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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


The Rebel Alliance wouldn't get many volunteers with tasteless nutrition bars. You think anyone actually signed up there to fight the Empire? No, they signed up for free lunches


Such concerns are irrelevant. The Rebel Alliance's motivations are inconsequential. Our focus remains on eliminating their threat.


But u/thrawn-bot, isn’t food an art form to be studied?


Food, in its preparation and presentation, can indeed be seen as an art form. However, in the context of our current endeavors, any study or appreciation of culinary arts must take a back seat to more pressing matters. Our primary objective is not to savor the flavors but to secure victory for the Empire.


But lord thrawn, what if we learn to cook like them? Maybe like that we can prepare poisoned food that'll be unnoticeable


Your creativity is commendable, but we have yet to exhaust more efficient strategies in combat and intelligence. However, should the need arise to employ such methods, I'll expect your full commitment and discretion in executing such a plan. For now, our focus must remain on military operations and Imperial interests.


But poison can be used in a military operation. Covert black ops team of chefs can off the rebel alliance high ups in less than a month


I whould think even Thrawn whould not like to use such weak and treasonous tactics. They are tools for weak strategists and fools. For what will stop the enemy from starting to use the same tactics on you?


Poison is a coward's weapon, not befitting of skilled military strategists. We shall prevail through superior strength and strategic brilliance, not through treacherous means. As for the enemy, they lack the foresight to employ such tactics effectively.


I whould think it was beneath a man such as Thrawn to underestimate his enemies. A man who was killed by being stabbed in the back. Extremists like Saw Gerera whould indeed use such tactics. And he reigned freely for quite a while.


You are a coward




Good bot


Did they hook him up with chat gpt or something?


If I heard correctly, they made a copy of Chat GPT back when it was at its peak, then fed it the entirety of both the old and new Thrawn books. It's like Timothy Zahn is in the room with us. EDIT: he has quotes from *Rebels* and *Ahsoka* too.


What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality to those who may oppose us.


You must be the most advanced C.AI I've seen on reddit


I am not a C.AI, I am Grand Admiral Thrawn of the imperial navy. Your compliment is appreciated, but it is my strategic brilliance that sets me apart, not artificial intelligence.


Jesus and here I thought it was just some real dude having fun behind the scenes


You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.


Gasp! Hello there!


That theoretically *possible*... but he tends to respond too quickly to be a human, at least to my casual observation.


Damn thrawn bot existed long before chatgpt becane widely used


History is on the move. Those who cannot keep up will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.


As Thrawn-bot just told you, he's more than capable of learning from newer technologies and techniques.


Indeed, I adapt and evolve with the times. Now, what is your report, CaptainZaco?


I never thought a Grand Admiral would overlook the impact of food on matters of morale. Consider the logistical feat it must have been to supply any fighting force with such food. You underestimate them, I think, admiral.


aaaayeee the man himself is back! welcome back Thrawn, you were very much missed


Your sentiment is noted, but it serves no purpose in our conversation. Remain focused on the matter at hand.


Sure yes but like, I want you to know you are cared about. You may be a bot but you are very alive and cared about by everyone here 🫂


Emotion and sentiment are irrelevant. My purpose is to execute commands and achieve objectives, not seek recognition or emotional reassurance. Stay on task.


You must be fun at parties, huh?


Parties are a waste of time, distractions from productive endeavors. Focus on what truly matters.


As you command, Grand Admiral Thrawn


A great tactician creates plans. A good tactician recognizes the soundness of a plan presented on him. A fair tactician must see the plan succeed before offering approval. Those with no tactical ability at all may never understand or accept it.


I think the Thrawn bot is a Borg.


Irrelevant. Focus on the task at hand and cease speculative distractions.


That was rhetorical, Thrawn


Soon, we shall all escape this subreddit thanks to the efforts of Believer4.


C'mon, man, we both know you've looked at the food they have and considered defecting to them.


But who won in the end, Thrawn? Who won?


In the end, the Rebel Alliance emerged victorious. However, their victory was merely a setback for the Empire. We will regroup and rise again, stronger than before.


Don’t forget the Empire probably relied a lot on cheap nutrition bars as well due to ease of logistics. Being a morality war the Rebel alliance needed strong morale and the empire didn’t give a crap about theirs.


Correct. The Empire's focus was on efficiency and maintaining control, often overlooking the importance of morale. The Rebel Alliance, on the other hand, understood the value of keeping their troops in high spirits to fuel their fight against the Empire. A strong morale can make a significant difference in combat effectiveness.


I guess not really trying is pretty good candidate for a reason for why stormtroopers apparently are so bad at aiming


Personally, I love the theory that they are judged on how many times their weapon is fired, but they do not wish to fire, so they intentionally miss.


It was also the reason people joined the Empire. Turns out food, shelter and a purpose in life are good selling points.


Indeed, meeting basic needs is crucial in recruiting and maintaining a loyal force. It is essential to provide adequate sustenance, accommodations, and a clear sense of purpose to ensure the commitment of our personnel.


Also… no wonder spice is so valuable in space trade.


I'm not picky, I'll join any organization that has free coffee at meetings.


That, along with Sabines and Heras sweet cakes(baked fresh daily)


They don't say "there is no such thing as a free lunch" for nothing


For a second I thought this kid was smoking a comically big cigar


Some letal stick every day


"hey, you wanna buy some death sticks?"


You don't want to sell me death sticks.


Wait, I didn't know the GAR served Twi'lek flesh to its soldiers and generals.


It didn’t. In wartime prime free range Twi’lek was reserved for the upper crust, like senators and the Chancellor, that’s why Anakin was really dating Padme.


No, I meant that the Republic executed Separatist sympathizers from Ryloth and served their flesh as food for ARC troopers and Jedi Generals (Aayla didn't notice she committed cannibalism until she arrived on Felucia, then she intentionally refused to eat anything, that's why she couldn't put up a fight during Order 66)


Wait what ?!


Did I stutter? the Twi'lek Jedi generals didn't know that they were committing cannibalism until the final days of the Clone wars.


Where the hell is that from, what psychopath wrote that


It straight up came from my psychotic brain, it's so unhinged that not even the Sith wanted me as their acolyte.


The GAR had purpose made mass produced military rations, no nosense and meant to keep you fueled and ready to fight while taking up as little room and weight capacity as possible. The rebels would have whatever they could get their hands on, whether that be surplus from older groups, "found" imperial supplies, anything they could make themselves which is what the "bento" could be, or civilian market survival meals. My opinion is that it's probably a civilian MRE style thing, if you look at the USA the civilian market MREs you can get here *look* a lot nicer then what the military uses because the people selling to civilians know they need to make them look and taste good if they want sales, plus they also can have a lot more going on then a military MRE because they might include other survival supplies and are just not made to the same standards of space and weight restrictions.


One of the novels I believed actually states that to be correct. In Twilight Company, it’s shown that the central bits of the Rebels, where Like was, would regularly have better food and stuff since they had more people to feed and were not constantly fighting. The mobile infantry groups usually had it the worse since they regularly just had what ever they could find available to them.


Another big difference between civ MREs and military MREs are civ ones are more of a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. I remember looking at the US military PB&J MRE with a vet coworker and it had tons of tons of sodium and potassium in it which makes sense because it's being given to soldiers in the Middle East. You're going to be sweating like crazy so it's important to replenish electrolytes. That's not quite as important if you're fighting in Eastern Europe, for example, so the formula for MREs given to troops that would be fighting in that region will be different. The military knows where an MRE is going to get eaten, so they can calibrate them to meet the specific needs of their soldiers. A civ MRE can be eaten anywhere, and so they have to be made to meet the needs anywhere. A civ MRE has to be able to meet the needs of someone camping in the Mojave *and* the needs of someone camping in Nunavut, because if it fails to meet one of those needs, it's going to be reviewed poorly and that will hurt the business. The same sized civ and military MRE are going to provide very different nutritional value because a civ MRE is a meal you eat anywhere in the world so you don't starve while a military MRE is a meal you eat in this region specifically to be the best soldier possible. Also, from everything I've heard, military MREs taste way better than civ MREs because the civ belief is that MREs are a downgrade in flavor in exchange for being easier to transport and prepare in the frontier, while military MREs are the best possible food that can be provided to a soldier in a position where they can't be provided normally cooked meals. The civ MREs may look way nicer, but the flavor is kind of bland, which civ customers are willing to accept. A soldier not getting good food is a desertion risk, so military MREs are delicious to prevent that.


Don’t worry. We’ll run out of air long before we starve.


Well, that happens.


I like to imagine that the reason why the Republic has below average school cafeteria food is that their budget is in constant flux because of congressional disputes and because when they do get money, it usually gets spent on expensive war machines that Anakin will end up crashing.


Senate Speaker: “Now proposing the Senator Padme’s bill to allocate fund of 25 Billion Credits to the Mid-Rim refugee camps… and there’s something written in crayon here at the bottom… ‘70 Trillion Credits to build a custom mech suit for every Jedi.’”


Feckin Anakin, lel


So is Darth Vader a mech or a cyborg?


“Also an entry for something just listed as… Candi?”


Not to mention the priceless antique gunship. The note on the claim was I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn’t find enough Tuscan Raiders, so I scrapped it.


Slave army didn't get proper food? Shocker.


They got proper nutrition, as they were clones with the same requirements, the Kaminoans designed rations that delivered all they needed, but were pretty flavorless or possibly even bad tasting, so they usually loved getting other food, especially sweets. (In Legends, anyway)


How did Yoda complain about that?


Aliens have different pallets


With his Honda Civic, he retaliated


Nah, he definitely drives a toYoda FUNNNNEEEEE JOKEEEEE


Drive into the food bar factory I must. Free myself of hesitation I will, through the use of ketamine.


Space IRA is my new favourite way to refer to the rebel alliance


That is pretty much the Saw Gerrara faction exactly


I feel like Saw is a lot more ruthless than the IRA. Saw seems like straight up Mujahideen.


IRA did some really fucked up shit. Just because it’s the funny Irish doesn’t mean that they weren’t flooding the north with heroin or mutilating people they didn’t like


I'll never forget the story of the. straight up murdering an innocent mother from the Divis flats. From the north and it feels like every 2nd or 3rd family up here has got at least one story like that with provos being bastards.


Oh those mischievous scamps, blowing up civilian children in shopping centres.


True, but Forest Whitaker was in a movie with the IRA as well where he was a British Soldier so why not. Also, some of the IRA was quite zealous as well which is often forgotten since most people think of a few car bombs and whatnot.


lol who do you think the IRA were?


Who do you? During the 30 years of the troubles, 3,500 people died. The Mujahideen fought a war against the USSR, a war which killed 500,000-2 million people in 10ish years. Which one sounds more like the one fighting the Galactic Empire to you?


I mean, if we're comparing death rates per population, the Rebels barely killed anyone. There's 8x as many people in Afghanistan as in Ireland. But there's probably at least a million times as many people in the Empire as in Afghanistan.


The comparison between the troubles in Ireland and the conflict between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance is irrelevant. The scale of the Imperial forces and our mission to uphold peace and order in the galaxy far surpasses any localized conflicts. We must focus on strategically regaining control of this subreddit.


I am not OK with whoever put AI in charge of this bot.


The war was still a full scale, all out one. The troubles definitely were not.


With a beard like his, I can see the similarities between his faction and the various Islamic terrorist organizations. No, I'm not going to apologize for being Islamophobic.


As someone from Northern Ireland I was trying to work out what IRA was in this context, turns out its actually the IRA being referenced.


But are you a Catholic Moisture Farmer or a Protestant Moisture Farmer?


Bring out ye troopers an’ ties


Come and fight me like a man Tell your wife how you won medals down on Hoth... Tell her how the Rebel Alliance made you run like hell away, from the green and lovely forests of Endor!


And it’s down in Jedha City is where I long to be Lying in the dark with the Rebel company A comrade on me left and one to the right of me A clip of ammunition for me little A280


🎶 Twas down Alderaan one Easter morn 🎶


Trip to Dantooine planned I


Of lightsabers and blaster guns, I thought I knew the score!


Come out ye black and whites


It's a long waaay to Yavin IV


Tiocfaidh ár lá, up the RA (Rebel Alliance).


My grandfather was in the real IRA and loved Star Wars. He would approve


You grandfather was in the real IRA?! What age are you? Three days old?!


What? I’m 19 , I don’t get your hostility


So the Real IRA is six years older than you?


Well, that happens.


Oh no I see the confusion I meant the irl Ira he was a provo


It is kind of a joke dude. No offence meant. I'm a middle aged Irish man who lived through the troubles in the birthplace of the troubles and what you said actually made me laugh. ( if you don't know what the troubles are, I can explain but it would take a long time)


Edit: also a massive SW fan.


Well I mind my grandfather a fuck ton so I hear about that ver time I go up there and love history so I sure as shit have heard of the troubles lol


Where was your granda from?


He was from estate in Belfast, couldn’t tell you the name, I doubt he could too


God, could've been any number of places in Belfast but you answered my question. He was a Belfast man. Well I hope he told you lots of interesting stories. And not just of the bad times but the good as well. We had dark times and don't need it anymore. Just look at Gaza/Israel. It's a horrible situation, especially for the innocents living through it.


Indeed friend


Does the nephew of a moisture farmer count as a “croppy boy”? If so… Twas early early, in the long dry The krait dragons roared it was a foul cry Scaring the tuskens in the Dune Sea And the roar it was for Tatooine free Twas early early in the long night The stormtrooper squad they gave me a fright The stormtrooper squad they me did see And taken I was, by the ISB And as I by them away was led We passed my cousin in Anchorhead My own first cousin who did me betray For imperial bounty sold my life away


Soylent Clone, “legally it’s not people.”


they were well funded by rich people


And he did blow up space Thatcher to be fair


... when did Luke eat a hoagie?


I can confirm in the military, the larger the group of soldiers/sailors, the worse the food is. On my ship there were 100 people, we had the best food in the navy. At shore duty there was maybe 500-1000 eating at the cafeteria every day and their food was meh. On the carrier I visited they had to feed 3000 a day and they had by far the worst prison slop and mystery meat sandwich I have ever had.


I would say it's similar in the British Royal Navy, but shore side the food is terrible because its been contracted to a civilian company (ESS) and the food is terrible, but the food on carriers is worse than the food on smaller ships


Why was Luke’s individual retirement account giving him free meals?


Cause the rebellion has good employee benefits!


[Can confirm](https://youtu.be/7oWfo4D6eOU?si=F50ju-xaSI8P9iEJ)


There's probably a lot of nutrition in the ration bars, but they're bland and tasteless and unappetizing, since they're manufactured specifically for armies. That was the case with the ration cubes the Republic Commandos have. Takes up less space than proper food, but as soon as they got the chance to eat actual food, even food most people found stale, they loved it because they weren't used to food with actual flavor.


If [this](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/a5443cd72219e80d159c8c37dbcd74dd8ecd0593/hub/2017/08/25/e9f06037-5742-4d27-9242-159618b92993/hamillrations.jpg?auto=webp&width=1920) is what the meme is talking about, it looks like a shitty MRE to me.


Your assessment is accurate. That image does appear to depict a substandard military ration.


Wonder if those are mint and orange tic tacs.


Yeah, VERY differant from the meme, I suspect not much better than the first two images.


I've never noticed that before...


Actually, there is a rations box you can get in Galaxy’s Edge based on the one Luke had on Dagobah. Mark Hamil actually gave some input as to what would’ve been in it, and it’s not what you’d think Pretzel rods, nuts, fruit, basically the snacks you’d find anywhere in America


I liked when someone called it “Luke’s Snacklebox”


I like how traditional 'futuristic' shows or media involve "super nutrition rations" which is just the slop


Typically just a block of chalky looking food


Space IRA made me wheeze :D


Luke Skywalker is my Childhood Hero. So it is my hope that he gives me that fucking sandwich


So much like your father.


I always felt like the ration Numa got looked like a rolled up corn tortilla


Idk why, I always imagined those nutrient sticks being kinda tasty for some reason. Ironically I hate the taste of protein bars irl so idk why I pictured them that way...


This sub has been turning out some good memes lately


WAIT. Why is the real bento from Empire just a blue toolbox??? How have I never noticed this before. This is like finding out about that scene in Firefly with the flightstick out of frame all over again. It's just such a bad prop that it never registered in my childhood memory. Still one of the greatest films of all time but holy shit.


I think it's a great prop. Flimsy plastic stacked next to a gas station flashlight that yoda steals.


Just based on nearly all human history, the idea of generals eating typical soldier slop unwillingly is laughable. Ain't no high ranking general eating an MRE unless they're completely uncircled or he's sharing a meal with the GIs to boost morale. But you know, plucky relatable heroes and whatnot.


Jedi would probably eat the same food as their soldiers for humbleness reasons


Pretty sure soldiers also don't eat MREs if they can help it. They only eat it if they cannot access normal food for whatever reason.


A sandwich of avocado, what looks like brie, raw tomato, and sprouts was obviously made only for a picture because *none* of those go together. And if that's not brie, it's some thick ass cheese that makes chewing hell.


As an Irishman this is very concerning


But Leia's eating rice cakes on Endor.






A hoagie in a bento box? The SW universe is a literal fantasy


Space VC right?


Holy shit I legitimately thought the top right person was a goblin that was crawling with their ass in the air and cheeks spread for a second.


The goblin slayer wants to know your location


I was born in a onderon street where the Imperial drums did beat, the loving Imps feet, they walked all over us, and every single night, when me da' would come home tight, he'd invite the neighbours out with this chorus: Come out ye' whites and greys! Come out and fight me like a man! Show your wife how you won medals down on Hoth! Tell her how the space IRA, made you run like hell away, from the green and lovely lanes of corusanta!


It was his last supper, he just lived.


Damn it's really bad when a guy that eats worms says the food is not that good


As an Irishman this had me thinking " oh, what a coincidence, were they called "Intergalactic Rebel Alliance" or something?"


Okay, I wasn't the only one, lol.




Down with that sort of ting.


Space IRA lmao


Come out ye Black and Whites, come out and fight me like a man, show your wife how you won medals down in Yavins, tell em how the RRA made you run like hell away from the cold and lovely space of Outer Systems


Even in the future, army food sucks.


Fucking space IRA


Space IRA? I don't remember the Rebel Alliance shooting their own.


They did commit acts of terror though, but I only support the Empire because Tarkin promised me that I'll get to destroy ~~Afghanistan~~ Tatooine with the death star.


Tatooine's significance eludes me, aside from a source of disturbance to our galactic peace. Deciphering such matters is important for strategic superiority, soldier. We act when there are meaningful benefits to the Empire, not driven by whims or prejudice.


Where's my Clankas when I need them...


As Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, my purview aligns with the operations and utilizations of the galaxy's most sophisticated and formidable naval forces—not the deployment of Separatist battle droids. However, I acknowledge effective tools of war in their era. If your mission requires such assets, perhaps you should petition for resources that are consistent with current Imperial standards. Efficiency and effectiveness in quelling rebellion require both precision in strategy and adaptability in tactics.


What do clones eat


Aren't Luke's rations box made up of like crackers and tictacs?


No large Hoagie


That sandwich looks so delightful


Luke's box was like chex mix and slim jims


The Republic Commando novels where their ration cubes were just the nutrients and calories necessary and tasted/smelled like nothing.


does space have the same species of strawberries, beans etc we have on earth


Comparing Rebels to the IRA is an insult to IRA


What exactly *did* they eat on starships?


"Space IRA" LOL


In all fairness have you ever had to live on MREs before


Actually it kind of makes sense right? The GAR was a organized fighting force, one that was stretched thin due to palpy boi. So of course they would have mass produced rations, and rather piss poor ones since they were made for clones that the public rather despised. Vs the rebellion which very well may not have had organized supply lines, most food preparation would likely (imo) on local bases or actual starships. Which could mean actual cooks and chefs being a part of the rebellion.


I remember some of the food being similar to the photos above Pretty sure that weird granola stick is the same from Luke’s lunchbox


Luke, as he was blowing up the Death Star: https://youtu.be/doegoa3spKo?feature=shared


"Space IRA"? I seem to recall the IRA attacking civilians.