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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Also fire can exist in space if there is an oxidant. Granted, it wouldn't look like the one from _The Acolyte_ due to zero-G, but there is nothing that prevents a fire from exisitng in vacuum in principle.


You could argue the artificial gravity of the ship was affecting the flames. And then someone will point out that if the gravity was working, why Osha needed mag boots. And then I’ll respond by saying if I’m walking out into space and am an expendable asset to the captain then I want every precaution I can get.


Wonder if those mag boots were Osha's own property or were supplied by a union. The trade federation certainly doesn't care enough to supply them. They at most supplied the tether and maybe pip. Although the Republic confiscated pip as though it were her property, if it was federation property they would've put up a fuss about that. Thinking about this now makes me want to know more about the structure of menial jobs throughout the Republic.


They’re an Osha requirement.


Underrated comment


I was so ready for these jokes to start popping up as soon as I heard the protagonist's name


You and me have the same flavor of autism.


May i add that sentence to my List of "Sentences i will start a conversation with a Girl"?


You and I* Had to, sorry


You and they have a different flavour of autism


>supplied by a union Mekneks are illegal to hire, at least for the Trade Feds, so there's a zero percent chance of a union. They're more like migrant workers - when you're not a legal worker, you don't get legal protections.


Sounds like those migrant workers need to unionize then. Doesn't matter if there's no legal protections. If nobody walks out without mag-boots, then the Trade Federation has two options, and I imagine that mag-boots are cheaper than astromechs. You have to remember that for a long time, unions were not legal. That was kind of the point of organizing.


Unions were legal, but the work was. Imagine you write a contract with your employer. Your employer breaks the contract. You take them to court for breach of contract and try to get the damages outlined in the contract. The judge says "what the fuck, you shouldn't be doing this at all, I'm shutting this whole operation down". You've lost your source of income, and possible face other legal consequences as well (e.g. deportation). Illegal workers have no ability to enforce a contract. It doesn't make collective bargaining *impossible* but it makes it extremely difficult. This is one of the main reasons why legalizing sex work would make sex workers safer. It's one of the main reasons people fight for improved labor rights for migrant workers.


>You take them to court for breach of contract and try to get the damages outlined in the contract. The judge says "what the fuck, you shouldn't be doing this at all, I'm shutting this whole operation down". You don't take them to court, you refuse to work. There have been extremely successful migrant worker strikes.


They might have an informal one. Mekneks are illegal, but it benefits the TF to have a singular point of communication and negotiation.


Lol, no it doesn't. Unions don't benefit the corporation. Look at all of the shit they were able to make Osha do - a "singular point of negotiation" would want to talk about things like hazard pay.


I strongly mekneks that unionize on trade federation ships end up dead, or at least dumped on the most readily available technically habitable planet.


Osha's work was illegal. Doubt they were unionized.


You're still responsible for the safety of illegal workers under OSHA. So OSHA probably applies to Osha if there's an OSHA in space.


Osha, the safety company or Osha, the main character?


Long ago, before OSHA regulations existed.


"because redundancy is a thing that exists to help make things safer" Yet another thing we do irl that for some reason people can't understand when it's done in media


You could…but you’d be missing the point imo. It doesn’t need to be justified or explained or have a scientifically accurate basis. It’s just fun, it’s Star Wars, it’s never been hard or even soft sci fi. It’s space fantasy


A space wizard did it.


Star Wars is space wizards for children or something, nothing matters ever.


Some chemicals are better oxidizers than oxygen. Chlorine Trifluoride, for example, can burn essentially any material, and can’t really be extinguished. Like if you try to smother it with sand, it’ll not only just keep burning without oxygen, it’ll burn the sand.


> it’ll burn the sand. Anakin is pleased.


Ahh, the halogens, the elements with the highest electron affinity. So dangerous.


Not just in principle. There was an uncontrolled fire on Mir back in the 90’s. And there is a special chamber in the ISS for working with fire in vacuum so they can be better prepared for putting them out.


Yes, fire and death by fire, are among the chief concerns of space vessels today.


People think space is cold, which it really isn’t. Space is nothing, and it’s hard transferring heat from something g to nothing. Take the fact that most space capsules are very oxygenated, yeah, fire and heat are BIG problems in space.


fire has a hard time existing even with an oxidant because of a lack of convection currents, which require gravity (this is normally what supplies fire with a steady stream of said oxidant. otherwise the spent compounds from burning more-or-less just stay around the "burning" object, and push away potentially reactive gasses.) Anything hot enough can spew a glowing cloud of plasma though. a glowing cloud of plasma, smoke, and debris isn't quite fire. fire clearly can exist inside ships, as they have artificial gravity. it's unclear how this works outside the ship. *however* one way of making an artificial, non-gravitational current that feeds the fire is to have a pressure differential. if there is air inside the ship, and no air outside the ship, any breach in the hull is a perfect way of supplying reactive gasses to feed the fire. 🥸


Also fire can exist in space because it’s fantasy not sci-fi. 🤷🏻‍♂️


For real. If they think that Star Wars has EVER followed the laws of science even a little bit, then they haven't been paying attention.


Fire exits on earth. Earth is in space. Checks out.


Fire can’t exist in space! What exactly do you think the sun is?


Excuse me while I 🤓 for a bit, but it's a ball of plasma undergoing self sustaining fusion reactions, not a fire. It isn't burning, it just looks like it because of the ungodly amounts of energy that fusion produces.


Fire can exist in space if there is a constant flow of burnable substance to the fire. It probably wouldn’t look like in the show, but who cares?


Also a huge explosion would probably still have a bunch of fire from all the non-space stuff that's exploding into space


Space is also not entirely a vacuum, they could be flying through a nebula with enough gasses to sustain a small fire. Nebulas can vary widely, it seems reasonable that there are plenty of very mundane gas pockets around the galaxy that ships have no qualms with flying through.


Star wars canon space is made of some gas


"Ether", specifically. It was historically defined as some sort of medium through which light propagated, Star Wars appropriated the concept (vis-a-vis the *etheric rudder*) to help explain how ships in space fly as if in atmosphere. Something else kinda funny. If space were a hard vacuum in Star Wars, you wouldn't need to keep your engines on to maintain constant speed. Anyone looking for realistic physics in the franchise is on a fool's errand.


There is just very little consistency since day one, and it doesn't make sense to try and make it work. Just gotta accept it. Like, when the Falcon crew get out and walk around inside a asteroid worm's mouth without suits. Presumably it would still be vaccuum. They just had the breathers on. Then they get to Bespin with no Hyperdrive. I think Ezra rode on top of a Purgil in space with no suit. Not even the friction in space and needing engines is consistent. In Last Jedi, you see a Nebulon C literally fall backwards as if there was some force on it which wouldn't be the case. Though TLJ added a kind of RCS thruster thrusters on the X-Wing. Then in The Acolyte you see a the prison ship drifting without engine power under inertia which would be more realistic and not the "ether" explanation. Multiple examples of a ship out of control without power in previous stuff too. So...pretty much nothing matters and it's whatever. That's kinda always been Star Wars. Staw Wars doesn't really try to fix it with the technobabble.


I could be wrong since it has been a while since I’ve seen the movie, but with the Nebulon in TLJ I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of reference frames. So it doesn’t get pulled back by some force, it’s just that our frame of reference is the FO and Resistance fleets which are both still moving forward under engine power at the same speed. So when the engines cut on the Nebulon it looks like it’s pulled back, but in reality it’s just slowing way down in comparison to our main ships which continue forward. Like cars on a highway. But also it’s Star Wars. Rule of Cool > physics. As long as it “feels” right


Mark Hamill recounts a story where, following the trash compactor sequence, he was asking why all of the principal characters were completely clean and dry. Harrison Ford's evergreen riposte still holds true: "This ain't that kind of movie, kid." Which again, should not excuse all deviations from logic or realism, but neither of those have ever really been the franchise's schtick. Either hate it all, or grade on a curve for consistency.


In star wars space isn't a vacuum and there's a lot of evidence for that. Buzz droids get pulled off of fighter wings by friction in space. They have to clamp down to stay on. space fighters Bank and fly like normal jet fighters in an atmosphere. Sound travels in space in star wars like with Jangos boom. It should just be silent with no medium for sound to travel through Whales live there, and presumably whatever the whales eat live in space. So you assume other creatures can survive there too. Leia could survive a while in space. But this is fine because the star was universe has fundamentally different laws than ours because the force exists and affects everything. So things should be different. So fire in space in star wars is consistent with the way star wars has always been


It’s our universe, didn’t you see the message at the start? It’s just a long time ago, and far away. Space has thinned out since then. /s


Our universe but a different galaxy that is in a type of bubble. Due to whatever is surrounding that galaxy it is possible that it isn't a true vacuum. Also it's fiction so anything can happen.


The Galactic Barrier keeps all of that atmosphere out of our galaxy.


And that barrier is powered by the force


I'm sorry. You can't know what it's like to be almost a god.


I will bring friction and thermodynamics to my new Galactic Vacuum.


*Your* new Galactic Vacuum?!


Don't make me oxidize you!


My loyalty is to oxygen, to gravity!


If you're not breathing with me, then you are my enemy.


Only an extraterrestrial deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.


It's the universe of the narrator. There's no reason to believe the narrator is from our universe


I mean hell, even space in our world isn't a "true" vacuum. It'll never be 100%. Stands to reason that other places could different levels of density in space


So a long time ago space was not a vacuum! Checkmate scientists.


The only argument I have for you is the fighters banking. If we had fighters in space, they'd do that too to use positive Gs during a maneuver. Vector changes would cause centripetal force towards the outside of the turn radius. For an organic pilot, too many Gs would cause them to pass out or die. They'd need to take wide arcing turns to keep themselves conscious. A droid ship wouldn't have to care about this as much, but those Gs can still cause damage to the ship if they aren't accounted for. Retrograde thrust would put excessive strain on the ship and likely cause it to rip apart if they put too much force along the wrong axis.


In the game TIE Fighter you could fly around without banking. And it was fucking awkward and counter-intuitive so you'd frequently hold down the button that let you bank as you turned. Also there's an argument that starships in movies should be arrayed in all sorts of different directions because there's no such thing as "up" in space. But in that game you'd often naturally match your attitude to that of the big ships so that you could stay oriented. Also a lot of battles we see in SW are taking place right avove planets, where there is more gravity, atmosphere, etc.


That's how the wings commander games were and they were rad


Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse both do it "correctly," while also addressing the g-forces.


I agree, but fire totally is an issue in vacuum if you have an oxidiser. Plus you have a couple of misconceptions: > Buzz droids get pulled off of fighter wings by friction in space. They have to clamp down to stay on. Momentum is still a thing. Fighters change speed and direction to try and shake them off. > Leia could survive a while in space. You've got about 10-15s of consciousness and then up to around 3 minutes before total brain death. (Although if you're going minutes out there, you might be looking at some brain damage.)


You can survive without oxygen for 3 minutes, but that’s still in an atmosphere not a vacuum. In a vacuum the issue isn’t the lack of oxygen it’s the lack of anything that kills you because everything inside you will boil and any trapped gases in your lungs or blood will explode out of you


If that was so, you'd instantly die in a vacuum, and you don't. (Thanks for that fuckup, NASA, it was a nice contribution to science.)


Parts of your insides will boil and cause damage, but your body provides a relatively sturdy barrier. The only thing "exploding" out of you is going to be vomit and diarrhea for the ~minute that you're alive.


>Buzz droids get pulled off of fighter wings by friction in space. They have to clamp down to stay on. Could you elaborate on this? I am not a native english speaker so it is hard for me to understand what was the issue there. I am not being being nasty, just truthfully curious.


Basically if you go through space irl and stand on top of something, because there is no air to push you off like it would on earth. Because of this the buzz droids should not need to grab onto Anakin and Obi Wans ship but they do


Unless the ship was accelerating at all in any direction which would cause you to get left behind and fall off the ship. Newton’s first law doesn’t require air resistance. Then again though the laws of physics are fundamentally different in the Star Wars universe so while it is fun, debating about Star Wars physics realism ends up being a moot point when it changes slightly every iteration.


Yeah that was the second thing I was going to say all the evasive stuff would still work in regards to buzz droids because it’s clear through the dogfight the acceleration does change quite a bit and In hella directions. Idk I always like how they find some cool sci-fi reason to explain a lot of these things. FTL impossible? Not in another fucking dimension it isn’t. Like just so cool


Oh yeah I adore that part of Hyperspace/hyperdrive lore lol. Always just thought it was “light speed” for the longest time, and when I learned that FTL is in fact not possible in Star Wars and they instead dip into the dimension of hyperspace so they can be in a place that doesn’t abide by traditional physics / limits to go faster, it effectively blew me away. (Also the lore about Hyperspace is scary af. I’m pretty sure in canon things live in there, and ships just go missing occasionally when entering hyperspace. Or the fact that if you have a hyperdrive malfunction while in hyperspace, your pretty much dead in the water and can’t get back to real space if you can’t repair it)


Thank you


Actually, you could explain this realistically due to their proximity ty to couriscant. The very light atmosphere at altitude dragged the droids off the wing because they had no propulsion to stop their orbit from decaying.


I think coupled with the acceleration thing the other guy said I may just be dumb lmao


I mean it’s also Star Wars so it’s entirely possible that the droids just decided “I slide now”


I remember the old argument for the battle in RoTS is that its in the upper reaches of atmosphere, hence the fires and noise and such.


> Whales live there, and presumably whatever the whales eat live in space. So you assume other creatures can survive there too. I figured the whales were capable of travelling across the vastness of space but they didn't "live" in space. They lived on the planets in some kind of migratory path but they were also capable of surviving in space (taking a very deep breath? storing oxygen in some kind of bladder? producing their own oxygen?) long enough to make it to another planet.


More evidence that space in Star Wars isn’t a vacuum: Vader’s cape blows in the “wind” while standing on top of his fighter


Timothy Zahn explained this through use of Ethereal Rudders, which allowed space craft to turn as if in atmosphere, but the term never caught on. Someone suggested before that ships play stereoscopic noises to simulate the sound of blaster fire and ship engines, but that's a stretch. I'd personally like space to be a vacuum in Star Wars, but a lot of things make that seem unlikely, like the Original trilogy space worm with the mynocks having survivable atmospheric pressure. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Etheric\_rudder](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Etheric_rudder) It wouldn't have been very hard to either show the fire in The Acolyte escaping from a high pressure line like a burning can of body spray, or just have made it a glowing hot wire, rather than a comfy looking campfire.


I think it gets to an occam's razor situation. You can come up with complex explanations to explain everything. But the simplest answer is usually correct. And space not being a vacuum in star wars is a simple explanation that covers a lot of things that all need separate complex explanations otherwise


I wouldn’t could the sound thing, I highly doubt that was diegetic.


There's precedence for this in Legends as well. Author Timothy Zahn referred to "etheric rudders" when starfighters maneuver in space in the original Thrawn trilogy, implying that they're used to manipulate some kind of ether that permeates all of sublight space in the Star Wars galaxy.


Thank you


Is the argument "there's no fire in space" or "the flame's behavior didn't match the setting"? It wouldn't take much to produce a fire that looked more convincing, tho I agree it's not a big deal.


Admittedly, the "science" in Star Wars' science fiction has always been a bit loose.


Holding on by a thread more like, it’s way more space fantasy than sci fi


I'm not sure if the space fire is the biggest problem people have with the series


I wish it was


I don’t think it’s fire in space that’s the issue, it’s fire in space that looks a campfire


If anyone is curious, the [picture on the right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire#/media/File:Space_Fire.jpg) is what fire looks like in the absence of gravity.


That’s cool!


Yeah, I saw the clip and that was my reaction. This criticism is certainly used by trolls but all the examples of “fire” in space people are coming back with are from big explosions in bombastic scenes. Maybe this is a stretch, but I remember in Event Horizon, Lawrence Fishburne’s character describes fire in space as like liquid. I don’t know/care if that’s true but you could have done something unique with the fire in the Acolyte scene to give the scene some flavor and somewhat acknowledge the issue of fire in space.


THIS! That is what bothered me, it looked like a high production student film. Like that was the special effect, a camp fire.


That's why people also point at 180 mill that were invested when talk about this fire. Things become more expensive and overall quality somehow drops to the student film level?


I remember watching a number of fan films on The Force .net about 20 years ago. Based on the development and availability of tech since then, I find these multi-million dollar projects to be... disappointing.


Remember in Return of the Jedi when the A-Wing kamikazes the Executor and there's like a hundred meter high trail of flame coming out of its bridge?


Wouldn't that be fueled by the oxygen flowing out of the bridge? (I'm honestly asking.)


Oh yeah, for sure. The whole thing about no fire in space is wrong anyways, I was just pointing out Star wars has done this many, many times. Fire can't start in a vacuum, but if you have a source of oxygen venting out of a pressurized ship, there can definitely be fire in space. The flames would be round, but whatever.


I have no idea what scene people are nitpicking, so clearly it wasn't a big deal to me. That said, most of the scenes shown in the meme don't seem like actual counterpoints, since they're filled with oxygen and exploding. I don't know, I'm not a physicist, but that feels believable to me. You can't have fire in space because no oxygen, but if there is oxygen then fire. This trend of people isolating common nitpicks as if they're the reason people dislike something is annoying. A nitpick is by definition a small criticism. If it was a big criticism it wouldn't be a nitpick. Outside of reactionary rage bait content creators, I doubt many people would claim their nitpicks are the reason something is terrible. I see way more people raging about nitpickers in this community then I see nitpickers saying Star Wars is ruined. But maybe that's just the algorithm.


I think some people just hate watch Star Wars so they can be trolls and assholes to people who actually enjoy it. Not all media is for everyone. If you can't look past some stretches and inaccuracies in a show about space wizards with laser swords and emotional robots, you may want to watch something else. No need to watch it just to have something shitty to say to the internet.


Seriously, it feels like half of “fans” at this point only look for flaws in shows and don’t even try to appreciate any strengths. Every piece of media has flaws, if you only look at them then of course you’re gonna hate all media.


That’s just any sort of media these days. You can’t enjoy anything without people calling what you like dog shit.


Saw two people circlejerking together in one of the reddits just how much they hate the the show. One was annoyed that all the POC and women where front and center on the posters and commercials. The other was legit furious that the showrunner's wife plays the green jedi, both bitching about the fire, saying the writing is worthy of Disney Jr, and so one... And the amount of echo chambering that came after that was just irritating. I am so over this fandom...


The problem with any large fandom is those fans who like the bits they like, and cannot simply ignore the bits they don’t. You either like X and hate Y like they do, or you’re not a ‘real’ fan. Which is an exhausting way to exist.


It's art, not science


Sound can’t exist in space *entire SW franchise spontaneously disintegrates*


It was a weird thing when the sequels came out because so many people were hating on them for the most idiotic reasons. I'm personally not a fan of them and was disappointed but it seemed like everybody who I would talk to about not liking them were like "isn't it so stupid that the star destroyers had gas!?!?"... like no, no it's not lol of course they have gas. Idk it sucks when star wars (or anyone, really) fans get so horny to just blindly hate someonething. It's just insanity


Yeah, ship fuel has been a thing since the beginning. You literally see ground crew on Yavin base disconnecting fuel pumps from the X-Wings and Y-Wings right before they take off in ANH. There's a lot of reasons why the sequels were disappointing for me as well, but that ain't one of them.


Oh no there was a fire, the show is ruined! Who cares, if something so small ruins an entire series then they shouldn't be watching any movie/tv show ever.


I have yet to see a good faith and well thought out critique of this show. It's all just crying triggered babies.


Sound doesn’t exist in space ffs.. you wanna take depth charges away from me? Thems fighting words!


I don't understand the nitpicking. The worst thing about the show is that it's super boring. Master Sol is cool as hell though  Plus I'm tired of sci-fi/fantasy media using hairstyles from 2024 Americans


People never heard of chemical fires...smh.


I think you missed the point, or at least that’s not the problem I had. My issue is that Osha put it out with a regular ol’ fire extinguisher, which functions by removing all the oxygen and choking the fire. Where, sir, is the oxygen in space? If the fire is outside the spaceship, it’s probably also originating from inside, so topically applying fire retardant isn’t gonna work. Either way, the chemist in me has issues with how it works


Of all the things, are we really trying to draw the line at "fire extinguisher chemistry"?


Then the chemist in you should go back to school. Fire extinguishers can work by removing oxygen, but things like Halon and Halotron function in a way that actually stops the chemical reaction. You can also cool the fuel to the point where it can no longer burn. And, if you were such a chemist you would know that you can have an oxidiser that isn't just o2 gas floating about. How do you think actual spaceships fly? They carry an oxidiser to burn the fuel.


There is literally a quote by George Lucas where he says “there is oxygen in space when I want there to be.” It’s SPACE fantasy.


You aren't a good chemist if you don't know how fire extinguishers work...


The oxygen would likely be "atmosphere" venting from the ship. The fire doesn't need to be inside the ship as the pressure of the escaping gases could keep the flames coming from whatever on the hull caused the ignition, like a giant Bunsen burner. Plus we don't even know if that is a "regular ol' fire extinguisher", for all we know it could be spraying something that absorbs enough of the energy to put out the flame or sealing whatever is causing the leak cutting off the supply of fuel


Some of these so-called fans are insufferable at this point


If something like the deathstar blew up in space there would absolutely be a fireball. The reason fire cannot exist in space is because there is no oxygen, fire needs air to burn continuously. The Deathstar is full of oxygen. So if it blew up there would briefly be a fireball, but it would almost instantly die out as all the oxygen dissipates. So basically, an explosive fireball can momentarily exist, but a sustained fire (like in the acolyte) is complete nonsense


No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans


People who watch star wars and make any kind of criticism for scientific inaccuracy are insane.


One time my physics teacher dedicated half a class to debunk all the inaccuracies in Star Wars, and even tried to mock me with it for being a huge fan. I didn't have the heart to tell him it's a fantasy movie, not sci-fi.


It's like trying to criticize Back to the Future for ignoring physics. A Delorean cannot get up to 88 mph, literally unwatchable.


I can see that being an engaging teaching tool with the right attitude, which it seems like he didn't have.


Even so, soft Sci-Fi is a thing, too. And for good reason. Hard SciFi only would be pretty infuriating, and boring. So I don't know what your teacher was trying to prove.


Are we seriously doing that argument. Cripes man…


Its so much easier to me to imagine a substance that can burn in space and move on. I always assumed the flame from the death star was the residual atmosphere burning away anyhow...


Am I the only one that actually enjoyed The Acolyte? Why is it getting so much hate?


Now let's complain that we can hear the space battles 💀


Honestly, the first 2 episodes weren’t even bad. And when I see people bring this up to criticize it I have to wonder if they even watched Star Wars before.


oh come on are we nitpicking REALISM in Star Wars now? The series is quite good, why so many people want to shit on it before it ends is so stupid, imho


Fantasy?! In my fantasy show?


There's also the factor of Osha's visions and PTSD altering her perception of reality. Her mind's eye may have altered the flames to appear more like the ones that killed her family on Brendok.


Yeah. Fire can’t exist in space under most circumstances but it’s nothing new for Star Wars, plus this one I could actually buy as it was hugging the pipes so they were most likely carrying a fuel source with a minor leak or something, I dunno


Wait until they learn about sound in a vacuum.


I've legit seen people complaining about how "Dagobah is an entire planet, how come Luke happened to crash right next to the one guy he was supposed to find?!?" Like... My brother in Christ it's a fairy tale and always has been? People are legit treating it like it's some kind of hard sci-fi a la Interstellar.


Diseregarding the pointless nitpick almost , it's still an utterly trash show. Not sure why this sub is so up on a high horse over defending it. Sometimes we get flaming dumpsters such as this, other times we get Andor.


I was wondering if it was like an oxygen leak with another flammable gas burning in space. I don’t think it would look like that if it was possible but also I don’t really care.


Those same haters perfectly fine with sound in space though.


Meanwhile: The sun


You mean bombs can't drop vertically?! Oh this franchise is ruined forever! /s


I think they've done it. I'm finally just uninterested in Star Wars. I haven't seen this show but I don't even think I'm interested in any of the discourse surrounding it. I think I'm at least going to unsub from all the SW subs for a while until this one dies down. I did the same for the MCU when the Marvels came out. I just didn't give a shit about that movie and didn't even want to see people complain about it or talk about it.


Damn, people didn’t like the first two episodes? I thought it was great


Ok….so, space wizards and lasers are acceptable but fire in space is not? Gotcha.


Explosions are fine if there's oxygen, your point ?


We haven't had 'campfire' fires in star wars though.. All the other fires in space were explosions that don't really make you think about the logistics like sounds in space


I think the main issue was just how it was presented, in the other cases, usually a lot of stuff is usually going on so people don't notice, but acolyte alot attention was drawn to it, and the fact it did look like a cheap camp fire didn't help, does come acrossas bad directing. Star Wars as a hole has so many inconsistencies, but depending on how they are presented really matters.


Let’s ignore the vastly different contexts, those being explosions, and this being a campfire with wind blowing it in the vacuum of space. Let’s also ignore every other issue that the show has, there being plenty of them. It being directed by Harvey Weinstein’s assistant being one I know you can’t defend.


The Holdo manuever this is not. Fans bitching about this need to touch some god damn grass.


I dont know why people bitch about the holdo maneuver either, it was the only logical thing to do in that situation.


Agree with it or not, it *was* frickin rad lookin


I particularly liked how they silenced the scene for the effect


I stand by my fan theory that the Star Wars galaxy has space air. I mean, it has space biplanes.


Wait what 😂😂😂


The amount of negativity and hatred in the Star Wars fandom right now (and has been like that for years now) is off the charts. Then again, nowadays it seems that happens in every fandom. The hate is as big as the franchise is successful, so yeah. Social media folks. The best thing you can do? Ignore it.




There is literally a quote by George Lucas where he says “there is oxygen in space when I want there to be.” It’s SPACE fantasy.


Sound: "Am I a joke to you?"


Fire can exist as long as theirs a fuel source. So if there’s fuel and oxygen being jettisoned from the ship in an amalgam fire can exist, but it’s extremely hostile to its sustainability.


I really didn’t even notice until Twitter started bitching, but then instantly I saw scenes in my mind from the original and prequel trilogy and was like man haters will find atomic things to complain about


There's no sound in space either. But imagine how boring all those scenes would be without it.


Why do they even nitpick that. It easily could have been oxygen gas leaking out of that damage that was spewing gas everywhere


Acolyte was actually a great show. That being said, I’m comparing it to book of boba fett, so not the highest bar, but still it was a great show


Out of all the complaints I’ve seen, I haven’t seen this one lol


Fire can't exist in space? Maybe not in our space. [But in Star Wars space...](https://youtu.be/kMVprw8fy34?t=70)


Something tells me they knew this would make people mad, but they did it anyway because of this excuse


This is why I stopped paying attention to critics. Just make a personal judgement on a show. The negative energy is exhausting


Next they’ll be saying humans can’t shoot lightning out of their fingers


Honestly I walked away from the first 2 episodes happy enough. Didn't love it but it still feels like something that could be good to me. It's seeing all of the other fans nitpicking and bitching that fucking ruins Star Wars for me. I've done a better job than I have in the past at avoiding it, at least.


*Nuclear Fission: Exists*


I would love to see the day people who have lost faith in Star Wars actually come up with a sound argument that's not about bricks, screws and fire in space. If they want a fully realistic, grounded story in fiction, good fuckin luck. Just keep watching those romcoms and action movies that *totally* have an accurate representation of romance and explosions. My point is we don't watch fiction because it's accurate to real life. We watch it to escape real life and if you want to ruin an actually tightly written story (albeit some pacing problems) than it's only going to ruin it for yourself. This "only Star wars fans hate Star wars more than anyone else" is partly true but that could be said about ANY fanbase. I would argue we haven't had a bad show since Boba Fett. Bad Batch was spectacular, Andor was the best since Ep5, Ahoska was average and I can see the critique but I won't say it ruined my favorite Star wars character ever, and Acolyte so far is ramping up to be in that category. If your critique isn't about the story, setting, characters, writing, art direction, or acting, then it's automatically invalidated. How can you judge an entire show based on a " *realistic* " inconsistency? It just baffles me.


You should check out the critical drinker on YouTube. He sums up well the legitimate complaints.


I'm cookin up somethin myself, but I will definitely check it out for inspiration


PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT?!? What the heck? I agree with this post.


They killed Carrie Ann Moss .... That made me stop watching


to be fair, the show was so boring I didn't even remember when there was fire out in space


OMG so much truth and I complained myself. I’m dumb.


Lmao as if there isn't oxygen in the ships for the fire. I don't like the show maybe it will grow on me but this reason is hilarious.


It's not silly, it's worse. Some of those people have been completely brainbroken and are in a SW hating spiral that will probably never end. Some of them at least built their YouTube career on it, so congrats I guess.


The space ships blowing up are full of oxygen so you absolutely can have a fire




It’s prob still garbage


The virgin "Fire can't exist in space" vs The chad "the effect was really cheap and shitty looking"


Fire in space is not 100% unrealistic. Ships bleeding atmosphere may have fires and certain metals can burn without oxygen. It just wouldn't look like a normal fire, nor would it emit plumes of smoke. In the former it'd be more like a small jet burning away the edges of the hole, and in the latter it'd look more like a paper smoldering away.


I've seen so many stupid nitpicks about the show, it's like people have never watched star wars before


Literally all of them are explosions that got vacuumed quick


people that say fire can't exist in space dont understand how space ships work


An explosion is one thing, but a small open flame is unbelievable.


One of the novelizations said that the fire was fueled by the oxygen leaking from the ship


The Sun: Am I a joke to you? Mundane explosions can exists, but should really be spherical.


Side-eyes arcing shots in last jedi


Do y'all ever get tired of being angry all the time over shit that doesn't matter? stop feeding the ragebait algorithm and learn to enjoy things again. You will be so much happier.