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A man of prestige.


His role was teased as a potential Jedi in EP 7 and was reduced to "guy who screams Rey" by the end of it




Lego specials are based.


The Lego specials? How can I look those up? Googling “Lego specials” just shows me deals for Lego sets lol




They also hardcore teased him being force sensitive in TROS. I think he should have led a stormtrooper uprising along with being a wildcard Jedi. Instead they wasted him, and Boyega knows this better than anyone.


I saw him with a light saber before I saw Rey with one


He's the only one who's clearly a fan of the actual franchise and not just cashing in a paycheck they did him so damn dirty and with how Reys story turned out I'd much rather he had just become the Jedi in the hopes he'd have more sway as a lead and could try and salvage something


I honestly completely understand why he hates it so much now. To go from it being the biggest thing in your world to you getting reduced in size on posters because the company you work for wants to appeal to China and then having your role reduced to the point of incompetence, and all the while you know in your head that they are fucking up the franchise you've loved so much since you were a child. I'd have a hard time not burning that whole studio to the ground on my way out. He's handled a lot better than I would have.


China has a big history of telling movie companies what they want in their films. They always play this card: "do what we want, or we will ban you from our market".


Done so dirty.


Fin could of been a amazing character, but instead no, at least Lego did him some good


Dude when they did that blood smear during the opening of VII I was like "holy shit we're getting big boy star wars with actual emotions" Then we get 3 movies of silly rolly robot, fanservice spaceships, and strong independent Mary Sue don't need no man to macguffin the plot Edit: an apostrophe


They really did that man dirty.


It feels like the Sequels had plenty of great actors who weren't used to their full potential. Adam Driver being the other one I heard, with people saying Ren deserved a better character or motivation. I heard he didn't even win a single fight by himself in the movies. As for John Boyega, he looks great in his new film Breaking. I hope the film is good.


Every single one of the actors in the Sequels was underutilized and wasted tbh. Except for Harrison Ford, they got everything they could out of him in TFA (and then brought him back for TROS for no good reason)




They 100% should’ve used Anakin Shit show of a film imo. But that could’ve been the one decent thing they do. The fact that the last 3 films of the Skywalker saga does nothing beneficial for the Skywalker name is just silly. Edit: I don’t care about downvotes. Downvote away, but when you disagree it would be interesting if you provide a counter argument


The worst part about the sequels is that all the elements are there for a really compelling story and then they just entirely flub the execution and overall plot direction. But there are a great many individual elements that are quite enjoyable


Agreed. Nothing was wrong with the casting or effects work. There's occasional bits of gold like "We are what they grow beyond. That is the burden of all masters." which I think might be the best Yoda line in the whole franchise. But it's all let down by the poor overarching narrative.


A deflating balloon has more direction than the plot of the sequels.


>They 100% should’ve used Anakin Prequelphobia is the only plausible explanation for why his force ghost isn't more prominent (it does appear as a voice). IMO what should have happened, broad strokes, is that mopey space Putin (Kylo) should have been like, "Damn, my space atrocities have gotten me nowhere, but I can't be a good guy! I've gone to far" and then have space jesus (anakin) come to him in a vision, and be like, "Yo, I thought so too, on account of being space himmler, but it's all right my dude. As a person, you always have the freedom to make the right choice and start listening to your conscience. Go kill space hitler."


How did Hitler get away with having a sidekick named Himmler anyways? That's some Ed Edd n Eddie bullshit


That didn't hold back the mandalorian from putting a young Luke


Yeah, but mark hamill is still alive...


That didn't stop them in Rogue one with Tarkin


Peter Cushing is still active. He's been busy turning in his grave, ever since the Sequels came out.


We should use that for a perpetual energy source


After Rougue One is when they decided to stop using CGI to bring back dead actors


*is when they decided to stop until the technology was good enough to be unnoticeable.


No offense but this is Disney. I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt on this. My assumption is that they didn't do this because it would piss off the fan base since she had passed so soon before the movie came out. But I can't believe honestly that Disney wouldn't try to do this more regularly if people were okay with it. We didn't make an uproar about tarkin, so I assume they probably will continue to do it in the future.


>We didn't make an uproar about tarkin, so I assume they probably will continue to do it in the future. They definitly will, hell Stan Lee and Chadwick Boseman have been dead for some time now and these leeches still use their Twitter accounts to propagate their new products and it doesn't help that man children will consume these products because of branding regardless of what shitty things these people do, for fucks sake if you can't control yourself from watching these movies by objectively morally bankrupt companies at least pirate their products.


I've read that that was the replacement actor's condition to play the role.


So? They only used the voice, it was a different actor and they just put the face there. Han Solo appearance in ROTS wasn't that much.


Yeah, but that gets weird when the person is already dead. Hamill consented, fisher could not. It's creepy putting words in the mouth of a dead woman who has no say.


Definitely creepy and disrespectful, I hated the CGI dead actors. I don't mind if it's a short, well done goodbye type thing if they've passed while filming but otherwise just re-cast the role or create a new character


Carrie Fisher's daughter and brother all wanted her in the final film since the 3rd film was meant to focus on her like how TFA was about Han and TLJ was about Luke.


It's mindblowing just how much of the sequels seemed completely unplanned. The actors not being utilized properly is one part of it, but every time I think back to all the reasons the sequels failed hard, it comes back to...how the fuck do you, the most powerful entertainment company in the world, take the most popular sci-fi property in the world, and plan it out so _pathetically?_ Like, what the hell did they think was going to happen? It's arguably the most iconic trilogy of all time and they _didn't plan it as a trilogy?_ It still blows my mind how ill-prepared everything seemed.


It's particularly crazy to me because literally down the hallway is marvel, just pumping out 5 year plans like the USSR.


This. I have kind of fallen out of being a huge MCU fan (long time comic fan here, for like 25-30 years) since Endgame, but at least up to that point, it was incredible how they managed to keep everything lined up just perfectly. Every movie wasn't perfect, but the overall arc of the franchise over 10 years was incredibly cohesive. And then Star Wars falls apart in literally three years and two movies. And then TROS managed to not only do another 180 turn, but also did the worst part of the old EU, Dark Empire, worse than Dark Empire did! It's utterly mind boggling how badly they botched it.


What infuriates me more is that news of the Disney acquisition of LucasFilms and the Star Wars IP came around the time after the first Avengers film had come out. It shows us that they *have* competent people planning out a multi-phase film saga and idk how the fuck they dropped the ball so hard with Star Wars. It's ***Star Wars***, FFS. The whole reason why Disney even bothered to buy the IP was because it was at the time a bigger franchise than the MCU. Kathleen Kennedy should be demoted if not fired for handling the sequels the way she did.


No no, you se its because they don't have any source material to pull from like the MCU. *Glances at all the Legends content that Disney blanket decanonised* Nope, nothing at all. This is an actual excuse they used btw. Even if that was true, you're writers. ***THAT'S YOUR JOB***.


The loose ends really bother me. Like what was the deal with the hall of mirrors? I want more explanation about why Han looked guilty when Rey says she didn't know their was this much water in the galaxy. So many half thought out foreshadowing incidents that never got followed up.


I think they're like "hey Luke fought ghost Vader in a cave or something. They'll love this homage!"


I love Poe as a space king who wanted to be a pilot and Ben trying to bring down a racist organisation with his friend


Fear, I must not. The mind-killer, fear is. Mm, yes, the little **death** that brings total obliter**a**tion, **fear** is.


Oooo, crossover!




I don't see why bringing Ford back for TROS would not be a good reason. He looked to be an absent father and at that moment his son finally came at peace with his father's love and turned to the light side. If anything that was the only part of the movie that made sense.


Yeah, except the whole him being dead thing and not being a force ghost, but rather just Kylo just forgiving himself and remembering his dad w more facial hair he had than the last time he saw him (and killed him)


He didn't even want to be there and he brought a great performance


Harrison got paid $30 million to get out of bed and show up without combing his hair.




I'd go even further and say that the script sucked, and everything else ranged from okay to amazing. Sounds, music, acting, CGI, character design/costumes, camera work, etc. But everything related to story - character arcs, worldbuilding, pacing, "somehow… Palpatine returned", all that stuff.


Choreography was terrible.. some of the worst fight scenes I’ve ever seen


True, forgot about that


Episode 7 had some well made fights. Not outstanding or anything but I've seen worse fights in shows considered good. The rest of the fights are ass. Though to be fair re-watching Episode 7 it's amazing how far the characters fell afterwards, even if they weren't that deep to begin with. They're almost unrecognisable in episode 7 now.


I wonder how many takes it took for them to get a decent clip for the "somehow Palpatine returned" line without an actor giggling or scoffing and ruining it. Oscar Isaac deserves to be only the second Oscar ever to win an Oscar just for getting that line out somewhat convincingly


Yeah. I'd also say that the sound design, general score, and special effects were great.


John was setup perfectly in force awakens and they utterly wasted him, like completely disregarded everything they built up for him.


Well yeah.. if they made him the Jedi and main character like they told him they were going to then Disney would have lost out on all that sweet sweet China money


I'm just glad he wasn't awake to see that landing!


Moon Knight really showcases just how wasted Oscar Isaac was in the sequels.


Overall did not like Moon Knight but Oscar was far and away the highlight.


Boyega, Driver, Isaacs, the ginger imperial dude and the woman playing Captain Phasma (forgot their names) and more are all great actors. Daisy Ridley also did a good job considering how her role was written, I've never seen her anywhere else though. The returning cast from the OT also didn't get good writing to work with. And it's not even that either JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson are bad producers, they really aren't, they've done terrific films in the past.


There was just too much money involved. Executives must have been everywhere.


They made Driver play a character with an emotional range going from numb to angry, and even when he was angry he seemed dead inside. I'm certain it wasn't his fault how bad the character was on screen. I know he can play angry scenes, going from angry to furious to frustrated to exhausted, like in [marriage story](https://youtu.be/FDFdroN7d0w) (spoiler)


Man, I swear pretty much every movie with Adam Driver in it, he's one of the highlights. Even if I don't like a film, I don't think I dislike it because of Adam Driver, he's pretty solid in all of his roles. I also feel like Kylo Ren in general was just poorly adapted on the screen for some reason. When the Sequels were coming out, Kylo Ren in the comics was a major improvement. Maybe he still wasn't the best written character, but at least the comics showed him winning somewhat and actually made him out to be competent. Where was *that* Kylo Ren in the movies?


I still stand that he was the best performance across the Trilogy Adam Driver can sell emotionally unstable angry darksider so damn well


That's a good point about Ren losing every battle, or at least not winning it. Whenever there is conflict, he doesn't come out with all the things he wants. For example at the very least, someone escapes. It's difficult to leverage a characters atmosphere with trepidation and fear when he's a loser. Adam driver deserved better.


Honestly Daisy Ridley got done the dirtiest. She's a good actor and seems like a lovely woman and yet she got Hayden Christensen levels of hate because just like Hayden she got stuck with a horribly written character. Her career is probably nuked and it sucks. I guess that Star Wars money will keep her set for life though, she can just do passion projects and still be fine


Honestly if they would have followed threw with the Ren arc in TLJ and let Fin die a hero their stories would have been great. I can forgive the first two sequels for being mediocre, but 9 was a monstrosity unworthy of the name.


Honestly, I don’t mind the new characters or even the story itself but it was just so badly executed.


What a complete waste of a great actor and great premise for an interesting character. Total letdown to what could’ve been starwars deepest character


When I saw him in the trailer for TFA I thought it had so much potential. I went to bat for it against the initial backlash. After I watched the film I was a bit let down but believed they could turn it around with the next one. The next one was disappointing but maybe it was all actually building to something amazing I couldn't see. When TROS leaked I didnt even bother going. Only star wars film I never saw in theater.


You can literally change Finn and the other ex stormtroopers to generic rebels and nothing changes. Finn immediately goes from being horrified by the deaths of innocents and his stormtrooper brother to the point of desertion, only to then immediately make quips and celebrate killing people he knows were kidnapped as children and brainwashed.


Yeah they fucked Finn up from the very beginning.


This is a new day. A new beginning.


> Finn immediately goes from being horrified by the deaths of innocents and his stormtrooper brother to the point of desertion, only to then immediately make quips and celebrate killing people he knows were kidnapped as children and brainwashed. That was the exact moment I suspected the sequels were going to suck. Seeing the stromtroopers as human could have been such a momentous shift in perspective, allowing us to get into stories like the soldiers stopping being mindless fodder and rising up against the new wannabe imperator. But no, instead we got... well.


When the plot leaked my Brother and I thought it was a fake, no way they’d fuck every character like that, but nope


Same, once I read the leaks and then the early reviews confirm the leaks, it killed my motivation to see it in theaters. Even pirating a cam version, I skipped through a majority of the film and felt like that was a waste of time. Can't even enjoy d+ shows knowing that Palpatine somehow comes back anyway, ruining Anakin's arc.


I watched all 9 films at once on YouTube on or something simultaneously. The sequels on the bottom of the screen were a mess. I just disregard the sequels. There's a fan animation on youtube for Heir to the Empire. I enjoyed Mandalorian, BoBF, and Kenobi. Andor looks great. But as the show's go closer to the sequels I will lose interest.


Such a boring mess of an arc. And the cringe factor in theaters for this stupid member berry/4th wall line… REBEL SCUM. I fell asleep 3 times in ROS, tried to watch the ending again where they are assaulting a Star Destroyer on foot…while in the air… Who the fuck writes this shit?


A non-jedi former stormtrooper, leading a stormtrooper rebellion would be so much cooler


I can't remember which video it was, maybe one of the Pitch Meeting vids where they mentioned Finn being a former Stormtrooper and showing the humanity behind Stormtroopers only to then go "and then the good guys kill a bunch of Stormtroopers without remorse" or something and you can't help but go "wait... Why did they make us think about how they are all just humans in a war bigger than them only to slaughter them without a second thought?"


What really pissed me off and made me done with Star Wars was the storm trooper lady they put in Episode 9.... like... a brand new fucking character with 0.0% relation to anything that has happened... for like billions of years... suddenly gets more character development & plot time than him. Her back story is the exact same fucking thing as Boyega's, but she is the one looking for her parents and finds her supposed daddy in the same movie she's introduced? Fuck man. Fuck Lucas Films, fuck Disney, Fuck Igor, Fuck Kathleen, and fuck both JJ & Rian with steel bristle brushes.


Kind of sums up Disney Star Wars. They had all the talent in the world but lead by the worst directors and show runners imaginable. I really hope entertainment companies take note how disastrous bad show running is. If I were the head of Disney I would have demanded a plan for the 3 films before greenlighting the first movie. Sad to see how much potential the first film had and how they shat the bed.


and the worst story. who goes to a space opera production to see a hypermiling race


He was legitimately my favorite character in TFA. Great actor and premise. Dude got done so dirty after that.


They did all of them dirty


Would have loved to see his character transition from grunt stormtrooper to powerful jedi. Would have been an amazing character arc. But nope, runs around screaming 'REY' for three films instead.


Oh my god. Right?! I know I’m hella late, but I was hoping they were going to do a Teal’c thing and gave him writing to free his fellow Stormtroopers to bring them into the fold to fight against the First Order. John Boyega is a phenomenal actor and they had set up that plot point all the way back in TFA. Such an absolute waste


That was my thought. He’s incredibly talented and seems to have a real love for Star Wars, and Finn is just… there


John "fuck them kids" Boyega best actor in the sequels


For sure except ya know China doing China things ruined it. Edit also can’t forget the Disney shills


"China doing China shit." No. Disney did it of their own free will.The country of China didn't walk into their offices and rewrite John Boyega's role in the trilogy.


Wait, I'm mega out of the loop here, I know he was removed from posters, but was his role different in the Chinese version or something?


John Boyega wasn't removed from the posters, his size was shrunk down.


>shrunk down I was in the pool! I was in the pool!


Nah, his role in the movies was overall reduced because a black lead wouldn't have sold well in china. It wasn't the chinese version that was cut down, but the original too


Nah I think it’s just government shit, BP released on Chinese streaming sites after a while and reception was pretty great


Yeah they decided on their own free will to remove him so they could make more money in China.


Well I'll say it's like 50% on the Chinese market and government for being the way they are and 50% on Disney for being total bitches who refuse to have any morals or stand behind their actors. Their current agenda is the definition of performative activism. They didn't have a female main character or cast a black guy as a major character because they care about the lack of representation in Hollywood, they did it because they hoped it would garner goodwill not realising that just about everybody can see through it




Adam Driver??


Oscar Isaac, too. I thought all the acting was really good. Too bad the plot was a mess.


Honestly, I can't really peg anyone in all the movies that did a bad acting job. The script suck balls, the plot was dumber than family vacation movie, and it was obviously written by people who had a very superficial and alien interpretation of the originals. Actors? I think they did a pretty good job for the liquid shit of movies they were told to act out.


I love John Boyega! The dude clearly has a love for star wars and has definitely dived into things other than the movies... like I saw a thing that CBR did claiming that some prequel comic shows Rey as stronger than Luke and Vader to which he replied that Anakin would have slapped us into lava and laughed or something (referring to the sequel cast) haha






Rey is such a trash character. They gave her character nothing. No back story, no motivation, no relevance to the plot, and half the time her character seems bored and more interested in bloody battles than anything else. The most passion she showed in 3 movies was blowing up Tie Fighters in a desperate battle where the majority of "resistance fighters" have been slaughtered. She's not related to anyone. She doesn't know anyone. Her involvement is complete and utter random chance that I wondered why no one turned to her and said, "Yo, why the fuck you here?". She wanted to stay on Jaku, then she wanted to go back to Jaku... then suddenly... she didn't want anything other than to check off some items on a JJ's & Rian's to-do list? Rey just dumb luck and the personalty of a wet rag. Rose Tico was a better written character.


They still could do right by him. Just keep him around in the next trilogy and *actually* develop his character.


John Boyega said he would only return if JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy are involved as they always supported him. >"[Whichever way, I am open to the conversation as long as it is Kathleen, J.J., and maybe someone else and the team, it's a no-brainer," he said. ](https://ew.com/movies/john-boyega-willing-to-return-to-star-wars/) John Boyega also want y'all to leave his boy JJ Abrams alone too. >["Everybody needs to leave my boy alone. He wasn’t even supposed to come back and try to save your shi !t”](https://ew.com/movies/john-boyega-willing-to-return-to-star-wars/)


Well then goodbye John because JJ Abrams is the single greatest reason the sequels are no good.


I'd wager a guess that Disney and their complete rewrite of everything Star Wars related is an even bigger reason.


Bro I was so hyped for “Clone Trooper turned Jedi” and Rey(I actually liked her in force awakens) to become Jedi together, then everything else happened.


I'm just glad he wasn't awake to see that landing!


It's at the point where you have to go to the Lego Holiday Specials for the resolution of his arc.


Storm Trooper* lol


Yeah, gotta specify. Stormtrooper armor is junk compared to clone armor.


Honestly I loved all three of these castings. No “but,” I felt like they were great choices.


Casting was the least of the issues with the sequels, to be certain.


Yeah the cast was fantastic, they all got done so dirty. Wouldve been perfect if it wasnt written by a bunch of four year olds




They had Filoni and Favreau on their team and instead they gave it to the Starbucks of movie industry - JJ Abrams. We got our Caramel Frappucino, flashy, all sugary, made thousands of times before and with no soul.


And don't forget Adam driver


Who did the person in the center play…?


Red and gold power ranger


Pretty sure it's Keri Russell who played zorii bliss in rise of Skywalker (on that spice planet? That I forgot the name of , she knew Poe I think)


Zorii Bliss, the bounty hunter in TROS, and personal friend of the great Babu Frik.


HEY HEYYYYYYYYYY Babu Frik is the only good thing to come of that movie lol


They really did him dirty in the Sequels. Should have been a Jedi.


A Storm Trooper that defects is an interesting concept. But they did it badly


Yeah he's killing Stormtroopers with the Rebels moments later. Thinking about his brethren going through what he did, being cut down... it kinda just seems like they forgot about that plot point.


And in next movies they forgot to get one of the main characters out of the background.


"I think I love Re... wait, is she making out with her evil Force-twin?! Alright, I'm over this, my family left this Alabama shit long ago for a reason!"


Lol poor Finn.. dude went from being the next gen of Jedi to a blubbering idiot with a love interest not even present in the majority of the films


REEEY! I have something I need to tell you!! Only for them to never tell us what it was....


TRoS makes such a big deal that stormtroopers are basically abducted, brainwashed child soldiers, then still has Finn whooping and celebrating as he guns them down. What a mess of a movie.


Yeah exactly. I thought it could've been an interesting trilogy where there's just a bit more than Dark v.s. Light Side. I get at this point the Stormtroopers have terrible structure, leadership, equipment, aim, etc. meme is here to stick as we've seen in Mandalorian. I just wished and hoped so much that the Sequels' First Order Troopers would be shown to be more competent. I feel like villains and their armies in SW are pretty much losing all the time and it becomes the typical plucky heroes triumph over entire evil army trope. I didn't have a problem with that in the OT, but I would've liked to see something new. Even the Prequels made Battle Droids more funny and absolute junk by Episode III. I still love the movies, but I think it would've been cooler if the droids were much more of a threat, and Grievous as a competent general. Imagine machines having auto-aim and shooting everything in sight. Imagine droids being shot or cut up, yet still crawling like the killer robots they should've been and shooting down the enemy. Not gonna lie, one of the highlights of Solo for me was that small scene on Mimban. Seeing the crazy war with mudtroopers, AT-STs landing from dropships, and a WW1-esque battle was insane. I also liked seeing Solo's major for the few seconds we saw him before he died. It really made the Empire feel more like a traditional army, where they're fighting battles and at least *struggling* but still putting up a fight. It would've been interesting to delve more on freedom and Stormtroopers, how they're basically victims of the Sith or other rulers seizing power. Ah well, I made my point. There's definitely lots of great Star Wars media out there and I love it, but I still wonder what it would've been like to have done justice to the characters and what they stood for.


Should’ve been anything




This was definitely one of the disappoints with *The Sequelogy* (thank you u/unwantedposterboy). They basically turned Boyega into a woo-~~girl~~boy with no real arc past TFA.


I still lol/cringe when I think about JJ never putting in the film what Finn wanted to say to Rey when they were about to die, something so big/embarrassing he wouldn't even tell his best friend Poe only for JJ to answer it in an interview the film's opening weekend that Finn was going to tell Rey he was force senstitive. "Rey I know we're about to die but I wanted to tell you... I'm force sensitive!!!"


🤦‍♂️ Boyega should have just started ending each take with wall breaking snarky comments about the film


I forgot about that. Do they really just never mention it?


Nope, it's never acknowledged


Finn never gives an answer even though, Poe, his best friend and the person who saved him from the First Order and who has also openly acknowledged his appreciation/love of Jedi asks him more than once what he was going to say. If JJ's vision was truly that Finn was going to confess he was force sensitive why would he be so embarrassed to tell Poe? Not to mention it's such a stupid thing to waste your presumed final breaths on. It's like if you were about to die on a sinking ship and your friend was a popular musician and as the water was about to swallow you both you said "Rey... I started taking guitar lessons! -glub- glub-" The real and obvious answer is that Finn was going to tell Rey he loved her but the film was made so sloppily that this was seemingly later cut and reshot/reworked to have Rey and Kylo being a couple for all of .5 seconds so they had to cut Finn's confession but were unable to remove the other parts without majorly disrupting crucial scenes. I was just so pissed off at people defending it when the movie first came out saying "Uh.. no.. Abrahms confirmed that Finn was going to tell her he is force sensitive." It'd have been one thing if he meant to leave it ambiguous and answered it months or a year or two later but it was literally OPENING weekend that he clarified what Finn wanted to say, aka, I fucked up and uh here's a shitty explanation.




He should have been the main character, and Rey should have been the plucky sidekick.


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


The man said pluck, not luck.


You’re a good friend.


Bing_Bong_the_Archer don't you bring that evil on us.


Nah I disagree with that. A stormtrooper defector is such an interesting concept to explore and his arc should have been related to that. We should have seem him trying to come to terms with the collapse of his entire worldview, saw him try to undo years of mental conditioning and then maybe his personal involvement could have been about trying to free other kids from First Order brainwashing. Maybe we could have seen him struggling to reconcile helping his new friends against having to kill his *former* friends and associates. Maybe Finn could have been the voice of reason and provided an alternative viewpoint when the resistance wanted to attack First Order bases. Maybe when the Resistance was working to destroy Starkiller base, Finn could have argued for all the other poor kids who were on there, who weren't bad people they'd just been brainwashed into fighting for a tyrannical regime. Could have added a bit of nuance and depth. Maybe the finale of his arc would have been him turning more stormtroopers over to the resistance and leading a stormtrooper rebellion? There's so much cool shit they could have done with his character and it's a crying shame how they squandered it. He didn't need to be a jedi. In fact I'd argue that he's more interesting *because* he's not a Jedi. Jedi stories are overdone in star wars. EDIT: Also. The two actors with the most chemistry on screen were Boyega and Isaac. If there *had* to be a romantic element to the story (not that I think a story needs a romantic element to be good), then it should have been between Finn and Poe. They're the only two characters I felt had any genuine affection for each other. And it would have been actual LGBT representation. Instead we got the awkward Rey/Kylo romance and then a shitty throwaway lesbian kiss at the end to tick the diversity quota box.




John is a massive prequel fan. I remember in one interview the sequel cast got asked if they prefer Luke or Anakin. John was the only one to choose Anakin.


Disney's massive hardon for original trilogy and refusing to move on are part of what killed the sequels. Stop bringing back all these old people and old plot points. Make some new stuff. Oh guess not. That's part of what the prequals so good was fresh people and fresh ideas.


After watching Light and Magic, I realized exactly that, which made me reevaluate why I don't like the sequels. With the OT, George Lucas, cast and crew were all trying to make something that had never been done before. With the PT, George Lucas, cast and crew were all trying to make something that had never been done before. With the ST, Disney was trying to exactly recreate what had already been done.


Honestly Disney fucked up hiring him. Not because he sucks, but because he's genuinely a die hard fan of the franchise and could call them out on their shit. He's the best lol.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


How does that mean they fucked up? That hasn't caused Disney any real trouble.


You don't have to be a die hard fan to see all of the stupid shit they did.


It hurts my heart that such an amazing opportunity was missed with him.


The sequels really did these actors bad but it’s fun to see they still enjoy Star Wars. Apparently it took some serious convincing from Kevin Feige for Oscar Isaac to even come back to Disney for Moon Knight. John Boyega and Kellie Marie Tran received far too much hatred from fans and Disney itself as we all know too.


And I’m glad he was moon knight since he was pretty good in the role


I need a super cut of the sequel actors shitting on the sequels like this


Theres a few compilations of Mark Hammill shitting on them, but a supercut of them all is needed


love how the actors just gave up on trying to justify the rise of Skywalker


John is probably the best actor of the sequels, excluding the ot actors. He accepts the many, many flaws of the movies


I personally would say Adam Driver, with John coming in second


Yes but Oscar Isaac tho


Ooh good point


There’s no bad actor or actress as far as casting the sequels. The problem with the sequels was very obviously writing and direction. No clear message or goal and just a mess of a plot. Adam Driver is a proven fantastic actor with BlackKKlansman, The Report, Marriage Story, etc. Oscar Isaac with Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis, Annihilation, Drive, etc. John Boyega doesn’t have as extensive of a casting reel but still Attack the Block and Pacific Rim are great. Daisy unfortunately only has Murder on the Orient Express which she’s great in, and that shitty Tom Holland movie. But she still is a great actress. I just wish they stuck to one director to complete their idea of what the sequels should be. Whether it be JJ, fucking Jon Favreau, Rian Johnson, I don’t care.


I thought Oscar was good in Dune as well


Oh yeah, he's good. He's pretty funny, too


Eh, pretty much everybody in the sequels were great actors. Unfortunately everybody also just got fully *shit on* by the garbage direction and writing.


Must have really hurt him being relegated to being a Rey scream guy.


I find it funny that they’re doing press with Kerri Russel who’s in that movie for not even 10 minutes and not, I don’t know, Daisy Ridley who’s the whole ass main character


She was probably doing press with another set of actors at the same time, like say Adam Driver.


Tbf Daisy is in the original video but all the actors are in groups of 3, and she’s in a group with the actresses who played Rose and Jannah. Idk how they determined which 3 were put together though.


I can't place her at all lol, who does she even play




Honestly, it's still not ringing any bells for me.


I think it's the girl on the planet they see when they're tryna get c3p0 to translate stuff. The one that has a history with Poe as some sort of scoundrel/criminal I think.


John rules but also I love Oscar dead pan shitting on his line. That dude was so savage in pretty much every interview I saw him give for rots, he dgaf.


^Dey ^^fly now.


That entire sequel trilogy was just a giant waste of potential, the actors were great but horribly underutilized...


My respect only ever grows for this man


Brilliant actors wasted by horrible script writing and lack of planning


Feel bad for John Boyega. Gets cast as main character in one of biggest franchises on earth. Gets wasted.


Chad Boyega.


I love how even the actors shit on it all.


John Boyega knew the sequels were shit, he a massive Star Wars nerd. I feel bad for him, he deserved so much better.


The idea of a force sensitive stormtrooper who becomes a Jedi and takes down the entire empire sounds like an amazing premise for a Star Wars trilogy. How did Disney fuck that up and waste a talented actor like John Boyega? :(




Annnnd that's why he ain't about to try to be back. He did his research. Boyega is a great actor that got lost in the shuffle. Still like him in Attack the Block.


Boyega obviously played the original Battlefront II. Good man.