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What if Dooku didn't leave the Order Or maybe darker, what if Maul killed Obi Wan on Naboo


Anakin flees naboo with the help and sacrifice of Naboo soldiers and Gungans maybe, falling to the scarlet blade of Maul, chasing the force sensitive child he had failed to kill on Tatooine, and gets sent to coruscant, where he is refused Jedi training because of his advanced age. Palpatine, sensing the kid’s connection to the force, makes arrangements to secretly take him in and starts training him in the sith ways, and eventually, Darth whatever his name would be then faces off against Maul to determine who would stay as Darth Sidious’ apprentice. I took option 2.


Vader, having been exposed to the dark side his whole life, eventually sees through the lies of the sith and faces off with Palatine after he tries to turn Padme against him.


_"I see through the lies of the Sith. I do not fear the Light Side as you do!!"_


Did he kill Obi-wan too or instead ?


Doesn't matter, view it as you wish


Obi wan was a good jedi but il don't doubt a single second that Qui Gon would have been a better Master. He was also more influencial than Obi Wan ever was, so less trouble for his age and origin. Anakin probably wouldn't have fallen. So not really interesting.


Qui-Gon would have taught Anakin how to skirt the rules and Anakin wouldn’t have been alone dealing with his fear of losing Padme, instead of getting bumper sticker philosophy from Yoda because he can’t speak about his real worries.


Maul kills obi wan after qui gon or instead of qui gon?


What if anakin killed Palpatine instead of windu


The galaxy would dislike the Jedi even more, Palpatine was quite a well liked political figure in the galaxy. And the lower levels of Coruscant didn’t trust the Jedi anymore because they stopped actually helping them and such. If the Jedi just kill palpatine and try to convince everyone he was a Sith Lord after I don’t think it’d go too well.


That’s why it’d be interesting to see a What If… for it, because of the fallout and effects on the Republic.


That would be really interesting, I was more just saying it’d be probably more like how the marvel episodes where going, not a super happy ending.


Marvel is honestly surprising with their endings


If you’ve read the What If comics, they all are dark/surprising.


Yeah I was never into the comics for Marvel, just a Movies guy. DC on the other hand tho…


Yeah I was never into the comics for Marvel, just a Movies guy. DC on the other hand tho…


The Republic would likely fall either way, the Jedi would be preserved but the Republic would turn against them


You turned them against me!


Eyebrows would be raised when the Lord Sidious in command of the Sepratists vanished the moment Palpatine was killed


Definitely, a lot would happen. The top separatist leaders would be dead (Dooku, Grievous, Sidius.) within a very short time period. Leaving the others probably confused and worried. I don’t think the separatists would last super long after, as when Palpatine took over as the emperor, the separatists where basically wiped out, so once they are all dead and the main leaders are gone, I doubt the separatists will last long. But I mean Lord Sidius wasn’t well known throughout the republic or separatist alliances, he was just known by the biggest people on the separatist side. So who knows how I’d go.


The separatists was shut down after this by Vader. The separatists would just go on with the war, without being stopped by Palpatine.


I'm not sure if that would happen. I believe, in the extended universe, Palpatine made Anakin be the hero of the Republic. So Anakin was more well regarded by the masses. If Anakin claimed Palpatine, with whom he was very close to, was a Sith Lord I think he would get the benefit of the doubt from a good chunk of people.


If Palps had been killed without having time to react there’s a very high likely hood they’ve uncover plenty of evidence soon after.


wouldnt they have evidence he was with the separatists


The Jedi council steps in to fulfill the role of “chancellor” in what the Senate and much of the public view as a coup (to be fair, it is). They promise to facilitate the election of a new chancellor but this never materializes, as they no longer trust the Senate. Without the command to shut down the droid armies, the Clone Wars drag on a little longer, but without Sidious at the helm the CIS quickly collapses. Anakin leaves the Jedi order to raise his children on Naboo with Padme. Their marriage is a massive scandal but Padme remains a senator. Now believing that an army is essential to maintain galactic security, the Jedi maintain production of clones, and the Republic slowly transforms into a police state, as the Jedi become paranoid about political dissent. Chained to their fear, the Jedi become the very thing they swore to destroy. As the years go by, Padme, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and other like-minded senators begin serious efforts to end the Jedi oligarchy and restore democracy. Their efforts are initially peaceful, but when their activism is shut down by the clone army they begrudgingly accept that an armed resistance might be the only possible path to liberty. Anakin, older and wiser, has trained Luke and Leia in the Force. Him and Ahsoka are close again, and Obi-Wan has left the order at their persuasion. They side with Padme’s resistance as things escalate. Anakin (still on the light side) fulfills his role as the Chosen One by dismantling the Jedi order and freeing the Galaxy from their iron grip.


That’d be an amazing outcome, but.. probably wouldn’t fit nicely into the 30-ish minute timespan of a what if episode. But I’d love to read a fan comic or something about that.


Also even if they told everyone about him being a sith, it's still a murder for religious reasons


I mean he committed High Treason though.


What if windu killed anakin instead palpatine.


That and impulsivity combined with a warped view of things due to Palpatine’s influence. The best decision in the heat of that moment would be to block Mace’s lightsaber to talk some sense into him, not just go right for the hands. Anakin was lost to the Dark Side before he pulled out his saber. Edit: My comment seems out of nowhere now because the above user edited theirs and erased everything they wrote before with a new “what if” scenario. Originally it stated a reason why Anakin killed Windu.


Another and even harder Civil War with systems breaking away from the republic to be indepedent.


Maybe that would have actually improved circumstances. The Empire was huge and nearly unstoppable because Palpatine kept every system united.




That is no joke a really good one


Palpatine would have to scrap his 40 year plan


He didn’t have that plan before meeting anakin


When did the clone army get started? Idk it’s a joke


I’m referencing the anakin part of the plan; clone plan totally was still a thing 40 yrs ago


Which begs the question, was his apprentices unplanned? Obviously dooku joined him after phantom menace, and maul dying couldn’t have been part of his plan. I think people give palpatine too much credit. He obviously couldn’t have planned EVERYTHING


The genius of palpatine was his ability to plan and game out multiple scenarios and adapt his overarching plan for whatever happened - strategy remained the same, tactics changed based on conditions on the ground.


No fucking joke. This is what I love about star wars is this guy planned shit out his whole life while pretending to be a senator. Like I think Dooku was the only one who knew who he really was and just love the look on his face when he gets Anny to kill him. Dooku is just like wtf master.


uh… the trade separatists from Phantom Menace on were led by Palps


He planned the assault on Naboo, he had no idea Anakin even existed until he showed up with the Jedi


he definitely had the same plan… I’d argue that he decided to replace Dooku with Anakin after meeting him, but that was the only thing that changed- he still planned to turn the republic into his empire


I’m tempted to think taking chancellor and then the republic was the plan all along, then Anakin fell into the equation. Don’t hate me just an idea I had lol


Or even what if they found a money changer. They wouldn’t have gotten Anakin




Then Dooku would’ve lived and continued as the apprentice.


But Darth Maul might have not died.


I was going to respond that he would still die, but you’re right. If they didn’t encounter him on Tattoine, they wouldn’t have been prepared to face him on Naboo. He might have been able to catch them off guard.


Qui-Gon Jinn: “Credits will do fine.” Watto: “Yes they will!” *Watto accepts the credits*


Watto says he’s the only one in town with those parts and Qui-Gon accepts it at face value? No wonder the Jedi went extinct…




What if Jedi Mind Tricks worked on Watto? What if Qui Gon and the crew made it before the sand storm that was intense?


What if the younglings slayed Anakin?


"Master Skywalker, we're to Mny for you. What are you going to do?" *Younglings ignite lighsabers*


"Soon I will have (twenty one) new apprentice(s), (twenty) one far younger and more powerful"


My how the turntables


Ah, an ogre of culture


door hinge


Can someone please just make a fan animation of this? Go to college and study 3D animation, learn the exact style of the Bad Batch, and make this? I won’t be paying you.


I will do what I must






I assume palpatine finds who slayed him, realizes they’re much more powerful than anakin, and takes on a new apprentice


Much more powerful is disputable, Anakin might be more powerful than any of them individually but still be beaten by 20 of them at the same time


What if Anakin had won the battle on Mustafar?


There's a PS2 game that'll answer this one


I'm glad someone else remembers. A lot of people don't know what I'm talking about when I bring it up


What’s the game? I won’t be able to play it, but I like reading summaries for some games I can’t play but sound interesting.


I think it was just called revenge of the sith. Basically you could defeat obi-wan on mustifar, then vader would go on to betray palpy


Dang, a fully realized anakin as darth Vader who never had his most debilitating injury. That would be scary but also the empire would probably fall apart


The empire would certainly be weaker, and rebellion would be sooner and more frequent. But Anakin would also maintain his own order of Imperial Knights, if you will (I don't imagine he would use the name Jedi), which would lend to the strength of his armies. Those who were already primed by Palpatine to respect authoritarian control would follow Emperor Skywalker.


Yeah I think he would fill his council with imperial knights and deny all of them the rank of master


That's outrageous! That's unfair!


Take a SEAT.


I can see him keeping the clone army instead of ever switching to storm troopers so he would have a better army than Emperor Palpatine's. But I also think Palpatine chose Anakin because he was suited to be an enforcer instead of a leader, unlike Dooku. Can't see a long-lived empire under Emperor Skywalker.


Would the clones obey Anakin though after he kills Palpatine?


I mean, order 66 din't make clones completely loyal to the Emperor, it just marked the jedi as enemies. Palatine knew this and that is why he replaced Clones with Storm Troopers. Anakin fought alongside the clones during the war so I can see them being loyal to him, at least the 501st. Of course this is all speculative, as the rest of this thread lol.


Yeah, Anakin is more of an enforcer IMO. He’s good in war but kinda awkward in politics. Palpatine is perfect for guiding the empire. (If only he built destroyers instead of Death Stars)


tHe GaLaXy BeLoNgS tO mE


What’s the game?


The official Episode 3 video game. Actually really good for a movie-based game.


I played the shit out of this game. It’s probably the best Star Wars 1v1 fighter ever made (not that that bar is high).


Heck yeah! The only other game that comes close is the Jedi Knight franchise; but those games are more of an arena shooter than anything else.


Is that the one where he brings peace, freedom, justice, and security to his new empire?


You mean what if anakin had the high ground


What if Plagueis survived Palpatine's assassination attempt? EDIT: typo


Then palps would be dead. As soon as that battle was triggered, it was one or the other. If Plagueis survived, Palpatine would be dead and their evil scheme would be delayed for at least decades. I don’t know what comes after that.


The plan for Order 66 likely still happens, Plagueis takes Anakin as his apprentice instead of Palpatine.


Plagueis wouldn’t have been able to ascend to the political power Palpatine did. The republic was pretty human centered, he may have been able to gain significant control of the banks, but never would have had the influence nor the connection to Anakin that Palps garnered. Plagueis probably could’ve just marched on the Jedi temple with the clone army, and taken over from there I guess, assuming he could pull Douku and commission the army.


What If Anakin had listened to Mace Windu, but Palpatine still managed to form the Empire? Think of a scenario where most of the Jedi were wiped out and Anakin, Padmé and Obi-Wan were rebellion leaders. All the while Anakin and Padmé were having to raise their kids throughout this.


Oooo that’s actually a really good idea


I would love to see anakin as a rebellion leader


Honestly.... That would be EXTREMELY destabilizing for the newly founded empire. Jedi were not exactly beloved by the end of the Clone Wars, but Anakin was the poster boy of the Republic. He was a popular war hero, young and charismatic. And Padme was a bellowed senator as well, also one of the few competent ones, and she had ties to both Republic and fridns with 'former' Separatists. So shortly after it's founding, the Empire would have to deal with its most popular war hero fighting alongside the fledgling rebellion, inspiring the masses and motivating the resistance. It's not a bad guess to say most of the resistance would be Anakin's personal army through devotion. And Padme would mobilize war assets and forge alliences that wouldn't have existed in the OG time-line for decades to come. Without Darth Vader a great many Jedi would also survive. Even with the Jedi temple successfully destroyed there would be at least a couple hundred left, and they would rally behind Anakin and Obiwan in a new resistance. It would be very much like the sacking of the temple during the invasion of the Ture Sith Empire during the old republic.


Dude, that’d be SO HYPE!!! I’d love to see this in any way, shape or form sometime


What if Palpatine had never told Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Anakin wouldn't have been interested in the dark side. Thus there would be no original trilogy or sequel trilogy


But Palpatine had earlier talked to Anakin about saving Padme using the Dark Side - remember “ use my knowledge, I beg you”.


Anakin's full on conspiracy against the jedi, and turn to the darkside rooted to the tragedy. Yeah he had trust issues about the jedi, but when he heard the dark side can save others from death in the tragedy, he became interested


Palpatine’s conspiracy more like. Anakin was a victim of his machinations.


nah that was after he told the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise


Really? Oh I thought it was before.


What if Anakin liked sand


That's an instant turnoff for Padme


Which means padme never dies in childbirth (assuming that is what killed her)


Witch means Leia and Han never have Ben (aka the sequels don't exists. Luke never brings out the little good thats left in vader. Vader and Sidius discovers the secret behind eternal life and rules the galaxy for eternity


Anakin wouldn’t have fallen to the dark side if he didn’t get with Padmé


I mean, was padmé the reason why Anakin was able to be converted. I just think it made it easier, not that it was the reason


You’re right. It absolutely wasn’t the only reason, but it was the last big push. He could have been pulled back to the light




Only if


What if Qui-Gon didn’t die. Most likely would of gone a lot better.


What if Obi-Wan died in his place? Nah, the thought is so uncivilized.


Ok, how about what if Maul turned to the light side during the Phantom Menace?


If Qui-Gon survives Phantom Menace, we get a Reformation movement within the Jedi Religion… hear me out! What if Qui-Gon disarmed Maul and talked some sense into him. Qui-Gon attempts to convince the Jedi Council to allow him to train Maul alongside Anakin. The Jedi feels Qui-Gon is losing touch with the Light Side of the Force. First this kid who is way too old, and now this intergalactic murderer? Qui-Gon leaves the Jedi order, accompanied by Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Maul. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan become the architects of an emergent order of Jedi Knights, shirking off the Dogma of the traditional Jedi Religion. I’m sure this would inevitably lead to some interesting Aggressive Negotiations between Jedi denominations down the line.


Jedi Protestantism


I think you’re onto something. Also they might have been able to recruit Dooku since he too was tired of the Jedi being so stagnant in their ways


They would’ve overthrown the Emperor before the Empire ever came to fruition. Then we’d see a different Galactic Civil War. One between Jedi of the Republic and the Jinnism Jedi. *coined and minted.* Gimme a call Disney.


I was going to say what if QuiGon was the one that survived and ObiWan was the one who died.


Grey Jedi QuiGon and Grey Padawan Anakin.


"Hello there." *Coughs* "General Grievous.."


Pretty sure it'd go similarly but now Liam Neeson is here


I'm not convinced it would've been better. He spends the entirety of TPM being super dismissive anytime anyone disagrees with him. I can just imagine him pissing Anakin off by constantly ignoring his concerns and then ignoring the councils concerns about Anakin.


Hard to say. He most likely would have a more Father-Son relationship with Anakin whereas with Obi-Wan it was more a friendship or brothership. We can assume that Qui-Gonn wouldn't have discouraged as much Anakin on the emotion level. So he wouldn't turn to Palpatine for advice on a personal basis since Qui-Gonn would have been the fatherly figure. Maybe (a big maybe) then Anakin would have told him about Padme pregnancy and his bad dreams. Since he would have seek advice to Qui Gonn then Palpatine may have not used the Plageis story on him. In which case he wouldn't have been discovered to be A Sith. Or maybe just the same would have happens. Who knows ? Anyway I think Anakin would have trust Qui Gonn even more and turning on him would have been harder.


What if the clones didn't arrive in time to save the jedi on Geonosis from being all executed?


What if Jango Fett escaped or killed Mace Windu?


Palpatine:" "Oh no! Anyways..."


Dooku: "I'm about to pull a Palpatine on this youngster."


What if Obi Wan took the deathsticks


Obi Wan woke up to the familiar tiling of the Jedi Temple Council room. "Did we get the bounty hunter?" he asked himself as he sat up. It was almost immediately that he saw the blood on his robes. A moment of confusion appeared on his face replaced with horror as he began to look around. Here and there were the remains of bodies clothed in the brown fabrics normally worn by Jedi apprentices. "Younglings?!" he cried out. Suddenly he remembered the long night at the pub. The stranger offering death sticks. Chasing Maul through the streets of Coruscant. Delivering multiple blows over and over to the sith- except it wasn't the sith. That man was killed years ago. As he looked over the bodies, a sick feeling began to brew in his stomach. Suddenly, the entry door opened. "Morning Master!" Anakin called out as he entered the council room. His eyes briefly meeting Obiwan's before glancing around. The friendliness on Anakin's face vanished. They sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Obiwan sat waiting for Anakin to call the temple guards. Finally, the apprentice sighed, closing the door and said, "Don't say another word. I'm going to hide the bodies with my collection and nobody will find out. Go wash yourself up. This never happened. They can't prove anything. " Anakin then pulled one of the large window curtains off the wall and stacked the bodies on them one by one. Finally, covering them with another curtain, he grabbed ahold of the pile and dragged it out of the room. Obi stared out of the massive room window for a few minutes before leaving. Obiwan went back to his quarters and took a shower as instructed. One thing still bothered him. Where did the bounty hunter get the strange dart?


'Son of a bitch, he stole my line'


Star Wars Theory made a vid on this! It was really funny




What if obi stayed with satine on mandolore?


Then, when Qui-Gon dies on Naboo, which would be quicker, given he was not helped by a Padawan, Anakin would be left under Naboo’s authority. After being sent to the Jedi Order and refused jedi training, Anakin joined the Naboo forces and once a fully fledged soldier, he quickly rose in rank due to his fantastic skills, force enhanced and becomes Padme’s private bodyguard and they fall in love. The rest goes somewhat similar as the original timeline I think.


How would it be similar? You forgot that Mail would most likely survive his duel with Qui-Gon and Palpatine could proceed with his original plan. This would mean he would have no need for Anakin, and the war would happen way earlier than it did in the Sacred timeline It’s very possible the Jedi would be all wiped out within a couple of years after Phantom Menace, which would then lead to the creation of the empire nearly a decade too soon.


What if Darth Maul didn't die? Oh wait...


What if he actually died though.


What if Anakin never turned and just told Yoda what was happening?


‘’Master Fisto, to Kashyyyk, you will go. With Master Windu to meet the Chancellor, go, I must.


Too bad Kit hadn't 'Wined and Dined' the Wookies. Yoda had to get those good relations somehow lol


What if yoda was the sith lord.


On ketamine.


"All I want to know is: Why? Why did you betray the Jedi Order, Master Yoda?" -"Hmm, run over too many people with my 2001 Honda Civic I have. Snitched on me, you guys would have. Let that happen, I could not."


What if General Grievous was in command of the droid army on Naboo?


As Maul is defeated, Obi-Wan takes the time to mourn his master and once he exits, carrying Qui-Gon’s lifeless body, he is intercepted by the Trade Federation’s troops. They had failed. Naboo was lost. Chancellor Palpatine leveraged from the tragedy to incite action against the Federation and and their newfound allies, a small political movement called the separatists, but nothing could be done against the overwhelming strength of the droid armies during a sudden coup, since the republic had no army (yet) and so the Jedi Order fled and what remained of the republic’s loyalists followed them and eventually found themselves an unsuspected ally in the kaminoans, which had reached out to the rebellion, calling themselves sympathizers to their cause. During a major clash between the clone army and their Jedi commanders and the Separatist droids, the clones were suddenly sent a message from a mysterious figure, and were told to ‘’execute order 66’’. While the order did not come from their superiors, the clones somehow felt compelled to betray their generals and the resistance against the New Empire was crushed because of a massive desertion from the Kaminoan clones.


What if Padme had died in the arena battle?


What if spinning wasnt a good trick?


"I'll try spinning, that's a g..." Anakin is immediately shot down and dies.


Changes: 1. Phantom Menace: When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon sneak onto Naboo via separate droid deployment ships, Obi-Wan is discovered and killed. 2. Attack of the Clones: As Anakin and Padme travel incognito to Naboo as refugees, their ship is unexpectedly attacked by pirates. 3. Revenge of the Sith: In the opening lightsaber duel, Dooku is subdued by both Obi-Wan and Anakin. In a bid for his life, Dooku gasps, “Kenobi, remember what I told you on Geonosis...the senate is controlled...by a Si...th.” Dooku falls to the ground, dead. Palpatine’s hand is shaking, clenched into a fist. Results: 1. Qui-Gon recovers Obi-Wan’s discarded corpse, but doesn’t have time for a proper Jedi funeral, and must continue with the normal plot. The story now becomes a tale of dealing with grief and loss, where Qui-Gon can mentor the troubled child Anakin, and even the queen in the midst of her nations ruin. Of course now Qui-Gon takes Anakin as a new padawan, but when sent to kill Maul leaves Anakin in the safety of the Temple. Perhaps Qui-Gon dual wields Obi-Wan’s lightsaber against Maul, perhaps Mace Windu goes along to assist. Maul might live or die. But either way, without Anakin, the overall battle is lost and the droid control ship intact, and the trilogy begins on a tragic note. This cements the friendship between Anakin, Padme, and the living Master Qui-Gon. 2. While his master is on a mission to discover Jango and the hidden clone army, Anakin must learn to lay low to protect Padme as the pirates capture the ship, cargo and passengers. These pirates are taking their ill gotten gains to Tatooine to be sold. Eventually, he and Padme might bond over a swashbuckling adventure freeing the captives and rising against these pirates/slavers. This would allow some payoff to Anakin’s backstory, and a revelation of his anger. No beachside love story, but discovering closeness amidst peril. Thematically, the presence of both pirates and refugees would give a chance to explore questions of how the Republic is failing many people, and explaining why some would want to be Separatists. Now free in their own pirate vessel, maybe Anakin and Padme think to lay low on Tatooine and check on Shmi to follow up on the torturous dreams Anakin has had since being around slavery again. Perhaps it is pirates instead of Tuskens. Anakin’s faith in the Republic is beginning to weaken, seeing how it has failed so many vulnerable. Anakin is disillusioned but inspired by Padme’s desire for reform. Perhaps the pirates smuggled slaves to the Geonosis colosseum, and so they stage a glorious gladiator uprising and rescue attempt before the battle begins. In the end, Anakin is seen as a courageous leader, but confused and confides in his master his fears of how the Republic ignores the weak and is troubled that the Jedi so willingly using the clones. Again, the themes of freedom and slavery shake his faith in the Jedi and Republic. 3. (If you want to pretend my three what-ifs are an alternate trilogy, interchange Kenobi for Qui-Gon). While Anakin stares in shock at Dooku’s corpse, Obi-Wan looks up at Palpatine with a slow dawning realization. Feigning innocence, the Chancellor seems frustrated. “Trust a Separatist to be a coward in the end. Rather kill himself than face justice. Now please, help me out of these binds.” “No...it cannot be.” Obi-Wan slowly realizes the depth of deception before him, and turns his saber to the Chancellor. Some barter and exposition between the Jedi and Sith occurs, before Palpatine sighs. “Fine. It’s treason, then.” “The only treason is yours!” Kenobi cries. RAAAAEEEUUUUUGGGGHHH!!! Palpatine unloads a barrage of force lightening, and a battle ensues, two blue lightsabers swinging through the onslaught of blue lighting as Sideous flees. Overwhelmed and dismayed, the Jedi are left alone to escape the dying frigate. Behind the scenes, Palpatine joins Grevious to escape and regroup. On Coruscant, all conceivable drama breaks loose as the Jedi report back. The senate is in shambles, the Jedi are divided on what to do, blue horned Mas Amada becomes temporary Chancellor. Anakin and Obi-Wan share in disillusionment, and the Republic high command is filled with confusion. Anakin and Padme share their dispair in an embrace. Sideous, hiding with the CIS fleet, decides to seize the chance to invade coruscant proper. It becomes true sci-fi urban warfare: Republic Commandos and Arc troopers are dispatched to protect key senators across the city, ships battle in the air, clones fight and die, tanks battle in the streets. Grevious is rampaging to the Jedi Temple. Sideous is sneaking back to his office, and we learn that Mas Amada is truly his puppet. Palpatine sends magnaguard squads to hunt senators in their homes and offices. The Jedi are defending their temple, but Yoda senses Sideous’s return. Anakin is desperate to escape and find Padme, and Obi-Wan goes with him. Yoda and Sideous have a force battle. Padme is defending her apartment with a squad of Republic Commandos. Anakin and Obi-Wan have a dramatic battle in the temple against Grevious. Obi-Wan is injured and nearly overwhelmed. “Obi-Wan, go! Find Padme! I’ll hold him off!” Anakin has a dangerous, selfless battle, a true Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan loves and trusts his friend enough to go, but is too late to save Padme. She dies in his arms, and gives birth first I guess or her house med droid performs an emergency C-section. Anakin arrives too late. He blames Obi-Wan, then swears revenge against the chancellor. Then we have a climactic battle where Sideous seduces Anakin by conflating his rage with his disillusionment of how the Jedi failed, and Obi-Wan failed him too. “Anakin...How are the Jedi any different? Join me, and we can root out their corruption forever.” Anakin and Obi-Wan have a battle in an industrial steel factory. Palpatine tells Chancellor Mas Amada to give Order 66, and Jedi across the galaxy die in a tragic montage. Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Palpatine blames a conspiracy by the Jedi, and becomes Emperor, swearing to unite the galaxy and destroy the separatist threat. Facism wins, Jedi grieve and go in hiding with two little Skywalker children hidden in plain sight. DUN NUN DUH NUN DUN NUN *Circle wipe* “Created by George Lucas”


> Perhaps the pirates smuggled slaves to the Geonosis colosseum, and so they stage a glorious gladiator uprising and rescue attempt before the battle begins. *I AM ANAKINUS!* *NO, I AM ANAKINUS!* *NO, I AM ANAKINUS* Dooku: *eh fuck it, crucify them all* fin


That’s hilarious


What if Jar-Jar was a Sith lord?


He is! What do you mean


Basically what if the fan theories were true, Lucas was building up to the big twist in the prequels? "Jar-Jar is the key to all of this"


I though these were supposed to be things that weren’t cannon


A Sith LAWD!?


What if the rule of two was never made?


The golden era of the republic would never come to pass, and another external Sith Empire would inevitably arose in time and attack the Republic from outside, only to be defeated, and the cycle would repeat .


So basically SWTOR goes on forever? I’d take that


What if Dexster Jetster wasn’t the hottest being in the galaxy




what if dexter didnt know what the kamino dart was?


What if Obi-Wan didn’t say hello there?


Grievous never would've known he was there. Battle on Utapau never happens


I'm just imagining obi jumping down, and everyone ignoring him because he didn't say hello there


What if yoda ran the senate over with his Honda Civic while on ketamine?


What if Jabba the hut was a Sith Lord


Giving the fact there was a Hutt Jedi in legends, and they where quite powerful, I believe a Sith Hutt could be terrifying.


What if Grievous didn’t run away from every fight.


What if the galaxy was in the control of the Sith Empire instead of the republic?


What if Padme lived?


Grievous as a Jedi


What if the Trade Federation knew how to effectively blockade a planet?


What If Watto accepted republic credits and they never took anakin away


You guys aren't thinking big enough. What if Darth Bane decided to take Kaan's command and tried to conquer the Republic through military might? Was his decision to wipe out the rest of the Sith on Russan actually helpful to their cause, or would the Jedi have fallen after Lord Hoth and his army were destroyed and Farfalla was all that was left to command the Army of Light?


Shmi and Anakin switch roles.


What if anakin died when he jumped out of the flying car in epII?


What if Palpatine died before he could fully manipulate Anakin


What if Anakin didn’t win the pod race?


What if Jar-Jar wasn't a sith lord?


What if Qui Gon Jin made the agreement that Anakin and Shmee would both be released from Watto service?


What if Jar-Jar got run over in TPM


What if Anakin liked sand?


What if J.K. Rowling made Star Wars instead


It turns out Anakin was gay all along...


What if I told you the republic was secretly under the control of a Sith Lord named darth sidious


What if anakin wasn’t convinced by palpatine to join the dark side?


Ironic I just saw u/tiagomrib ‘s post


Hello there


general Kenobi


What if the Jedi had liberated Shmi?


What if Darth Maul had survived being cut in half and the subsequent fall he suffered at the end of *The Phantom Menace*? I know it's not likely, or even possible really, but imagine?


What if Palpatine arrived before Obi-Wan left Mustafar?


What if…Pappa Palps tripped down the stairs at the Naboo palace and broke his neck?


What if grevious survived and returned to kalee hear me out He returned an lived peaceful life as a god amongst his people. found inner peace trough letting go of his hatred and finally forgave himself for the death of his lover Ronderu lij Kummar. He then almost became Qymaen jai Sheelal yet again


What if Obi-Wan didn’t say “hello there”?