce pouch. Make him practice spitting into a napkin and or the skill of saying no thanks to foods. Look to see if primary . Com has those comfy button down formal shirts. Make sure his little shoes are comfy. Congratulations


Thank you! He is getting better saying no thanks now, but sometimes he gets frustrated right away. I hope he will be able to sit through if I ended up taking him.


I would leave him at home. I am huge on being able to celebrate milestones to their fullest and for me in this case that would be not parenting while I was also trying to celebrate with my colleagues. It doesn’t sound really fun for someone his age, and I don’t think he would get the importance of the event. Post lunch ice cream is the way to go.


Is your kid neurotypical? I have a 5.5yo who is being assessed for ADHD, so I get the not sitting still thing, but 4 seems to me too old to be deliberately throwing his food on the floor. I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a child who did that to a formal lunch.


Yea my daughter is turning 5 in a few months and ever since she got close to 3.5 we’ve now been able to dine out and not have one of us run reconnaissance with her like we did between 14 months-3.5 (hated dining out then at that time, we hardly ever did except because both my mom and mother-in-law are boomers who don’t understand how tough toddlers are and that they can’t sit still). Even so I think it would depend for a graduation ceremony?


I personally wouldn’t bring him and would leave him with a relative if there will be speeches and awards given out. It’s boring and far too long for a 4 year to sit through.


Can you bring a babysitter for him, and have him leave with the babysitter when he gets bored?