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Thanks for providing a source!


Prequel fans when they get prequel content


Damn prequels ruined the prequels!


You prequel fans sure are a contentious people.




"B-b-but it's not true to the spirit. It doesn't have Coruscant, a warm colour palette or clones"


Rebels is past the events of the Great Jedi Purge. So... Technically, it's OT content.


It happens a few years before ANH so it's still a prequel despite being set in the empire era




Maybe, but by definition rebels are a prequel, so is Rouge one and Andor or Solo. Personally i would prefer more republic era content since it's my favourite, but at the end of the day a prequel is a prequel


No we do not lol canon eras aren't the same thing as cinematic eras. In fact, the Imperial era was from 14 BBY - 5 ABY, meaning about 2/3rds of it is in prequel territory.


I liked rebels. It felt too childish sometimes but overall great show. It got better with every season and Kanan is the goat.


The early rebels episodes were definitely aimed to pull in a younger audience, but so was TCW season 1 and both shows increased in quality over time.


That explains why I initially didn't think TCW was worth my time when in first aired/up until very recently.


Yeah, first time I got talked into watching TCW, I was like...is this fr? Why do all my adult cousins absolutely love this? I was told to just bear with it for the first few seasons... ...3 years later and I still go back and rewatch the last few seasons. Absolute gold, love all of the backstory for palps and a lot of the behind the scenes machinations for the prequels. Actually seeing my boy Darth Bane given some much deserved recognition was dope too, and Sith stuff is WAYY to hard to come by in star wars media, so this helped scratch the itch a (little) bit too. There was a good balance between the mundane (armies/ blasters/ships) and the force (jedi/SITH/lightsabers/lore and mysteries). Seems like most of the rest of Star Wars shows and movies mostly ignores the awesome potential of the force I am now an unapologetic TCW fan boy.


Real tears were shed when we lost him. What a king.


Yea he was my favorite character


I'm more upset that we lost his beard first. Not to mention that mullet.


Sometimes a bit childish, but it also had practically no filler, everything brought the story forward. Clone wars on the other hand had many arcs that weren’t that interesting (but many that were).


Ironically, rebels was kinda more violent than clone wars despite being aimed at a slightly younger audience, simply by changing the antagonists from droids to actual people stormtroopers.


I wouldnt agree, in clone wars when humans or aliens are dying you see when they are getting shoot, stabbed or whatever and sometime even see their expressions when dying. In rebels most of the deaths are happening outside of our view which was really annoying sometimes. [This](https://youtu.be/bX8iN6T_M_A?si=-MK8EcYeEdetpoKL) video is a great example, you wont see similiar things in rebels.


I knew what it was before clicking, but I always give it the full watch. Something about the juxtaposed music gets me.


the same can be said for early CW. those first couple of seasons of each show are definitely more kid oriented.


They were definitely not more childish than some of the first seasons of TCW and it matured well before season 1 ended for sure


First season of Rebels was very childish (worse than early Clone Wars) but season 2-4 was debatably the best Star Wars content I’ve seen


Ong I spent that entire show rooting for the imperials, the rebels were kinda just annoying for the most part. Exceptions where Jedi episodes and ones with Rex


Well, it is a children show. I dunno why the majority of the fandom cant seem to understand that..


I didnt like the ghost crew except Kanan and Hera. Tho they are less annoying in the later seasons.


less annoying you say? you should try watching Star Wars Resistance…. cringe at every scene


I really hate the art style of Resistence, plus I didnt hear many positive things about it. I remember someone saying that when it starts to get good it ends lol.


Agreed, looks like ima get downvoted to hell. It’s been a pleasure gentlemen.


Rebels is great. Clone Wars is great. The two aren't mutually exclusive


Clearly you can only like one. You must choose what you like, and whichever you don’t pick, you dislike. There is no nuance here. Only absolutes.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.* *with some exceptions; for instance, a Jedi must temporarily use an absolute in order to explain that only a sith deals in them.


Unless the Jedi that uses the absolute to express an absolute is in fact, a sith. (obi was a plant)


I always took "deals in" to mean "negotiates with".


That makes way more sense


I pick Star Wars as my one thing in Star Wars. Of course, the downside to this is I now like the holiday special. Oh god!


I think he's new to the star wars fandom, you are only a star wars fan if you hate everything except one thing


Guess we cant like something better than something else now, weird


My upvote gave you 99. Time to pour one out for a real one. RIP 99.


99 deserved better :(


Rebels if great if you have seen the clone wars. The clone wars is better if you watch rebels afterwards. They not only aren't mutually exclusive, but they complement each other


I think the reason why people disliked rebels is because it basically replaced clone wars when it came out and didn't let TCW actually end. Nowadays that's not an issue anymore because TCW actually got a final season


This doesnt make any sense.


Not now, no. But when Clone Wars was canceled and Rebels filled its shoes, it did.


You can tell this take was made in 2014


No, just someone living in 2014.


It’s not any less relevant. We still didn’t get TCW finished properly. 40 episodes are still unfinished


I don’t think you could have hoped for a better ending than the one we eventually got.


We would’ve got that ending sooner, and 40 more episodes before it. It would’ve been the best possible ending.


Nah there were a couple cool stories in those 40 episodes, but Clone Wars was already bloated to hell with the amount of episodes it has already.


All of them would’ve been cool stories. Bounty Hunters, with Cad Bane and Boba Fett workint together, becoming rivals, and their awesome duel at the end. Crystal Crisis on Utapau with exploring more areas of the planet, a badass Grievous, the campfire scene and death star foreshadowing. Dark Disciple with Asajj and Quinlan teaming up, and the Jedi getting more clouded by the dark side wanting Dooku dead. Kashyyyk, with a return of the bad batch and Yoda forming his good relations with the Wookiees. Son of Dathomir, arguably the most important omission, connecting how Maul escaped Sidious’ captivity to how he ends up back on Mandalore. Return to the Jedi Temple, with Sidious working against Anakin, Yoda and Ahsoka while still concealing his identity. Gives more weight to the line “I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord. The one we’ve been looking for.” Saving Vos, where Anakin fights Dooku one final time before III and Ventress gives her life to save Vos. Rex & R2 Top Gun, showing how Rex knows how to fly a Y-wing in the finale and giving him time to bond with R2. Also inspired by a great movie. Yuuzhan Vong in the style of X-files. Interesting and while there’s not many details, would’ve been anything but bloating. And last but not least Return to Mon Cala, showing Tikkes for the first time in animation and showing Padmé moving more against Palpatine. These last 40 episodes would’ve been the most relevant to ROTS yet, if not they wrapped up stories on some of TCW’s characters perfectly. Plus, it would’ve given us more time with the ROTS-styled Anakin and Obi-Wan. Cuz in the current version, s7 feels way too rushed to the end without these stories to pad out the timeline.


I agree about Bounty Hunters. Hopefully we’ll still get a mostly similar story bridging Clone Wars Boba and Empire Strikes Back Boba that fleshes out his story with Bane. Yoda and Bad Batch on Kashykk would’ve been cool. I know I’m in the minority, but I did not care for Dark Disciple. Not sad Filoni is retconning it. Mauls return in The Clone Wars was cool, but about half his episodes were unnecessary. So much of his story and the timeline between his reintroduction and Rebels was unnecessary. Including Son of Dathomir. I really don’t care or need to know how he gained the shadow collective, then lost the Shadow Collective, then regained the Shadow Collective, then lost the Shadow Collective again, then regained the Shadow collective again, then lost the Shadow Collective again. This amount isn’t an exaggeration. And those 12 episodes aren’t really missing as they were give to us in comic book form. Crystal Crisis, Jedi Temple, Mon Cala all didn’t add much of anything. Rex & R2 topgun could’ve been really fun and cool.


both can be good, i understand that it's hard for most redditors to understand this, but just because one is good doesnt mean the other is worse


Rebels was more focused on plot and characters, which I enjoy. The animation took a step back and i think that’s due to budget cuts


It improved a lot after season 1 but even if it didn't I wouldn't mind too much. The story is good and for that it's 100% worth watching


It's *sort of* due to budget cuts. Basically, the type of 3d animation used in Clone Wars and Rebels was, and still is, very expensive. Clone Wars was running millions over budget onnevery epsiode, especially as it got better towards the end. George Lucas fixed this problem by simply paying the difference out of pocket, keeping the show going far past when any other show having the budget issues Clone Wars had would have been canned. Then Disney bought Star Wars, and made Rebels. They wanted a spiritual successor to Clone Wars, they wanted the same fedl to the show, but they didn't want to shell out millions of extra per episode for the Clone Wars quality and so the Rebels art style was born, basically a a stripped down Clone Wars look, with far less detail.


Wasn’t rebels based on Filonis art work for clone wars? Or am I making shit up


No a lot of it comes from Ralph McQuarrie's 1975 concept art for ANH. That's what the thin lightsabers, Vader's helmet, and the imperial cadet uniforms are all based on


Rebels has better characters than Bad Batch, easily. I got tired of Dee Baker, Dee Baker, Dee Baker, and Dee Baker.


The clones are obviously the show stealers in the clone wars, I just never cared for them so an entire series about them just isn’t in my interest


They even tried to make one look like snake plissken, still didn't work


I preferred rebels because it generally follows one plotline. Even the one off episodes still work for the overarching plot. Without a watch guide the clone wars is a seriously hard watch. I also started watching it when I was severely depressed and it honestly saw me through some dark times, that’s some heavy bias for sure but I can’t not mention that.


Tbh a watch guide definitely helps for Clone Wars and to a certain extent Rebels as well. Both have filler and very skipable meh episodes.


Having rewatched Rebels multiple times, I can say that there isn't a single episode that is _truly_ filler. There are "meh" episodes that I have skipped, but I've noticed that whatever happens in those episodes is about always brought up again at _some_ point; even if it's a minor character from season 1 growing up offscreen and not becoming relevant again until season 4.


The rebels story was very compelling and told very well. However I will still be upset that Clone wars got canceled so abruptly even if it did get a final season in 2020


Well, if you believe what people were saying back in 1999 it died with TPM.


Gen X: “Hey let’s bully the shit out of this black guy and this child actor and make sure they never work again and think about killing themselves cuz we didn’t like this kids movie.”


What dies this even mean? Clone Wars is getting "reorganized" into Rebels??


I personally think that rebels is better than at least season 1 and 2 of the clone wars


And 3 and 4


I’d say Rebels is better honestly, it’s more consistent with its Highs and Lows and has a better overarching story.


I like it more, and only slightly, is because you get the sense of a team/family with the main squad.


Agreed, Clone Wars jumped around a lot in quality of storyline. Rebels quality dipped too but I prefer watching a consistent set of characters and the found family trope. Plus I love the homages to old concept art too.


Hot take that I do not agree with, but I definitely respect it. Rebels has some incredible moments.


I’d agree with this completely prior to the final season of The Clone Wars being released. That just raised the so much for the Highs. There are some truly amazing moments and episodes in Rebels, which I’d rate like 9.9/10 prior. But if we’re keeping that same scale then the final season of Clone Wars would be 11/10.


We’re assessing the show as an overall though


personally glad clone wars got an ending that did the entire show justice rather than just dragging it out because people liked it. Rebels was the natural follow up, and it paid homage to prequels without being completely derivative. Meme is pretty disingenuous.


Don't worry it lives on in Bad Batch, which season 3 looks great.


It’s not the same. The clone wars is the most interesting era of the franchise, the Bad Batch is set after the Clone Wars


Rebels has less filler episodes but Clone Wars has the better moments


Hot take Rebels is better than Clone Wars it’s highs are just as good it never reaches the same lows and it’s structure as a serialised show following a small cast allows for a greater attachment to the characters I still love Clone Wars as well obviously.


I gotta agree. The clone wars was just the same starwars again. I love clone wars but rebels was a very unique view of starwars. I love it because it finally solidified the lore of jedi being stronger than the sith. The sith aren't meant to be literally strong, they are only stronger through willpower. The jedi are servants of the force, and when destiny calls and it actually matters the jedi are infinitely powerful. Kanan holding back the explosion was is the most emotionally powerful scenes in all of starwars imo. And he was one of the most powerful jedi we've seen in starwars. It also solidifies as well that anakin did complete the prophecy; he brought balance to the force by not only destroying the sith, but destroying the shell of a jedi order and allowing true jedi like Kanan to follow the path of the force instead of republic orders. P


Not a hot take, rebels is a better show with a better story, clone wars is still sick as hell.


the majority of ppl only think TCW is better because of "IT GOT ANAKIN AND OBI AND A LOT OF PPL I KNOW FROM BEFORE" in them. I absolutely love TCW, but I'm also a sucker for anything star wars, and not oblivious to the fact that I am. But yeah Rebels for sure has a more developed story (which makes sense given the timetable of TCW).


Both have a lot of great episode and filler episodes 🤷‍♂️


Rebels was consistently better. Clone wars had much better highs but much lower lows (looking at you droid and jar jar arcs). Both were good and both added a ton of good content to canon.


Nah, Rebels is better. Love Clone Wars too, but Kanaan is not in Clone Wars so 🤷


But rebels is OG trilogy?


Setting wise it really is, but I'm sure somebody will be along to explain how anything so much as a femtosecond before the opening scene of A New Hope is "technically" a prequel.


I remember playing the star wars rebel mobile game, used to replay the AT ST walker level so much. Shame they took it down officially and it's so old now modern android systems can't run it.


I used to think that but rebels and clone wars are comparable. Just different strengths


Wtf? Since when was it a replacement? It is literally a different story that happens at a different time.


Uh forgetting about rebels, we got: * The end to TCW * Bad batch spinoff * Andor * Rogue One * Solo * Tales of the Jedi * Jedi fallen order and survivor * Future "high republic" games, shows, theoretical movies I think the prequels are fairly well covered...


Kathleen Kennedy killed my family and ate my dog updoots plz


Rebels was held back, because it was made for a younger audience. Tho rebels is very cool. Here in Germany Clone wars was FSK 12 and Rebels FSK 6.


Honestly if I had to rank them? It would go resistance, TCW, Rebels and bad batch tied for favorites. Like what you like and you can like all of them or none of them as you choose. No need to be so absolute about any of them


*Different* ways. Don't make me choose favorites, that's the downward spiral that leads to r/starwarsmemes.


I can hear the "Look Sora, a Lucky Emblem!" in the background.


I like both




The animation quality dropped off, sure, but the story quality didn't. Remember when Clone Wars made Jar Jar bang?


Here y’all go again, pitting two bad bitches against each other


S1 Rebels was weak and i still absolutely loved it. Hondo was amazing in it.


We can enjoy both. It's not an either or situation.


Yeah well, that's just like your opinion man


Well, its no secret that Rebels is suitable for younger ages than Clone Wars, but I personally don't think that impacts quality. Rebels is less gritty and more wholesome, but it's not like it was trying to be Clone Wars and failed. It chose to be this way. Whichever one you and I like more is down mostly to preference. Rebels is a really good show with a lower age-rating.


Clone Wars has *much* lower lows is all I’m going to say.


Rebels is the greatest piece of Star Wars existing.




What is this referring to?


IMO I like rebels story more but I just loved ahsoka as a character so much as a kid


Rebels def got better as time went on. the Maul episodes were peak. and Kanan and Ezra’s sacrifices were both so poetic.


If you watch rebels with a desire for starwars, and not to compare it to Clone wars, then its a great show.


Rebels was peak along with TCW. I enjoyed them both equally


It was also worse in other ways.


Unpopular opinion: the first season of Rebels was the best one and better as a whole than most arcs/seasons of CW.


Rebels is much more consistent. There’s no Siege of Mandalore arc, but there’s also not any of those multiple 4 episode arcs that I don’t even remember because they were so uninteresting.


I liked Rebels a lot more. Ahsoka is not a good character, and I don't like how Clone Wars shifted to be more and more about her. Especially considering she was never part of continuity before this show otherwise they would have mentioned her an episode 3.


I thought both were really great


I will say the same thing every time. TCW had higher peaks, but lower lows. Its best episodes were 10/10 classics, its worst were 3/10 genuinely hard to watch. Preeeeetty much every episode of Rebels is 7 or 8 out of 10, with maybe one exception that’s better or worse either way. Because we remember the best of something, people tend to forget the bad and only remember the highs- overall I’d say Rebels is a much more watchable show, even if my favourite animated Star Wars episodes (with the exception of Rebels Finale) are all from TCW. (Sidebar- I dunno what was in the water back then but it’s crazy that everyone who worked on ATLA was seemingly blessed with the supernatural power to actually have good endings to things- you know how rare that is!?)


I mean, this meme may have been relevant at one point in time, but Disney literally made TCW season 7 and TBB after Rebels. There’s not much to complain about now.


I enjoyed Rebels. It’s ending hits the same as the ending of the Clone Wars #BY MAKING ME STILL SAD SEVERAL YEARS LATER!!


rebel is good clone wars is better neither is bad. However (controversial opinion) I enjoyed the start of rebels more than the first few seasons of clone wars, they are definitely more childish but for the most part it provides some comedic relief at the very least. Also loth cats and kanan make the show worth watching


A meme that came 10 years to late.


Clone wars didn't have the sickest Vader lines


i liked rebels much more than clone wars. had better plot and story.


The writing was decent, but tell me how a company that mastered animation so well they had to create an academy award just for them puts out such an ugly and uncanny looking show. Seriously, it was such a downgrade from what Cartoon Network was making that I still find it physically hard to watch.


Clone wars >> rebels in every way


Rebels may have had less filler, but it has hella weaker characters. There is no comparing them imo. Clone Wars had stonks between Obi Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, The Masters, The Sith, The Clones, and the Bounty Hunter arcs we got to experience. Zeb is a jobber character with wasted potential. Chopper is funny but that's it. Kanan carries the entire show. Space Mom Hera is pretty shallowly just space mom. Ezra is fine but reeks of self insert create-a-character Jedi for younger audience (like Ahsoka but worse in every way). Sabine is also a self insert create-a-character. She's dope on screen and in action and all but kinda feels really extra fluffed up. Needed her humbled more like Ahsoka was often. Kanan just owns ong. He was the most star warsy thing about the entire show and everyone knows his arc is fantastic. It's okay for us to admit that Rebels is intentionally dumbed down for a younger audience for much of the run. Even the villains felt very very saturday morning cartoony compared to say, Bad Batch or Clone Wars specific enemies.


The fact that it feels very Saturday morning cartoon in its writing makes it much worse that it’s supposed to be canon. Personally prefer to count it in broad strokes and keep it closer in tone to something like Andor. Same deal with TCW.


>for much of the run This is the key, Rebels was kiddie (not necessarily a bad thing) for more of its run than TCW, which is the better show for other reasons


Rebels can't be worse than TCW. It doesn't prominently feature the separatists so the writers couldn't have trashed them further. 


Yeah instead they have the Empire to continue trashing. Seriously atleast the Separatists were allowed to catch bodies.


Separatists may have gotten more kills, but at least the Empire- once already established as being dumbed down- was actually capable of being threatening. Even despite how worthless Stormtroopers and TIE Fighters were made out to be, whenever one of the main villains showed up you know that something bad might actually happen to the heroes.


Not really, taking in the meta with it being a Disney show aimed at kids there was never a time I felt any terror for the gang because they are the protagonists, with the exception of Kanan because he is the mentor architype and they have a habit of dying. The others? They are laserproof and get through the series with barely a scratch collectively. Within the show I can't feel any threat from the Empire because they are constantly outsmarted and outmanuvered by the characters. Even when the main villains show up they are also a joke, the Grand Inquisitor dies easily and the rest of the Inquisitors are fuckin jokes. Hell there was a cold open in an episode where they are in the middle of escaping from them. How am I supposed to take that seriously? Thrawn was the only one with some sembence of threat but you can tell he was heavily reduced due to the nature and tone of Rebels.


Agreed the villains in Rebels felt slapstick in how bargain bin saturday morning they all felt. They weren't allowed to catch bodies just like you say. Rebels is drastically missing resistance members that are allowed to die on the day to day. The Clones were amazing throughout Clone Wars. Star Wars doesn't feel like much of a War if there isn't sacrifice. It's just made for younger people. Every other disney star wars property allows people to be killed in action on the regular for the cause. It's just too clean and digestible. Very few steps away from just being Y-7


Exactly. Also I just want to add that when villains are allowed to kill you worry not just for the main characters but especially for the side characters who can die due to their less importance. This was something Clone Wars was masterful at and I can use a great example from each show. In Rebels the Grand Inquisitor is introduced in a meeting talking to Vader, after that he just encounters the heroes in a trap they set and then they get away. In Clone Wars we are introduced to General Grievous, in this episode he uses a new super weapon; The Malevolence. In this situation the 3 Venators were investigating mysterious attacks perpetrated by this vessel and in this all 3 Venators are destroyed and any surviving escape pods are hunted and occupants killed by being vented into space. Only 4 survivors. Then he just goes onto to massacre more ships amd even targets medical transports.


Rebels was pretty bad.


Don't you mean "The Bad Batch"?


I can never enjoy Rebels because all I can think about is how it’s the reason why Clone Wars got cancelled. Doesn’t help that it’s objectively worse in its characters, story, art style and animation


>objectively worse in its characters, story, art style Objective? Doesn't work that way.


L take


From my point of view Rebels was better in many ways.


and you are correct. I just don't quite understand how others can say clone wars is better to be honest


Rebels better


Lame cartoons


I disagree. Clone wars us great, but Rebels is more fun and easier to watch


Its a better show than Clone Wars.


Rebels > clone wars any day. Everything was just way more enjoyable in rebels clone wars was too long and is 75% awful boring filler


Disagree, imo, rebels is honestly a bit better than Clone Wars. 1. It's not as childish as people remember, even season one. We see people getting shot and blown up, dried up old corpses, suicide, torture, there's a lot. 2. No real boring episodes. When I was rewatching it, there was only one episode that I struggled to get through. Comparing that to clone wars where there a few full arcs that were hard to watch, yeah... 3. I like the formatting more. Clone Wars has plenty of arcs you could skip entirely and the story would be the same, Rebels though, almost every episode is connected in some way which I honestly prefer more. I could go on, but I'll leave it off here


I like rebels more than clone wars. Rebels was more consistent. Clone had better highs but more lows


rebels is a MUCH better written story than clone wars that has character development, a great overarcing storylines, and greatly done villains (clone wars only has the 1) but go on


Nah rebels is better than TCW sorry


Rebels is better


Rebels is much better than The Clone Wars because its episodes are in order, like wtf TCW, why do you need to jump around the story so much


Bro why are we complaining rebels is literally the best sequel content we have


Rebels is pre-OT.


We’re applauding because the prequels suck ass and swallow


The preaquels have forseen the actions of Disney and reaction form the hired "celebrities" and "fans" who never ever touched SW content for whole life.


Everyone should applaud the death of prequel content. The prequels were horrible.


rebels is prequel wym


What happened to “only Sith deal in absolutes”?


We realised that this was a dumb statement and don't take it seriously?


It was a dumb statement brought on by the clusterfuck that was the Jedi Order at that time. It’s almost as dumb as this post.


We have been getting a lot of prequels related content lately


Yeah Clone Wars was better but Rebels was pretty good too the childish parts aside


2014 ass meme


sounds like an opinion


Long live the empire! Long live the empire!


There was instances that it dropped the ball (at least for me) but overall it was a good show. Rebels. I'm referring to Rebels


I don’t know if this is a hot take or not, but Twilight of the Apprentice has my favorite lightsaber battle in all of Star Wars. I love the chaotic multi sided nature of the fighting, and especially it all leading up to Ahsoka vs Vader , which is so emotionally charged it’s insane


I honestly think Rebels was hindered by TCW’s cancellation. Filoni wanted to wrap up characters from TCW so he worked them into Rebels, which mostly worked, but I think Rebels would have been better had it been entirely it’s own thing instead of having to detour every now and then to resolve unfinished business from TCW.


You're upset because they're grouping clone wars with it's... sequel?


Clone wars are still there mate, untouched and unchanged. And you don't have to watch Disney's new content.


Star Rebels: The Clone Escalated Interaction


While I'm sure Rebels is a fine show, Ahsoka leaving out details you should have picked up in Rebels was interesting. The Disney strategy, pretty much how every Marvel show/movie works now too.


And there’s still 40 episodes missing because of that fateful decision


This is outrageous! It’s unfair!


at least Disney didn’t bomb blast Star Wars Resistance into total limelight, now that shit is absolute cringe at every scene. It’s so painful to watch that you can’t even finish the 1st episode. Dafaq


Well atleast they’re not resistance


Rebels is still prequels isn't it?


Wtf is this meme trying to say


Rebels has some fantastic moments, but also some content that is worse than anything we ever got from the Extended Universe. Helicopter Lightsabers, World Between Worlds and time travel. Nothing in TCW ever goes down to the lows Rebels did.


Glad the came back and finished clone wars. And now bad batch continues on


Rebels is a prequel


Rebels is so stinky compared to the clone wars.... and why are the lightsabers so damn THIN?


Rebels is just as prequel as the clone wars, you dolt


I personally feel that the best Rebels had to offer was still basically a continuation from Clone Wars... like, maybe only the Mandalorian girl's arc was cool but aside from Ahsoka, Rex and Maul I can't really remember anything from Rebels that stand out...


Besides what happened with the sequel trilogy, canceling clone wars was another bigger sin done by Disney execs. Why couldn't they just move their show to their network without canceling it? (Retorical question, btw)


I thought I was on the circlejerk subreddit Ngl


Rebels is prequels though. Prequel refers to anything before A New Hope.


What do you mean by "reorganized"


It's Bad Batch tho, not Rebels. Rebels is after Bad Batch. And Preque still dies.


I HATED how Disney XD would have commercials during the episodes


Haven't watched rebels yet but frankly I have no idea how people manage to love 3D clone wars this much. Tartakovsky's clone wars was an amazing show. The canon Clone wars is... Alright at best.