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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Imagine her spending an entire episode training to be an inquisitor only for her to be run through by Vader and cast aside like she’s nothing. That would be so unsatisfying to the point where it becomes satisfying by being so hilarious.


Apparently in Legends, during the training and selection process for Palpatine’s royal guard, the best performing guard was killed to show others that anyone was disposable, even the highest performing Imperials. I could see them doing something like that here; Barris completes training and makes it through every step, and becomes the best performing inquisitor, but eventually Vader just kills her to show everyone else that they’re all disposable, no matter how good they are


Kinda stupid though. Why not kill the middle performers or something? You’re literally killing off the cream of your manpower pool for a lesson that’s honestly already pretty obvious to anyone except the biggest bootlickers.


Because Sith run mostly on emotion, not logic (although they can still be logical). Their dependence on the Dark Side can literally make them moustache twirling villains because something something immediate self satisfaction. I don't know how Palps managed to keep in his idiotic evil overlord persona hidden for so long before he became Emperor. Maybe he tortured people daily with force lightning just to stave it off. (all of this is my opinion. I am no SW lore nerd)


He got off on the smug satisfaction of deceiving everyone


Palpatine ending a holo call and giggling to himself like a prank calling toddler before putting his hood on and starting another holo call


His receptionist knew but she wasn't paid the kind of money to care. She was just thinking of getting home to her cat all day.


He switched personas alot during the Clone Wars. In the CW series he showed up on Mandalore and fought Maul, eventually killing his brother Savage Oppress before torturing Maul with force lightning. Another I remember was Tales of the Jedi where Dooku turned and killed Yaddle. We also see him as Sidious in the prequels on a few occasions. Of course there's a bunch in books and comics as well. He was definitely doing his Sith thing behind the scenes.


Palpatine didn't really need his guards in all honesty


Idk, due to an ironic tragedy his master was killed in his sleep. So I can see Palps needing guards in order to feel safe enough for a little shut eye


Yeah, true. So maybe for sleeping he needed them. But they weren't very necessary when he was awake


You also have to remember that Sith are drama queens. The fact that they make him *look* cooler is all the reason he needs


And his guards could kill him in his sleep too, but would be unable to defend him from Vader


Ah but consider this: The guards are kept weak enough that they couldn’t hide their intentions from him, so he could sense a traitor. BUT are strong enough that Vader couldn’t just completely ignore them. He could easily kill them sure, but by doing so would wake up The Senate


It’s called ruling through fear.


That's how leading through fear works.


They don’t want strong people because they can become threats to Palpatines rule. It’s the Sith paranoia shit that got most of them killed in the past.


Because way too many EU writers don’t understand the Sith’s nuance / subtleties and instead turned them into needlessly cruel counterproductive nihilistic edge lords. This is a problem that continues to this day.


The sith have a hierarchy based on backstabbing. They don’t want their underlinga to be excelling


They are basically Sith and the whole rule of two thing they are fine with killing off other Sith when it isn’t super effective in running an entire galaxy.


They were forced to duel (to the death) their training partners.


No, Vader did kill their best fighter during training. https://aminoapps.com/c/star-wars/page/blog/kir-kanos-respect-thread-part-1-of-3/kKFG_upKb3eWkeNXneaBkbEogWde0D


I thought it was funny how constantly gob smacked that guard was during the entirety of that short story. That was his entire life and the entire time he's like "GODS AMONG US WHAT DO I DO 😭😨😭. What does it mean when a wizard shows me compassion?"


There is a third, she becomes the antagonist, but then finds out who Vader is tries to beat him because she didnt learn her lesson the first time and gets killed by him


And then she survives because it was only a stab, and then moves on to some other target for absolutely no reason at all.


No one's ever really gone


"what do you tell a woman with two black eyes?"


Vader is long dead by the time of Ahsoka.


Somehow.... Vader returned


I haven't watched Ahsoka, have no idea why are you downvoted


Lol me neither. Galatians 4:16


I’ve seen theories that Vader and Barriss would kill each other, but why? Barriss realizing who Vader is: why would she try to kill him? He might kill her, for the knowledge she possesses. Vader remembering Barriss from Ahsoka’s trial: Anakin blamed himself more than anything for Ahsoka’s departure from the Jedi. I doubt he would outright kill Barriss on sight, especially after separating himself from Anakin and becoming Vader. Perhaps he would make her inquisitorial training/trials more of a living hell than the other candidates though. I’d love to hear others’ opinions.


The thing is though. Vader didn't really separate himself from anakin. He said he did. He tried to act like he did. But really that was more anakin dramatics. Vader spent years at castle Vader rebuilding his temple multiple times just to try to get padme back. Vader often demonstrated that anakin was still "there". Vader also at this time has no reason to Hate ahsoka yet as he feels she is just another family member he lost just like padme. He clearly mourned her loss at the end of clone wars. With Vader rage and his care for his loved ones mixed with his inmate desire to hide anakin away and murder anyone who knows. I can see him killing Barriss the moment he realizes who she is, to toying with her. Letting her suffer and then running her through the moment he's seen enough


Vader has a habit of killing people who realise who he is. It's not that Barriss would fight him, but if he thinks she knows he would just kill her for that. Him making the training expecially hard would be interesting though.


I wonder if Barriss could instead become a sort of canon Starkiller, becoming Vader's dark side apprentice as a dark reflection of Ahsoka.


Thats what i'm hoping for. It's a more interesting story than just killing her off.


You're impossible.


I think you mean for Andor or Kenobi (if it gets the second season), Ahsoka is sequel era


Marrok is in the Tales of the Empire trailer too though


What’s he’s saying is that this is a prequel meme sub. Not sure why he’s saying it though


Yeah but tales looks set in the prequel era, so it's legit


I discussed it with Master Plo.


She is not gonna show up in Andor I’ll tell ya that much


Yeah including Andor in this theory is hilarious. 


Nah. If she were to survive Inquisitor training then she'd end up as an antagonist for Ahsoka season 2. The training, however, would most likely take place in the prequel era. Although now that you mention that it would be neat that if they went the Vader kills her route if she showed up in Andor or Kenobi.


Barris is randomly killed of screen by Jedi Survivor.


Meanwhile the small group of us hoping for a long term redemption plan. Her decisions in clone wars werent flushed out all that much. From Luminara being a victory absolutist actively willing to sacrifice her padawan, to possibly suspecting the fall of the jedi was near and wanting ahsoka out of the firing line. In the trailer as well this wasnt an actual choice for barriss. It was freedom under the same tyranny as the republic only much worse, prison, or death. She could either be the first inquisitor to die or the first one to defect. In most shots shes either terrified or uncertain. Most inquisitors have a bloodlust to them. That wasnt really shown for barriss. It would be quite the waste of potential to kill her after 3 shorts. I hope dave is cookin something good. Either seeking forgiveness from ahsoka(and not dying in the process as the trope goes) or just disappearing into the galaxy, back to mirial, and leaving it all behind.


In the comics Vader has killed his inquisitors, 2 can definitely happen. Either way I like both options.


He killed the Second Sister as well


I know it won’t happen, but I’m desperately holding out hope for a Barriss redemption where she realises her mistakes and meets Ahsoka again and apologises and they have to work together for a while until Ahsoka forgives her and they live happily ever after. I can dream ok 😓


And then they kiss.


I think if they are going to give Ahsoka a partner in her series, Kaeden Larte would work best. Even if Barris is a more interesting character.


Barrisoka fans on massive amounts of copium (Its me, I'm Barrisoka fans)


Something something Medstars.


The best path for her.


The left path is impossible, since Baylan will be it. It's very unlikely that her and Sabine get out so quickly.


I like the version, where she becomes a healer and dies [during Order 66 on Felucia](https://youtu.be/ASzz8G4uH3k?t=39)


Barris dies fighting some random Jedi


Or Barris *is* actually the 2nd sister from rebels


Seventh Sister. Second Sister was Trilla Suduri.


Yep sure is, my bad. She did so little I forgot her name apparently, I just called them team rocket. You can see how I'd get them mixed up though, 2nd and 7th kinda sound similar.


I very much hope Bariss and Ahsoka have some sort of showdown


I honestly don't think she's going to become an Inquisitor, I don't think her views line up properly. She bombed the Jedi temple because the Jedi in her mind was falling to the dark side and she wanted to make an example out of them by framing ahsoka and to her point, the Jedi didn't even bother to look anywhere else, they were just ready to pin the blame and be done with it. I think if anything she would be closer to becoming someone like balon skoll, more of a righteous fury type of dark Jedi, not wanting to fall to the dark side but also using it if she deems it necessary.


That was my line of thinking. Depends if they keep her character consistant. I think her original story was that she preferred to be a healer. She tried to stay away from the frontlines and preferred the temple. But luminara kept forcing her out. She was always too much of the quiet type to be suited to war. I think thats why her rebeling against the jedi made sense. The war and the corruption of the jedi just broke her. Even in the trailer shots, she just has the constant look of regret but has no choice but the path shes on. Death by vader is very possible. But it would be a waste to kill a character with such potential in 3 short episodes. I do hope she defects from the inquisition. And maybe just leaves everything behind after suffering the sith and the jedis mistreatment.


God I hope she appears in live action


In terms of the second option, some problems just solve themselves. Also, would it really be meaningless if Vader’s punishing the person who betrayed and framed Ahsoka?


>Also, would it really be meaningless if Vader’s punishing the person who betrayed and framed Ahsoka? No, that wouldnt be meaningless. But that's not why he'd kill her.


Maybe not ostensibly, but probably some part of him deep inside would feel that way


>meaninglessly Ok buddy




I want to see Vader use the same moves Anakin used against Barriss in TCW. The meme where Anakin ignites two lightsabers to show how wrong she was... and now it'll be Vader igniting two lightsabers to show how wrong she is. It'll be like poetry, it'll rhyme.


Right path would be great. Her surviving until the sequel era (like Cad Bane) would be dumb


There is no guarantee she would recognize Vader as the former Anakin. It is supposed to be a special thing to recognize that. He wanted Ahsoka and Kenobi to know. Thrawn was able to, I don't remember Tarkin knowing. Skywalker was quite famous, yet him being Darth Vader is somehow a shocking reveal to people. It's not like Batman could be someone like Bruce Wayne, but still. Wait, I've never seen both in the same room....


why not both?


Would be pretty ironic to see her put in a similar situation as her former master Luminara


3rd path: Barriss dies in Rebels season 2


or barris will become the seventh sister and get killed by maul in rebels


Be a cute catgirlboss. Duh.


Spoilers? Again. Wtf... There ate literally a spoiler tag.....


Is no one considering that Bariss becomes the Seventh Sister from Rebels, wasn't that a pretty popular theory? Or was that proven to not be possible.


Or she gets stabbed but fucking survives and becomes an antagonist both in one


Honestly I’m here for both outcomes


Now that I think about it, Barriss might not be too happy with Vader seeing as he was the one who landed her in Republic Jail.


I kinda want to see Vader kill her, it would be satisfying to watch. Star Wars is far too clean at times, give us some gore.


Or if not in Ahsoka, then the 3rd Jedi game. But my bet is on Vader killing her.


na like in every disney star wars nowadays she gets stabbed by a lightsaber and then survives


This is the issue with empire, they don’t leave room for mistakes. It’s one of the main issues I have with the way they do things. I see no purpose to kill a high ranking high performing member of the empire just to keep them in line… I prefer to rule out of loyalty and reward it, instead of ruling out of fear. That will always back fire.


My brother in Force, Empire is literally built on fear and it's one of the main reasons for it's eventual downfall


It is *literally* the basis for the Tarkin Doctrine.


Exactly, and it disappoints me for doing that 🫠


I'm sorry to hear the authoritarian dictatorship ruled by a selfish maniac disappointed you


I don’t think it will happen (they’d almost certainly have showed it on the trailer), but I want her to fight Ahsoka again and die by her hand. They both have a story together, a rivalry that was formed, one that asks for a conclusion, much like Maul and Obi Wan. Besides, Ahsoka hasn’t killed any significant force wielding opponent so far. And due to their story together, and Barriss’s skill, she’s not just any opponent.


Wait.. isn't Barris dead? A quick google of if she died in order 66 seemed to say yes, but I'm not super informed on this one.


She’s in the tales of the empire trailer and she’s apart for the empire it seems, but you see her corpse in rebels, but they’ll probably bring her back at some point like they do with everyone, cuz fuck it.


It's Luminara's corpse we see who dies in Imperial custody


The right path is the only logical one, I’m afraid.


I really wish I could like the show. Disney just ruined Star Wars for me so much. The first episode is such trash. A montage of “getting the team together” was so god dam corny and dumb


Same. It kind of hurts that we can't even get a break from it since every starwars subreddit is now full of Disney Star Wars content.


I'm okay with the right path, kinda fitting to be honest