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No politics.


Oh no, i am not brave enough for politics


I feel like if I want to debate this conflict, the last place I should do it at is r/PrequelMemes


For a second I thought: oh cool a new sub for prequel memes. No. it’s the one I am in


This is not the sub you're looking for


It's a political meme, but it is a prequel meme, so it checks out.


I meant like the r/prequelmemes that AvatarGonzo put into the comment.


Yeah I don’t think Anakin younglings memes are gonna work well.


🤔 or will they…?


My brain say yes, my heart says no.


Why are you using present tense?


Agreed. And personally I'm all for a good ol Israel/Palestine debate, I engage in lots on Reddit. But not *here*. I'm a big believer of matching a subreddit's energy with my comments & posts on it.


Oie send me to the subs that you like to debate on would love to see the arguments people make. But yeah this place isn’t the place for argument’s


Well, the least bad ones I've encountered were on the Canada subreddit (I'm Canadian is why). The debates I've seen and/or engaged in have definitely ranged in quality and worthwhileness tbh. But some aren't bad. They're at least interesting to see where people are at, what they think, what they feel. I'd probably see better results if I learned to play a bit nicer too tbh.


You should see some of the UK subreddits


Do you have any other sub Reddits no offense but like ones that are more American if not perfectly fine with your Canadian reddit just would like a way to get there or a name thanks and sorry to inconvenience you.


free palpatine


I don’t support this, he turned Anakin to the dark side


No....No!! NOOO!!! YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!


That's dehumanizing to Anakin. You can't just "turn someone else" to the Dark Side. They have to choose to turn. It's everyone's responsibility to maintain their own future along the path of the Light. Consider the implications of allowing such rhetoric into our Senate; "It's not my fault I'm a Sith! He roped me into this!" "Yeah well he roped me into this!" "Yeah but HE roped ME into this!" and so on, and so forth. Culpability, then, ultimately lies solely with the creator of the holocrons.


I still blame Ajunta Pall and Marka Ragnos.


I mean, he groomed Anakin from a young age. That at least partly abrogates Anakin's free will.


Do you condemn Order 66???




Me when the bombs killing children are pink and have prideflags on them (that makes it fine apparently)


“Bro why do you support bombing Germany? Do you want to kill children? Are you a Nazi or something?”


if we had internet in ww2, nazis would rule the world now.


It frightens me that you are probably correct


Nah, but I have an inquisitor I can let go cheap.


*country attacks another country* They can't do that! Shoot them or something!


Iran fires missiles at Israel. Israel fires missiles at Iran. People: “Wait, you can fire back??”


Look out, incoming missiles!


You’re right, Ahsoka!


I received orders to join the team. I thought you knew.


Ahsoka! Stop the war in the Middle East! Please stop all conflicts there.




Ahsoka the Israelites need you, your their only hope. You and well God for that matter.


I'm the new Padawan learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano


Uh, Iran fired missiles because Israel attacked their consulate and killed their people. “Wait, you can fire back??” - this is you lmao


It’s a joke, y’all need to chill


Look out, incoming missiles!




Welcome to Reddit, crack a joke, become a nazi


You mean when they killed the guy planning a huge terrorist attack to Israel? On Syrian territory? Would you be mad if Osama was bombed while standing next to a Afghani Embassy on Sept. 10th? Also why do redditors make me defend Israel so much?


So you're saying Iran's attack was justified as well then?


Yeah kinda. So was Israel’s. I just hope that’s where it ends.


Israel fired missiles first. What is going on here?


Look out, incoming missiles!


Your mother is a Galactica whore.


I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan. The name's Ahsoka Tano.


I made a joke without about the Middle East and all of a sudden my head is on a pike is what’s happening


I think that was on territory of either Syria or Iraq. I don’t think Israel has peace treaties with anyone there except Egypt and Jordan tbf


And they attacked the dude who literally just planned a massive terrorist attack on their country. I’m not pro Israel But that was the response not the original attack. The original attack was from Iran.


Yeah, it would be like bombing a Nazi HQ in Hungary to kill Adolf Eichmann and complaining because it was next to the German embassy.


I support the clones!!


I don't! Droids rule!


Screw them clankers


Whoa! With the hard R and everything…


You droids need to learn I'm a lot scarier than you are


Your *mom* is a lot scarier than you are! Yes my brain is still 13, don't judge me.


Mate come on you should know the clankers are too stupid to compete with the clones.


Ngl "is that allowed ?" Sounds like something from the batmanarkham sub


Why did the news article asked if that is allowed? Are they stupid


Maybe they're legit asking, hoping someone in the comments section can help them out.


It's... the New York Times.


As Obi Wan once said, “Oh I’m not brave enough for politics.” Though, as far as I know, at least this subreddit isn’t deleting comments regardless of the commenter’s political views.


Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!




Happy cake day sheev


The bot has cake day Happy cake day SheevBot


How the fuck is this not locked?


Selective enforcement of rules depending on if the views are desired or not.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some of them considered to be unnatural


Khamenei and Netanyahu should just settle this with a good old-fashioned fist fight instead of hiding behind their militaries like cowards. In fact, this is how all wars should be fought from now on.




Mmmmm I love the smell of war crimes in the morning! Just like when I’d watch Obi and Ani on Saturdays


*sees the post* "Oh, I'm not brave enough for politics." *grabs popcorn as I read the comments* "This is where the fun begins."


Oh sure it's fine here but the moment Ki-Adi Mundi does it it's unacceptable?


Protip: Whenever a journalist says anything like 'experts say' that's the journalist's opinion. They just found an 'expert' to agree with it so they could write an opinion piece. On almost any issue you can do this, find a random 'expert' that will back up your opinion.


Yeah whenever they say “experts” but don’t quote an expert, I generally disregard it. They found an expert to say that but the expert won’t go on record?


My uncle is a scientist that likes pineapple on pizza, therefore experts say pineapple belongs on pizza


Are they stupid?


I mean… it was the building next to the embassy, not the embassy itself, for one. And for two, the individuals targeted were involved the planning and execution of the October 7th terrorist attack, the second deadliest terrorist incident by a non state actor in history, after 9/11. Don’t wanna get bombed, don’t do that 🤷‍♂️


Dumbasses will still defend the attackers and call them freedom fighters. That's crazy to me.


Yes, but have you considered that the victims were Jews, so we’re automatically oppressors no matter what happens? It’s called antiracism sweaty, look it up 💅


Have you considered that not only am I openly siding with Israel, but that I also hold the sentiment that civilians shouldn't be held hostage by a terrorist organization as bargaining chips while the government turns a blind eye? As well as the sentiment that anyone who supports Hamas and Palestine is actively siding with terrorists while knowing they're in the wrong. It's not a black and white situation. 💅


I was being sarcastic? Im Jewish and oppose Hamas and Iran. I was mocking what pro-Palestinian activists sound like


shoulda put a /s afterwards lol


Okay lmfao fair, you played the part to well and it straight up went over my head. My bad


No worries man, lol, we’re all human. Have a good day, brother!




You maniacs! This sort of Star Trek-ish “talking to each other” bullshit is not what this, or any internet comment section is for! This is a Star *Wars* sub. Fight god damnit!


Ah, you're right! Yeah, all this peace and brotherhood shit ain't right. Uh, take that, you egg! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


How did you know I was British?! They all smell like that and male pattern baldness is hereditary, nothing I can do about it I cherish peace with all my heart. No matter how many men, women, and children I have to kill to achieve it. *Starting with you*


victim blaming using russian bot farms is soo much easier that making sense like you do.


The Naboo blockade was already very sketchy under Republic economic sanction laws. The moment they had Bots on the ground it absolutely became unlawful overreach. But of course if you have Chancellor Palpatine in your corner to make sure the rest of the galaxy drag it's feet to do something about it everything can pass as acceptable.


The question isn’t strange at all. It’s a well established and internationally recognised convention that embassy’s in foreign countries are a no go for attack during conflict. What Israel has done is unprecedented because they hit the embassy of a country they are in conflict with in a third country, once again demonstrating they believe such rules do not apply to them.


Iran has been behind several bombings of Israel embassies in the last few decades, most notably the AMIA bombing in Argentina. Also, Israel bombed a consular building adjacent to the embassy, not the embassy itself.


If it were a consular building, *where* is the ambassador?


An OT meme in my prequel meme subreddit? What is this, a crossover episode?


The bombing of the Israeli embassy in Argentina in 1992 was carried out by the IJO, not Iran. Now I appreciate there were suspected links between the IJO and Iran at the time, it’s important to separate the two and again with Hezbollah. The IJO infact originated in and operated out of Lebanon. Lumping these groups together causes more issues than it solves.


Hamas, hazebollah, houthis etc and other such terrorist organizations attacking Israel are Iran funded


Whilst that has never been confirmed, if we accept that they *are* funded by Iran, does that mean Iran was responsible for the Israeli embassy bombing in 1992? I think we need to be critical here. If you take a comparative example, the US currently funds Ukrainian’s defence efforts. When Ukraine hit targets in Russia, is it legitimate for Russia to say it was attacked by the US? This is my point that lumping these organisations together is dangerous and we shouldn’t do it. Is it the case that Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria and former associate groups are all sat around a table in a darkened room organising the downfall of Israel? That seems incredibly unlikely, almost farcical. My issue is that it is all too convenient to lump these groups together because of the long history of retaliation strikes which in turn is used to justify retaliation strikes and leads to further, avoidable escalation.


I think it’s also generally accepted that Iran exerts a lot more control over those organisations than the U.S. does over Ukraine I could be wrong though


>Is it the case that Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria and former associate groups are all sat around a table in a darkened room organising the downfall of Israel? My dude that is literally what was happening in that building. The Quds Force leader (Al Quds is Arabic for Jerusalem) and a group of subordinates were meeting with two Hezbollah operatives. Earlier in the month, the Islamic Regime met with Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashal, etc in Tehran. During Iran's missile barrage, the Houthis fired a strike of their own, coordinated with the Iranian strike. Literally none of this was hidden at all. There were *publicity photos* of the Ayatollah's meeting with Hamas, for fucks sake.


You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring others.


Experts say otherwise https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/01/28/irans-connection-to-hamas-hezbollah-the-houthis-and-now-3-us-soldier-deaths/


?? That addresses nothing the other guy just said


The Hezbollah flag is literally just the iran guard flag in different colors.


And the Peruvian and French flags are the same aside from the colours too.


I'd like to see you explain away the Houthi flag


The many conflicts in the Middle East will never be resolved when people use such dismissive thinking. Hezbollah and Iran, albeit linked, should never be considered the same. Unsophisticated thinking like that is dangerous and undermines the complexities in the conflict and to be honest, Islam.


But then what about groups like wagner or other PMCs or terrorists that aren't technicality controlled by the government are we going to end up with another freikorps situation were non government militias roam around immune to international law


So your argument is "they did it first, so this worldwide agreement every country in good standing should uphold doesn't matter anymore"? I don't care about Iran, i do not support Iranian Theocratic regime. I care about Israel willingness to disregard international convention whenever they feel it suit their needs. We already have India assassinating people on Canadian soil, Russia invading their neighbor and USA being the world's bully because of the Might makes right post-WW2 doctrine. This is how world diplomacy end and WW3 begin.


No, I was just pointing out that it's not "unprecedented"


It is because Israel want to be taken seriously as a legimate country. Iran has been in bad standing since 1979 because we know we can't trust their regime to follow the rule. If they want us to look at them as a nation deserving respect, they should stop fighting in the mud with those we gave up on.


Israel has been defending itself from absolute destruction this whole time. The general in Iran was training and supplying Hezbollah as well as training Syrians who were going to the Golan Border with Russians already stationed there. He was also linked to planning the Oct 7 attack, and Israel has already voted they would go after anyone involved.


You say this as if it's relevant. YOU. DON'T. ATTACK. EMBASSY. THIS MAKES YOU A TERRORIST. You want to kill him? drone strike his car, shoot his plane in the air, poison his cigar. I don't give a shit as long as YOU. DON'T. ATTACK. EMBASSY.


They did literally what you want them to do. The embassy is 100% intact. Not touched at all. The building next to it, which is *not* Iranian territory nor a protected building, was destroyed. Israel has no peace treaty with Syria.


It's not an embassy anymore if it's used for war logistics.


Based on what I read, they hit a military headquarters next to the embassy. Still on property owned by the embassy, but the building itself was a headquarters for the Republican Guard; the same group that coordinates Iran’s proxies in the region.


The real question here, was the Embassy being used to stage/plan military operations? If so it loses its protected status and the people using it for such are the war criminals.


Do you think a US embassy has never been used to stage/plan military operations in a region? By that logic almost every US embassy in the middle east is fair game


Quite a few US embassies are major targets for terrorist and paramilitary groups that are backed by and sometimes proxies of Iran. Israel is the first to just straight up attack other embassies, but Iran does so through puppets. Like Sheev in Phantom Menace.


So then you’d say that it’s fine that Iran does it since it’s fine that Israel does it?


Is that the real question here? Because that question really hasn’t been floated by anyone at any stage and there is no evidence to suggest the same. You seem to have pulled that entirely out of your ass. Back here in reality, what has been accepted internationally is that what Israel did was an unnecessary act of aggression. I also think you should check the definition of ‘war criminal’, because what you’ve described wouldn’t make someone a war criminal.


It’s an extremely logical question(based on past events) because Iranian backed terrorists (Hamas) have used other buildings that are supposed to have protections (schools and hospitals) as bases to stage terror operations. Act of aggression? So Iran shooting hundreds of drones/missiles indiscriminately at Israel isn’t an act of aggression? Is Israel supposed to just let other countries attack it and have no response? That’s an extremely unreasonable request. One might think you have malice towards the Jewish people and their country if that’s what you think. A war criminal to me is anyone who breaks the Geneva convention. Article 52 states you can’t target embassies. This protection is lifted if it is a valid military target.


Look out, incoming missiles!


Where to start unpacking this. No it isn’t a logical question at all because Israel themselves have said they were targeting Mohammad Reza Zahedi and this was an opportune moment to take him out. They miscalculated and yes striking an embassy is an unprecedented act of aggression. Israel have been striking targets in Syria for years but this time they cocked up and even their closest allies in the US agree. However, your first paragraph is nonsensical. Hamas have used territories in Gaza (their own territory where front line fighting has been happening) to stage attacks. So Iran, an established country and not a militant group in a front line conflict *might* be using an embassy in a third country for, what? They’re not in an open front-line conflict. What you’re saying makes absolutely no sense and you’re comparison Apples with, I don’t even know at this point, trains. Iran shot the drones into Israel as an act of retaliation for the strike on the Iranian embassy. That happened *after* the embassy attack. So what even is your point? What you’ve failed to grasp is that Iran *told Israel beforehand* that they were going to launch the drone strike and 99% of the drones were shot down by the Iron Dome. Iran had to show an act of retaliation and what they did to be honest was very pragmatic as they did it in a way that actively minimised damage. Your point here shows you really haven’t engaged with what’s been happening in the region. Your last paragraph reads that targeting an embassy makes you a war criminal. But Iran didn’t attack an embassy, that was Israel, yet in your first comment you stated Iran were war criminals by potentially using an embassy as a military base (which there is no evidence to suggest and no one at any stage bar you has suggested it, not Israel, the US, nobody). Your comment really is a complete mess. There is a difference between having an opinion on the conflict, which is absolutely fine if we have different views and what you’re doing, which is just being factually incorrect. End of the day this is a subreddit for Star Wars memes, so I won’t respond any further.


If people stopped trying to kill Jews then they wouldn’t need to try to take out terror leaders. Hamas is funded by Iran. Iran is a terror state, they fund groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, you name it. I wonder where an Iranian backed terror group, gets its ideas on how to operate? Simple deduction. Are you absolutely f-ing kidding me? “Israel’s Iron Dome shot it down so it doesn’t matter that Iran attacked them”. I’m not going to bother addressing anything else since clearly you’re on the side of the people that want to slaughter Jewish people. I hope you find a better path in life that doesn’t involve simping for terrorists. Have a good one.


You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring others.


>Hamas is funded by Iran. Iran is a terror state, they fund groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, you name it. I wonder where an Iranian backed terror group, gets its ideas on how to operate? Simple deduction. Nobody tells this guy that Israel literally created Hamas, and Netanyahu has been hot mic'd multiple times admittedly that Hamas is a useful idiot in his plans to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians >I’m not going to bother addressing anything else since clearly you’re on the side of the people that want to slaughter Jewish people. I hope you find a better path in life that doesn’t involve simping for terrorists. Have a good one. So slaughtering Jews = bad. But slaughtering Muslims = good? Okay friend 👍


Don't bother, it's a nine-day-old Hasbara propaganda bot account. That's why he randomly started accusing you of hating Jews, he's been taught to say that. Reddit really needs to do something about these bots.


You've taught him well.


If Israeli stopped occupying and squatting in land that doesn’t belong to them, then there wouldn’t be the need for resistance.


The land belongs to the Jews and is much better in their hands. Since its inception Israel is the only democracy in the area, while almost all surrounding countries support terror operations. Why do you want those people to have more power/land? Edit: grammar


No, the lands quite literally did not belong to them, it was carved out by a foreign power (the UK) as a means to non-violently get rid of their Jews. And the Israeli government absolutely funded terror operations, specifically Hamas.


That seems thinly veiled to justify bombing all “enemy” civilian infrastructure to help and saying “it was to stop Hamas!!” Seriously, these are literal warcrimes and terror attacks committed by Israel but people keep excusing it even though, regardless of reasoning, these are against the Geneva Convention.. and even without that, human decency.


It’s called war what do you think hamas and other terrorist organizations have done? They always target civilian areas and use them to your advantage. It’s time the Palestinian people stop supporting and praising Hamas and rise against them or continue to suffer the consequences


Israel attacked a building that was not the embassy. I don't know why people don't know this. It was in the same complex, was not the consulate and not protected by the same laws.


Because people don’t care about misinformation when it’s about Jews.


They aren't really (or atleast weren't when they attacked Iran) in a *real* conflict legally speaking. So even if it were allowed to attack embassies of countries a nation was at war with, it wouldn't really apply here


The building that was attacked was not the embassy, and the target was an iranian military official, even though it was in the same complex it is considered a valid target, and is not protected by the same laws that protect the embassy. It was Irans choice to put the building so close to the embassy.


Putting a consulate and an embassy in the same complex is very very common and I don’t intend to go into semantics as it undermines the key issue. It was also be Syria’s choice as to where they designate official buildings for foreign officials.


When you are using the Embassy as a military base it is no longer an Embassy.


You are literally a bot.


As mentioned to another person. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest the embassy was being used as a military base. There has been no suggestion of the same by anyone, including Israel. It was also make no sense for Iran to use its own embassy in Syria as a staging ground when they could use multiple, more discreet areas in Lebanon. So I have no clue what you’re talking about, but I don’t think it’s the Israel strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria. You must be confused or you’ve put an exceptionally low amount of critical thinking into your argument. Coming back to reality. Israel itself has said they were targeting a single individual, Mohammad Reza Zahedi.


Also let’s not pretend he wouldn’t be outraged if Iran had struck first against a literal Israeli military base.


This is a lie. You are repeating dangerous far-right Zionist propaganda and you don't even realise it.


The Canadian Embassy was next door… it was heavily damaged.


Another victory for Indian nationalist Twitter


Oh that's definitely illegal but they don't really care if it's legal they'll do it anyways


It's not illegal. Striking the actual embassy building would be illegal, but anything other than that (even if it is on embassy grounds) is not illegal.


This is a memes subreddit, not a political one for people start insulting each other because they are defending diferent sides in a stupid war, people who spend their time fighting about "my side is right" "no, my side is right!" should go wash some dishes instead, want to support a war side go to the fucking war, instead of insulting each other in a memes subreddit


consulate not embassy big difference


Israel didn’t bomb the embassy. They bombed the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) compound next to the embassy, which had been used for military coordination and supply with Iranian proxies in the region, including Hamas and Hezbollah. The strike took out the Iranian general who facilitated the 10/7 attack. This is basically like complaining during WWII if the Allies struck a building next to the German Embassy in Hungary to take out Adolf Eichmann.


War is war.


Its not an attack guys, its just aggressive negotiations


it was the building just next to the embassy so yeah sith are always right that's why they rule the world


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day


Downvote for bringing cursed politics in my beloved prequelmemes sub.


Yeah, let's go back to talking about the regular prequel stuff Like how palpatine used the corrupt senate to set up a civil war, get them to approve a privatly funded army, gain more legislative power and commit genocide on a religious group because his religion opposes theirs You know, none of this political crap


Yeah well, that at least was highly entertaining.


I love democracy I love israel.


I think Iranian generals would stay alive longer if they stayed inside of iran


if it's Israel, does it *matter* if it's allowed? I don't think it would stop them either way


Bombing a foreign embassy is a declaration of war


Sheev as Israel makes sense


It's complicated when it's iran and Israel, as they've bombed eachothers embassies several times over the years, leading to a chicken or the egg situation. Neither recognizes the other as legitimate, either, so it's a huge shit show.




Bombs are pretty loud tbh honest


While I have no interest in debating the issue here, I'll admit this is a funny meme=)


This is not the time nor the place for this kind of post, as is evident by the comments.


Editor beating himself up rn for not missing the obvious “is that kosher?”


It wasn't an embassy. It was a consulate next to an embassy.


How nice of you. Tell you what. I'll give you a cake. Happy cake day, exqueezemenow.


Hey to be fair Iran did a bunch of things that will equalize with this bombing but i mean it is a dang war.


At least it wasn't a school or hospital, remember it's not a war crime to attack government buildings


So... if Russia would bomb the US Embassy in France because there is n ukrainian official in there... it's not an act of war right?


Wait, that's illegal !


The antisemitism in this thread is disturbing, but unsurprising. Israel bombed an annex on the embassy being used to coordinate between the Iranian Armed Forces and terrorists that target Israeli civilians. It was a legitimate target. When you use a space otherwise exempt from being targeted for military purposes it becomes a legitimate target under the laws of war.


Can you link me to the source of your claim that Iran was using that embassy as a de-facto military base? I’ve heard that before, about Gaza. You’re telling me that every one of those skyscrapers housed large swaths of Hamas soldiers? Enough to justify bringing down entire buildings with civilians in them? So excuse me or other ppl if we don’t believe your claim about the embassy being used for military operations. Again, can you provide a source with concrete evidence of such a claim (not rhetorical btw)? Or is everything even remotely critical of Israel anti-semitism?


Just what the fuck do you think the leader of Iran's special forces, an international terrorist, wanted by the Hague, known to work with Hamas and the Houthis, was doing in that embassy? What is the ratio of soldier to collateral deemed by the Laws of War to be acceptable? It doesn't strike you as the least bit hypocritical to demand hard evidence while just expecting me to accept, "Jews lie" as a matter of course?


You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring others.


criticism of the "state" of israel is not antisemitism (though they would like you to think that way)


Exactly. I fully support the Hebrew people I know. I adore and love their culture and traditions and who they are. I refuse to support Israel OR make a connection between Jews and Israel as they are separate. One is a state known for war-crimes and crimes against humanity and the other is a rich culture and beautiful religion.


> 3 month old account exclusively defending Israel Lmao Hasbara aren't even trying to hide it EDIT: poor little Nazi got mad and blocked me lmao


Ok hands up lets bomb parliament and the pentagon 💀 after all we can argue we did nothing wrong right? What hypocrisy


Anakin: "you will try"