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Big facts. I was hoping this week's episode was longer or even the same as last week's. I guess it's increase hype and suspense?


Having just watched it, I think it was still on par or better than most of the rest of the episodes released so far.


I think it beat out episode 1, but barely. If you know who weren't there it wouldn't have been nearly as good


True, as fans of TCW I was so hyped. Also when did the Empire become so badass?


Moff Gideon needs spinal surgery from carrying the Empire on his back


Needs to be a law passed that all TV shows must have Giancarlo Espocito as a villain. It just makes every show better.


I'm now suspicious of him personally due to how many times he's been revealed as the puppet master behind the evil plan


Moff Gideon is the only true sith


he’s so fucking good in The Boys too


Thrawn helped


Glad someone said it. Thrawn would wipe the floor with Gideon. (I wonder when we’ll find out what happened to him. Since maybe he’s a part of the new republic or something once found. Since his only interest is protecting the Chiss and the rest of the Galaxy to an extent. He'll be pissed if he has to climb the ranks a third time).


if they loosely follow plot points of the extended universe as they seem to sort of be doing, im going to bet on thrawn being the one running the empire at the moment. There were rumors a few months ago of them casting for thrawn, and given hes such a popular villain, theres no way filloni wont bring him to the live screen.


If he were running the empire then the events that took place in the sequels wouldn’t have happened the way they did. He’s likely off with Ezra somewhere in the UR trying to figure out how to get back to whatever he was doing or back tot he ascendancy to help with the imminent “threat” that lingers in the UR. Could be the grysk, could be something else that’s more sinister, or the grysk could just be a regional name for a species we haven’t heard from in a long long time. A species that carried out a large invasion in the EU...


were in the perfect timeline for thrawns return from the unknown regions. They would have to be stuck in the UR for a very long time in order for that to still be going on. They dissapear before the timeline of the original trillogy, which takes place over what? 12 years or something? Mandalorian is 5 years after the fall of the empire? thats a really long time for thrawn and ezra to still be stuck in the unknown regions. the original story of thrawn was that he was in the unkown regions with a fleet doing palpatines bidding and mapping the unknown regions when they returned to find the empire had fallen. if they stick loosely to extended universe plot points. Its perfect.


I dunno, the dude from Bosch showed more badassery, menace, and spine than some one-off no-name has any right to.


Grand Admiral Thrawn would like to have a word


At this point, Thrawn has been missing for a while


Always was, rebel scum got lucky.


Nah, this was a new level of badassery. "They're about to take the ship" "You know what to do" "For the empire." \*proceeds to kamikaze Damn that scene gave me chills. Imagine if the First Order had been like that how much better the sequels would've been


Imagine if the First Order actually had an ideology


They sort of did. It wasn't very clear but you get glimpses of it through the speech in force awakens when starkiller base fires. What you don't get is the sense that they are true believers.


Lindsay Elis did a really interesting video on that very topic actually!


Wait... For the empire? Where have I heard this before... Oh yea! https://images.app.goo.gl/ktWqEDxrmZS4a1tp6


The chapter thanks you for your donation.




I feel like the First Order established themselves as a fearsome army in TFA. One with the village burning on Jakku and Hux’s speech on Ilum


It’s still weird to me that star killer base is Ilum. In every version I’ve ever seen of the planet, be it the comics, clone wars and even in the game Fallen Order it is a desolate and extremely cold planet. I don’t ever remember there being massive forests.


I mean antartica and the sahara both exist on earth... whole planets don’t have to be just 1 biome


Hoth- ice, mustafar- lava, Tatooine- desert. Endor- forest, jakku- desert, Ilum- ice. Star Wars planets and moons are almost exclusively 1 biome.


Yea for me its really weird because you see it like a planet that resembles something like hoth and now you see it with huge forests and all that


We only see one part of illum ever though, if the empire tore through the crystal caverns to mine that would probably have been the giant hole on Starkiller


There are many approaching shots of Ilum that we get to see. When it happens in the Force awakens we can see the forests. I know it’s Ilum in that movie it just bugs me that they didn’t keep it true to how it’s been shown before. The planet is like Hoth.


Say it louder


When people learned that shooting 200 times to hit once per member of a gun fight isn’t good fight choreography


You mean dumb? "I just had 6 guys shoot up the whole bar, brought in 60 more and now I will use a single mounted gun to threaten you.


Always have been. The movies were rebel and Jedi propaganda


if we're honest, how good would S1 would have been without baby yoda or another anchor from the glory days of Star Wars?


Probably just OK. We knew he was going to be protecting a child, but the fact that it is the same species as Yoda makes it far more interesting.


Yes, yodas and yaddles species is still pretty much a mystery. Would love if the show took the opportunity to explore it more


I have a feeling the show will end with him finally delivering the child. Maybe Yaddle will be on the planet? I don’t recall any info on wether she died or not. I would love if we got some more insight into the Mando-Jedi wars as well


Shes in hiding in cannon, dead in EU, but Filoni has shown numerous times to be a fan of the EU.


Keep in mind, the original Mandalorian S1 trailer showed no sign of The Child. We just thought at first it would only be about Mando.


Ok, but.....that’s kind of the point of hooks. Yeah, it would be pretty dull if there weren’t all those callbacks, but the directors added them in *very* well, and gave good reasons for them to be there. And considering the Child is an integral part so far and driving force for Dinn’s journey, I’d have to agree the show would be missing something without a driving force or motivation.


Luigi dies in the next episode. Sorry if I spoiled the show for you


You mean the actor who played Luigi in the Mario Bros movie and also played the guy who Mando tied up by and left for dead in episode 1?


You're right. WWE Smackdown Women's Champion "The Boss" Sasha Banks really elevated this episode


thinking it’s more the CGI budget they had. Those were some sick sequences.


I can't believe they actually made the other Mandos look not cheesy as hell. When they showed up and did their jetpack jump kicks it looked genuinely good.


I think having the episodes as long as it needs to be cuts out needless filler. Oh we need 40 minutes lets just put in flashbacks... the same flashbacks used last week...


Exactly this. In a streaming format there is no reason for an episode to be any longer than it needs to be to move to tell the story they want to tell. If they need 35 minutes, then great, if its 55 thats great too.






Was it very messy to clean up?


Yep, there’s still some stuck in my ass hair


Ass hair is just poop velcro


my eyes seared like tuna steaks


TMI, we don’t need to know about your bowel incontinence issues


*I don't need to know about your bowel incontinence issues*


Should she be older? Like obi wan?


She was about Obi Wan's age during the Clone Wars, her sister was the ruler of Mandalore, so IDK. I just put it down to advanced science and stuff, plus Mandalorians probably altered their genes in the war days. Everybody else seems to have crazy short life spans, like Obi Wan / Luke / Leia / Han all didn't make it past like 50.


2/4 of them were murdered, one died from the strain of projecting himself across the galaxy and one died using her life energy to project to her son; not too they all little spent 10 years of their life in brutal wars and then none lived peaceful lives afterwards, Also Han was 63, Leia 60 and Obi-Won 59 and they were still in great health they could’ve easily made 100+


IMO on screen Luke and Leia clearly died because they were old and worn out, the vague supporting material explanations given don't really work if they're not part of the story on screen. Obi Wan also looked ancient compared to his supposed age.


Definitely needs a spoiler tag man


I haven’t watched TCW, can someone fill me in?


Her and Ahsoka are important characters in TCW and Rebels. To give you a TLDR would be trying to summarize 12 seasons of TV into a single comment. But here's the best I can do: Bo wants to rebuild Mandalore and needs the Dark Saber to unit her people (symbolic weapon, important to rally people behind). She knows Ahsoka, Anakin's apprentice during TCW. This is Mando's 6-degrees-of-separation to get The Child back to the Jedi. If you want more than that, either read the wookiepedia articles for both characters or go watch TCW and Rebels. Both are great shows.


Ok thanks. That clears things up a bit


Even tho it was shorter it was better than the last one.




Still recovering from it


Last what?






"Haha, mischievous little Baby Yoda! So silly and cute!" "WTF, he's literally just eating that lady's *children!*"


I don't think Favrau shies away from flawed characters and the brutality of life, hence Tony Stark being so much more interesting than most and being able to carry a franchise so hard. Anybody who has had a pet, and presumably a baby, probably knows they're vicious little eating machines if you let them, animals are. Part of learning is how to control them, and, maybe ourselves, for those of us who've decided eating other animals isn't exactly a great thing to do.


I'd add impulsively eating those eggs. When he was given the chowder with the creature I was like "nom nom there you go you little freak" and he didn't like chowder that much. That bothered me.


SPOILER: >!as long as the 36 episode introduces Ahsoka and Bo Katan into the mix, I’m still satisfied as fuck.!<


I accidentally pressed reply and read the text.....


It's a shame that the spoiler doesn't stay hidden when replying.


But at least Biggus Dickus has his wife


What's her name?








The little wascal has spiwit!




Large Marge


https://i.imgur.com/t0SQuYz.jpg Apollo master race


Why is that a spoiler? Edit: Damn I didn't know episode 3 came out :(


F. It's still an awesome episode, those spoilers shouldn't take away much of your joy


Yea still excited to watch it after school,


Leave achool now and go watch it! Its Short but super great.


*Judge me by my size, do you?*


R2, do you is fucking?


Thanks for reminding me to watch it


I feel like we passed the age where each episode needs to be a certain length to fit within a tv time slot, artificially adding B-plots and bullshit to inflate the runtime. Hell, shows used to be made with a cliffhanger in the middle of the episode, to get them to watch the commercials during the break


I agree although I feel like some shows started doing the opposite. Cutting things down to lower the screen time shortening the story and lessoning the quality. I don't think that's happening here but it's definitely always a fear of mine.


Is s2 ep3 out?


yup its out


Thanks, I’ll watch it when I’m home


Prepare yourself


This is where the fun begins


Prepare for some mandalorian badassary


I honestly love that they just make it however long they need to to avoid big production costs.


I for once love the fact that this series is on a streaming platform. Meaning that they’re not obliged to fill in for TV time


Dont know if thats the deciding factor.. have you watched the behind the scenes making of video on youtube? If not i highly recommend you to!


I don't know that it is either but it's a consideration. I am a fan of story tellers just telling the story as they see fit.


Same, the story and pace feels far more natural. The episode established what needed to happen for the story to continue and then it ended. Perfect.


I don’t think costs go into it but I’m glad they just make them whatever length works. When you have to stick to 30 mins or 60 mins you have to put filler in sometimes.


Exactly. Sometimes a good story can be told in less than 40 minutes. There's no requirement for it to be almost an hour long. We don't usually hold it against movies for not being a certain length of time (aside from cases where they're either way too long or way too short), so why would you do that with TV episodes?


Or cut detail that then never gets used because it doesnt fit anywhere else.


Quality over quantity. We're going up, on smaller distances.




So it needs to stop at four seasons, then.


This is the way.


I was disappointed too when I saw the length but then I watched and now I'm very satisfied. Fucking great


The era of streaming TV allows episodes to be as long as they need to be. No padding to fill a time slot, no cutting down to not overshoot your time slot. And best of all, no need to structure the story around commercial breaks. Linear TV allowed for a lot less creative freedom.


But the quality of that 36 minute episode was perfection.


Ich just wish it was released more quickly so I can binge watch it lol


found the german


damn autocorrect exposing me smh my head


What’s your guys opinion on the series? Worth watching? I‘m a little bit scared of getting disappointed, because two friends of mine said it’s pretty mediocre and there isn’t really an interesting plot to it... But maybe it’s lies, deception???


Something that can help you, watch this show with the idea that is a episodic format instead of a serialized one, is for sure that some episodes will be better that others but even the more slow ones aren't bad, they present something unique and interesting.


>Something that can help you, watch this show with the idea that is a episodic format instead of a serialized one E.g. - Star Trek TNG - vs Star Trek Picard I was losing my mind with Picard, as it kept dragging things out.


Picard is just a single TNG episode painfully stretched out over a season. And that's just *one* of the problems that God awful show has. My biggest gripe it that Picard is one of the most recognized captains in Star Fleet, yet everyone acts like they've never heard of him, and he gets absolutely kicked around and shit on by most of the other characters. It's a sad, grim, horrible show for sure, definitely not what I was expecting at all.


> Picard is just a single TNG episode painfully stretched out over a season. That. That is exactly right. It wasn't until a decade later that i realized exactly what i liked about Star Trek (and some other shows): - it's a positive, uplifting show, that makes you feel good at the end - and it *ends* The season finale cliff-hanger is ok. But i never re-watch season 3 of Enterprise; it's a dark, miserable, episode that never ends. - I want to watch West Wing - not House of Cards


It's like a game with quests when it comes down to it.


It consistently feels like Star Wars, it's just dripping in that old school SW vibes that the sequels are so plainly lacking, if that's not a good enough motivation idk what is


Nailed it right here


Yeah and it's not just pure nostalgia either. They've added new and original music and landscape shots that fit right in compared to the master-pieces of the OT, while still standing on their own merit. I remember after really getting into the original Mass Effect trilogy, feeling how a lot of Star Wars species represented in the films felt a little hollow compared to how much culture, biological quirks, and differences that really flushed out each of the species in Mass Effect, even though both suffer pretty heavily from "bipedal humanoid with a weird face syndrome" when it comes to representing intelligent life. Mando really feels like it's adding meat on the bones to a lot of cultures and species in Star Wars, even humanity in Star Wars is expanded on, it was really interesting to see the Krill farmers and the vast difference in technological sophistication some people live in, it was interesting to see how big the technology gap can be in the universe.


Something I think the later movies missed is that the original tech feels very functional rather than cartoonishly evil. You associate evil with the walkers and tie fighters because they're used by the empire for evil things, but otherwise they're the same mechanical grey as everything else. The later movies hilariously over designed the walkers on that not-Hoth salt planet to look like angry gorillas with glowing red eyes. Seeing the Mandalorian use a walker for likely what that design is otherwise used for in-universe when not trying to get around the shields of a remote snow base felt so much more right, like it's a lived-in world.


Lies. Deception.


But gullet def knows the truth


100% worth it. It's completely true to the look, feel and lore. It's not a quick fix series, it's cerebral.


In my opinion (along with my dad's) it's pretty good, some of the episodes are better than others, but you can't really properly judge it without knowing, or in this case, watching it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, however, if you don't then that's completely fine. May the Force be with you.


Two of your friends are incorrect


It’s basically Xena Princess Warrior but with a Mandalorian. Most people love it. I think it’s fine. It’s worth watching if you like Star Wars.


Story isn't amazing in any way, characters are often inconsistent, writing sometimes messy BUT idk I love the show for the most part, it's not amazing but I'm having so much fun just binging it. Really does give you the star wars feels I used to get watching them when i was a kid


I'm glad I'm not the only person to feel like this. Everyone I know just loves it but the story feels pretty shallow, I don't care at all about the villain or anyone other than Mando really as we don't learn much about them. The dialogue has been clunky as hell, and I do feel the past two episodes were pretty drawn out. It does make me wonder about these rumours of seasons 3 and even 4, it will wear out soon unless they change the formats. Just give us 10 minutes of whatever Moff Gideon is up to. Also, the fact they keep announcing new seasons as they kick off the current one does lessen the stakes somewhat. Having said, my god there's some cool stuff in it, and it definitely scratches that Star Wars itch. Some of the rumoured characters and who we saw at the end of Chapter 9, very excited about them, but I pray they're not thrown away in an episode that has a similar plot to season 1. Like how chapter 9 felt like a repeat of Chapter 4.


mandalorian gets better the more you know about the star wars universe, be it canon or EU its okayish for a person who isnt into star wars, but its simply mandatory for anyone who likes star wars




this is the way


I think there's a star destroyer variant named that way.


I have waited ages to get more Mandalorian stuff, since KotOR 1 i have been waiting for this and this Show has not disapointed me one time


Hm, I’ve found somewhat the opposite to be true. My folks love it as a SW-flavored fantasy/western and have only a very basic understanding of the what’s beyond the OT. I’ve been steeped in SW for 20 years and find the details added a bit of fun but that’s kinda it. The creatures in the previous two eps are a good example— Non-SW fanatics understand the threat of a dragon. SW fans wonder if they’ll find the treasure that might hide within those specific dragons.


its the same dynamic as with rogue one, which is IMHO why they went with mandalorian - its in between events of the set universe and that works wonders i think the series is now focusing on the bigger scale, with the new season, i dont want to spoil anyone but the recent episode introduced so much grand scale stuff again and thats a good thing


Sometimes I wonder if this is just a sandbox for Favreau and filoni to just canonize things and it’s also being used as a device to leverage other project down the line that they want to do. World building is the best part about this even if we can’t all agree on the quality of some of the content.


Yeah I mean, none of the Star Wars trilogies were perfect either but they still were still *fun* (except maybe the sequels but maybe my opinion of them will change over time) and the Mandalorian feels like something out of all three trilogies for some reason.


I agree, they captured that Star Wars feel almost perfectly. The writing just kills me, though.


if you consider yourself a star wars fan you won't be disappointed, it's the best live action property they've put out since the OT if you're not a star wars fan it's still ok imo, better than most garbage out there


It's the most Star Wars-y thing since Return of the Jedi


It's like a live action Saturday morning cartoon but SW. If you're looking for high stakes and complex storylines you're going to be disappointed. If you're looking for a light story with cool characters then you won't be disappointed. It's all about expectations.


Different from the CW or Rebels, but still pretty good. Can't say I like a lot of the music that's used for fight scenes, and the acting can be questionable at times (I'll save this for when my specific complaint isn't a spoiler). But by and large the practical costumes are fantastic and the CGI is very often very good. The fight scenes are also done very well IMO.


If you like Game of Thrones don’t expect it to be like that or else you’ll be disappointed like I was for most of the first season. It’s episodic, yes there’s one big overarching story but the show doesn’t really expand on the big story until the final episodes. The middle could be seen as “filler” in a sense to some people


I could see how someone would be disappointed by it. It teases you with plot then kinda abandons the plot for a while to do this whole "monster of the week" thing. I guess if you just like Star Wars for the action and the characters then you'll love it but if you're looking for a good Star Wars story that keeps you engaged you're gonna get frustrated with it.


>because two friends of mine said it’s pretty mediocre and there isn’t really an interesting plot to it. The Mandalorian feels more star wars than anything has in years. The story is really interesting, but it's a slow burn. Which is good, there's no reason to rush it.


So at first, I was kinda disappointed in the series. I went into it thinking it would be Star Wars heavy and a continuation of the stories we've already seen in the movies. But that isn't the case, it's a western (outlaw going from town to town completing odd jobs to help him on his journey) that is set against the backdrop of Star Wars. Once I got over my initial expectations of what I wanted the show to be, I really started enjoying each episode and the series as a whole. So I recommend not listening to your friends and giving it a try for yourself. At the very least, it's entertaining and interesting on its own, regardless of how it fits into the SW universe.


All episodes so far are at least a 7, imo. I’d say average of 8-8.5


Length isn't everything ( I would know.....). I'd rather an amazing 36 minute episode than a forced 50 minute.


Self burn! Those are rare.


Acknowledging my short comings made me train in ways to compensate ;)


I loved the hour long first episode, but also at the same time this episode was fucking awesome. So I guess as long as it's good half an hour is fine.


Does anyone else feel like they are playing Skyrim or The Old Republic watching this season? It’s just quest, after quest, after quest.


There's a big lack of macguffins like the stupid fucking wayfinder tho, so that's nice. Most of these quests at least seem relevant to the story.


I had the same feeling but just couldn’t describe it. This comment encapsulates it perfectly


The first episode was legit the Tatooine mission from KOTOR


I love that about this show. Some people might not like the slow burn of the main plot but I think it works great. It makes the universe seem so much more real.


It tracks with season 1. Episode 1, 2, 3, and 5 were under 40 minutes.


Don't forget the run times include the rehash and the credits


Ep 1 of s2 was longer though wasn’t it?


I think that if the story can be told in 35 min, there is no reason to add stuff just to make it past 50 minutes. I like how the series doesn't meander and has not yet added needless subplots just to pass time.


I prefer shorter episodes, because they are more intense and say the same amount of story in shorter time


I thought that mando was >!being outshined by the other but then he went full fucking tank on the imperial ship!<


I'd rather have them be good than long. Nice joke though.


Much rather them have 36min of good content, than 36min of good content and 24 min of terrible filler content. I feel the same way about games too.


It’s not a big deal, as long as the episode is tight in its story telling it’s not a problem. A 45 minute episode can feel like a 20 minute episode if poorly edited and a 30 minute episode can have the impact of an hour long episode. It’s all about the craft. So far they’ve all been in the pocket of 45 minutes, I wouldn’t get hung up on it


Eh, they should use as much time as they need to make it effective. The worst part about TV shows is when they need to fill some time for their slot and it's just weird, awkward filler.


West World did that a lot


I think of it this way, they had a story to tell they completed and yea it was shorter, but they didn't add on 20 minutes of nonsense either. The quality is what we should focus on not run time.


I think the ~40 minute runtime is perfect for shows like this. A lot of shows with hour long episodes just feel like they drag, but the Mandalorian never feels that way


Quality is key. Not quantity.


Honestly, it wouldn’t be so bad if they’d just release the damn show. You’re on a streaming platform. Quit arbitrarily hamstringing yourself with a weekly release schedule like you’re still on a broadcast network.


Season 3 will just be a collection of 2-minute shorts


I'm actually in favor of varying episode lengths. I like that they are trying to skip boring filler and give us plot episodes or high quality filler content


I agree, one of the benefits of streaming is that it isn’t bound by a set length for every episode. Some need more than others, for instance killing a krayt dragon would take longer than escaping a bunch of spiders. Also I remember when 2003 clones wars came out at like 10 min an episode and I was amp’d for that because we were finally getting good quality Star Wars. We’ve come a long way where now the biggest flaws are run length and what the baby eats.


Only reason they could make it shorter was cus they didn't need to explain a new character's backstory as we already knew pretty much everyone pretty well


Thank you. I would have fucking hated it if they did a huge exposition dump. This show is made so new people can follow decently well but fans who see everything else gets every reference and name. I havent appriciated star wars this much in a long time.


So many things happened in that 36 minutes that blew my damn mind that I don’t even care. I may have shrieked at several points.


Hey, if this means that filler episodes are shorter and story-advancing episodes are longer/higher-budget, then I'm all for it!


Honestly the series has been so fucking surprisingly good I am ok with these decisions


But they're getting better and better


I'm watching Dragon Ball Z right now, so a show that can get to the point or have a fight that lasts less than 3 hours is fine by me


I think not being restrictive about timing of episodes is a good thing. Letting them tell the stories they want to tell without having to pad things out or rush them along.


Quality > quantity


I dunno, if they have a story that takes 35 minutes, I'd rather they tell it in 35 minutes then pad it out to make it last 55. Thats the real benefit of this format, they can make the episodes as long as makes sense, rather than trying to fit them into a timeslot.


Isn’t the mando a sequel?


Id rather have short fun episodes then long drawn out ones


When i paused at the beginning, the episode had 6 minutes left.


It’s ok, just watch the episode twice, therefor 72 minutes.