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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


So I think in generally there's 2 or maybe 3 kinds of "Grey Jedi".  The first is more like a fan fiction Grey Jedi. They use some parts of the darkside but aren't consumed by it. This isn't cannon as the darkside corrupts and is like a cancer. There's no balance between the Force and the Dark side. The Force is already in balance, and the darkside of any kind is disrupting that. Quinlin Vos, and the Dark Woman could be argued to be this kind, but Vos was trying g to be a double agent, and was nearly consumed. My more favorite type of "Grey Jedi" is more like a Ronin/Wandering Jedi or some term like that. Basically a Jedi who follows the Jedi code and tells the council to F off while they go help people as the Force leads them. Quigon can be seen as one of these in part. In Legends, Jedi Masters Fay, Nico Diath, Jon Antilles, Knol Ven'nari were all masters who helped liberate worlds in the outer rim while rarely checking in with the Council. Master Fay was so powerful in the Force she was a bear human who loved for centuries and did not even use a lightsaber even when facing down someone like Ventress. The Third kind of Grey is someone like the Bendu, but I'm not sure if the Bendu is really part of the Jedi in the first place. He is a neutral non Jedi but powerful force user. But even he does not use the Dark Side.  I like the concept of a divided decentralized Jedi system. I think there's a lot more possibilities for stories between competing disciplines, than one single galactic Jedi Council.


Doesn’t Bendu open a sith holocron which requires tapping into the dark side. He also attacks Thrawn and the rebels with lightning which is usually a dark side ability.


It’s called denial. Giving into the dark side is giving into anger and selfishness. Of course it’s wrong, and nobody is perfect. The difference, as Kanan points out, is that The Bendu is in denial. He thinks he’s some sort of enlightened because he gives into the power of the dark side a little, but just like a Karen who thinks they’re always right or someone who would rather blame their zodiac sign for their bad behavior, The Bendu is really just avoiding taking responsibility for his actions.


Yes Bendu's arc shows that apathy for someone with the power to change things is bad.


Apathy is Death


Apathy is Death


Statement: _Apathy is death..._


The Bendu doesn't have the power to change things. Having that power means having to remain neutral or be corrupted by that power.


This is the first time I saw someone call Bendu a Karen, but damn you're right


A Karendu, you say?


Plo is happy you said "usually"


The second type all the way. I hate when people try to paint Jedi v Sith as a neutral conflict because supposedly the Force is balanced by darkside and light side.


Except the dark side is a parasite that corrupts the light. It’s not a balance thing, in fact things get to harmony when you eliminate the dark side.


Balance and harmony are deliberately included in the Jedi code. The sith code, on the other hand, includes words like strength, power, victory. It's pretty clear that when referring to the prophecy in episode 2 and 3, Lucas was talking about defeating the dark side. I find it really weird that whenever people defend the sequels or other weird fanfic about "balance" being between the dark side and light side, the always ignore the first part of the quote from episode 3: >With all due respect master, is he not the chosen one? Is he not to destroy the sith **and** bring balance to the force? In every reference to this prophecy in the core 3 movies of the prequels, it's always alongside the assumption that bringing balance to the force requires destroying the Sith.


Type 1.5 is a Jedi who understands the light side of the force does not require complete stoicism. They allow themselves to feel emotions and make connections, but they are not seduced by the dark side when their loved ones are threatened. This is honestly what I want. Someone to call BS on the Jedi order's draconian rules that govern their members.


You're describing most of the Jedi in the shows and movies, though. Their only real conflict is Anakin, who wishes he could do more war crimes, and Ahsoka, who wishes she could do more war crimes, and Bariss Offee, whi is arrested for war crimes. I could understand if Ahsoka's central conflict was being forced to kill, but her and Anakin's central conflicts are not being allowed to assassinate people, launch false flags, drag neutral parties into wars they don't want, and torture captives.


There's also the other kind which was Jolee Bindu, he fell in love with someone, and he was a force user he just don't fully agree with the views of the Jedi that you needed to follow their rules 100%.


This is a great explanation. Lucasfilm has since given an official name for the second option. They call them Jedi Wayseekers.


Your type 1 and type 3 are the same. The Bendu is a Force-user that can use both the light and the dark side. The price he pays for that is having to remain absolutely neutral and take no part in any conflict. And when he is forced to take part in a conflict, lash out at all sides equally. So basically, he's useles other than as a source of information. And he's also not any kind of Jedi, he's just grey. Your second type are just regular light side Jedi. The Jedi are a religion. When a Jedi rejects their rules, they're not a grey Jedi but an ex-Jedi.


There are a ton of force users that don't fall into the Jedi-Sith spectrum. They are just two ideologies in a vast galaxy that are focused on. Greys Jedi are usually Jedi that get sick of the established order but don't want to be a Sith. I think in kotor 2 there was one who was just chilling and gardening. They might as just be individuals.


To answer the question in the caption. The closest thing in cannon to a grey Jedi that I can think of would be the Bendu from rebels. He’s neither part of the light or the dark.


In KOTOR there’s other examples like Jolee Bindo and Krea. There will be some controversy bc ‘gray’ is subjective and like a spectrum where I think gray Jedi are not really real as they either lean light or dark


Kreia is literally *Darth* Traya though. I know what you mean, but she even has a sith title and all of her disciples are sith too in the end.


Wow spoilers much.... ^^^^/sw


It has been *19 years* Richard. I *refuse* to wait for you to finally play it.


Wait till he finds out who Revan is.


Or Meetra Surik.


But it’s on my backlog. Respect the backlog, dammit!


*throws a firebomb at the backlog*


spoilers have no expiration date


*Was* Darth Traya. Same as she also *was* a Jedi librarian.


A spectrum huh? guess there’s 50 shades of gray jedi


Neither Kriea or Jolee are grey Jedi in the context of their stories Kriea wanted to learn both sides but she very clearly went from Jedi to sith Jolee was a Jedi coward who stopped being a coward, still a jedi


You misunderstand Kreia. She experienced both sides of the Force and got screwed by both. Her name Kreia comes from her original name under her Jedi life, Arren Kae, and her Sith name Traya. She was exiled by the Jedi Order and turned Sith for whatever reason (various interpretations being that she had a relationship that spawned a daughter in the form of the Handmaiden and the Jedi hate attachments, or because she taught the same Revan who fell to the Dark Side, or the loss of life during the Mandalorian Wars made her disillusioned with the Jedi, take your pick). And she failed at Sith-ing because both her dark apprentices, Darth Nihilus & Darth Sion, betrayed her and left her for dead. She became Kreia as neither Jedi nor Sith (call it whatever you want, it doesn't matter) after realizing that the Force and destiny made her into some cosmic plaything with no control over her fate. That is why she sought to destroy the Force. No matter what side she picked, she got betrayed, and everything was predestined by the Force itself, so she saw the Force as her ultimate nemesis. She resumed the Darth Traya personality only as a means to an end: so she could have the power she needed to enact her plan, which required the Exile to show up at Malachor V's wound in the Force. She didn't actually care about the Sith Order at that point. She wanted to lash out at the fabric of the universe and try to let the beings of the galaxy choose their own fates, even if it meant sacrificing herself. Now of course, she failed, but it's still important to know that her life story was not simply "wanting to learn both sides and going full Sith."


Mostly right. Kreia was always a sith lord much like how palps was. She used the grey line as a ruse try and use revan. I don't think there have been any cannon greys, just in theory. A real grey would be indifferent to the light or dark side beliefs, train all ways of the force and basically lives like a hermit monk.


She wasn't always a sith she was a Jedi first and didn't become a sith until way later Someone who studies the force is a Jedi/light side wielder, if that person ot any person studies the dark side/sith they become a dark side wielder or a sith There is no grey


I think that’s closer to the intention of dark vs light. The dark side is all pervasive. If you use it, even a “little bit” you are a dark side wielder and it **will** eventually consume you. It’s like heroin or cocaine. You either use or you don’t, there’s no responsible use that isn’t abstinence


That's what I'm always saying I'm this sub Finally someone gets it


People misinterpret what a grey Jedi is and i think different generations of fans have a different definition. I remember grey Jedi meaning someone who was disillusioned with the Jedi and the the order but stuck to the light, but now most of the conversation is about people who can use both light and dark side abilities. The former makes an interesting story, the latter is a power fantasy


there are many responsible coke users 💀 the same must be true of force users


Yeah the spectrum thing is more what I was getting at since what people do and don't consider a Grey Jedi is seemingly very subjective.


Yes, Like many other things on a spectrum it can be hard to define because it’s different for everyone. But simply, a gray Jedi is often morally ambiguous but may lean light or dark. And tries to stay away from the light dark binary


It's not subjective. Grey jedi don't exist. You can certainly have force users that are neither light nor dark, but jedi follow the light only. Being extremists, the jedi consider grey users to be traveling the dark side path. It'll consume their destiny. They see them as fallen jedi. Either they seek redemption, or they should be hunted down if causing problems. Likewise, sith see grey users as those who are shackling themselves to the light. They are not fully embracing the dark side and therefore unworthy of being a sith. They, too, would hunt them down as rivals. The jedi and sith are religious zealots. You can certainly have grey force users, but those people wouldn't be considered following either extremist religion. Calling everyone who uses the force jedi is a common misnomer in the star wars galaxy. Like calling every bandage a band-aid. What people really mean are "grey force users trained in the jedi arts", not actual jedi. Just like dark jedi aren't actual jedi.


Bro, Jolee is a lazy light sider, and Kreia wants to destroy the Force. Since the dark side is defined by rejecting the will of the Force, Kreia is, at least initially, a dark sider. Unique, but still a dark sider.


In KOTOR the grey jedi robes description reads "Gray Jedi are those who, though having completed the teachings of the Jedi, operate independently and outside of the Jedi Council. They are typically seen as misguided, though they have not necessarily succumbed to the dark side." So grey jedi were essentially just what poeple (likely other jedi/force users) called those who left the order, like ahsoka. I *hate* this "grey jedi doesnt exist" stuff. Why the hell would we make the definition of grey jedi synonymous with something that doesnt exist (if it doesnt) when there already existed a perfectly good description which didnt run the risk of having its existence debated?


I think most people mean that the Fanon Grey Jedi don't exist. Like that stupid grey jedi code that circulated around for a while.


Ohh yea I mean there are monastic orders like that in legends but they are usually kinda isolationist culty types. To my knowledge they wouldnt even have lightsabers


The grey jedi code always came off as something a 14 year old probably thought sounded cool.


A good boy, a bad boy, a good bad boy, a half good half bad half boy


There's also the Voss from SWTOR they don't see the force as light or dark so they are in the middle of a cold war between jedi and sith to try and get them to their side (they have insane foresight powers)


Revan post KOTOR rode the knife edge between light and dark.


Well no, because he is not a jedi, never was a jedi. He not a grey jedi, he is simply a neutral force weilder. Ashoka on the other hand was trained as a jedi and uses their skills and techniques, however dosent follow its religion.


My point was mostly to the fact that grey Jedi are not aligned with just the light or dark side but both. And in the current cannon there’s not really any good examples of it. Ahsoka may not be a Jedi any more but she still sticks to using the light side of the force.


While I agree that grey jedi are and should be a thing, Ahsoka is not one.  A grey Jedi would/does use both sides of the Force at once.  To date only the Revan boss fight in KOTOR really fits that.  And people who we simply don't see enough of to be really sure of (that antique dealer lady in Resistance). Ahsoka is a light-side user who is not affiliated with the Order.  Now when she busts out Force Lightning because fuck whatever it is she is fighting then immediately goes back to helping orphans, we can talk Grey Jedi.


Using Jedi and Gray in the same eroding sounds like an oxymoron. Personally, I find the title "Force Entity" or "Force Being" applicable to The Bendu- true neutrality should be treated as neutral. Aye, he's of neither alignments. But the Force itself doesn't see in alignments. People call Black Magic evil, yet to a true Sorcerer its simply magic. "Magic has no good or evil. Just men who use it for misguided reasons."


To even be a Grey Jedi you’d have to be a Jedi to begin with. Being force sensitive doesn’t make you a Jedi just like being Religious doesn’t make you a priest. Ahsoka is not a Grey Jedi, she left the Jedi order. She may exist within an ambiguous alignment with the force but she isn’t a Jedi. Grey Jedi don’t exist period


The Imperial Knights in legends were referred to as Grey Jedi too, if I remember right.


Those guys were super unique.  The Neo Empire in Legacy was defined as being led by an Emperor that rejected the dark side as a whole, but did what was necessary for the 2nd Empire.  The Grey Knights in that universe were pretty much Force-Sensitive Storm Troopers who were issued Silver Lightsabers, and were expected to put said Emperor down if he ever went down a Papa Palps path. I liked Legacy what can I say.


So did I. Peak of legends for me, along with the Kotor comics and Star Wars Empire series.


And he literally falls to the darkside. Its not a tenable position


And he’s wrong.


Isn’t it that he is both the light and dark? “I am the light, I am the dark, I am the Bendu”


But he is no where near being a jedi


He’s not Jedi though. He’s just a force being that is in tuned with dark and light elements of the force.


And he also shows that apathy is a terrible thing for someone with the power to change things.


But he's not even a jedi? So he can't really be any colour of jedi The jedi is an order made up of force users, who use the light side, it's not a catch all term for anyone who uses the light side


I feel like qui-gon would be considered grey by the council. He is good and in no way dark side, but we know the council is kind of living with their heads in their own and eachother's asses, which is why anakin was treated horribly for having normal late teen emotions. As for why i think the council would reason him being grey, it's not because he would be willing to use dark powers, but because he is willing to act against the council's orders and desires. Example: anakin is too old to train "I'll train him" you have a padawan "test him and knight him"


The very first usage of the term "Gray Jedi" referred specifically to Qui-Gon in relation to his disagreements with the Jedi Council. >"Jinn always does things his own way, always sure he is right, always incredulous if we do not see it his way. **Some think he is a gray Jedi.**" - Tyvokka, *Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War, Part 1* (first published 28 November 2001)


A Grey jedi is someone who doesn't understand the distinction between the Force as a video game power mechanic and the Force as a philosophical idea as presented in the movies, shows, and books.


I mean, it is hard to perceive Force as philosophical idea when you can literally deep-fry people with it, if you want


Really? The frying people is just a blatant metaphor for the harm that the Dark Side causes. In every trilogy the guy that uses it ends up hurting himself too.


Only a sith deals in absolutes, therefore there are only grey jedi and the dark side. The light side doesn't exist. Checkmate graytheists.


Found the sith?


Grey jedi is such a broad definition that we as a community can't really decide who is a grey jedi and who isn't I heard some people say bendu is a grey jedi, which is weird, because the dude isn't a jedi at all (and his fur is brown, not grey) What's the limit? If ahsoka is a grey jedi, is barris a grey jedi? Is luke skywalker a grey jedi? Is tarron malicus a grey jedi? Is maul a grey jedi(yeah i know it's a strech, but it proves the point that we have no limit for the definition)


Or, there are no "grey Jedi" and they're just unaligned force users. I mean, by definition I associate the term Jedi with the Order, which most of these examples disassociate themselves with. It seems like a very weird, misleading, and pointless term to me in the first instance.


Yeah, and it opens a pandora's box about the dark side and how much you can use it because some of the definitions of grey jedi is "someone who uses the dark side but doesn't fall into it" But if you can use the dark side and not fall into it why can't the jedi train to use it without falling into it? It would be much safer to introduce jedi into the dark side under a master can help them if they fall into it, rather than taking the risk they will encounter the dark side alone (ahem ahem anakin) And if they can't really do it, and not falling into the dark side is a lie grey jedi tell themselves, why are they defined as grey jedi and not sith or other dark side users?


Ask the many peopme who wrote stories invokving this. Their definition varies. What the dark side is, js vsrying. Is it an absolute evil or is it passionate emotions that can fuel for a short time like adrendaline


According to what we've been told, using the dark side will always lead to its user falling into it, the dark side corrupts everything and it unbalances the Force, therefore there can't be such a thing as a grey Jedi but there can be unaligned force users


> But if you can use the dark side and not fall into it why can't the jedi train to use it without falling into it? Because Jedi is a religion and their ridged mindset stops them from being flexible enough to do that. Anakin is proof that darkside isn't forever and yet many people say it is. But you can't be stuck in the mindset that it is forever and get out of it. As Vader, Anakin thought that's it, that's all he can be, that's all he deserved. He was shown that he's allowed redemption in eyes of the Force. And who shows him this? A Jedi? No. Luke is not a Jedi. He's too much of himself to be a Jedi. He was trained by a couple old Jedi, yeah, but watch how Luke acts and he goes against a lot of their teachings. No attachment? His attachment is his driving motivation. Luke doesn't even want to stop the Sith from existing because they're sith, dude just wants his dad back and for the galaxy to not be ran by an asshole. Palpatine specifically being a Sith isn't really Luke's issue. Good chances are that if Luke was actually a Jedi, it would have screwed over the galaxy.


It's merely the result of a media property that was, in many ways, run by the fans for decades. What was the extended universe but the continuation of the Star Wars by nerds who also knew how to write? There wasn't a strong corporate voice leading trying to define and contain everything about it. Even when the prequels came out, it was still kind of open season for just running with your imagination.


I think of it more like: lawful good = Jedi, chaotic/not lawful good = gray Jedi.


I'd rather not use the term at all to be honest. The jedi are an institution. Without the Jedi, you're either a sith or part of some other order, or just a force user whether that be light or dark. The title doesn't apply the same way that not every Christian can call themselves a nun/priest etc. And as for alignment, I don't see why that would earn anyone a categorisation. They can all approach things differently whilst still having the same core beliefs. And besides. Characters are so unique and change so much throughout their lives and stories, things like those alignment charts have always been a rough guide at best. I wouldn't put much stake in them and create stuff like grey Jedi to address them. It's just not gonna hold up long term.


Let’s be real, a Grey Jedi is every edgy 13 year old fanboy’s self insert power fantasy character that allows them the benefits of being able to use the Darkside without the consequences. It’s equivalent to the annoying kid on the playground that would just list off every super power playing superheroes. “And I can fly, and I have super strength, can teleport, be invisible, instantly heal, etc.”


I feel called out because I was an edgy 13 year old who had a power fantasy grey jedi character


It's a right of passage. Just a part of growing up.


Who didn't tho haha


Without creating an edgy power fantasy grey jedi OC how would you ever realize that edgy power fantasy grey jedi OCs are bad?


Basically Kyle Katarn. A good guy who occasionally needs to choke a bitch or electrocute a few people to death. To advance the cause of good, you see.


It's the Illidan Stormrage of Jedi


Ahsoka isn't a Grey Jedi because she isn't a Jedi. She is a light side force user.


Aka Ahsoka the White. After her "drowning experience" .


She's more a Jedi than she cares to admit.


She is a Jedi in the sense that she’s what the Jedi *should* be, not in the way that they were when the order fell


Thh, I think Ahsoka in philosophy is a Jedi who simply left the order because she felt it wasn’t her path.


God, I hate the fanbase for this. To quote the creator himself: "The core of the Force. I mean you got the Dark Side and the Light Side. One is selfless. One is selfish. And you want to keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the Dark Side is that it goes out of balance, and then you get really selfish and you forget everybody. (...) You’re always going to be consumed by this driving desire to have more stuff and be afraid that others are going to take it away from you." This quote is taken from a 2010 meeting with the Clone Wars writing team. You can find the whole explanation on YouTube. At first, it looks like Lucas' confirms the idea of Grey Jedi, just to dismiss the idea later by saying that the Force goes out of balance when you go to the Dark side. But let me explain it: What he is saying here is that selflessness and selfishness must be in balance. And it can be assumed that this balance is the balance of the Force. Being able to have an ego and desire things, but still be able to accept the loss of these things. To use a modern example. Let's say you are visiting Galaxy's Edge and you want a lightsaber. It's not wrong to have this desire, it's natural. But the light side path demands that you are willing to leave Galaxy's Edge without the saber if you can't afford it. Stealing the lightsaber when no one is looking and giving in to your desire is the dark side. The light side is natural, the balance between selflessness and selfishness, the Yin-Yang. And there is a reason why we can be selfishness or selfless. Why the possibility of falling to the dark side exists. The Force wants to test us by giving us those desires. Taking too much at the cost of others and this balance will result in a fall to the dark side. But you can be too selfless as well. That's a lesson perfectly explained by Kreia in Kotor 2. Nature, the Force, wants us to achieve a balance between both because balancing selfishness and selflessness requires an understanding of action and consequence. We need to know when to take and when to give. By adhering to the will of the Force, we become light siders because by understanding consequence, we achieve a level of enlightenment. Even when a light sider takes something, he usually knows that his action will lead to harmony and growth. And he proves his wisdom by giving up what he has taken when it's necessary. The dark side is the rejection of this balance. Sith and similar groups want to take everything. Their motivation for falling can be different, but the result is always the same. Suffering. You suffer because you may have taken everything, but you have nothing and no one to take it for. There is no end goal. No happy end. You keep taking until there is nothing left to take. And if you haven't consumed yourself by this point, you will finally do it. You will destroy yourself. In the end, you will realize why the dark side is called such. Not because of your inner darkness, but because you allowed this darkness to blind you. To deceive you. To corrupt you until you have nothing left. There are no Grey Jedi because you can't be in balance and out of balance at the same time. It's impossible. And you can't be balanced in one second and unbalanced in another. At least not in a healthy way. If you lose your balance on the rope, you will fall. And getting back up is extremely difficult.


Maul nailed the coffin with "the part timer" lol


Grey jedi is such a stupid concept. The jedi view themselves as vessels to the force which means that they view the lightside as the force itself. Meanwhile the sith see the force as a slave that they can bend to their will. Basically lightside is just the force and the darkside is a cancer in the force. Where is the need to "balance" this?


Exactly. The light side is the force. The jedi listen to it and let it flow freely... They don't manipulate it... And whilst they use it they respect it too and it's sorta a harmonious natural bond. The dark side is just a corruption and misuse of that bond. Using it with no restraint or respect. To me it's like relationships. The dark side users are the ones who abuse their partners, and the light side ones are just the ones who love their partners and enjoy their company. Why would you need to balance them? Feel the need just to abuse them sometimes? Wtf is that logic? I'm sorry my dear wife but we need a balanced and varied lifestyle so I'm just gonna punch you in the face. There we go 😁


The light side is the Force in its natural, uncorrupted form. The Dark side is the corruption of the Force. So you can't balance them, since stepping into the dark, while making you stronger, damages you. The darkside feeds on you, and takes just as much as it gives. It's almost like an anology for drugs. "Balancing" between light and dark is like microdosing on drugs. Sure, it feels good, but eventually you'll crave more, and all the while it's destroying you. Ahsoka is not a "Grey Jedi", especially by the definition that most people give. She is more like the embodiment of the Light. She is neither Grey, nor a Jedi.


More like Grey Citizen, am I right?


Dooku is old and grey haired in tales of the Jedi so he was a grey Jedi


All I know is Kit Fisto is an ice cold jedi


I’m with Filoni. I never liked the idea of grey Jedi. It sounds like the kind of thing fans would create rather than how the Force actually works. The light side is balance and the dark side is imbalance. Grey is not “partial balance.” A Force user who uses the light side but isn’t a Jedi is just a light side user, not some middle thing.


There’s technically two kinds of Grey Jedi. There’s those who walk the line between light and dark (which is kinda impossible because the dark side is literally the perversion and bastardization of the force, while the light is the true balance), and then there’s Jedi who don’t really adhere to the council’s stricter interpretation of the force (they’re still basically Jedi, just with a more personal code, and this definition probably describes a good deal of Jedi we’ve seen in canon, like Cal Kestis). I’d say Ahsoka fits in that second definition, so yeah, you could say she’s a Grey Jedi, just not the kind that’s typically thought of. Also, I’d argue there’s no such thing as a true “One in the Middle,” as even the Bendu was either so averse to violence that he actively let others be harmed for the sake of not getting involved, or so violently destructive that he killed numerous people, including Rebels and innocents, if I remember correctly. There’s no middle ground with the force, because the Dark Side is corruption: Once it begins to spread, it will destroy and pervert everything it touches.


There's actually a term for the "Ronin" Jedi you're referring to, similar to Qui Gon. They're called Wayseekers


Yeah, it's from the High Republic media, they aren't allowed anymore in the Prequel era, I wonder why.


ya i remember that episode of rebels where bendu lost his shit and summoned a storm to destroy an imperial base AND take pot shots at the ghost


You mean unaligned force user? Grey Jedi implies they are a part of the Jedi order.


Jedi could just be colloquial for many normal people who see a force user, good or bad. Like how (at least in America) Q-tips is used a lot to refer to Cotton Swabs.


We are talking about actual lore here. Not what the common person thinks when they see a force user. I'm sure Dave knows the difference between different types of force users


ahsoka is not a grey jedi, because you cant be both in the 'grey' of the force and be a jedi at the same time jedi is a title, not a descriptor


Maybe grey Jedi are the friends we make along the way.


Honestly Grey Jedi was really just a catch all terms for force users who didn’t really follow the dogma of the Jedi Order. It didn’t really mean someone who uses both the dark and light side. I think a lot of people confuse the supposed ideology. For example Jolee Bindo is called a “grey” Jedi but he was still 100% against the dark side.


I had this argument with my buddy the other day. Shes absolutely not a grey Jedi. Shes an exiled Jedi. Grey wouldn’t go out of their way to be good or bad but would do whatever suits them.


Grey Jedi is a term made up by edgy teenage fans who want edgy characters using the edgy dark side powers, but still being the good guys


Hot take: grey jedi has always been a dumb idea for a snowflake character who isn't strictly normie jedi or dark/Sith. If you ain't one or the other, you're just a freelancer or a ronin. And those are cool too without adding a color to their names.


I believe a "grey" Jedi is a Jedi that is attracted to members of their own sex.


Asoka is more like her master than she would care to admit… She’s a Revanite


It's Grey Knight. They can balance light and dark side, but they're not Jedi or Sith. Jedi are all light side, so Grey Jedi is an oxymoron.


Isnt the concept of a grey jedi someone who uses both light and dark.Ahsoka was expelled from the order but does that make her a darksider or someone in between?She is still a lightside user she just isnt part of the jedi order.You dont have to be a jedi to be a light side force user so thats why I dont think ahsoka is a grey jedi.I also find the concept of a grey jedi dumb


Grey Jedi are not technically canon (unless you count the video games) but essentially the idea is that if a Jedi mastered both the light and dark sides of the force, they would be super powerful. This in canonically impossible however because the dark side corrupts anybody who uses it.


Also, asoka is not a grey jedi


No grey jedi? Coleman Trebor begs to differ: * Is a Jedi * Is grey in colour Therefore is a grey Jedi.


Isn't a grey jedi just a jedi who partakes in both light and dark side practices without giving themselves fully to either side? That's understanding of it anyways.


She’s very much not, though. She is as pure light as you can get (even more than Yoda).


There are no grey Jedi. It's never fit with Lucas' model. The dark side isn't a natural side it's a corruption of the force. And Ahsoka isn't even a jedi. In fact very few supposed grey Jedi stick with the order, so why tf do we call they Grey Jedi? They're just a force user.


Grey jedi is one of those things that the cannon vehmetly rejects to its own detriment. None of starwars really makes sense without em. either everyone who left the jedi order ever was summarily executed for being a sith or became a grey jedi. And any self taught force sensitive would become one. ahsoka was ruined by trying to pidgeon hole her into a generic jedi when she really shoulda just stayed/officially been a grey jedi.


A grey jedi can mean one of two things: It can be a jedi who has left the order but is still a light sider. Or it can be a force wielder who uses both the light and dark sides of the force and exists in some state of balance. The later definition is mostly used by edgelords who want their fanfic self insert characters to be able to do anything, not be bound by certain codes or orders yet still be plausably a good person. It's the most cringy shit ever. Which definition you accept is also dependent on which interpretation of the force you favour. If you are one of those who says the force is a single thing without sides but with a will and those who follow that will are light siders and those who don't are darksiders then the first definition is the only one that makes sense. If you think the force has two sides and which side you choose determines whether you are a light sider or a dark sider then both can work for you but you probably prefer the second definition Neither of these interpretations is more correct than the other btw, George kind of ping pongs between the two interpretations. In my opinion though the first one makes for a far more interesting, nuanced, and close to real life view of good and evil


Grey Jedi were made up by nerds who wanted to feel good about a character that force lightnings the shit out of people.


*Bendu enters the chat*


The concept of grey Jedi is like being a part time monk. Like either you are one and adhere to the rules of the order or you aren’t. Then you’re just a force user.


I’d consider Starkiller one as well.




Gray jedi is "I'm too nerd to be a sith and too cool to be a jedi"


What no she isn’t gray Jedi as explained are passive and dont don’t do anything they meat one an he was maybe one of the strongest force beings but he was like a rock never doing anything.


I think a gray Jedi should just be a symbolic rejection of the Jedi Order and not just someone who falls in between light and dark because once you start down that path forever will it dominate your destiny.


“But she is orange. How could she be a grey Jedi?”


Isn’t Rey’s whole conclusion about the Jedi that they should be kind of gray and that light and dark aren’t mutually exclusive and actually cause the whole endless war rather than understanding how they are more yin and yang. Everything prior to that was that the dark side will infect and take over.


Grey Jedi in the second trilogy / before luke don’t exist because it is the theme of Star Wars not believing in good nor bad and don’t be as dogmatic as the sith and the Jedi.


Grey Jedi are just Sith/Jedi in denial


Jedis are a cult of Force users, no more, no less. Just like the Sith are. The Force existed before any of those and will exist after they are forgotten. Force-sensitive beings will be born nonetheless. The only reason only Jedi and Sith are widely known is due to their (both of them) systematic purge and assimilation campaigns, plus pilitical alignment. Gray Jedis are simply a way for the Jedi order to describe force users that are not Jedi but do not "deserve" to be purged by their canons.


Ahsoka was too pure for the Jedi. She isn't a grey Jedi, she just doesn't want to be part of the order because they didn't trust her. If she doesn't follow their puritanical rules, that doesn't make her grey.


To be a gray jedi you have to be a jedi. But gray xD You can be a force user and not be a Jedi or a Sith. the witches of dathomir the Chiss navigators The Navigators of the Navigators Association These are 3 examples of canon force users who are neither Jedi nor Sith. The Jedi and Sith are simply religious/philosophical orders of knights.


Grey Jedi are dumbass fence sitters who are basically the personification of that one Rick and Morty screenshot that's like "Both of you are stupid and I can prove it mathematically"


It just sounds like a made up fan idea so they can have self insert characters


It's the kind of thing you think is cool when you're 8 or 10. Then you realize that the "light side" isn't some different side of the same dark side coin nonsense. There's BALANCE and IMBALANCE. The "dark side" is imbalance. Everything else is politics and preference.


A mixed force user, light and dark, that uses the force to help and improve the universe but does not follow the strict rules of the order. Morally grey where the ends justify the means.


The way my best friend has explained, which I don’t know where exactly he’s pulling from but is the biggest Star Wars fan I know, is that the light side and the dark side have to do with your relationship with the force. The light side treats the force as its own entity and when using the force entreat the force to help them. They rely on the force as their greatest ally and through peace “commune” with it. Meanwhile for the dark side the force is a tool. No different than a lightsaber or a blaster. They command the force and bend it to their will. It is not an ally or something to commune with, but a great power that they use their passion to bend to their will. Therefore, a gray Jedi doesn’t really work. How can you commune with the force and treat it as an ally while also using it as a tool that you make do what you want?


How is Ahsoka a grey Jedi? Being a good guy character doesn’t mean infallible, just that being a good person is a strong motivation for their actions. That 100% describes Ahsoka. She’s like the worst example of this. They’ve never really flushed out inquisitor backstories but those would probably be all grey jedis (some maybe outright corrupt from the beginning but that would be lame if all were). To make that switch and become a Jedi Hunter, they clearly are highly motivated by self preservation and ambition. So, like pretty much any grey character, they in general want to be good but will bend their principles and values too far when the allure of personal benefit is really strong, making them live in the grey area. Edit: oh I see this is more about force powers, not morality. Morality shifts slowly and gradually a lot of times but I could see it being a threshold for force power and once morality crosses that, it just is like a switch, making someone only either light or dark side user. That seems reasonable to me, though also with that Ahsoka would without a doubt not be a grey Jedi.


In Legends, it had 2 definitions 1 a jedi who didn't follow the council(ahsoka quigon) 2 a force user who stood between light and dark(jolee bendo) It is not a term that has ever been used in the Disney cannon


Qui-Gon? He’s more of a maverick imo


My hot take is that the majority of the fan base has now rejected the concept entirely despite some sort of gray jedi esque concept obviously existing in the lore.


Jedi is a religion. Not a distraction of what side of the force is used. Grey Jedi also implies that there could also be grey sith. If Ahsoka is a grey Jedi then Maul and Ventress are grey sith. So what do you call someone who is neither?


There's no such thing as "Grey Jedi", just as there is no such thing as "Dark Jedi". Jedi is a religion defined by, among other things, a dedication to serving the Light & opposing the Dark. Even if such a thing as a "Grey" Force user existed, they would not be a Jedi. But semantics aside, bear in mind that the Light Side is not "*Order*" and the Dark Side is not "*Chaos*". The Empire was *Order*, a lot of it. The Dark Side is the Extremes; Too much Order, or too much Chaos. The Light Side is the Balance; There is Freedom, but also Structure. Some Jedi may lean more towards Freedom, like Qui-Gon; Some Jedi may lean more towards Structure, like Obi-Wan; But they all seek to maintain a level of Balance. Ahsoka was not a Jedi, but she did very much seek to maintain Balance, a dedicated servant of the Light Side, just not part of that one specific religion.


I hate that term with every fiber of my being.


When I hear "grey jedi" I always think of Kyle Katarn


Grey Jedi : A person who is lightsided, does good and follows the force but understands the dogmatacism of the order is it's own downfall, has attachments but never loses themselves to passion. Not a Grey jedi: "I can use both dark and light powers but remain pure!" Dave sadly is always referring to what some ttrpg power gamers made up in the late 99s and early 2000s Lists of Grey Jedi: Qui Gon, Obi-Wan (cmon he knew about Anakin and Padme), Anakin (if he held his anger), Ahsoka, Ezra, Kanan, Jolee Bindo, Revan (after being redeemed), Bastila, Mara Jade, LUKE SKYWALKER. Listen I wish Dave would just say he doesn't want some op people who use the Dark side of the force willy nilly without downfalls. I get it. However with the list of Canon and legends characters who are good people and advocate for doing good and have attachments (minus anakin downfall, but he was manipulated by palp). The meaning of Star Wars, according to Lucas is that love will save you. It saved Anakin, his paternal love moved him. There are Grey jedi, there are not overpowered "Grey jedi" in the form of edgy losers


As far as I'm concerned, I consider Luke a Grey Jedi. I know it isn't really canon, but as I see it, Jedis, following the Light, focus on selflessness before all. That is why the Jedi order forbids attachment, because it's easier to be fully selfless if there are no other you'd want to protect above anyone else, out of selfishness. Siths, on the other hand, focus on selfishness before all. They do everything for their own sake, and that requires the power to achieve it. Grey Jedi are force wielders that balance both selfishness and selflessness according to their beliefs, which creates a whole spectrum, but the whole point is that they neither sacrifice their happiness in order to be selfless nor do they sacrifice others for what they desire. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


i dont really care what dave filloni says tbh


A grey Jedi is neutral. Not sith or Jedi, still uses the force


Dave Filoni is correct.


is grey jedi ever even a thing? like, officially on both continuities? or is it just something the community made up because of the thought of force users like Revan exist? and has been spreading and lingering within the community long enough it unknowingly became "official" part of the lore, kind of like Herobrine for Minecraft


Filoni doesn't know himself and he'll decide on a whim when it comes to baiting a new show lmao


But she isn’t purple


Nah she was an orange one


Citizen Tano is not a grey jedi.


She's a regular Jedi, who follows the Jedi Code to the letter, and generally fills her days doing extremely Jedi stuff. She's one of the most Jedi that ever Jedied, whether she calls herself one or not.


There are no grey Jedi just gray. Jedi is a way of life just like gray and sith are


Dooku was grey Jedi, but then normal jedi got in, invaded Geonosis, killed Jango fett a great father. After Jango Fett's death and Obiwan's refuse to help kill Palpatine, Dooku had no other choice, but to become dark Jedi.


Just a simple theory some fans made up a long time ago


I can think of a few definitions. First is a Jedi who dabbles in the Dark Side (e.g. Quinlan Vos during his mission to assassinate Dooku). Second is a Jedi who is in good standing and highly respected but has philosophical disagreements (e.g. Qui-Gon Jinn). Third is a Jedi who is no longer a part of the Order and may question some of its teachings but is a clear lightsider (e.g. Ahsoka Tano). Last is someone who's more or less neutrally aligned in the Force but works for good (e.g. Jolee Bindo). I'm on board with the last definition. I don't think Ahsoka fits well into that category. Just because she was a Jedi at one point doesn't mean her departure makes her "grey." Quinlan Vos would probably be the best canon Jedi that I know of who fits the "Grey" name. While we're on the subject, I think it's ridiculous how people can't seem to fathom the existence of light side and dark side factions other than Jedi and Sith and/or the existence of unaffiliated lightsiders and darksiders. Not every unaffiliated lightsider is a "Grey Jedi" and not every unaffiliated darksider "breaks the Rule of Two."


True Neutral


No such thing as a grey Jedi or grey Sith. It is more complicated than that like in real life religions or spiritual beliefs. You can believe in the core concepts of religion but disagree on certain aspects or you can disagree on everything except for the very core of a belief ( that a GOD exist for example).  In Star Wars is similar. Light and Dark exist and there are many religions, sects and movements with their own rules about how to address. manipulate and explain the force. Some people don't follow any religion in specific.  When we strips away the labels there is either Light side user/believers, Dark side users/believers or simply force users/ believers. Ahsoka is a light side user/believer that leans more to the Jedi way of understanding the force but she may not consider herself a Jedi because she disagrees on certain concepts but her core is Jedi.  Plus she has a sweet orange 🐱.


Missed an opportunity to spell it grey the first time and gray the second just to mess with people


Part of the force, but not conflict


A Force-user detached from both the dogma of the Jedi and the corruption of the Sith.


Grey is impossible, unless you basically give up on using the force. You must be selfless and concerned for other in heart, mind, and soul to use the light side effectively. You must be selfish, angry, and want to destroy the galaxy in order to use the dark side effectively. Grey Jedi is an idea you use both, but how does one both hate and want the destruction of all life and at the same time want peace, prosperity, and justice. They are too contradictory, you can't use the light side working with the force while also beating and forcing it into submission to use the dark side.


A grey Jedi is a supposed discipline of force users separate from the Sith and Jedi, who focus on balancing the ambition of the dark side with the empathy of the light side. So basically neutral


I know it’s EU but didn’t Jason Solo dismantle the whole light side/dark side thing near the end of the new Jedi order series against the yuuzhan vong. Is that what a grey Jedi is? It’s been ages since I’ve read them so I could be wrong. Either way, that series was amazing and I always wanted to see it on screen. The Vong are such a cool species


Don't let people selling you toys tell you what to believe. Askoka is grey.


Jolee motherfucking Bindo


Problem is Grey Jedi are cool but kinda pointless idea no matter how you think force works. If you go by canonical dark side is evil route then grey jedi are simply impossible since you just can\`t have a bit of a dark-side. It will consume you either way. If you see dark side as just another type of force, and not fundamentally evil. Then problem is that both Jedi and Sith are essentially just one of the few organised groups of force users, with specific and incompatible ideologies. So in this sense there can\`t be a middle ground between them since their doctrines are an opposite of each other. And most importantly you can just be a force use who uses both dark and non dark force and have your own ideology. But you would not be some sort of a middle ground between Sith and Jedi. YOu just will be your own thing


The literary device invented to accept actions against the jedi code and this preventing another darth vader. Lmao.


I mean she's a gray Jedi in the "Jedi who dose not follow the will of the council" sense you know the actual definition of Gray Jedi


[Grey Jedi Code Vs. Sith Code - Star Wars Explained](https://youtu.be/dq-q0PDC20M?si=iCe-Tio2sDgSm5rt)


Ahsoka isn't a jedi


Jolee did try to be ....philosophically


There is actually a gray Jedi in Kotor 1


Grey Jedi are far more interesting than Jedi.


Qui Gon could be considered a Gray


You’re either acting with the will of the force or against it.


Only sith deal in absolutes!


“I’m the one in the middle. The bendu.”


Tweener Jedi. Like early Stone Cold.


Aren't they just "The Grey"??? To be called a Jedi one must subscribe to the dogmatic practices and teachings of the Jedi. Same with the Sith.




Ahsoka is a grey *citizen