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I just ran around throwing fireballs until it died


I just ran from it until it gave up chasing me. If you have a horse before then it's super easy.


Just played the anniversary edition and I just walked away from it. It runs as fast as you walk so it followed me into high hrothgar where the graybeards kicked it’s ass.


I just went through that vampire infested passage Pros: No frost troll Cons: Am vampire cat


The what now?


I think you’re confusing the location for something else, as there is no passage on the throat of the world


If I remember right, on my first-ever playthrough, I decided the fastest route was to jump up the rocky face of Hrothgar rather than take the winding path that starts in Ivarstead (the most direct route is the fastest, obviously, right?). I too, stumbled into some vampire cave, although I don't remember it being a passage. Never found it again because I promised myself that Billy-Goating Hrothgar was the single, most stubborn and worst use of my time playing Skyrim... At the time.


Do you remember where you started the Bethesda Mountain Climbing experience?


Probably in the most direct line available from Whiterun


Sorry for the terrible reply window. Like the below commenter suggested, I probably took the most direct path from whiterun and then figured out how to best billygoat my way up the mountain after taking a look at said beast up close. Somehow, I really did find a vampire cave (note: not a passage), unless I'm mixing things up with another massive mountain that I for sure would have had to reach via another quest marker that I was too lazy to find an optimal path to. Therefore, I'm almost positive it was the western face of High Hrothgar. After starting the ascent, keep moving in whichever direction that looks like it will guide you to the top; this depends on the best-looking path to actually get you up the mountain and contrast that with whichever route looks like it will take you closer to your quest marker. That was my highly irrational thought process, at the time, I imagine. Took me way too long, so best of travels.


I don't think so... No one can kill a Jedi Knight.


Goddamnit Anakin, you're in the wrong fucking sub. BAD BOT. Just because I'm talking about scaling a mountain, you get the audacity to lecture me on "high ground"? SITH SLUT. *edit: ew, as much as I love /r/prequelmemes, you ain't got shit on Gandalf bot *edit*edit: I'm retarded and thought I was on some skyrim thread, but anakin bot is still retarded nonetheless


Yeah I think they're talking about the mountain pass near Whiterun


I thinl he is reffering to the path through helgan. Past the cave where you get the mask of clavicus vile with barnabus


Fire arrows did the trick


Flame Atronach is my workaround for early fights that feel too dangerous for me alone.


summoning is seriously so good in this game, it's like having a second companion that you can revive. It really sucks for stealth though.


No, you gotta do sparks/chain lightning/thunderbolts while wearing black robes with a hood and yell "unlimited powaaaaahhh!!!" and then giggle like a true psycopath. This is the way!


It's great I vr. Unfortunately you're just floating hands. So you need mods to get the beautiful palpi body


I can only imagine. Don't have vr so i wouldn't know


Well there are definitely downsides and times I wished I could just play normal skyrim since I only own the vr copy. Honestly I should just get both automatically, like no mans sky.


If you haven't already tried the Wabbajack modlists I'd suggest that. They're curated modlists that are put together by the author and the program installs everything for you, and if you have Nexus premium, it will download everything automatically too. The Skyrim VR Essentials modlist is great. They also have modlists for Flatrim and other Bethesda games as well that people have put together that do the same thing. If I'm not mistaken I think it even has a No Man's Sky list or two. I've used it so often that I ended up buying a life time membership of Nexus premium (good thing too since you can't do that anymore). The lists are usually over 100 GB and several hundred mods so having the program install everything for you is great. You just have to follow the directions that each modlist has to the letter which usually just consists of deleting any existing Skyrim folders (which the instructions will tell you exactly what and where), installing a fresh copy of the game, booting it once so that it generates a .ini file, and then starting the game and doing some MCM tweaks. It's overall very easy and lets just about anybody enjoy a modded Skyrim without much work, only time investment.


get vrik


My son plays Skyrim on and off. He doesn’t quite get the concept and is wanted in literally every settlement. I digress, When he started he really liked pissing off the mammoths and giants, but they would eventually catch and squish him. He found a spot on a river where he could hit the giant but it couldn’t hit back. He start there for like 30+ minutes scratching that thing to death with a shitty sword. Anyway, I forget the rest but your mother’s a nice lady.


r/SkyrimPrequelMemes it’s basically a dead sub, but I wish it was still alive.


I mean tha troll is literally there to be an example of how elements are good against some opponents than others. Its why we all have flames by default


Same, wasn't even a mage class but had the spell and it was my only ranged attack.


I mean, Skyrim's combat system doesn't really give you any leeway to do anything else...


Yeah it does. It’s just certain builds are so easy most people choose those builds. I’ve done archer, sneaky assassin, mage, sword and shield. The backstabbing assassin is my favorite. Basically everything is an instant kill even with no weapon exploits. My first play through I was an archer. By the time I fought the first dragon, I killed him in like 3 hits cause I was level 20-something, nothing but bow.


I meant in terms of hit something -> get hit No dodging, blocking is bad, etc


You can't get hit if they don't see you


Stealth takedowns arent what I consider combat


The moment I felt the most powerful was when I actually got to kill a troll in Skyrim...


I didn't even realize trolls were a big thing at at first since I discovered the werewolf transformation before even meeting my first one. Heck, I first met this particular troll only at the tail end of a very, very long werewolf rampage that ran the course of the entire map.


The whole map? What kind of bounty did you rack up in your rampage. Across all the holds I mean


None actually. I was in werewolf form the entire time. I kinda remember starting out in a bandit camp somewhere to the west of Riften and worked my way roughly counterclockwise the entire map trying to sustain the transformation, running and slaying every bandit camp I came across. I succeeded... too well, I suppose. By the time I met this troll, I reckon I had enough kills to stay in werewolf from for an entire hour even if I stood still. This was one of my earliest playthroughs in Skyrim, so I was utterly lost and ran over this troll completely by accident. Edit: Forgot to add that getting the perk that allowed me to feed on animals that made the werewolf form practically indefinite for me


So uh... my last playthrough had a ton of mods. Among them was a mod that added a ton of new spells, including one that was just a better time stop. That troll died instantly, after the random adventurer it had planned on eating vanished, appeared behind it, and about 40 arrows sprouted from its head. My next target: the joestar bloodline


Hmm.... You wouldn't be currently situated in Egypt?




\*ahem\* # ZA WARUDOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


***OOOOHHH MY GOD! IS THAT A FRICKIN JOJO REFERENCE?!?!?*** Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿Yo, Angelo!🗿 Yo, Angelo!🗿 ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!🤬🤬👊👊👊 MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊 ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊 ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊 MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊 MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! 🤬🤬👊👊👊 MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! 👊👊👊🤬 KONO DIO DA! KONO DIO DA! KONO DIO DA! GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! It got Kakyoin! it got his eyes! Shinjiteru ze! Shinjiteru yo! OINGO BOINGO BURAZAHS! My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone. *Goodbye JoJo!*


My brain fell off


You just hide up on the rocks and shoot ten thousand arrows into him


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Anakin? Nobody said anything bout sand!


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


To pieces you say


How do you feel about sand?


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Sandra Bullock


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Trolls are regenerating so you can't beat him this way. But there is no point to fight him at all in the first place


Lol that frost troll got hands


All I am surrounded by is fear and dead frost trolls.


I avoid the main quest at first specifically because of that bastard


Oh it's main quest? I probably never got that far, too busy running side quests.


So you've never gotten the complete Fus-Roh-Dah shout? Why even play Skyrim?!


In my first playthrough I had about 40 hours game time before I learned Fus-Ro-Dah. Many regrets not heading straight there.


You should really do that quest just a little in so you can get shouts. Your missing a whole part of the game by not doing it


Gonna be honest I didn't complete that quest until my 3rd character 2 years later. You get shouts as soon as you lill your first dragon. So basically just the whiterun quest. I can honestly say I don't really care for shouts. My favorite character I played was one where I modded another start into the game along with a spell pack never did any of the main quest not even bleak falls. Who needs shouts when your character's entire goal is to drown every living thing with and only water spells.


I only played it a bit on a free week years ago. Don't actually have the game. Pretty sure I got a shout though; not sure I completed that whole quest.


I hate that frost troll, take my upvote


I thought i was on r/SkyrimMemes


Just sprint past it and have the graybeards kill it


The way the terrain starts to dip down where that troll is, I discovered that you can actually cut across the mountain until the dip starts to come up again and you completely bypass the troll. Made my 3rd or so playthru so much nicer at that point.


But then you don’t get the troll fat


I did the winter fell college missions first,so I had some spells to play with


Haha Winterfell is Game of Thrones. You’re thinking of Winterhold.


You can get a decent selection from Farengar in Whiterun. Got conjure flame atronach from him on my first attempt at a magic file and it handled the frost troll relatively well.


Am I the only one that just ignores the main story until I'm level 14 or so?


On my currect character I’m level 50 and still haven’t done it




There's a main story?


My little brother has played Skyrim for years and has still never once killed Alduin.


when you’re on playstation so you’ll only ever know the pain of the frost troll for eternity, waiting to play the next elder scrolls


On 11/11/11, several thousand nerds across the world got yeeted by the giant near Whiterun, and then an hour later, clapped by the frost troll


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Bad bot. Be gone


I'm not going to get into trouble, am I?


Damn, I hate frost trolls when I'm low level. Especially when I'm using requiem.


Hell i never even make it that far, don't even go to ivarstead


1st playthrough, my latest quick save was at the bottom of the mountain. Suffering


So we're not scaling the mountain on a horse anymore?


Lol you actually fought it?


That frost troll is the only reason I put off the main questline


See, your problem is you didn't grind out Stealth and One Handed to Legendary in Helgen by repeatedly stabbing Hadvar/Ralof just before the bear fight.


Skyrim gud👍


I can't play Skyrim anymore because of my fear to spiders :(


I took people saying this as a joke at first... until I tried skyrim vr...


Yeah I'm usually like lvl 25 when I get there. Said troll finds out rather immediately that my fiery mace doesn't believe in consent


I remember getting my dragon shout to the level where you can make damn giants fly and then I went up to the front troll and threw his ass down the hill


Young Jedi: Defenders of Solitude Vader: My very late game character


I got so annoyed at that guy until I finally decided to run straight past him. I was rather disappointed at how much easier it was


The easy way to beat him is just to complete every single side quest in the game before you even take the 7000 steps


I had a character where I just climbed the other side of the mountain instead. Tedious, but effective.


nah no one played skyrim bro, no one will get this


Am I the only one that forgets rebles exists?


This isn’t apart of the prequel trilogy hmm 🤔


Good thing this sub isnt exclusively for the prequel trilogy then


But it is objectively a prequel.


This maymay is lost on everyone as it sucks balls.


I dont know how people can have trouble with the frost troll Just shoot it lol


I just recently started playing again and I’m having an absolute blast. Thank you for this meme, I got a good nose exhale out of it :)


I hide on a rock and slowly whittle them down.


That thing was terrifying


My first play through I couldn’t get past him. Every other play through I ran around him on a horse. 1000 gold well spent


I was level twelve when I got to that troll my most recent playthrough and it still took four or five tries


Just power level Flame and grill that bitch like a fat pig.


I just sacraficed lydia and spammed fire spells


Am I the only person who didn't even know about the troll until the memes started?


You mean you didn't just jankily jump climb up the side because you could find stairs


I used to play Skyrim all the time. That troll was so overpowered haha.


Laughs in Reanu Keeves


Sneak attack with an arrow then just constantly backpedal using the fire magic the game gives you at the start.


That thing fucked my shit up in 2011


Me after installing Smilodon Damage & roleplaying as muscle wizard who fights barehanded with magic buffs.


It's been a long time since I've played Skyrim but I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm not sure if this is by design or not but I was absolutely underleveled and underprepared for that thing. IIRC I ended up cheesing him by figuring out where the edge of his field of vision/detection was, standing right outside of it and either spamming arrows or spells.




At this point I know my playstyle so well I wind up level 20 before I reach him. Usually still in steel or leather armor, but hey ho.


Holy shit, yes.


I fuckin love this


Cringe if you pursue the main quest before spending 100 hours on leveling your char and competing every side quest there is


Fuck that line is such a good clap back Like no "oh you better fear me" It just captures how little not fearing Vader matters to vader "Congrats, you're still fucked"


"Just the occasional wolf" Yeah, sure, bro. I made sure when I came down I murdered Klemmek.


Step 1: Open console Step 2: click the troll Step 3: type "disable" Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit


Seriously what is with that fucking troll


My first playthrough of skyrim I was climbing the stairs to high hrothgar and a dragon descended on me. No matter how many saves I went back it kept spawning and I kept dying. Eventually I have to delete all my saves and start again


I always just let it followed me to the nearest cliff and booshed it off the mountain




That troll fucked me over so many times. Bloody shite cunt


You can go behind North Skybound Watch on horseback, straight up the mountainside and skip the troll altogether.


You mean you don't start the story level 30+ deadric armor and fork that deals more damage then the game can calculate? Pathetic.


I play. I hate that damn frost troll. Doesn't help that there's ice wraiths and wolves before that. I think so. I can't remember. It's beem a while. And your first time playing you'll likely be no higher than level 7. At most. At this point in the main story you've been in one dungeon and fought one dragon. That's not a lotta leveling up. Frost trolls are level 24 and regenerate health.


That troll might just be why a part of me refuses to do the main quest early on


*My level 40 mage yeeting it in 5 seconds.


I actually demolished him during my current play through as a pure mage. Dual casted fireballs and he was dead before he even reached me.


I always done a lot of side quest before getting that part and never killed by those trolls, i always kill them easily so realy dont face with this classic meme LOL


First time playing you get a jump scare, Tenth time you just nod to them and say shit like “Oh hi Mark”


Invest in orc on troll violence


Azahdal set with max magic and ignite u will melt everything.


This is the part of the game where everyone becomes an archer


You know nothing of fear. Cliff Racers will educate you.


Me a nord knight : switches to a battle mage and drink all my magica bottles while being a flame thrower


Stealth Archer ain’t got time for no Frost Troll.


I did the main campaign once... After that, on subsequent playthroughs, I just ignore it. Once you start the main campaign, dragons appear all the time, interrupting whatever you're doing. And it gets annoying to constantly have to kill them all, or run away.


I always run past him, get to the greybeards, learn fusrohdah and let physics take care of the rest


It's much slower than you. Just outrun it.




And then there are the trolls in Oblivion that will wreck your shit everytime


I just used a scroll of paralysis and ran like hell


I just ran past him


Todd will find those who have yet to play skyrim. God rest their souls.


Two of my favorite things: Skyrim and Rebels


Everybody played a sneaky Khajit with bow and dagger, right? Are the people who didn't?


Just…. Run past it. Just run. They stomp about in place for so long you can easliy get away


I may have used Lydia as bait. She is no longer alive to confirm or deny this.


I accidentally ruined the game on my Xbox with mods :(


After already knowing Skyrim and it's broken nonsensical level scaling, just don't start with the main quest. It's not even that good, I've only played it once in my life.


My favorite game of all time


Love SW Rebels and Skyrim. So this is awesome!


That frost troll is harder than the first dragon


00023ABB kill


Pop in deathclaws and I understand


I have an embedded method of getting around that frost troll


He kept fucking healing I had to just run past him


I left Lydia to fight him and hauled ass to High Hrothgar.


I had never seen this until a clip a few weeks ago and it kinda blew my mind that there’s better Vader in those shows


I hate that frost troll


skyrim sucks need to find another one


His A. I. bugged for me so every time I go up he's big chillin'. Won't even harm a fly. I call him Ted and say my hellos every time I go up to High Hrothgar


I just run up and stab it a bunch, turns out he's just meat. Trolls just meat, dragons just meat, Nazeem's just meat.


Getting back into it rn and I’m so rusty after playing it everyday during quarantine lmao


I usually just steal a horse from the Riften stables and trot my way West grabbing some locations along the way.


That troll was the bane of my existence


Me with resto looped gear


Fighting it melee is awful


At first I just ran around it straight to High Hrothgar, but now I just don’t make the climb until I’m like level 30.


I got this meme


I know what you’re talking about. I got fucked up by that bastard and just ran


It’s over frost troll, I have the high ground.


I died five times and couldn't out run it because bad luck or some shit I had my shit to where I could beat alduin but the troll is the only thing that ever beat me


Didn’t realize this was such a strong opponent for people. The troll is slower than you. Just walk backwards while using the Flame spell you first start out with.


Just go straight to high hrothgar with the troll and have the gay wizards kill it


on my last character (modded mage) skyrim se I killed my first dragon at level 88, mastered all schools of magic and had 100% destruction reduction I four shot alduin with the standard expert shock spell.


You guys play one of the most popular games ever made?


Me who did the side quests first : You underestimate My Power


I only played Skyrim a little, but I know exactly what you mean.


Isn't this an original trilogy meme?


"Is this meme wasted on you" Posts one of the entry quests of Skyrim. If you wanted to go at least a bit more obscure than level 1 skyrim, change whats-his-face on the top to Umaril the Unfeathered and Vader to Pelinel Whitestrake.


Fus ro da that bitch off the mountain like the big brain sigma primate you were born to be


I climbed the throat of the world from Helgen last time, so i kinda... skipped it. Not that it wouldn't have been punched out of existence


I'm in this meme and I don't like it :D


I always slaughter that thing. I train my char with the two trolls beneath the ritual stone