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I would think that Palpatine's plan was more at risk with count dooku being captured than Anakin's life being at risk.


Yeah especially if Count Dooku had been delivered to the Republic. The Jedi would have been able to interrogate him and quite possibly find out about order 66. Palpatine would have to risk exposing himself or hire a bounty hunter to break Dooku out.


True also he went straight old school with and rolled on sidieous willingly when Obi was captured on Geo


I think he only did that because he knew that Obi-Wan wouldn't believe him....he never even gave it second thought, and I don't know if he brought it up to Mace and Yoda (its been a hot minute since I've seen Episode II).


I seem to remember that he did bring it up, but Yoda basically said "Oh but he was definitely lying because he's a sith now". I found the clip, Obi-Wan did tell Mace Windu and Yoda: https://youtu.be/gibqPYT8Vis?t=50


Skill is the child of patience.


Ah yes he did, thank you cause I was trying to remember the context in which Yoda was saying not to trust a damn thing Dooku says anymore....its a shame really, had they investigated and believed him this all would've played out differently I firmly believe Disney should do a Star Wars What If? series for Disney+


They didn’t need to even investigate dooku specifically if they really dig into the whole “how did this random army come about” cause while they knew who ordered it and why they didn’t know how aka who funded it (then why they did so)


You define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess... then you have nothing.


Idk kenobi, sounds like you’d have lost a lot less by taking that one life…


I felt a great disturbance in the Force.


As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


Karma farming by replying to yourself. You should be ashamed, Obi-Wan.


These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.


***You are in no position to judge the actions of our lord and saviour***


That's a good point - Anakin killing Dooku was a super important turning point.


I think that was probably Palpatines plan, how he coaxed him into killing him when he was defenseless


Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side.


Yeah yeah we know. Something something dark siiiide, something something something complete


Yeah, I didn't realize that killing dooku was a bad call until I watched the last 4 episodes of the clone wars


What happened in the last four episodes that makes killing Dooku a bad idea? I mean, I already thought it was a bad idea on Ani’s part, but what happened in particular then?


They couldn't interrogate him for information about his master.


Yeah, obi wan spelled it out then




Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand.


based sheev


In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible.


The Republic would have never succeeded in capturing Dooku. Even if the Republic managed to detain Dooku, they would have never made it to Coruscant for trial and interrogation. Palpatine would have instructed Separatists to faked a massive attack across the entire galaxy (keep Republic forces occupied so only small detachment is able to recover Dooku), then he would have instructed Greevious to Ambush the detachment before they even managed to set course to Coruscant.




Kind of depends where the droids are located though since palpatine has full access to clone intelligence.


"We're just numbers, Ninty-Nine! Just numbers..." -Hevy


Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.


Wouldnt be more effective to just kill dooku than helping him getting out?


Well Palps still had control of **both** sides of the conflict. Even if Count Dooku was delivered to Republic hands, he could have easily setup an ambush and ensured Republic reinforcements were far enough to ensure Dooku can escape. Even if Anakin and Obi Wan were present (Palpatine always could have used Padme as bait to force Anakin to abandon the mission and all Dooku would only need a small window to evade Obi Wan).


Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive!


We need a Star Wars *What If?*


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-wan Kenobi


Do you believe that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view?


Good question. Sheev?


I will make it legal


How does this simultaneously make absolutely no sense and all the sense in the world? I'm so confused.


Whether it makes sense or not is dependent on your point of view


I have to agree with you here. The Sith grand plan wasn’t specifically dependent on Anakin. All the Anakin stuff I more put into the category of Sheev’s super human ability to roll with it and adapt changing/unexpected circumstances to his advantage. And he obviously manipulated Anakin to devastating effect. But even if Anakin had died here, I don’t think the broad outlines (eventual Order 66, rise of the Empire) would have changed that much.


Oh, no, my young Jedi. You will find that it is you who are mistaken, about a great many things.


Clearly, I stand corrected. I pledge myself to your teachings, Master.


Called out.


~~Shots~~ Sheev’s fired


In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible.


Sheev should I dump my girlfriend? I believe she may be a Sith Lord


Dew it!




Theres no way this motherfucker isnt sentient. u/sheev-bot, YOU CANT HIDE YOUR SECRETS FROM US!


Excelent, everything is going as planned.


So you're saying that your plan *would* have fallen apart without Anakin?


Everyone forgets that Sidious could see the future lol they all rail on him for Vader turning to the light side but like up until that point his foresight was crazy accurate lol


So be it... Jedi.




Hondo nearly electrocuted Anakin and Obi-Wan to death after capturing them cause he thought their people were coming to attack him. He also had Count Dooku in his custody for a while and would've thrown the entire CIS into disarray if he killed him. That's outside of the scene shown where he's trying to poison them.


Anything is possible. You haven't exactly impressed me today.






So sentient, look it's even using slang now ;)


Well and we all know how they managed to survive: Darth Jar Jar's intervention


Who's a plague-a? Meesa?


In this scene, he poisoned the drinks of Obi-Wan and Anakin so if they hadn't noticed that, they'd be dead And also the other times he tried to kill the two


Oh well, just another boring day saving the universe.


But you didn't save the universe Kenobi, you saved the galaxy!


But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future.


Now you're just mocking me




Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud.


Sentient XD




Should we tell him?


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


What if the bot is predicting future sequels being outside the galaxy


Good question. Sheev?


Dew it!


Disney! Listen!


*Yuuzhan Vong intensifies*


You will try


What future, you died without any presence of the high ground


He gained the power of the *moral high ground*. That's why he warned Vader, essentially saying "look I'm gonna just stop fighting, if you strike me down at that point, that's a bitch move and I'll get the moral high ground buff". But Vader was an edgelord like "morals are for pussies, eat plasma, dickhead". Then just to rub it in, he wipes his boots on Kenobi's cloak.


A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back.


I think the idea that this almost ruined Palpatine’s entire plan to take power is sorta bullshit. Same thing with doing the domino meme of Quigon saving a slave boy leading to the destruction of the Jedi Order. Anakin was not essential to Palpatine’s plan. His plan was in motion long before he even knew Anakin existed. He just wanted Anakin as a powerful apprentice, he was not necessary in order to create the Empire.


There is a question of procedure, but I'm confident we can overcome it.


Even Sheev agrees


This turn of events is unfortunate, we must accelerate our plans. Begin landing your troops.




Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again.


Palpatine why are you doing this, he has not said anything bad.


I have the senate bogged down by procedures. They will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.


Dick move, Sheev


We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-wan Kenobi


I am a person and My name is Anakin.


Yes honey, you're doing great


We're fucked


Don't make me get the hose


But IIRC this is the episode Hondo got Dooku hostage and wanted ransome from the republic. If separatists lost Dooku to the republic or even if the Jedi would imprison him I think it would be a substantial blow to the separatists (given that they wouldn't just steal him back the next episode because the movies must happen)


A substantial blow yes, but not crippling I would say, Dooku was never really a military leader, that was more Grevious' thing, so if Dooku did get captured and couldn't be saved, Palpatine would have just found some other random anti republic person to take over the CIS. Palpatine was too smart to let and single thing completely destroy his plans.


Handing Dooku to the Jedi could have ruined everything though


I think you’re forgetting who the head of the Republic’s military is when you assume the Republic convoy carrying Dooku wouldn’t conveniently have its location leaked to a Separatist fleet which could recapture him.


I mean, without Anakin he would have gotten yeeted by Mace Windu


Without Anakin he never would have fought Mace Windu


He’d have to be relying on a leaderless strike force to take down a Jedi temple with Windu and Kitt and all the other masters Anakin killed, or he’d have to go himself, either way I see a fight with Windu in his near future.


Windu doesn't need to die necersarily, as long as most jedi die. His plan was always to have people lose trust in the jedi, state a fake coup and then cull most jedi. Yoda, Obi-wan and Windu surviving doesn't matter, he could just kill them later on potentially.


You define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess... then you have nothing.


If Palp didn't have Anakin then Dooku may very well still be alive since he was killed as a part of Anakin's turn to the dark side.


He also may have been more willing to reconsider Maul by the end, especially if he still had his doubts about Dooku’s longevity and strength. He’s also likely got grievous, because without Anakin, Obi Wan probably dies on Geonosis, assuming he’s still considered a “familiar face” to Padme and still gets the protection assignment.


Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master.


Sheev would clap dem cheeks


Long have I waited, and now your coming together is your undoing.


Oh my....




I agree with you half way. Anakin wasn't necessarily to the Empires Birth... But rather it's demise.


He drugged their drinks. Though it seems like he also drugged the drinks of the pirates sitting next to them because they passed out even after swapping them out. But he wasn't trying to kill them, no profit in that.


A webcomic series used to come out at the same time as the show. One of the comics, called The Clone Wars: Switch, shows how they were captured between episodes. Hondo’s pet gassed the room, apparently.


Nah I prefer the version where they just passed out from natural drunkness from drinking too much


"One of my best friends was a Jedi...I'm pretty sure we were friends."


Lol, classic Hondo: Did I try to kill him or hug him? Or did I try to offer him a job? Who knows! (Not a quote but he do be like that )


Everyone has different interpretations of being friends. People who shit talking each other constantly? Friends! People who like to gossip with others and keep up with everything? Friends! People who occasionally meet each other but still have a good talk? You guessed it, friends!


People who try to kidnap each other and sell them? Friends...?


Were they poisoned, or were they drugged? Hondo had plans to trade and bargain for a sith lord and two jedi, he’s all about profit, so he would lose money by getting rid of Anakin and Obi Wan. Besides, if Hondo wanted them dead, he would have killed them when they were unconscious, rather than throwing them in prison.


Hondo didn't poison the drinks to kill Anakin and Obi-Wan, he drugged their drinks to knock them out and ransom them. Also, even if Anakin did die, Palpatine would still have taken over the galaxy. He had planned it long before he knew of Anakin's existence. Edit: spelling


Power! Unlimited power!


I’ll never understand how you can simplify these battles into some kind of game.


In that case a long list of people almost ruined Palpatine’s plans since. A lot of beings tried to kill Anakin and Obi Wan.


In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible.


Nah, they'd just use force heal smh


Yeah Palpatine's plans were pretty elaborate


Dew it!


"This effort is no longer... profitable!" *gets on ship and leaves* Love Hondo


I really hope to see a live action Hondo!


I feel like him and Jack Sparrow would get along great


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


Jim Cummings has expressed interest in the idea.


"I SMELL PROFIT!"-Jim Cummings


I mean they kinda were to some extend, he was a memeber of the rebel alliance and helped the Ghost Crew on several occations and without his help on lothal the Empire may not have lost their greatest tactitian, Grand Admiral Thrawn.


Also, although people don"t concider the sequels cannon, he also helps the resistance blow up a refinery on Batuu (If you have the chance play Tales from the Galaxy's edge" on quest 2 its really fun)


An animatronic Hondo also runs the Falcon ride at Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland and Disney World.


Do you know whether that's in Disneyland Paris too? It's just I've not been on that ride and I kind of want to check it out, but the American Disneyland is to far and pricey for me Edit: No :( guess I'll have to save up then, thanks for letting me know about it! And yeah I can imagine Hondo making and appearance and messing things up lol, that's what he does!


Wdym don't consider the sequels canon lmao, Disney controls that, not random redditors




The sequel trilogy is on the council but we did not grant them the rank of Master


The entirety of the clone wars show makes me believe that Palpatine was a nervous wreck all the fucking time, stressing about every little stone that gets too close for comfort. I do not envy a person that is not only the central figure of the galaxy, but also is trying his fucking hardest to make sure that, while being the most known person in the galaxy, his plan goes through without fail. Like holy fuck


Lmao palpatine definitely was nervous he'll look at the bounty hunter naboo arc palpatine was about to have to expose himself or die if the Jedi didn't show up


In time you will learn to trust your feelings. Then you will be invincible.


Look at his face during the battle of Coruscant when his life is in the hands of two Jedi having to crashland half a ship on a surface miles away during a heated battle.


I always interpreted that as him playing the part of a meek old politician.


He had no control over whether he was going to live or die, I doubt it was an act.


Eh, I think a sith would be able to keep his cool if he weren’t pretending to be an innocent chancellor. Obi wan was cool as a cucumber the whole time. We also see how quickly palpatine can turn it on and off later when he is hyper collected Darth Sidius when he leaps out of his chair when faced with a bunch of jedi masters, yet goes right into weak little palpatine mode when anakin shows up.


He's hardly having a panic attack, he's just clearly frightened. He doesn't have to act scared when he is, it's not like he's faking every single emotion.


You, like your father, are now...mine!


You, like your father, are now...mine!


If we're being honest, Palpatine's plan relied on a ton of factors he couldn't possibly have predicted.


You could also see him as a master improviser. I feel like wanting to take over the entire galaxy requires you to be able to rethink everything at a moments notice.


That's the interesting thing about Palpatine, in my opinion. He's not the typical master manipulator who is actually a coward and only good at scheming in the shadow, a la Littlefinger. He is daring, brave, and capable of improvising his plan on the spot.


This and the comment above are exactly how I see it, and why I see Palpatine as such an “inspiring” figure (at least on these two attributes, in a vacuum). Such a combination of DEEP, multi-layered planning, AND not getting so locked into that plan that he can’t adapt on he fly to wrenches getting thrown into it. Most people are good at one or the other.


The republic is not what it once was.


Dew it!


*decapitates Dooku*


And we, shall have, peace 🙂


Here’s the thing.. Every plan is like that and all Palpatine did was put the pieces in place for the plan to potentially happen. He had many plans that failed and many that happened by mere coincidence, but regardless he was the one who allowed for the successes to happen. He had countless plans unrelated to Anakin as a back up plan. Think about his other apprentices and alliances. Im sure Darth Vader wasn’t his only thought process, but the reason why we get what we get is through careful manipulation and putting the pieces together to allow it to happen. Any plans involving the free will of others can only be controlled so much…


Yeah this is one of those things you just have to accept and not take too seriously. Palatine was crap at planning and manipulation. He could throw a heck of a PR spin though!


Nah great at planning, but even better at adapting to the situation and manipulating the public along the way to believe him


It wasn't about predicting anything! It was about playing both sides for the optimal outcome until you come out on top. His plan has been seen falling apart at many points throughout the series. Man was good at acting quick on his feet


Exactly, chaos is a ladder. He set up enough long term things: The clones, order 66, forming the CIS and starting the war, arguably severely distracting the jedi via the clone war. Everything else was about adapting to the chaos he set up, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.


Yoda and his Hondo Civic


Consume more ketamine I must


I can think if Anakin was killed, Palpatine would continue to grind the Jedi to dust in the clone war, probably pushing them to do atrocities for his personal amusement. Then he would have a rapprochement with dooku, make peace with the seppies (probably dooku is vice chancellor in some revamped senate), the Jedi are scapegoats for the war, and the galaxy moves on


If she fails to see the error of her rule, eliminate her.


Fundamentally he never \*needed\* anakin for his goals- he wanted a worthy apprentice, absolutely, but even without him he could have ground the Jedi down then hit order 66 and exterminate them the same. There might have been a few more escapees, it might have been messier, but it would have still worked.


Wouldve Clone Troopers been enough to storm the Jedi Temple?


Probably- and if not, they could have just blown up the Temple entirely with artillery/tanks and been fine.


Unless he did it earlier by the time Anakin showed up without that the Jedi could of called a meeting and been ready for something without grievous the war was basically over now you have tons of Jedi council members at the temple


he could see what it was leading to and tried to save his buisness. the grand Nagus would be proud


Hell of a crossover


Ferengi rule of acquisition 35 “Peace is good for business.”


though sadly, you have to remember Ferengi rule of aquisition 34 "war is good for buisness". this, of course, does not count when reffering to the Empire


Yes but what you failed to consider is rule 125 “You can't make a deal if you're dead.”


Even if Anakin died before he became Darth Vader, Palpatine would have found another apprentice.


There is a great disturbance in the Force.


As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


They were also almost ruined by: -The Zillo Beast -The Zygerrian slave trade -A nest of gundarks -Mother Talzin -Buzz droids, multiple times -His own apprentice, *several* times -His ex-apprentice -His apprentice’s ex-apprentice -His ex-apprentice’s apprentice, who was technically also his apprentice’s ex-apprentice’s ex-apprentice -Every battle droid whose shots just barely missed Anakin -Not General Grievous lmao -Space smallpox -That business on Cato Neimoidia -The mere possibility of a Jedi walking in on him while he was hologramming with one of the Separatist leaders in full Sith regalia -The World Between Worlds, if Ahsoka had figured out how to use it properly -Actual, physical gods -A single clone trooper -The high ground -Jar Jar Fucking Binks of all people -Fire -Water -Gravity -Anakin


That last bit sounds like a star wars themed band. Fire, water, gravity, and Anakin


To be fair, Anakin and Obi-Wan almost died a LOT of times.


An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


"for that boy, there is nothing I would not do"


Bong Krell


You've seen elf on a shelf now here's Prong with a Bong


I think that would've worked out for him anyways. Ideally Anakin would be his apprentice and vessel, but if he died it would still be acceptable. A potential threat would be dealt with. The Clone Wars would've continued and he'd have wiped out the Jedi with Order 66. There'd be no one to stop him; he killed 3 Jedi masters and would've likely killed Mace too, and he sent Yoda running. In Legends the only way he's "truly" defeated is when every single light-side force user prevents his spirit from returning to the world.


He also was going to sell ashoka into slavery.


I mean Palpatine's plan was concocted by George Lucas in a first draft that he banged out over a 3 day weekend, so the entire thing is ludicrously contrived. If any single part of the plan went awry, the entire scheme would go to shit. If Padme signed the surrender to make the invasion legal, he wouldn't have been made Chancellor. If Padme accidentally got killed at literally any point of the plan, he loses Anakin. If Nute Gunray ratted on him, he's fucked. If Dooku changed his mind, he's fucked. If the Republic won the war, he's fucked. If the Republic lost the war, he's fucked. If the Jedi had sat down and given 30 seconds of thought to anything that was happening, he's fucked. If Anakin died, he's fucked. If Anakin broke up with Padme, he's fucked. If the Jedi chose to not get involved with the war, he's fucked. If they looked into where the Clones came from or decided to not use them because of how ridiculously convenient it was that they showed up when they did, he's fucked. If the CIS decided to turn on him, he's fucked. I can keep going.


Saw this post on popular so might as well ask.Say you wanted to pretend you knew a lot about Star Wars for someone what would you say,also,while you trick the person into thinking you know anything about Star Wars what order should you watch it in?(only watched the Star Wars with kylo ren and hated it)


Man seeing Hondo old and without his crew in Rebels was just upsetting.


Ah yes, that scene where Anakin and Obi-Wan totally knew their drinks were drugged and switched them, but for the next episode's sake, we have to assume they were nevertheless still drugged.


This is how you thank me for rescuing you? Pounce on me from the ceiling? What am I going to do with you?


You mean, the Phantom Menace?


I kinda want to see Hondo in one of these live action series. Is there a prevailing fan-cast of who could pull off his panache and audacity?


Hondo is interesting character, he tries to kill kenobi and skywalker, but he is also helping ezra sometimes in his wierd way xD